Level 4 Conquest!

“I'm getting in one of those cars later. ”

“Really? Wow, I really wanted to get in that car. ”

I had never been in a car before, so I was looking forward to it with a sparkle in my eyes. Seeing such an aru, the poem felt sorry, but at the same time, he thought he should buy his own car quickly. If only I had a car, I could protect it from the evil eyes of other men.... I really wonder what I thought of living without getting a driver's license in the past.

I took a taxi and went to the hospital where my father was hospitalized.

“You're amazing. The stuff next to it disappears very quickly. ”

Aru smiled fervently and said to the poet, He looked so cute that the poem patted Aru's head.

From the moment I got off the taxi to the room where my dad was, the men around me couldn't keep their eyes off the roof, so the situation moved as quickly as possible.

Before entering the room, the poet took out a small bag of potions from his bag and gave it to Aru.

“Aruya, you know how to do it, right? ”

“Yes, brother. Don't worry!”

Aru, who received the paper bag, laughed and said, "I admire the beauty of it all around me." When he heard it, he frowned slightly and went straight to his room.

“Dad, Mom. I'm here.”

The poem was so annoyed that people were crowded to see the aru a little more, it shut the door of the room immediately. It was very annoying and annoying, like a fly clinging to its body.

“What brings you here? Oh, my God. Are you Aru? Oh, how pretty she is. ”

“Huh……. ”

The mother of the poem who saw Aru continued to amaze and even the father of the blunt poem was admired low. And the three patients and their caregivers who were lying in the bed in the room breathed and looked at the aru.

“Say hello Aruya. They're my parents.”

“Hello! I'm Suaru. ”

“Oh, yeah. Aruya. So pretty. ”

Aru smiled and greeted him, saying that his mother was going to die cute. When the poem showed me the picture for the first time, I knew it was so pretty that I was a celebrity, but when I saw it in real life, it was even prettier than the picture. The flat photograph did not capture the beauty of the aru.

“Ma'am, use this. ”

“Oh my, what is this? ”

When Aroo said that she was his mother, the Pope's mother received a paper bag with a pleasant smile on her face. Inside was a luxurious glass bottle containing a white liquid that looked like medicine.

“Father, it's a good medicine if you apply it where you're hurt. ”

“Oh, really? ”

“Yes! Of course. ”

Even though it was his mother and father who had seen the effect of the bath water Aru had given him before, they did not doubt Aru's words, but gave him good medicine and thought.

“Thank you very much. Aruya.”

“It's a good pill. Mom, Aru's parents live overseas. ”

“Overseas? Where do you live? ”

The poet's mother asked me with a curious look on her face when she said she was abroad.

“You're in China because you work. ”

Aru was digesting the smoke as the poem taught him. When I smiled and said with an innocent face that was characteristic of Aru, I couldn't even tell if it was the truth or an act.

“Does Aru live alone? ”

“Mom, just take this first. ”

“Huh? What is this? ”

Aroo's girlfriend, who thinks Aroo is the poem's girlfriend, constantly asked Aru, but the poem immediately handed him the account when he asked a slightly difficult question.

“Account. Aru and I put money in the café. ”

“Oh my! What a poem! How much is this? ”

After opening the account, my mom was surprised at the amount of 10 million won, and her eyes widened. Then my curious father suddenly sees the account.

“Huh……. Where did you put all this money because you don't have it? ”

My father is surprised to hear that the amount is the amount of money.

“I'll put money in that account every month in the future. Now you can relax and work. ”

“Oh, my beautiful poem. I wonder who she looks like. ”

“Haha……. The poem has grown. ”

My mom was moved by the tears, and my dad laughed happily. Rather than the amount of money was important, he was moved by the fact that he had such a pretty girlfriend and gave the account to his mom and dad. A long time ago, I was worried that I could get a job, but now I don't have to worry about anything like that.

“And Aru lives with me in an officetel. ”

“Oh, my God. You live together? ”

“Yes. Aru's parents live abroad, so they just live with their money. ”

I cut in time for this. Once I revealed this, I could now live freely without hiding anything from my parents. Although I could not speak of the dragon's legacy, I wanted to be honest and justified.

“So when are you getting married? ”

Normally, I'd be in a frenzy, but since the poem that opened the cafe and settled down with such a pretty girlfriend, my mom had already confirmed that the poem was marrying Aru.

“Well, what is marriage...? No, I haven't thought about it yet. ”

“Marriage……. ”

I was embarrassed by what my mom said, and Aru lowered the word "marriage." Watching numerous dramas, animations, and comic books, Around this modern society was able to understand the way it works and the shape of life. So I knew what marriage was. That is why I thought that the poem and the marriage itself would be so absurd, it would be so glorious, but the slave himself could not have such grace. But if, really, if you marry the poem....

Aru blushes his cheeks when he thinks about it. I was so happy just thinking about it.

“Why do you keep asking me that? The kids will take care of themselves. ”

The Pope's father gave the Pope a trustworthy look. The poem was no longer that worrying child of long ago. He is now a son whom no one can see but whom I am not envious of.

