Level 4 Conquest!

The reaction after Serengeti's broadcast was similar to the sudden lie and explosion of the quiet boiling volcano. The broadcast of the poem was viewed by more than 200,000 people, and the search terms related to the poem soared to the top 10 on the portal site.

Since yesterday's broadcast, the controversy over manipulation has gone up completely and the number of views on YouTube videos posted by the episode seems to be reasonably high. In addition, some media outlets also wrote an article to see if they saw the broadcast yesterday.

[How good are you at singing? Over 200,000 live viewers.].

The poem sat at the café table and clicked on the article with a slightly interesting face.

[The headline of a recent online song was broadcast yesterday at 7: 00 p.m. on the Internet broadcaster Serengeti, and over 200,000 viewers watched this two-hour broadcast and the manipulative controversy was eliminated in one go…….]

In this way, he explained his broadcast, and at the end of the story, YouTube was getting close to 20 million views. It was a very satisfied and satisfied article.

I never imagined I'd make it to a news article like this in my life. I thought I'd show it to my mom later, and she went into the Serengeti site and saw how many moon balloons she got yesterday.

[Main Song has 24099 convertible moon balloons.]

Since the moon balloons were one hundred won per unit, I made 2.4.99 million won on air yesterday for two hours, and when I received the currency exchange, the Serengeti took 30% of the fee, so I actually received 168.6930 won. In less than a month, I made 16800,000 in just two hours. In the past, there was no money, so it was spread every day, but now everything I do comes with enormous amounts of money. That's why human abilities are so important. Since they sing well, Serengeti doesn't need to do any hard work to earn more than regular people.

The city requested a currency conversion. Then the money would come in next Thursday, and I was going to donate it to UNICEF as I said.

“Are you the lead singer? ”

“Yes? Oh, yes. ”

I was looking at information on my laptop for a long time, and two girls who looked like high school students approached me and asked with embarrassed expressions.

“Wow, I'm a huge fan. I had a really good time on the show yesterday. ”

“Me, too. I was so moved yesterday. ”

“Haha. Thank you. ”

I didn't know if I'd come to tell myself that I was a fan, but the situation did not embarrass me, but I welcomed him with a bright smile.

“Sign here, please. Brother.”



I was a little embarrassed this time. I really didn't expect to be asked to sign. I've only been on the Internet once, but I also felt a little ashamed to sign it.

“I'm a little embarrassed to sign.... ”

“No, you're totally popular. ”

“It's true. My classmates love you too. ”

“Really? Haha. Okay, I'll sign it for you. ”

The poem smiled and brought the nearby A4 paper and pen because it was popular with female high school students. There wasn't much to sign, but I knew how to do it roughly because there were beautiful signs that I had seen on TV and photos.

The horsepower circuit has been activated to maximize the adjustment bar of the text itself. He also wrote his name on the A4 sheet. Normally, if you don't practice your signature properly, you will become a developer, but the power of the magical circuits naturally wrote a foaming, gorgeous, colorful sign.

I wonder who knew it would be such a fabulous sign in the name of the Apocalypse.

“Wow, that's a really cool sign. ”

“Thank you very much. I'll keep it as an heirloom. ”

When the poet signed up and distributed it to the girls, he gladly accepted it.

“Thank you.”

“Are you going to broadcast it again? ”

“I'll do it next time I have time. ”

“Do it on Saturday night, too. If you do it on weekdays, you won't be able to see the school broadcast. ”

The girl who looked like she was in high school first grade smiled brightly and said.

“Okay, I'll do that. ”

“Thank you! We're gonna go now. ”

Girls didn't buy expensive coffee or buy it, just got the autograph. I was happy that she was popular enough to come and get her autograph, but I couldn't just like her. It's unlikely, but if you're as popular as a celebrity, it's hard to wander around and people are going to get tired of recognizing you. By level 4, I thought I'd have to look for items or magic circuits to protect it.

The poet sat back on the table and took out his tablet to check the quest.

[Broadcast on the internet.] [Completed] [EXP 100]

[Over 200,000 Internet viewers.] [Completed] [EXP 400]

[Please leave your news articles that relate to you or yourself.] [Completed] [EXP 700]

[Get over 20 million views on YouTube, whether it's about you or yourself.] [Completed] [EXP 2000]

“Huh? What is it? ”

I was just looking for YouTube views, but not only was the news about myself today, but also the quest for yesterday's internet broadcast completed. The Internet broadcasting experience itself was not tremendous, but it was a funding ceremony that gave 100 experience points each time 50,000 people watched it, like YouTube. Thanks to this, I got 1200 XP in one go.

Straight down, you see quests related to the broadcast.

[Please go to the data screen of the public broadcast. EXP 500]

[Feature in the art or drama of public broadcasting. EXP 1000]

[Be featured in the news on the public broadcast or go to the data screen. EXP 1000]

[Sing on air music broadcast. EXP 1000]

I didn't think about it at all when I was broadcasting on the internet or appearing on the broadcast, but I didn't remember it because I used to look at it once.

I thought things that used to seem impossible might now be possible. But the second time I asked if I could go on a broadcast like that, the risk was too great. I didn't want to live such an uncomfortable life that I could just walk down the street like celebrities. It's unlikely, but I never would have appeared if a solution had come from the station.

