
“Well……. ”

Usually women suck their dicks for male satisfaction, or for erection or reason, but Hyunju was the opposite. He was filling his satisfaction by tasting the penis of the poem as if he were eating a delicious taste.

I licked my penis with my tongue like I was eating ice cream, and I sucked my nuts like I was sucking candy.

“Phew……. ”

As I took a deep breath because of the stinging sensation of the penis, Hyunju massaged my testicles and sucked my penis harder. I looked on the internet and looked at the data, so I knew what techniques to do.

“Ugh. ”

I poured semen into his mouth as I couldn't stand the long-lasting Pelacchio. Then Hyunju rubbed his penis with his hand to draw the sperm from the penis to the end.

“Mmmm... ”

It was secretly addictive. It was slippery and sticky, so the texture was not bad, but it was not dirty at all, and the taste was pretty good because it was very sweet.

When Hyunju swallowed all the semen filled his mouth, he laid him on the bed and caressed him. I even sucked the nipple while touching a big chest and stimulated it with fingers that already expressed their ability to heal healthy vaginas with fluids.

“Ugh…. ”

The woman's clitoris is very sensitive, so if it was not handled carefully, it would feel pain and discomfort rather than pleasure. However, when he touched it with his fingers that showed healing abilities, he was greatly moaning because there was no pain at all, only pleasure was maximized. However, I was worried that someone would hear how loud the groaning was.

Given the harsh groaning of pleasure, I think it was an excellent choice to choose this healing magical circuit. Originally it was a Gorn Magical circuit to give eyebrows to parents and treat diseases like discs, but I use it more in other ways. Finally, the Gorn Magical circuit seemed to have no regrets after thinking a little more carefully and choosing it.

I entered between the bridges of Hyunju and opened the glossy labyrinth with my fingers. Lots of dew and lots of fresh petals. The poem licked his tongue for its overwhelming beauty.

“Ugh... Put him in now. ”

Hyunju, who was trembling with pleasure, told the poet.


The poem stood up between the crotch of the monk and gently inserted a large, ugly penis like Anaconda into the socket of the monk. Since the ability of the penis to heal had been expressed as a penis, there was no reason for Hyunju to feel pain at all.

“Ugh…. Good……. ”

When the hot poem's penis was full of quality, Hyunju vomited a satisfactory groan.

The poem moved his waist while hugging and kissing Hyunju. Sex has many positions, such as female superiority and subordination, but the poem liked this pose the most. It was because it was the most communicative pose with the person who was having sex. However, it was not just normal for a man to go up to the top of a woman, and any posture was okay if his body could stay close to him.

For example, if you make me lie on my face and lift my butt slightly and tuck my body and touch my chest and kiss my neck, I have great satisfaction and pleasure. In order to feel more at home, the situation lay prone on the bed and hugged the liquor tightly from behind. This pose, in which flesh and flesh are close and feel each other's breath, was particularly able to sense mental connection.

“Ahh... Haang... ”

Instead of stormy pleasures, Hyunju sighed roughly at the quiet wave-like pleasures. The sex with the poem was beyond imagining. Although the pleasure of simply inserting and pistoning was pleasant, this act of bloating, kissing, and swelling the body made it full of mental pleasure, not the body.

“I'll be cheap.”

The situation was assessed as is while inserted into the vagina of the current state. Then the yin and yang mingled, and Gigi expanded, and 8 of them flowed to the pope, 2 to the pope.

“Ugh... (Sobbing)... Ah... What should I do...? ”

Hyunju lets out a screaming groan for the overwhelming pleasure that his head feels like it's burning as soon as the situation goes deep into his vagina. However, if I feel this pleasure, I have to get tired or tired, but somehow, the fatigue that I caused when I got up early completely disappeared and I developed more energy than before.

The reason for yin and yang symbiosis lies in giving women who are partners who have sex with certain parts of the energy that inevitably disperse during their working together.

