
“Will you be king? Or will you conquer another country? ”

When the poem failed to speak properly, Serran told us the goals that ordinary men want to achieve. Although he did not have great power, there were four circles of magic, tactics and various skills that he had learned for 20 years. Even at war, I was confident enough to do my part.

“No. Hmm…. That has nothing to do with our world. ”

Of course, I couldn't do it, but it didn't mean anything.

“Yes? Then what do you want me to do? ”

The poem said that Serran couldn't understand.

He didn't want to rely on legacy like he does now, but he seemed to want to act with a little more ambition. Living an ordinary life with items and money from an inheritance and enjoying women is just a life of greed.

But what's so bad about a greedy life? Human nature itself is greedy and demands pleasure. Of course, until this point, he had only the goal of earning money and completing quests, so he thought he would be a little frustrated from the perspective of the dragon, Toleiman.

“I think you'd better get used to our world first. Let's go where I live. ”

“Isn't this where you live? ”

“This is my adult home, but I actually live somewhere else. ”

“Sure. It's a place. It doesn't matter where. But the castle is so beautiful. ”

Serran gets up from his seat and looks around the library. I think that every move is an elegant princess. The long dress is surprisingly long enough that none of the legs are exposed, but the sternum is revealed. It seemed to have quite a lot of breasts.

The situation examined the profile.

[Serran Lannon Toleiman]

[Age: 19]

[Height: 168.5cm]

[Weight: 55kg]

[Chest Size: 75C]

[Number of Sexs: No]

[Pregnancy Status: No]

[Gurnard: neck]

In fact, the poem never thought that western women were pretty. I didn't like the fact that my eyes, nose, and mouth were too clear and my face was usually full of freckles and aging quickly. However, even though Serran had big eyes and a dirty nose like the Westerners, the overall impression was soft, so there was not much foreign feeling.

“Oh, and by the way, we don't have a full name yet. I am Serran Lannon Toleiman, the fourth princess. ”

“It's the Apocalypse.”

“That's it? ”

At the words of the poem, Serran expressions that he didn't understand. If I had a castle like this, I would have had any position, royalty or nobility, but I didn't have any of that.

“That's not the kind of place I live in. ”

The situation first explained the general description of the country in which he lives. However, Serran understood what the poem was trying to say at once, knowing his situation and whether his head was going to be smart.

“Hmph, I see. It's a unique place.I find it fascinating. ”

Serran, the wizard, seemed more excited than he was afraid of going to a new world. I wonder how you can admit everything so quickly.

“Oh, you need to change first. because it's something that's rarely worn in our world. ”

“This dress is so uncomfortable if I don't. Good. ”

Serran looks at his beautiful dress and says,

The poem said that she was a princess, but there was no place with more personality than I thought. It felt cool. I don't know how that's going to help you.

“Hey, Konz, put some clothes on. ”


The poem's hands clapped together, and as the library changed, an endless wardrobe emerged. However, the number of clothes increased exponentially as the level increased.

Since I had all the clothes on the planet, I had to walk for a long time to find the clothes I wanted, the poem told Konz to get only the clothes I could wear on Earth. Once again, Konz claps his hands and his clothes are greatly diminished.

“What's this? What kind of magic can you make clothes out of? I didn't feel any waves. ”

“The power of Quezron. ”

Serran asked Konz about the skewers, and Konz explained to him as much detail as he could. The poem was definitely a different attitude and appearance compared to what I had admired at first.

“This place is so much more fun than a boring castle! ”

As Serran smiles and speaks, an explosive beauty bursts out like a beautiful flower veil. Even though the aura and feeling were completely different, the situation was quite fascinating because of the similar class of beauty.

“Let me pick out some clothes for you. ”

The poem suddenly began to choose clothes by itself. I was originally going to ask Serran to choose what he liked, but his mind changed.

The poem chose one slip to wear while sleeping rather than picking out the usual tee and trousers. The chest was covered in strips and the lower part of the chest was a sexy slip with mesh. And I even picked a pair of pink panties to go with this slip.

“Here. In my world, I dress like this. ”

While looking at the clothes with a curious look, Serran received the clothes that the poem gave him and looked into them. Then your face turns slightly red.

“Yi, these clothes are so transparent that your waist and belly button are all shiny. I'm a little embarrassed about this... ”

Serran, who saw a dirty slip, said a little embarrassed. But I wasn't really ashamed out of my mind, I was just a little embarrassed. People from other worlds seemed to have quite different sexual sensations.

For a bit of fun, I picked it as a joke, but surprisingly, when Serran's reaction was not bad, the poem smiled slightly.

“No? Then I'll pick another outfit for you. ”

“Yi, give me another dress first. That's a little dirty... ”

This time, the poem chose a thin white tea that felt less burdened by Serran, and it was also a uniform of breasts, even if he bowed slightly. And this time, I only gave him short shorts that stick without panties.

