
“Aruya, let's get dressed. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

The poem and aru came out of the living room to see if they had finished showering. Eggs almost looks back at you without even knowing it, but she keeps looking at the book. But I get the urge to keep looking.

“Put this on today. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

The poem consciously gave the obscene clothes to Aru.

[Shun's Camisole. A camisole that is thin enough to illuminate the inside to maximize the beauty of women. It is so thin that your breasts are exposed, but it always provides optimum temperature so that you don't have to wear it outdoors.]

I don't know what the intention of the person named Shun who made this was, but it was a shameful camisole. Not only does your chest look like it is, but Camisole is just a little bit up your ass, so your vagina is completely exposed.

But Aru wore that thin camisole without any complaint. My breasts are slightly bigger than they used to be, and I can see the conspiracy of the aru just now. It's sexier and more informal to wear it like this than not wearing it at all.

By comparison, he was just wearing ordinary pants. However, the penis contour of the poem was revealed because it was drawers that stick to it, not regular trunk panties.

“Shukran, did you eat while I was gone? ”

“Yes? Oh, I took some out of the fridge. ”

He turned his head to the words of the poem, and when he saw the poem wearing only panties, he said, puzzled with confusion.

“Aren't you hungry? ”

The poem continued to talk while pretending not to mind.

“Oh, it's okay. ”

“Really? That's a relief. We're going to sleep now. Are you going to look at more books? ”

“Oh, no. I'm going to bed now. But where do I sleep? ”

“Let's sleep in bed together. I'm uncomfortable sleeping on the couch. ”

The poem smiled slightly and said.

“Soo, Soo Lan. The bed is on the second floor! ”

Aru looks awkward and says to the egg. You haven't said anything half-heartedly. You don't seem to be used to it yet.


The pope took the egg upstairs. When I moved to the office, I bought a slightly bigger bed, but there were two of me and three of me, so I was a little small for myself.

“Are you sleeping here? ”

When I saw that there was only one bed, I asked the poet in a slightly confusing voice.

“Yes, we should sleep together. ”

Normal men would sleep on the floor, so they would tell me to grow Aru and eggs in bed, but the poem had no intention of doing so. If you say something like that for the first time, it makes you feel uncomfortable to stay later. It's easy to open everything like this from the beginning.

“This is gonna be fun!”

At the words of the poem, the poet always lay down on the left edge where he was lying, with a happy expression on his face. As it turned out, the remaining position was naturally the right position of the poem.

“Come on, lie down. I have to get up early tomorrow so I want to go to bed early. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

The poem said as the eggs were a little reluctant. Then the egg closed its eyes and lay beside the poem. He was wearing panties outside, panties that were completely attached to his body, and eggs were wearing thin slips that he had given him. In addition, the narrow bed brings the arms of the poem into contact with the egg.

Since I had never tried this kind of skinship with a man, the eggs jumped like my chest was bursting, and I pretended to be red but not hurt. A princess is like this. It's basic.

“Here we go.”

The poem turned off the night stand on the table. The room bites with darkness.

Aru hugged the poem and asked me to sleep, but I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes because I was working in a cafe all day. By comparison, the eggs were small and new, so I could not sleep easily. I kept looking over and over, but I couldn't tell how much time had passed.

The poem and aru hear regular breathing sounds to make sure they are asleep.

“Mmmm, brother……. ”

Aru slept low, whether he was dreaming about the poetry while sleeping.

“Phew... ”

The egg that had been spinning for more than an hour tried to get up because it might have been a night breeze for a while. But at that moment, the poem hugged him.


A startled disturbance lowers the scream of a single word.

“Hmm, Aruya.... ”

The poem seemed to have embraced himself as an Aru. I was going to sprinkle it right away, but when the poem woke up, I felt embarrassed and I couldn't do it.

Whether the poem hugged itself or not, I was so close to it that I could clearly hear the faint sound of breathing, even one by one. When I embraced the warm poem, I naturally recalled the sex I had with Aru earlier. I can't breathe.

In fact, I didn't feel anything about the situation, and I wasn't just more or less to help, but I was a little jealous after seeing him having sex with Aru earlier. However, I had no idea that I wanted to have sex with the poem at all, but I didn't think it was so bad to hold her like this.

“Mmmm... Aruya... ”

“Oh, my. ”

However, the hand of the poet, who was just hugging him, began to rub his chest. I only felt close to my body until I hugged her, but I was very embarrassed when I rubbed my chest like this.

The egg squeezes the hand of the poet as if it was rubbing against his chest, then it grabs him and pushes him aside. I listened carefully to the situation in case he woke up, but I still let out a regular breath.