Since the poem gained more efficiency than the yin yin yin yin yin yin yang yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin

“Brother……. ”

Hyunju, who was shivering with pleasure, pulled the situation and kissed me frantically. After having sex and feeling tremendous orgasm, the love and affection for the poem was more abundant than before, so I couldn't stand it without kissing.

With just a kiss from Hyunju, the penis of the poem quickly became erect like a high school student filled with sexual desire, and I entered the second half.

“Ugh…. ”

The sound of flesh and flesh clashing, the groaning of Hyunju vomiting, the harsh breath of the poem.... The motel room is filled with a blatant sound of lewdness.

After a long period of piston, sperm is spurted out of the penis of the poem again. However, even though the second condition for ordinary people had to reduce the amount of semen compared to the first condition, the amount of sperm filled the uterus of the current state was much more likely to come out.

However, when the amount of semen flowed to the bed sheet, Hyunju looked embarrassed and pulled out the toilet paper, wiped off the semen, and treated the semen that filled his vagina.

However, the more I had sex, the more I got tired, so Hyunju immediately sucked the penis of the poem, so he erected it again, and went into the third round.

The more I do, the stronger I feel, the more I want to have sex with Hyunju for the rest of my life.

Cheap, sexy, cheap, sexy. When I got up to level 3 and gained +6 energy, I got enough energy to have sex three times a day. When I got to level 4 and gained +8 energy, I was overwhelmed by energy that was not comparable to then.

I don't know what the computational system of stats with these points looks like, but I think I've gained five times more energy. At this rate, I had the confidence to have sex more than 10 times a day.

I couldn't figure out how many times I'd given up counting since the 5th time.

“Hyunju, it's 9: 00 already. We're gonna be late for the cafe. ”

Once again, when I looked at the watch, it was already past 9: 00, and it was a little after 6: 00, and I was having sex for three hours.

“Oh, my. Oh, let's wash up and get out of here. ”

A bewildered liquid wiped off the vaginally filled semen with toilet paper and quickly wiped down to the sperm buried in the penis of the poem. I never imagined it would be 9 o'clock. But after having sex for 3 hours, I felt so warm and energetic that I could do anything without anything gross.

“Let's take a quick shower together. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

The poem said, "Let's wash together." Hyunju replied with a red cheek.

Hyunju and the poem went to the bathroom naked and applied a body cleanser to each other. When the penis of the poem couldn't stand the touch of the prince, he saw it and swallowed his saliva. Even though I had just had sex for 3 hours before, when I saw the erectile penis of the poem, I had a desire to have sex again with my vagina flinching.

However, I washed the entire body of the poem and washed myself with a towel. After wearing clothes, I left the motel.

“Do you want to go home and come back? I'll go to the cafe and get ready first. ”

“It's okay, brother. I'm going to the cafe. ”

“Yes. Do as you please. ”

When the poem smiled and said, Hyunju blushed his cheeks. The poem reminded me of the violent sex I just had.

Hyunju walked like the poem and continued to glance at the arm part of the poem. I was afraid the poet would hold my hand like before. However, the situation continued to walk recklessly, and Hyunju grew increasingly ill.

“Oh, brother. ”


Suddenly, Hyunju called, and the situation turned around, and at that moment, Hyunju crossed his arms with him. The bountiful chest was close enough to squeeze the arm.

The poem smiles as he looks at the rune, shy of lifting his face and hugging his arm. It was enough to know how shy Hyunju had been struggling to get his arms and arms crossed. The old self, too.

When he entered the cafe with his arms crossed like a lover, Hyunju fell away from the poem in shame. However, the smile did not disappear from Hyundai's mouth, whether he felt good. It was so good to walk with my arms crossed like the poem and my lover.

The poem that lightly touched the cheeks of such a current state began to clean. It was because there were always a lot of people in and out of the cafe, so if I didn't clean it thoroughly, it looked dirty quickly.

