
“It relaxes me to be with Hyunju like this. ”

“Me, too. Brother.”

This conversation was briefly silent, but it was not an awkward atmosphere. Hyunju trembled with this new emotion that he had never felt before. I liked the poem as much as I loved it at first sight, but I didn't know that I could be loved like this. I always knew I'd just have to look away....

“Let's get ready. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

In the words of the poem, Hyunju blushed his face. It was also a weak skinship compared to when having sex, but my heart pounded strangely and my breath sounded a little rough.

“These are the high heels I gave you. Isn't that convenient?"

“Ah! Yes. You look like you're wearing sneakers, even though your heels are so high. ”

In the words of the poem, Hyunju lifted his foot slightly and said. The beige miniskirt is fluttering.

“Glad you're comfortable. ”

The poem touched the cheek of Hyundai slightly. An active skinship that is different from before, Hyunju burns the cheeks. In this atmosphere, I thought it was not strange for the poem to confess at any time. Then, naturally, he and his wife became lovers and married to give birth to a beautiful child.

“Ahh... ”

My panties are cheerful because I'm excited by my thoughts. Other times, when I thought about the poem and saw the quality getting wet, I thought I liked the poem.

“Let's clean up. ”


Hyunju answered the poem more vigorously than usual, and cleaned the cafe hard. Although it was a hired position, Hyunju was as passionate about the cafe as the city, so he swept and wiped like his own home.

As always, when it opens at 10 o'clock, people rush in. Café Quezron has already become quite famous to come from other parts of the country. So, the local university students and the workers around them continued to visit, saying that the people living in Seoul are a day away.

Thanks to this, sales continued to increase, but there was not enough room for just 25 square feet of cafeteria. I had to expand it a bit more, but I had some concerns.

When the situation got quiet, I sat at the table and turned on my laptop. I was trying to get to know the trends of cartoons and webtoons.


“Ms. Grant called. ”

“Phone? Who is it? ”

While watching the cartoon, Chorong approached the poet and said,

“I think he's a journalist. ”


The poem told me he was a journalist and noticed what he was calling about at once. Increased brain cells led to a single situational determination. I didn't feel blurry and cloudy at all like before.

I went to the counter, and he answered the phone.

[Hello, Sonmi from Girls Sense is a journalist. You're the Crown Prince, aren't you?]

[Oh, yeah. I'm right, but what's the matter...?]

[Yes, we wanted to get in touch with the Crown Prince, who is the lead singer and cafe quezron this time.]

He said he was a journalist, but he spoke well even though he was new to the conversation.

[I'm not sure I have anything to do with the interview. I didn't do anything great...]

[Oh, no. The Pope is very popular right now. I think it would be a great time to meet and interview with us.]

It was not a bad offer at all as a poem. There must be some quests related to this. The higher the awareness, the easier it will be to complete other quests.

[Hmm……. Okay, so when are you going to do this?]

[When is the Pope available?]

[I'm fine anytime.]

[So is this Friday possible?]

[Yes, I'm fine.]

[Then I'll go to the Pope's Cafe around 1: 00 p.m. this Friday. We also need a few photos, so dress up as nicely as you can!]

[Yes, I understand.]

The poem hung up the phone and laughed. It was quite attractive to have a cute voice whether he was that old or not.

“Ms. Grant, we're going to shoot at the cafe. ”

I asked, I was listening carefully next to him.

“Something like that. ”

“When? When? Wow, that's amazing. ”

“They're coming on Friday. Is she famous for her magazine, Girls Sense? ”

“It's famous. I have to wear makeup that day. ”

The situation, which was the subject of the interview, was thicker, but the chorong next to him was more frenzied. The lightly smiled poem came back to the table, sat down, and took out the tablet to see what the related quests were.

[Collect Margie for over 30 years.] [Completed] [EXP 3600]

[Come back to life after you've died.] [Completed] [EXP 20000]


After dying and coming back to life, you get 20,000 EXP. It was probably a quest with a full recovery potion in mind, so about a fifth of the EXP Bar was filled in one go.

The situation of expressing a tremendous amount of experience, he smiled slightly at the mouth, but he also sighed slightly that he needed a total of 100,000 experience points to reach level 5. It's as if the soldier has just become a Private.

“Let's take it step by step. Well.”

There was no hurry at all. It was important to take it step by step without going too far. If I had already reached level 4, I could have gotten more than 2 billion in cash and a lot of magical items, and if I just decided to become rich, I was likely to become rich without any penalty. However, it takes a lot of time because the social foundation is still lacking.

