
I waited outside the bathroom, but Yumi hasn't come out yet. It was also natural because the women's bathroom itself was very lacking in men's bathrooms.

The poem just sprayed itself with a low-grade magic item from Quezron's castle: sunscreen spray. There was a fresh, non-artificial aroma and unlike ordinary sunscreen, there was no stickiness at all.


Yumi comes out of the bathroom, looking at the sea and waiting for a moment. When I came straight from school without stopping by, I was still in uniform, but I felt the greenery and freshness of high school students.

“Come closer. ”


Yumi comes to the poem, avoiding people, and makes a curious face.

He sprayed sunscreen spray evenly all over his body on Yumi who was approaching.

“What's this, brother? ”

“It's a sun-care spray. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

Yumi understood it at once because it was already on the market. But unlike other products on the market, there was no stickiness or discomfort, not to mention the perfect protection against UV rays.

“Smells nice and nice. Where did you get it? ”

“You want one? ”

“Wow, thank you. Brother, I'm sorry I keep getting things that I can't do for you. ”

“I'm sorry.”

The poem that stroked Yumi's head went to the house near the sea pool. I was originally going to eat something else, but I chose Yumi because he wanted to eat the meeting while he was here.

After lunch, Yumi walked near the sea pool. On vacation, a lot of couples and families were filling the seawater pool.

Yumi slightly notices the poem and folds her arms.

“Aren't you hot? ”

“Yes? Why? ”

“You're not sweating. ”

As Yumi said, in this hot summer, the town was making a comfortable face without breaking a sweat. As bones and muscles become stronger, they become resistant to cold and heat.

“I'm not good with cold and heat. ”

“I envy you. I can tolerate the cold, but the hot is really hard. ”

“Really? I know how not to ride the heat. You want me to teach you?”

“How not to get hot? How?"

Yumi asked with a curious face.

“Well……. It's just a little hard to teach. ”

“Oh, what is it? Brother.”

Yumi pinched his waist slightly as he was moaning. Yumi's cute jokes made the poem smile and tickle Yumi's waist together.

“Yikes, you tickle me. ”

As Yumi twisted her body due to the tickling, her uniform top slightly went up and revealed a lovely belly button.

“Ha, I'm annoyed. Somebody wants to die with their girlfriend like that. Who are we? ”

“I'm depressed, really. I'm supposed to be with a girl like this. I've never been with a girlfriend. ”

When the poem and Yummi played a prank, the two men who saw it said as if it was unfair.

Yummi smiled awkwardly and fell off the poem.

“Oh, brother, let's go somewhere else. ”

Yumi, who had a red face, grabbed the poem's hand and left the sea pool and went to a nearby cafe to sit. Yumi's face opens up in the cool air conditioning.

“Oh, I think I'll live. It's really hot. Brother.”

Yumi's forehead was covered in sweat. When the poem wipes Yumi's forehead with a toilet paper, Yumi is ashamed and blushes.

Yumi drank a cool iced tea and gazed back at the poem. Just looking at the poem, my heart fluttered and my face became pale. When I first saw the poem, I really didn't think I would like it this much.

The pope smiles slightly at Yumi, who looks away, pulling out a sapphire necklace from his pocket. It was a gift for Yumi.

Since the lowest accessory was fully opened, I was going to give a necklace like this to praise, Eunji and Sook, not Yoohyun. Women loved things that could represent their existence, such as these tiny, sparkly jewels or bags. Hershey miso, but I thought this was basically an animal's instinct to be a woman. And if we use those instincts, we can create a stronger attraction than before.

Of course, even though she didn't do this, she knew that women really liked her, but she wanted more than that. Like an ant's hell, you can't get rid of yourself.


“Huh? What's that necklace? ”

Yumi's eyes widen as he pulls out a blue luxurious necklace from his pocket.

“What is it?”

“Oh, what is it? Are you going to give it to me? ”

Otherwise, the poet wouldn't have pulled out the necklace. With anticipation and excitement, Yumi's eyes flashed like stars in the night sky. Moreover, it was a necklace that was luxurious enough for him. Even though some girls were wearing necklaces in their class, there was a beauty and elegance that was different from that cheap.

“Yes. But instead of giving me this necklace, I need a favor. ”



“What kind of favor? ”

“Kiss me now. ”

“What? Stop here? ”

Yummi looks embarrassed at the words of the poem and looks around. There were a lot of people in the cafe, so I was too ashamed to kiss. Yumi's face is slightly red.

“Yes. Here. ”

“Now, wait a minute. ”

Yumi took a light breath. I didn't want to reject the poem's request, rather than just wanting to receive the necklace.