I couldn't say anything about it being touched unconsciously because I would be angry if I touched it openly. Moreover, when he thought about his relationship with the poem that he should continue to live with, he said that he touched his heart unconsciously.

“Woof…. ”

This time, it seemed like the poem turned and hugged Aru, whether it was because he had moved his arm. Sleeping habits are worse than I thought.

“Ahh... ”

Tomorrow, I thought I should tell her to sleep on the couch or put another bed next to me, and she fell asleep.

“Haha... ”

“Ahh... ”

The eggs shake slightly, and the low groaning sounds somewhere wake him up without him even knowing it. The room was filled with cloudy sunlight just after sunrise. I felt like I was getting sucked into bed because I couldn't sleep well or because my eyes were numb and tired.

“Brother……. Ugh... ”

Since I just woke up, my brain was spinning slowly, and I couldn't figure out the situation well, the disturbance caused me to wake up to the groaning of the aru. And I knew what was going on right now.

The poem and aru knew that they were sleeping and were having sex next to each other. I bet you had sex twice last night and then again at dawn. The eggs were too embarrassing. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep just in case I was caught.

The poem waved gently at the waist because it was cautious, but I felt all the movement with the bed, and when the bed was narrow, the poem and flesh were slightly touching each other.


Soon after, the movement stopped to see if the situation had happened, and I heard a hissing sound this time.

“Brother, the semen is delicious. I think I just ate sweet gummy bears. ”


The egg is trying not to get caught standing up stiff and tense, but the moment it hears Aru's words, it almost screams without its knowledge. Semen means the offspring of a man who makes babies and eats them! It was something that the princess eggs could never have imagined.

“Brother. Kiss. ”

“Come here.”

This time, whether he was actually kissing, his lips touched, and the sound of tongues and tongues tangled into the ears of the egg. Why do you only have sex all day long? I don't know if all the people in the world are special or not, but somehow I sigh.

“Let's go wash up. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

The poem and aru get up from the bed and go down to the first floor.

“Ahh... ”

The egg opened its eyes and looked over and saw that there was no poetry. Then it sighed deeply. I didn't understand why I was confident in doing such sexual acts at all. I have a relationship with the poem to complain about, and it's uncomfortable to stay... Yesterday, when I saw the poem and aru having sex for a while, I first masturbated, but it was only a momentary impulse. I never wanted to do such a dirty thing again.

After thinking about it for a long time, the egg suddenly fell asleep again.

“Wake up, Suran. ”

“Hmmm... ”

When someone shakes their body, the egg forcefully raises its perforated eyelid and looks around. The poem came and woke him up. However, I wasn't only wearing pants that stick together like yesterday and reveal my penis, but I was wearing something new for the first time in my life.

“You have to eat. ”

“Yes……. ”

The eggs rub their eyes and remove the duvet with their feet. However, as I slept, my vagina and belly button were revealed whether the slip had dried up. The egg rubs its eyes and wakes up, but you don't seem to know that your vagina is now exposed to hostility.

The poem went straight through a golden conspiracy and a flower shaped phoneme. Typical Korean women often had dark brown or black nipples, and were purely noisy brown or dark red. But the eggs had a completely pink noise sequence, whether the genes were different or not. Pink noises that are perfect for bright, fine skin tones with no discoloration in extreme purity. Every man had such beautiful colors and shapes that he dreamed of.

“Surah, I can see you all the way down here. ”

After observing the situation thoroughly, Slip told me that the eggs seemed to be regaining consciousness.


I couldn't understand the words of the poem because I was still awake. I stared at my lower part with a blank expression.

“Yum, yum! ”

Then, he was startled, screaming and quickly lowering his slip. I was careful that something like this would happen, but I was too careful to wake up. However, even though he saw his precious genital organs, the poem was expressing no different than when he saw Aru's genital organs. A strange humiliation and defeat arose while being shy.

In the Rho Heim Empire, there are a number of knights and nobles who proposed to themselves, and a number of men who wanted to kiss the back of their feet. However, unlike such men, the poem did not seem to feel any rational feelings towards himself.

“We've got dinner ready. Come down.”

Even after seeing her precious genital organs, she was slightly hurt by the prince princess' appearance of acting as if it was nothing. The feeling of anger fills my heart. If it were the Roh Heim Empire, it would be unimaginable.

It was a similar situation to that of a rich woman who often came out of cartoon material or novel material against a man who hit her on the head. But this was not a crush, but a different part about feeling anger, but it was similar in that it attracted attention.

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