I read more comics and web toons in the context of more quests. Unlike when the song was written, cartoons were intended to be published under pseudonyms. He already had an image of the song, so there was a lot of prejudice in seeing the cartoon. Well, it's first to publish.

“Hyun-joo, please take care of the shop. ”

It's already a little after 12: 00 p.m. I promised Yumi a date today, so I had to wait in front of the school around 1: 00 at the end of my vacation prep class.

“Oh, yes. Don't worry, brother. ”

According to the poem, Hyunju replied. I wanted to ask him where he was going, but he seemed to be holding on.

After leaving the cafe, he went to the officetel parking lot. BMW M6 is parked in a graceful posture at one end of the parking lot.

The poem put his hand in his pocket pulled the key out of the subspace. It was a habit after the subspace was created, but I kept all my wallet or other things in the subspace, except my cell phone. This is because there was no risk of loss, it was easy to find and the pockets were not bulky.

The situation of getting started in the car exited the parking lot with skilled driving skills and went to Yumi's school. He came to get his daughter, and there were a few women who parked in front of the school.

The poem stopped in between and waited for Yumi.

12: 55.

Yumi is only a few minutes away.

I was waiting in the car with my tablet on the internet, so the girls started coming out to see if the class was over already. However, they could not tell how short their skirts were, whether they were miniskirts or uniforms.

“Hey, isn't this car awesome? ”

“Awesome. Who's waiting? ”

Not only the skirt like a miniskirt, but also the top tightly reduced, so that three girls with bust lines show up near the car to talk and walk awkward when the poem and eyes meet.

“Hey, don't you think you're waiting for your girlfriend? Wow, who is it? I envy you. If I had a boyfriend with that kind of money, I'd do anything for him. ”

The two high school girls were so jealous that they kept moving around in traffic. The poem did not just pass on the conversation of girls like that, but kept it all in mind. Those natural conversations allowed me to understand the way girls think and became important data for me to do business with women.

As the girls started to come out, the poem got out of his car and waited for Yumi, but when his eyes caught the sun, he pulled out his sunglasses and stood there.

As the poem leans next to the BMW M6 in luxury sunglasses, the passing high school girls go crazy. Although I wasn't particularly well-dressed today, the clothes in Quezron's wardrobe were automatically resized to fit my body, and the body of the poem that was trimmed with exercises was so sexy that I was a man.

“Hey, isn't that guy's song? ”

“Is that so? I think those sunglasses are right. ”

Several girls looked at the poem's face and stopped and looked at it as they looked familiar.

“I think you're right. Amazing.”

“Hey, do you want an autograph? ”

“Should I?”

As he stared at himself, he stared at the girls with a curious look. However, my skirt was so short that my eyes went white and pretty legs without knowing it. I wasn't wearing sunglasses to try to steal the girls' high school legs, but I couldn't help the man's instincts.

But a few of the women who were rambling cautiously approached.

“Hey, you're the lead singer, right? ”

“Yes? Oh, yes. ”

“Wow, that's amazing! It's true!”

“Wow……. Cool.”

In the words of the poem, women high school students were amazed. It was already quite popular on the Internet, so it was not a popular popular celebrity.

“Sign my brother! ”

“Me, too."

The girls took the paper out and handed it to the poem. Ordinary people might be a little embarrassed, but the situation naturally took a paper and pulled a pen out of his pocket and skillfully signed it.

“What's your name? ”

“Im Yun.”

The poem wrote the name Im Yuna and even wrote a simple comment to make her happy.

“Thank you. It's on in Serengeti this Saturday, so come see me when you have time. ”

“Oh, yes! Thanks! I'll see you Saturday! ”

A girl in high school, who was slightly cremated by the gentle poem, replied with a slightly red face. When some girls received the autograph, one girl with a curious look on her face gathered around the poem, and a lot of girls came and got the autograph. It was quite famous because videos related to the episode were posted on many sites with girls and news on Nail Main. At this rate, I was afraid that the entertainment agency would contact me first.

“The song script is super friendly. ”

“Hey, aren't the songwriters really tough? He's got a great song, a handsome face, and a lot of money. ”

“Brother! Are you going to perform as a singer? ”

As the girls increased, it became noisy immediately. There were girls who admired the elongation and girls who asked the poem things.

It was too noisy and too much talk, but the poem smiled and answered kindly.


Then Yummi grabbed the girls and approached. I was baffled by what was going on.

It was human psychology. When no one knows me, I can't get close enough, but if a few people approach me first, I will be rushed from there. Although the situation is well known, the psychological sequencing has also worked greatly.

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