Level 4 Conquest!

Unlike the first video, Yumi only posted on a slutty site, and the second video soon spread to large domestic sites. It's because the lifetime and high school students who have favorited the poem's YouTube have been well spent.

Because I decided to record it this time, the sound quality was too clear unlike the last video that sounded crude. So the people who watched the video couldn't help but admire the absurd poetry, while the doubting men increased even more.

The city passed its function test lightly yesterday and was practicing road travel.

“Don't be too nervous and stay out of sight. ”

A middle-aged driver sitting next to him said, He puts his foot on the spare brake in case there's an accident.

I had never driven before, but the situation was not difficult. There was only the awkwardness of driving properly for the first time, but I was able to drive well after driving once. I used to be so bad at exercising that I ruined my practical exam, but now I feel like I can easily do anything I do with my body.

Nearby objects were quickly perceived and quickly decided what action to take. It was far from what a novice would call late judgment. I also felt it when I was studying, but my ability to recognize, understand, and act with my thoughts and actions has increased tremendously since I recovered from the white blood piercing with my healing ability.

Thanks to this, I felt like I gained a lot of skills in sports as well as learning.

“Have you ever driven? ”

“Yes? No. This is my first time.”

“Really? You drive really well. I think you'll be able to easily get your license at this rate. ”

“Thank you."

After that, I was able to finish the three-hour drive without any problems.

After finishing today's driving rehearsal, he returned to the officetel in a car running at the institute. Then he turned on the computer and searched for which car to buy.

I'll get my license tomorrow, so I wanted to pull out a car as soon as I could. Experience EXP is also experienced, but it was easy to go out and play with Aru when there was a car. Even though I wanted to take Aru out often, it was hard to take her out unless people were looking for a fundamental solution because people came along like celebrities. What if something bad happens while you're distracted?

The quest for buying a car had different experience points depending on the price.

[Buy a car. EXP 300]

[Buy more than KRW 50 million car. EXP 500]

[Buy over 100 million KRW cars. EXP 1000]

The poem thought about the money he currently had. The total amount of money from selling cosmetics and upgraded levels was approximately 240 million KRW. After taking away the money from the officetel deposit, cafe deposit, interior fee, and parents, it was approximately 140 million KRW.

“Well……. I'll buy something. ”

I was worried.

Given the EXP, it was right to buy more than 100 million won, but it was also a burden to spend another 50 million won for 500. And this was not the end of the accident, but the problem was that the maintenance costs such as car taxes, insurance fees, and oil were enormous.

Will you get more EXP of 500 or save KRW 50 million...?

Rather than just thinking about the money he has now, he looked at the sales tickets in the store. Initially, sales of less than KRW 1 million are now up to KRW 2 million a day. With the increase in people taking out, cafe table guests gained high returns, even though the turnover rate was low. This was possible because the coffee taste of Cafe Quezron was that good.

Thanks to this, sales per month exceeded KRW 30 million and more than KRW 40 million seemed possible. Then the annual salary is between 300 and 400 million in simple calculations. The money you will earn from leveling up is over KRW 200 million. You won't have any trouble buying more than 100 million cars. And after a while, I had to sell more than 15 million won of expensive cosmetics to women, and if the car was that expensive, it would also increase the reliability of women.

When I came in a domestic car to sell luxury cosmetics and when I thought that I was selling expensive foreign cars, it was obvious that women would like under what circumstances. The business of luxury was not about efficiency, but about the vanity and the sense of conscience that women felt at that moment. I had to make him think that if I bought this, it would make me that much more elegant.

Given all the circumstances, it was right to buy more than 100 million cars. I wanted to buy an inexpensive car if I could because I didn't have a big desire for it, but ironically, buying an expensive car was the most efficient situation. Plus, there was no heavy burden because there were installments available.

The situation started with the brand of the car that women prefer most. When I search the portal site, the survey results from the research institute on women appear immediately.

Number one was BMW, number two was Audi, and number three was Benz. In particular, BMW showed a preference of about 30%, which was right to choose a BMW without looking back.

The poem looked around and wondered whether to buy a sedan or a coupe. It was too expensive, so I had to pay attention carefully.

I'm looking for information about the car, so it's time to go to Chan.

“Aruya, I'll be back from work, watching the drama on the computer. ”

“Yes, go see your brother. ”

As Aru came out to the front door, the poem simply kissed Aru and headed to the house of praise.

I arrived at Chan Chan's house about 10 minutes late, unlike usual, looking for crazy information.


The front door opens as soon as you press the bell.

“What took you so long today? ”

Usually, the poem, who came 30 minutes early to have sex with himself, said with a slightly grumpy face when he was 10 minutes late today.

“I'm sorry, I'm late for my driver's license to check on my car. ”

“A car? You want your brother's car? ”

“Yes. Let's go inside. ”

At the words of the poem, a sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of shorts compliment accompany the poem to his room.

