Level 4 Conquest!

Serengeti contacted the smell of excitement two days ago as the situation was so widespread that it was broadcast in Serengeti.

The Serengeti side wanted to make it as convenient as possible because the situation could have a significant promotional effect. So the day before, I decided to create an advertisement image that the city would broadcast, and on that day, I decided to put a big promotion image that would broadcast at 7 pm on the site. In addition, while the average BJ had 300 people and the best BJ had only 500 people, it gave the city a special benefit so that it allowed 1000 people to enter each room.

After finishing the cafe, he came to his officetel, finished showering, and computer checked his ad image on the Serengeti site.

After capturing it in a YouTube video, he pulled out his face and pasted it after the picture he had already painted. He looked cute singing on a big microphone. And underneath it was a list of when and where to sing.

As Serengeti predicted, the image of the advertisement spread quickly across the bulletin board on each site, eliciting intense response.

If you were to ask me what the biggest topic on the Internet was, it was live broadcasting of the song headlines. If the poem had simply ended up singing well, he would not have received this attention. However, not only did he sing well, but he sang ridiculously well, so he fascinated people in a hurry, and the subsequent manipulative controversy, the silver that made the accusation go away, and the words and videos of consumption overlap to create this enormous issue.

If it were not for the manipulation video, this would never have been a reaction. I wondered what they would think if they found out that the manipulative videos they were making were very helpful. I mean, maybe he's just starting to starve to death from this reaction.

The poem roams the sites.] I pressed it in my eyes.

You guys watching the main course tomorrow? I'm just wondering how good I am at singing. You guys gonna watch?]

[Why are you looking at it?]

[Let's see why I'm looking forward to it. I want you to sing a lot of songs that you need to be good at.]

[Honestly, I don't think it's manipulation, and I want to see how good I am at singing. If you can't, just turn it off.]

There were a lot of articles about how well I saw it. So I needed to meet that expectation. I wasn't just going to sing a song, but I was going to beat the aircraft with my first song.

“Hmm……. I'm going to try to broadcast the exam. ”

The city was prepared to connect and broadcast a pre-purchased cam to its computer for the Serengeti broadcast.

I connected the cams, microphones, amps, etc., and turned on the broadcast. Of course, I called the password to let no one in.

Cam was fine, and the microphone seemed to be working. However, I didn't like the landscape inside the officetel on Camro Beach. Because the kitchen looked exactly the same. The situation has been repositioned so that only the couch and table appear. After this, the atmosphere was pretty good.

“Jonathan, get out of my house. ”

Aru, who was sitting next to him watching the poem, pointed at the monitor with a curious face.

“Cameras, please. ”

“Ah……. Camera. Camera. ”

Aru, who knows what the camera is, smiled as if he understood it.

Seeing such an aru, the poem thought about what to do with the aru when we broadcast it tomorrow. Even so, I thought I should leave it outside of Cam as much as possible because it was better to be invisible than to be seen by people.

Glug glug!

I was preparing for a broadcast and a phone call came to an unknown number.

“Who is it?”

The curious look on his face answered the phone.

[Hello, Crown Prince.]

[Who are you?]

I thought I heard it somewhere, but I didn't know who it was.

[Oh, you forgot about me already?]

[Well, I can't remember who you are.]

[I'm exhausted. I'm disappointed you forgot already.]

[Ah, Mr. Sojin. I didn't think you'd call... I'm sorry.]

It was past 12 pm, and I didn't understand why Sojin suddenly called.

[No, I'm kidding. Why don't you broadcast the poem's song tomorrow?]

[Yes, 7: 00 p.m.]

[I wanted to cheer you on by phone then.]


[Yes, cheering.]

Sojin said vigorously. It was a very enjoyable voice.

[Oh, thank you.]

[You're welcome. Take this. I'll watch the broadcast tomorrow and call you at the appropriate time. Don't answer that!]

[Sojin will call you, but you must answer it. Thank you.]

[I look forward to the broadcast tomorrow!]

I hung up. I wondered how I got my number, but I guess I didn't get it from Eunji. Besides, I was just surprised that Sojin would suddenly call me tomorrow. In life, celebrities don't call themselves. This is why I thought abilities were important. If it was you, you wouldn't even be able to meet her if you weren't answering her phone.

The poem contacted Eunji and Sook to join his Serengeti broadcast. And he checked if the broadcast was working, if he could hear his voice, etc.

The broadcast is now less than 19 hours away.

[song plays: Serengeti Lands Electric Shock!]

[Live broadcast today at 7pm]

Saturday, July 11.

It was the day of the Internet broadcast.

The main part of the Serengeti site was already heavily jammed with images that foretold the broadcast of the event.