“Oh, that's better. Where do I change my clothes? ”

After receiving the clothes the poet gave him, Serran sighed of relief and said. The clothes I had just received were the style of my sisters, and I was too ashamed to wear them.

“Change here. I'll be out in a minute. Let me know when you're done.”

The poem went out of the library with Konz and stood in the hallway.

Soon after the library door opened, Serran told me that he was fully clothed.

“You look good together. ”

When he entered the library and saw the clothes worn by Serran, he said with a expressionless expression.

“Well, is that so? My clothes look a little shiny.... Is that what women wear in that world? ”

Serran tilts his head as he looks at his clothes. The white teat worn by Ceran was so thin that the skin color was pale and the nipples of the chest were so flabby. Moreover, it was so naughty to secretly illuminate the pink affair that the penis of the poem was erected at once.

“Yes, I usually dress that simple when I'm at home. I wear thick clothes like me when I go out, but it's polite to wear them at home. ”

“I see. A new world of literature! Interesting.”

Serran says, pulling at the buttocks with his hands, making sure the pants are tight. The poem thought that he had chosen a pair of trousers that would be slightly sticky, but when he wore them, they were completely attached and the shape of Serran's vagina was so obvious. The so-called axe marks were so clear.

“You're not uncomfortable? ”

“Yes, the clothes are comfortable. It's a little exposed, but that's okay. In fact, the Rho Heim empire is also quite sexually open, so in some places, adult women put their food in their reproductive organs and have men take it out. ”


The poem was embarrassed by Serran's words and asked him if he didn't know. I never thought I'd say something so blatant. The poem automatically resonated with what Ceran said, and the penis became erect as if it were going to explode.

“But I'm very conservative, unlike my sisters, in terms of sex. So I was a little ashamed of what I was wearing earlier. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

It was quite ironic that she was wearing clothes that were sexually conservative, with vaginal contours on her breasts.

Serran's sister had no idea what a profoundly conservative sergeant would look like. The poem was full of thoughts about visiting the planet Ro Heim, but he decided to do it later and take Serran to the officetel.

When he summoned the door, Ceran was amazed. And as I took Serran to the officetel, I continued to be amazed by the sound of groaning.

“Oh, what is this? This is the first texture I've ever felt. ”

Serran is distracted by wandering around the officetel, touching and watching things. The poem taught Serran the whole thing and gave him some books on Earth's history in the Kestron reading room.

“Can you read? ”

Up until now, I had a natural conversation in Korean and wondered if I could also read books.

“Yes, I can read. Toleiman must have put a spell on the language conversion. ”

“I'm glad.”

I saved one pill for language acquisition.

Serran, sitting on the couch, looks at the book with his big chest and long legs. My eyes sparkle because it's quite interesting.

The poem sat next to Serran.

“How many wives does the Pope have? ”


The situation struck me with a sudden reply from Serran.

“You're not married yet? ”

“I didn't do it. We can't marry many people because we're monogamous. ”

“Oh, really? Strange, because we can make as many wives and husbands as we want, whether it's a man or a woman. That's why my third sister has five husbands. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

I don't know what happened to him or the Heim Empire.

“There is no king or war in this world. So what is the Pope's objective? ”

Serran looks into the eyes of the poem and says, The golden, glittering eyes of Serlan seem to be drawn in.

“The goal……. ”

The poem sat on the couch, staring at Serran's bridge and thinking. My legs are slippery and well-groomed.

The biggest goal is to create a level 10 and inherit all of Kestron. So now I'm singing, trying to make a cartoon out of it. However, no matter how much I thought about it, it felt dull by itself. In fact, the quality of life became shiny enough after reaching level 4, and if I was no longer greedy enough, I could live comfortably all my life.

But is that the only way to live with the legacy of Quezron? Then what makes them different from ordinary people?

Serran stares at himself.

“How would you like to be king? ”

“Haha. As I said before, there is no king in our world. No, there are places, but it's just a famous office. Only honor remains... ”

“I'm not just talking about kings, I'm talking about great beings who are recognized and respected by everyone. Isn't that what you wanted me to do to help the Pope? ”

It felt like the scale suddenly grew, but it wasn't a bad feeling to think that I would become one. He is recognized and respected all over the world.... Obviously this was not the extreme situation of ruling the world or being king.

It seemed like he wanted us to make it happen with this ambition. I don't live like an ordinary person who can get the legacy of Kestron……. Obviously, this kind of thinking was impossible to come from Chan, Aru, Eunji and Sook.

Well, I wasn't planning on doing anything right now. As I have done so far, I only had more dreams.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Have a nice day!

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