Yummi moved to the side of the poem and kissed the poet more quickly, noticing the surroundings. He was ashamed, not only of his face, but of Yumi's neck and ears, all of them were red.

The people around me glanced, but didn't care much. If you have too much skinship or exposure, you will be blamed enough to go on the internet, but this light kissing did not have a big problem.

“Come here. I'll get you some. ”

The poem hung the necklace like Yumi's hug. The blue sapphire matches Yumi surprisingly well.

Yumi carefully looks at the necklace that the poet hung. The dazzling blue glow. I can't imagine how expensive that would be.

“A necklace made of natural sapphires. This natural sapphire helps prevent heat and cool the body. ”

“Oh, that's a lie. ”

Yumi, who was touching the necklace with a dazzling expression, smiled lightly at the words of the poem. He thought it was a joke.

However, the poem was only smiling, rather than making excuses.

I was having a little more tea and I was hanging out, so I got a call from Chan.

“Hold on, it's Chan. ”


The poem took the phone out of his pocket.

[Are you not coming to study today?]

[Sorry, Yumi and I are going to be a little late getting to the mainland.]

[Constitution? Why there all of a sudden...]

Praise be to the words of the poem. I knew I was playing with Yumi today, but I didn't know if I was going to go to the Governor's System and date alone. Yumi has a slightly unfamiliar feeling of jealousy.

[Yumi came to see the sea.]

[Yes, I understand. Then have fun with Yumi. Yumi is in third grade, but she has to play when she plays.]

Praise was in its natural nature. Except for the poem, he was always cold to men, but he also sacrificed to people he believed and liked. So you liked the poem, but you said it was okay to date Yumi.

“Sis, it's so beautiful here. Come back later. ”

Yumi gets close to the poem and yells at the phone. She was a loving sister, even though she had a complicated relationship with the situation.

[Let's come and play next time.]

[Yes, brother. Go ahead, I'm interrupting Yumi's play. I gotta go. Have fun.]


I looked at the clock and it was over 5 o'clock.

“Do you have your photo machine? ”

“Oh, right! I have to take a picture. I'm in the car. Hold on a second. ”


The poem went out of the cafe and got into the car that had been stopped. He pretended to pull it out of his bag and took out the old photo machine that he had bought from the sub-space.

This picture was full of Yumi's picture. While studying, the breakdown of the acne in Yumi was recorded in detail. There was also a picture of a hymn and an adorable smile in the middle, but everyone was so beautiful that I couldn't keep my eyes off it.

He took a picture of Yumi drinking tea back at the cafe.

“I feel like I'm getting used to this because I keep filming it. Now it's a good picture, right? ”

Yummi naturally posed, smiling and saying.

“Of course. Yumi, you're a proprietary model of our Kestron brand. ”

“Oh, it's a full-speed model. It looks reasonable. Hehe.”

Yumi smiled lightly at the words of the poem. But Yumi had no idea that what the poem said at this moment would completely change her life.

I left the cafe after drinking all the tea.

However, Yumi, who was walking with the poem and arms, tilted his head.

“Why Yumi? ”

“Surprisingly, it's not any hotter than before. ”

“I told you. Natural sapphires help keep you cool. ”

“Is it real?”

Now I couldn't tell if the poem was real or joking. However, I thought it was too hot to die before, but after wearing the necklace, when it was a little hot like spring weather, it seemed to have a mysterious power on this necklace.

Yummi looked at the situation, carefully stroked his necklace, curiously. You gave yourself such a precious necklace... Yumi hugs the arm of the poem more tightly. I'm so happy with such a light skin.

Since then, the poem has taken hundreds of photos that are beautiful enough to say, "Go away, Yumi who walks in the sea pool, Yumi who eats dinner, Yumi who sits on a bench and watches the sunset."

After hanging out with Yumi, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

“Let's go. Yumi.”

“Too bad to go back. We'll hang out again after you. ”


The poem that touched Yumi's head got into the car parked in the parking lot while looking at the already dark sea pool.

Soon after turning on the ignition and driving, Yumi falls asleep leaning down on the chair. The poem saw such a lure, smiling slightly and driving as smoothly as possible. It was an event I usually organized to keep me busy because of school, but I don't know how it went.

In order to acknowledge each other's relationship to some extent, it had to make me think that we should never break up with ourselves, not to the extent that we wanted to be together.

I had to make the most of the situation and atmosphere because it was only a favor to give just a gift to gain such a heart.

If this works so well that women know each other's existence for sure, my heart is already racing about what the end will be. I wish we could be reconciled, but it's not that easy.

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