“You'd better hurry. ”

The poet's mother, who had a sad look in her eyes, continued to talk about marriage. How easy can it be to find such a beautiful girl? In addition, when I saw clothes, skin, etc., I was like a child living in a house that I often talk about. I was just filled with the feeling that Aru was so lovely that I wanted to marry the poem as soon as possible.

When it was lunchtime, he took his parents to a nearby Hanwoo rib house to grill meat. Then I went to the hiking suit store and bought my parents pants, teas, shoes, etc. to wear.

For a while, I was filled with pride when I saw my parents smiling. This is what happiness looks like.

“Shouldn't you go down now? I'm sure you're busy at work too, so go down now. ”

On the way back from shopping, my father told the poet.

“Oh, why do you keep trying to send the kids? ”

“I'm busy with work. ”

My mom gave me a glass, and my dad said a little louder.

“Yes. I'll go today and come back later. Mom."

“Oh dear, because of your father.... Okay, well, call me when you get here, okay? ”

“Okay, and don't forget to apply the medicine that Aroo gave you. It's very precious. Okay?"

“Yes, I understand. Don't worry, go down quickly. ”

As the poem emphasized, my father smiled gladly and replied.

“Let's go. Aruya. We're going.”

“Dad, I'll come back later. Stay healthy. ”

Aru bows his head. The appearance was so pretty and cute, and the poem and his mom and dad smiled.

“Yes. Go. ”

He turned his back on his sad face and returned to the officetel in a taxi with Aru. On the way here, the men kept staring at Aru, and I was so nervous. I can understand the hearts of parents with daughters for ten minutes.

“Ha, that was fun. ”

Aroo came back to the officetel and sat on the couch and said,

Hearing Aru's words, he smiled and sat on the couch. I was really glad to introduce Aru to his parents without any problems. Now I was able to stay confidently in the officetel without worrying or worrying. No matter when my parents came, I wasn't afraid.

Sitting on the couch relaxing, the poem pulled the tablet out of the subspace to view the quest.

[Give your parents a gift worth 10 million KRW in cash] [Complete] [EXP 500]

I gave my parents a 10 million won account and gained 500 XP. However, seeing that the quest related to YouTube was not completed, it seemed that the number of views was not yet 1 million. The poem goes to YouTube and checks his video.

[Views: 115,842]

Views were rising sharply. Not long ago, it was 20,000, but it doubled.

[You look great! Please post another song!]

[Sing the Lonely Night of Revival! I think it's too good to be with my brother.]

The comments showed a lot of the words "brother" and "women". And there were a lot of people who wrote songs, but I noticed a song called "The Lonely Night of Revival." Even the singer who sang the song was a terrible song that could not be extinguished by the current key. It was not a bad choice because many people thought that it was good to sing songs with these high notes.

When Mike and other products came, I decided to call for a lonely night.

[You piece of shit, you don't know if it's rigged?]

[Asshole. Don't let this fool you.]

[Son of a bitch. Did your mother run away?]

I had to be as good at singing as I could, but I was so good at manipulating a lot of bad things, and some of the dogs were blaspheming. The situation was barely calming down, even though it was painful and intense for a moment. When I get excited, I lose. As a veteran of the Internet for over a decade, the psychology of those who abuse the Internet was roughly understood.

There were no respected and loved ones in the Internet world. When it became popular or had a special talent, I could not be jealous of it, and I gained mental comfort by carrying evil.

The poem was also a feeling I used to feel a lot in the old days. Even though the person who received the mastery score did not harm him or herself, he was also angry because he was inferior to reading the article.

“Hmm……. Not bad. ”

Rather, I decided to think good because there are times when such bad actors make issues.

No Youtube, and the most urgent thing right now was a driver's license. The English or Japanese exam for experience points was to be taken on a date, but I could win a driver's license anytime I wanted.

I looked up information about the driver's license online I wanted to win as quickly as possible, so I chose a small place if possible.

“Aruya, I'm going to work. I'm washing up and studying. ”

“Brother, can you give me a kiss? ”

As the poet stood up to leave, Aru carefully grabbed the poem's clothes and said.

“Got it.”

I sat on the couch again and grabbed Aru's head slightly and kissed him. Aru tried to seduce the poem with techniques so great that Eunji, Sook, Chan, and Yumi had to learn. Aru loved kissing so much that when the poem sat down, he kept asking for kisses and his lips became puffy.

“I'm going. Aruya.”

“Yes, you can come in early. ”


I patted Aru's head and took a taxi to the driver's license institute that I saw before. We had to deal with this quickly.

I arrived at a driver's license institute just outside the city, but I picked a place where no one was around, so I felt a little old.

“Welcome. ”

As I entered the school, a woman in her mid-40s welcomed the situation. The situation first calculated and scheduled the tuition fee.

In the shortest period, I could win it in 4 days, but unfortunately, the situation was not so relaxed that it seemed to take a little longer.

“Then why don't you take a two-hour lecture today, finish it with three hours tomorrow, and take a written exam? ”

“I'll do that. ”

The situation, which was scheduled not to overlap with the compliment classes, decided to take a lecture today. I thought I could get my driver's license within a week if I did well.

If we finish one step at a time like this, we'll soon reach level four.

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Have a nice day.

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