“I'll be with Yumi in a little while. ”

When he entered the room, Chan hugged the poem and said,

“Really? Then let's study ahead. ”

“Yes? Ah, that.... Oh, I see. ”

Of course, I thought the poet would kiss me, but when he asked me to study with a grave expression, I looked embarrassed. That's why Praise sat on the table, looking at the poem and saying that he wanted to have sex openly.


“Oh, no. ”

I wanted to have sex, but I felt frustrated when I thought I didn't want to do the poem. I was wondering if there was something wrong with the poet, but no matter what I thought, it was nothing like that.

“Do you want to have sex? ”

The poem who saw such a compliment smiled and said, and his face turned red. I wanted to make too much of myself.

“I don't know. ”

“Just kidding. Let's hurry up before Yumi gets here. ”

The poet smiled, hugging the compliment sitting next to him, and kissing him, he suddenly made a relieved face. I thought no man would like it in my life, but now I was amazed at how positive the expression and words of the poem were.

The hymn, accepting the kiss of the poem, wrapped his neck around his arm. If I'm kissing like this, the last time I was drunk, I remember the good feeling of the poem licking and sucking his feet, but I was embarrassed, so I didn't ask him to do it again.

“Well……. ”

My tongue and tongue tangled, and there was a crooked sound.

The poem gave a kiss and caressed the heart of praise. Unlike other women, praise passively accepted affection. He still didn't seem to know what affection he had to give to the men.

While taking off the robe of praise, the robe of the poem was taken off, and they lay on the bed and touched each other.

“Praise be to you. ”

The poem said as soon as the hymn was sufficiently excited and the eulogy came out. I had to finish the sex quickly before Yumi got here. It was a time attack mission when played with a game. Satisfy praises in a short time before Yumi arrives to clear the mission.

“Yes, brother... ”

The poem pushed the penis where the liquid expressed healing ability into the flattering quality of praise. The warm quality of gently pressing the penis wrapped around the penis.

The poem lifts the bridges of praise into his arms and pistons down, deep into the quality of praise.

“Ugh... ”

Praise poured out a groan full of joy. My whole body was filled with exhilarating senses, like walking through heaven. The breath sounds of the poem sounded like sweet music, and the penis that was going in and out of his vagina brought tremendous pleasure.

“I'll be cheap.”

The poem, naturally in the quality of praise, sighed lightly and looked at the clock at 4: 45. Yumi seemed to be coming soon.

“Yumi's coming. Let's get this over with.”

“Ahh... Yes…… ”

You feel the joyfulness while you lie there, and you pull out a tissue next to it to wipe off the semen that fills your vagina.

I had sex every day, but I always thought there was a lot of semen in the poem. Praise drained the toilet paper, wiped all the semen from his vagina and the semen from his penis, and put it on roughly by the bed.


I was just about to wear a brassiere in my panties and shorts, but I heard Yumi come in through the front door, and I hid the brassiere under the duvet and quickly put on a t-shirt.

“Brother! Brother! ”

The door opens wide as Yummi hears the rush. Fortunately, Yummi was barely dressed and sighed of relief before coming.

“Yes? Why? ”

“My brother posted a new video yesterday. It was crazy. ”


Yummi came in without changing his uniform and turned on the computer immediately, and he was so excited that he told the poet.

“We're already getting over 200,000 views and a lot of comments. Plus, I showed it to the kids at school today, and it was crazy. The kids are dying to see you. It's so cool.”


A smile appeared on the lips of the poem as it was popular with female high school students.

“I also praise my brother a lot in the comments.... What's that? ”

Yummi, who was so excited, asked with a curious face as he lay a large, curled towel on one side of the bed, slightly damp. Then, I found that there was such a paper towel in the trash before, but I didn't understand what it was that much paper towel was used for.

“Oh, it's nothing. Shi, never mind. ”

The compliment of finding a paper towel that had been wiped clean was so embarrassing that he flushed his face to his neck, picked it up and put it in the trash. If Yummi realizes that this is a wipe that wipes semen, he will be blacked out.

“What are you eating with your brother when I'm not around? Shame on you.”

Yumi said to Chan with an offended expression. He was jealous because he thought he ate something alone with the poem.

“Ugh, yeah. I, uh, I just spilled something. ”

I ate it somewhere else, not in my mouth, but I did spill it anyway. Praise lets out a sigh of relief as Yummi seems to know nothing.

“I'll buy you something yummy later. ”

When the poem told Yumi, Yumi's face suddenly opened up a little.

“Then leave her alone and eat alone with me and my brother. Okay?"

“Yes, I understand. ”

“Heheh heh. Quick, look at the comments. My brother's video was posted yesterday, but it's crazy. ”

Yumi sat on the computer and went to the site to show the video of the poem and the comments underneath it.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you so much for your recommendations, selections, comments, and coupons.

Hmm, I'm a little concerned about which car to choose...

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