“Phew……. ”

When he sat in the cafe and looked at his laptop, he felt a little nervous when he saw an image promoting his broadcast. It's past 5: 00 p.m. Soon, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people, will hear their songs. It was strange that I didn't get nervous singing in front of so many people. But at the same time, the excitement filled my heart. My heart was racing, but it was a strange feeling of a complex of expectations, excitement, and tremors.

“Hyunju, I'm going in now. You can hand over the credit later. ”

“Yes, brother. Have a good broadcast! I'll see you later. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

I left behind a cheerleader and ran to the officetel. There was a luxury car called BMW M6, but getting to a cafe in less than a few minutes was a complete waste of oil. And I didn't really want to show people that I was driving such a luxury car.

“Are you home? ”

When the poem came, Aru hugged the poem with a happy face. And then I swollen my face at my chest. The poem came in early and seemed really happy.

“Yes, Aruya. I'm going to clean up a bit. ”


The poem entered the office bathroom and simply showered and left. And I carefully picked my clothes from the wardrobe.

There were many kinds of clothes to wear for a woman, but the poem was a man, so I chose plain white t-shirts and slim jeans. Then he took out the sunglasses he used to shoot the video in the sub-space.

I put on Aru's clothes so that I could not get as much exposure as possible, just in case the situation was done by touching my head neatly and preparing for it. And during the broadcast, he was warned not to stick out his face with a camera lens.

When he was ready, he turned on his computer and checked his song. The first song revealed that it was not a manipulation and singing was an important lonely night, after which I decided to sing a variety of songs from Balad to Pop Song.

Let's look at the clock. It's already past 6: 00 p.m.


Once again, I was making sure that the broadcast was okay, and the ringtone rang.

“Who is it?”

As the poem went out and opened the front door, Eunji and Sook stood up.

“Do you mind if I watch the broadcast today? ”

Eun-ji carefully asks.

“Oh, right. It's okay. Come on in. ”

It had nothing to do with it if it didn't just appear on the screen, so the poem allowed Eunji and his familiarity to enter.

“Oh! Eun Ji, hi, Sook Ji. ”

“Hello, Aruya. ”

“Nice to meet you.”

Aru sits on the couch and greets you when he sees the hiding place and familiarity. We met a few times, so it wasn't awkward.

“Stay a little closer to Cam just in case. Okay?"

“Yes, brother. I'll sit next to you.”

Eun-ji and Sook-ki bring chairs and sit where Cam doesn't shine.

“You're nervous, right? ”

Eun-ji asked me as he was touching the computer with a serious face.

“I'm a little nervous. ”

“Don't worry. If you're good enough, you can start as a singer! ”

Sook cheered me on.

“Fight! ”

“Fight! ”

When Eunji said that she was fighting hard, Aru also cheered me on.

“Thank you.”

If men had cheered for me, I wouldn't have been so empowered, but I was very empowered by cute and pretty girls.

6: 55 p.m.

Anyway, there was only 5 minutes left to broadcast.

As soon as it was time, the poem wearing sunglasses turned on the broadcast when he had about two minutes left to wait. I prepared it perfectly in advance, so the broadcasting started neatly without any problems.

Serengeti's screen shows him in sunglasses, and behind him is an old-fashioned, expensive looking couch and table.

Although it was less tasty to watch than the cams of women full of various bears, dolls, pretty beds, and colorful colors, it was intimately elegant thanks to the nice landscapes on the walls, expensive couches, and expensive tables.

As soon as the broadcast went live, the number of viewers rose explosively. The room was already full, so the broadcast room was created instantly, and the broadcast room was filled with over 5000 viewers in an instant.

Eunji and Sook grip their hands and cheer them on.

[Oppa, you look great.]

[You look like you've gone more than the video!]

[Oh, come in.]

[Are you really good at singing?]

[Score 100 Moon Balloons if you sing it well.]

The chat window was already uploading so quickly that it was hard to read. The broadcast was less than five minutes old, and it was a really explosive reaction.

He said, "Hello, I am the epic poem of overly over-the-top words. ”

[Wow, you have a great voice!]

[Oh, the Honeycomb.]

[Quick Singer has given you a Moon Balloon.]

The chat window was so complicated that I was distracted.

“As you know, this broadcast was intended to explain that the video I called was suddenly controversial and manipulative. But rather than calling it that, I want you to have fun with it. ”

While the poet was speaking, the number of viewers had already reached 15,000.

[Yomi gave me 100 Moon Balloons.]

“Oh, thank you for the moon balloons. I'm going to donate this money to UNICEF rather than spending it privately. ”

I decided to make an image of this side for sure. Because there were a lot of enemies, I had to create an image like this and make it as fast as possible. Even the so-called First Factor Oil Stone was insulted by this image.

[It's a frog.]

[Asshole. Lie.]

There were a lot of bad comments between the chat windows, but I didn't care about the situation.

“Then I'll start singing. The first song is Park Chan-gyu's lonely night of manipulative controversy. ”

The sight regenerated MR.

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