
Looking at the dumb-talking cones, I didn't know whether the poem was saying it for fun or for real.

“Of course.

“Ah, I see. ”

The poem sighed. It was a good thing I left Aru a full recovery potion in case one of his own lives were in danger.

It was foolish not to think that the sapphic oil was absorbed into the body without feeling it. Of course, controlling all situations and making no mistakes is impossible as long as it is human, but it was clearly preventable enough.

It is often said to beat the stone legs and move on. However, the problem was that I didn't even listen to Konz's attention because it was liquid and it was so obvious that I would feel it. Even the veteran who had worked on the site for decades should have been cautious enough to think that accidents caused by carelessness were accidental, but they were too lacking.

Nevertheless, fortunately, after eating the last Summoners, Aru was prepared with a full recovery potion as a lesson. It's how I came back to life. I think I can briefly summarize that the implementation was poor, but the contrast was good.

I was slightly overlooking the risks to Kestron's magic items, but I needed to be a little more careful in the future.

“Instead, the pope's body turned into a lump of copper, and his brain cells were completely restored and his memory, computation, and thinking were significantly increased. ”

“Ironclad? Increased thinking power? Is that how the potion works? ”

In Konz's words, the poem asked with a expressive expression.

“It doesn't work like that on potions, but it's more of an inevitable result. Due to the nature of the internal air that was suddenly out of control, and the resilience that restored the destroyed body, the bones and muscles became rigid and rigid like steel. ”


It was a kind of reward for going through death. Of course, if I asked if I would get this reward again, I would shake my head, but I could just be happy because it was over. It's a process. It's a gain, after all.

Even though it was only three full recovery potions, it was not a bad deal that the body became close to the indestructibility.

“But to be a perfect golden gecko, you need an emergency level 7 or higher reward. And if you practice those ratios perfectly, not only can you withstand the sharp irons like you do now, but you can also keep your body from getting chopped off by a common blade. ”

Since the poison is stiff, blocking the Sword River didn't reach much. However, since my body is protected that much, I thought I'd try it when I reach level 7.

“Are you not sick anymore? ”

“Yes, it doesn't hurt. ”

“Thank goodness.”

Aru held the poem in his arms and did not think of falling. I don't even care if the blood spilled from the Poetry Ball is gross. I was so happy just to feel the warmth of the poem.

The poem ticked Margie as she stroked the aru like that. Out of the sudden air created by drinking 10ml of empty oil, 20 years of internal air mixed with Margie and remained as if dead rats before the end, and the remaining 40 years of internal air was scattered throughout the body.

“How can you collect this in the mid-air space of a sudden, 20-year interior airspace with the rest scattered? ”

“Get in the water on the side and let it cool off so you can collect the air more easily. because that cold water is what energizes the sleeping inner air. ”

“I see.”

The poem was concerned about Konz's words. Since I came to the concert room, I was thinking of scraping the internal air that was sleeping in the trenches. But when I saw the darkened forest outside the window, I felt a slight camouflage.


No matter what I was thinking, I knew everything at once. When the castle of Quezron was darkened, the earth was already sunny. As soon as I finished the cafe at 12 pm, I came and drank the azeolite oil, but it had already been quite a while.

“Aruya, what time is it? ”

Aru, who was in the horse of the poem, takes out his smartphone from his pocket and looks at the time.

“It's 1: 20. Brother.”

“In the afternoon?”


He was resurrected approximately 12 hours after his death. I didn't feel any sense at all, but I felt death when only accident remained. But as if he had fallen into a deep sleep until he came back to life after death, there were no memories, sensations, or feelings, so it was hard to feel that he was really dead and alive.

I was thinking about going to the cafe right away, but I just died and came back to life, so I decided to rest today and go to work tomorrow because I had something to do right away. Of course, I was not sick or tired or tired at all, but I was overwhelmed and unable to control myself. But I still feel bad about it.

The poem was covered in blood on his face and body, so he and Aru went to the bathhouse in Kesron Castle and washed it clean. Then I came back to the officetel and checked my phone. As expected, there were several calls from Hyunju. In Quezron's castle, of course, there were no calls, so I often didn't get these texts or calls for a long time.

Usually I tell Hyunju that I can't go in advance, but he seemed to be worried a lot because he died this time.

When he calls Hyunju and sits on the couch, Aru sits next to him and hugs him again on his chest.

Did something happen? I was so worried you weren't answering your phone.]

Immediately after answering the phone, Hyunju said in a voice filled with anxiety.

[Sorry, I woke up feeling sick all of a sudden.]

[Are you in a lot of pain? Do you want me to buy you a killer when I'm done?]

[No, it's okay. I'm much better now. Don't worry, we'll get to work tomorrow.]


Hyunju wanted to check on the condition of the situation, whether he was worried a lot. However, the situation was completely rejected because it was not painful at all, but it could not pretend to be sick.

[It's okay now. When Chan comes back later, hand over the handover and go home.]

[Yes, I understand. Brother, don't worry about the store and rest well.]