When I was cleaning with Hyun Chang, Cholong and Soprado, who do part-time work in the morning, went to work at 9: 30 and opened a cafe at 10: 00.

In the early days, people used to come pretty well, but now people come to buy coffee in a hurry just by opening the cafe door, so I was busy for a while.

“Hyun-joo, I'm going out for a while. ”

“Oh, yes. Bye, brother. ”

When a guest was out of coffee and relaxing in the shop, the situation told Hyundai and left the cafe to a nearby school because they had to apply in July in order to do a simulated exam.

I entered the office of the institute and wrote down my name, phone number, address, etc. and paid for the mock exam. It was not a difficult process, so it was simple.

And when I got back to the officetel, Aru was sitting on the couch yawning and watching TV.

“Brother! You're here early today. ”

When the poem came, Aru welcomed the poem and put it in his arms. And then he frowns and frowns.

“Aruya, have you washed? ”

“Yes, I washed as soon as I got up, just like you said! ”

“Really? Then go change at the cafe with your brother. ”

“Wow, café! I'll change right away. ”

Aru smiles brightly and pulls clothes out of the closet. The skirt was a slightly short sleeveless dress that would have made it impossible to wear due to proper exposure, but did not interfere much because it had several trillion platinum bracelets.

“I'm all dressed up. ”

“Then let's go. ”

Aruga took out all her clothes, and the particle poem took out Kestron's bicycle from the subspace.


“Do you want to ride? ”

“Yes! I want to ride. Brother!"

At the words of the poem, Aru touched the bicycle with his sparkling eyes. I thought I wanted to ride with the poet Aroudo, watching TV dramas and movies on TV while enjoying each other's bicycles.

“Got it.”

The poem rubs Aru's head with a smile and takes his bike out of the officetel.

“Aruya, get in. ”


When the poem on the bike said, Aru got on the back of the poem. If it was a normal bike, it would have been quite uncomfortable to ride for a long time without cushions in the back, but Kesron's bike provided extreme comfort that could not be achieved with a chair over a million won. Moreover, I was able to ride the aru in the back with peace of mind because I also had a non-dangerous protection option.

“Here we go then. ”


As the poem lit up the bike pedal and moved forward, Aru shouted another strange internet term where he had seen it.

Kezron's bike amplifies its energy once it hits the pedal, allowing it to go almost powerlessly, no matter how steep the ascent or distance. Moreover, if the poem used Margie, it was embarrassing to call the bike a bicycle because it was possible to speed up the impossible with a regular bicycle.


When I arrived at the cafe, I was amazed by the joyful voice of Aru off the bike.

“Really? I'll teach Aru how to ride later. ”

“Really? Thank you. Brother.”

Aru hugged the poet and said, The adorable look of Aru was unbearably cute, so people who passed by would gaze in amazement, but thanks to the bracelet of millions of people passed by, no matter what Aru did, no matter what they said.

I left my bike in front of the cafe and went into the cafe with Aru. Because Kestron's bike has anti-theft capabilities, even wizards in the Nine Circles were unable to break through the anti-theft magic system.

“Huh? Aruya, hi. ”

Hyunju smiled and greeted Aru when he saw the poem coming with Aru.

“Hello, Hyunju. ”

Aroo bowed politely.

“Hyunju, teach Aru how to make coffee. ”

“Oh, yes. Brother.”

I did not intend to leave the counter with Aru, and I was going to teach him how to make coffee. If we want to raise Aru's sociality, we have to spend a lot of time with people and do a lot of things.

“Aruya, go see Hyunju and learn how to make coffee, okay? ”

“Yes, brother. I'll study hard!”

While the energetic Aru went to Hyunju to learn how to make coffee, he sat at the table and accessed the portal site with his laptop. because there were some things I needed to find out.

I put the word [famous fashion designer] in the blinking square search box and pressed the search button. The search results will start to sag.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

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