The episode confirmed the number of views on YouTube videos.

The last lonely night hit 20 million, and yesterday's pop songs were already over 3 million views. It was a huge view of 3 million people in one day. Comments were mostly in English. Let's press views by region, and as expected, most views from abroad were higher than Korea. The forecast was right not only for Korea, but also for overseas.

There are no more than 3000 levels of experience left.

Even though the university has taken a holiday because of internet broadcasting, the cafe is better than before, and sometimes people ask me to sign like the last girl in high school.

YouTube also saw an explosive increase in views, and his pop songs uploaded six days ago have already shot 2.3 million views, and his lonely night views have shot 240 million views. Pop songs made up the majority of foreigners' views on lonely nights if the Korean made up a significant portion. No matter who was watching a lot, the experience was very positive because it was going well.

At first, I thought it would take a huge number of 50 million views to become level 4, but thanks to other experience points and internet broadcasts, I could only take about 30 million.

It was 9: 00 in the morning, but I sat on my computer and did not go to the cafe. It's because I heard that my dad's severed fingers were fortunately neat and that he was discharged yesterday. So I decided to go home as soon as Aru woke up today.

The city checked the balloon for a change yesterday. US $1,686,930 came in neatly. Since the money came in and I could forget about it again later, the situation immediately went to the UNICEF site and pressed to support it. He also sponsored 168,6930 cleanly and captured the details and posted them on his Serengeti site.

It was the first time I tried it, but I felt proud.

A little after 9 o'clock, Aru rubbed his eyes and came down to the first floor. I woke up a little late because I waited until late every night and played together until dawn.

“Brother……. Aren't you going to work today? ”

“I'll be there later. Let's go see Aru and Mom and Dad today. So take a shower. ”

“Wow! I'm going to take a quick shower. ”

Aru took off his pajamas, put them in the laundry, and went into the bathroom naked as if it were natural for the poem to see.

While I was relaxing on the internet for a while, the situation was checked on a tablet to see how much experience I had left. It was only a month since the store opened today, so I must have also gained a monthly sales experience.

[Donate over KRW 1 million to UNICEF.] [Completed] [EXP 200]

[exceed KRW 40 million in monthly sales in your store.] [Completed] [EXP 1600]

“Oh, my monthly sales are over KRW 40 million. ”

At first, I thought it was about KRW 30 million, but I found more customers than I thought, and I made an enormous amount of KRW 40 million promoting the cafe thanks to the silver and exhaustion. Net income is more than KRW 30 million, minus everything else. With just one year of this, it was 36,000, which was really unimaginable in the past.

Moreover, after gaining an immense amount of experience of 1800, I announced today whether or not I would level four with Toik scores. If it was TOEIC, it would be level 4, and if it wasn't TOEIC, it would have to wait a few more days for YouTube views to come.


Looking at the experience points and monthly sales, the situation felt better and he laughed a lot.

“What's wrong with you? Anything interesting? ”

As I heard the laughter of the poem, Aru came out of the bathroom and made a curious face.

“It's nothing. Now get dressed. Aruya.”

“Yes, brother. ”

Admirably, Aru, who had such fine, white skin, put the towel that had been washed into the laundry bin and pulled panties and clothes out of the wardrobe.

While Aru was getting dressed, the situation paid the hard-earned current spirits, compliments, and other part-time students.

After finishing the job, the poem turned off the computer and took clean and neat clothes out of the closet. I wore cotton pants, a shirt and a blazer, but it looked as beautiful as a fashion model.

“Brother, I'm all dressed up. ”

When I said I was going to meet the Pope's mom and dad, I took care of Aroo and put on a cute dress and black stockings. Even though I saw it every day, I could look at it for a while because even the poem was impressed when I dressed like this.

“Let's go. Aruya. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

When he finished preparing, the poem went down to the officetel parking lot with Aru with a potted plant planted with the restoration tree branch of Heim. There were many cars in the parking lot, but the elegant appearance of his BMW M6 immediately caught my attention.

The poet opened the door and burned the anvil and sat himself in the driver's seat.

“Is this your car? ”

“Yeah. Pretty cool, huh? ”

“Yes! It's really cool. I want to ride this every day and play with my brother. Hehe.”

Aru continued to smile and look around the car, wondering if it felt good.

While Aru was watching the car and playing, the car gently left the parking lot and headed to his parents' house in Chang Neng.

It was my first time going this far, but I drove without any difficulty or tremor. Even though he had not driven a few times, he was in a state of proficiency.

I arrived more than an hour after taking the bus in less than 40 minutes. The poem parked his car in front of the shabby old gate, but my heart aches a little because of this contradiction. I wanted to move to a good house right away, but there were many realistic difficulties.

The poem handed Aru a potted plant with the Rehabilitation Tree of Ro Heim and went into the house.

“Mom, I'm out. ”

“Mom, I'm here, too. ”

As the poem opened the door and shouted, Aru said in a pretty voice together.

“What brings you here? ”

“Oh, is that you? You've changed a lot.”

“Ah……. Is your aunt here?”

There was also an aunt in the house who thought it would be just my mom and dad. He probably came because he was discharged.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thanks to Referrals, Shippers, Comments, and Coupons.

And Yarro asked me if Earth was going to be a state, and Earth was a state of affairs. I don't think there's a lot of other planets out there.

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