[Yes, thank you.]

[Okay, bye.]

His voice was mixed with sadness and worry.

The poem also called Chan to tell him that he was taking the day off. Of course, Chan also wanted to come right now, worrying about Hyunju as much as he did, but he also refused completely.

While dialing the phone like this, I suddenly felt that his relationship was a bit complicated. Currently, there were 5 women who had sex with themselves and became deeply related.

Among them, Aru had enough love regardless of who he had sex with, but it was okay if he found out that he had such complex relationships with Eungyo and Soon-ju, Chan, and Yumi who had modern mindset.

So to avoid such suspicion, I let all the women meet at once before opening the cafe. I thought nothing had happened at that time, but now that I think about it, even though I was with other women, I still have no great doubts. But once I met a girl in a cafe, I fought jealousy.

I have been keeping this relationship in jeopardy so far, but I can't be seen like this all my life. Unlike an unconscious compliment, I continued to doubt myself and praise even though I was an ordinary nun.

The poem stroked his chin.

“Brother……. ”

Aru hugged the poem more tightly. Somehow, I was so afraid that the poem would become the cold corpse I had before. I had to hug her like this to keep her warm.

The poem continued to think as he stroked the head of the aru like that.

In Korea where monogamy is taken for granted, no woman wants to share her favorite man with another woman. However, when I saw seeds that still existed, or forgive a man for cheating, or something like that, I felt it was not impossible.

Understanding, needing to understand Eun Ji and Sook had already admitted to each other somewhat, and praised Yumi. All of this comes from the paths of understanding, so if we expand our understanding a little bit, we might be able to avoid the tragedy of choosing only one out of six women, including five, or Yumi. Everyone was so precious to themselves that they never wanted to miss or break up.

In addition, it is difficult in Korea. In the 21st century, I thought that there was only a problem of mindset and customs because there was a single man living with several women in other countries.

The situation was outlined, and I now thought about how to increase my understanding. Basically, I have to make her love me so that she shouldn't be... While thinking about the poem, I suddenly thought about the items in Quezron.

I didn't want to have an item to mind control, but I didn't want to use an item to manipulate that person's reason at all. I just thought I'd like a car that calms my mind.

The poem took Aru straight to the castle of Quezron. It was to find out if there was such an item. The poem went to the library and sat on the couch on the other side of the library. Then Aru sits beside the poem and hugs him in his arms as if it were natural.

"It's Koontz."

“Yes, Pope. ”

When the poem calls, Konz appears right away.

“Do you have any cars or tools that calm your mind or increase your understanding? ”

“Well, there's a similar effect on the fourth level, but it's not as effective as I thought. ”

“Which one? ”

According to the poem, Konz took the round barrel out of his pocket and gave it to him.

[A sweet tea from a shoe. Tea made of petals from the courtyard of a shoe. Drinking this tea opens my mind and increases my understanding a little. Since it makes us think rationally rather than emotionally, we can be forgiven enough for minor mistakes, but we don't understand even the unforgivable behavior. Let's be careful.]

Even at a four-level chime, it didn't have that much effect, as Konz said. Is it that hard to control a person's mind?

“Can I have some of this tea? ”


At the words of the poet, Konz took out about 10 cases of Shue's car from his pocket and gave it to the poet, who put it right into the subspace.

It was less effective than I thought, but it was much better than nothing. And he wanted to be recognized by women, and he didn't want to be controlled, so I thought it was a good idea.

I was thinking of finishing with a car, but in case you were wondering, I searched for a lower magic item and got a candle with a similar effect.

[Candle of Tranquility. Burning this candle will calm your mind a little. The candle doesn't run out or the candle doesn't burn hot, so it's okay to decorate it.]

I really liked that the candles didn't run out and the candles weren't hot when I lit them. The design itself was embossed on cute animals, making it perfect for decoration.

Once I was ready, I was ready. I don't know if this will work, but I think I need to use Shu's car and calmness candles to proceed with the plan step by step. I had already come up with some good ideas.

“Mmm-hmm. Good. ”

Seems likely enough. I was on my own.

With this, I wanted to test my body that I was close to becoming a gilded lump because I had a rough solution.

“Aruya, stay here for a second. I'll be home soon. ”

“I'm coming with you. You have to stay close so you can stay warm. ”

Aru didn't even think about falling out of his body because he was so shocked when the poem died.

“Don't worry. Aruy.You 're all better now. You're not sick at all. ”

“ ……. ”

I looked at the poem with my eyes still full of anxiety in the aru. Her jewel-like black eyes are so beautiful.

“Really. And if you get hurt again, Aroo can save you like before. ”

“However…. ”

After a long time of persuasion, Aru finally let go of the situation. But I haven't taken my eyes off the poem to see if I'm still worried.

“I'll be back in a minute. ”

The situation quickly crossed over to the officetel after the fall of the aru. I was going to test it with a cutter knife at home, but if Aru saw it, he would be frightened, so I had to take it off.

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