
“Then let's open the shop and go home when we're done. ”

“Yes, I can help you. ”

“No, praise is resting. I worked late last night, but it's hard. ”

The poem said, touching the hand of praise.

“I'm fine. Brother.”

Hyunju stared at his lips slightly in the same conversation as his lovers. I had a feeling I didn't know what it was. Until then, I was so happy that the fact that the poem touches me did not care about who the poem was with and I did not even think that I was interested. I gave up dating my boyfriend a long time ago anyway. But I was blessed just by giving myself confidence as a woman and teaching myself to feel love for reason. That's why I thought that no matter who the poem was dating, he should not interfere with it and feel bad.

But human beings naturally wanted more and more stimulation. When I became deeply related to the poem and I had feelings of love, I had a desire to date the poem. That's why when I talked like a lover, I felt a little jealous and jealous. However, if praise was true, I could not express that I was a little jealous because I was like a concubine.

“I'm sorry. I let you work in a café. Just doing the hard work. ”

“No, brother. Cafe work is fun, too. ”

The poem talked to Chan and examined his reaction. Since he is a native introverted child, he does not express his emotions well, but when he shows himself talking like a compliment and a lover, he can see that he is making a jealous face.

This should be enough.

As soon as Albanian got there, he opened the shop. The 10 o'clock was not the time to catch the workers coming to work, but the cafe was packed immediately.

I always felt a lack of store size, but I couldn't expand easily due to the ambiguity of the situation or time. After running for a few more months, I planned to make a cafe in Seoul a little bigger.

“Hyun-joo, I'm too busy to come to the cafe today. You can take shifts later when compliments come. Okay?"

“Is something wrong? ”

“I have something to prepare for today's broadcast. ”

“I see. Don't worry about the cafe. And I'll be sure to watch it later. Brother.”

“Thank you.”

The poem smiled and said, Hyunju smiled nonchalantly.

“Thank you, Hyun-joo. Then we'll go. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

The hymn stood quietly next to the poem, and he took the poem out of the cafe. Then we ride on a bicycle in front of the cafe and leave with the poem in our arms.

There was a slight wrinkle on Hyundai's forehead when he saw it.

“Sis, Sis. I don't get the vibe with the barista this afternoon. ”

Chorong, who continued to pay attention to the compliment, spoke to Hyunju. In a woman's intuition, she was more than just a coworker.

“Is that so…. ”

I didn't know it was Hyunju.

“Sis, I might lose you to him if I do this. My barista compliments. She's really good-looking and pretty. So you have to be more active in appealing to the boss. ”

“Appeal? How? ”

Hyunju asked her.

“She just said that you can kiss her first, or touch her breasts, rather than expect her to do anything. ”

“Hey, this is……. How can I say that...... ”

He blushed because he was ashamed of the coarse conch. He did all kinds of lewd things when he was having sex, but he never used to say that because he was ashamed.

“Sis, I love how men touch women's breasts. If you let me touch your breasts when you're just angry, you'll get angry quickly. My sister has big breasts, so I'm sure she'll like it more. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

Hyunju listened carefully to the words of Conch. I was able to have sex with the poem because I changed my clothes and style according to Sora's advice in some ways. If it had been the same outfit and style as before, it would have been impossible to have sex with the poet. Maybe the moment I got caught sucking my dick, I was fired and taken to the police station.

Hyunju listened diligently to the love affair of Conch while shining his eyes.

“Is he in the house? ”

“Oh, the eggs? Yeah, he's with Aru right now. ”

The compliment carefully asked as I entered the entrance of the officetel building and waited for the elevator. Even though Aru and the poem did everything they did, it didn't matter that there was a woman from a foreign country named Eggplant, but I wanted to check on her.

I took the elevator to the seventh floor and immediately pressed the door lock password to enter the house.

“Ah! It's my brother. ”

Then Aru, who was sitting on the couch watching the drama, came running to the poet with a happy voice. Then he rubs his face against his chest. Like a puppy waiting for its master, love flows through the seasons.

“Aruya, hi. ”

“Praise be to you. Hello."

As the hymn greets, Aru falls away from the poem and politely bows. Manners are different.

Aru was not the naughty camisole the poem wore yesterday, but his usual tee and shorts. However, the nipples protruded slightly because I did not wear a brassiere, and the shorts were so short that they looked quite sexy, but they were very healthy compared to the camisoles worn at dawn yesterday.

Chan looked around the house and found a woman sitting on the couch looking at a book. Beautiful black hair came to my waist, but I felt a strange exotic beauty. She was also an amazing beauty who thought she was prettier than herself.

“Suran, say hello. Praise be to my girlfriend. ”

The poem went to the egg sitting on the sofa in the living room and introduced the compliment. Then the egg covers the book and glances at the compliment.

“Oh, hello. Im Soo-ran, I've heard a lot about you. ”

The egg greets Praise skillfully.

“Yes, compliments. ”

Chanting glances at the spawning. It's about exploring who people are. The stirrups were also wearing shorts in ordinary teas like Aru. Whether they wore a brassiere or panties, the teats had nipples on them, and the sticky pants were dug into the cracked labyrinth, resulting in commonly said axe marks.

His face frowns slightly. When I heard that I was from a foreign country, it seemed too sexually open. No, maybe I didn't feel so good when I thought I could wear something like that to get the attention of the poet.

“You're a bigger sister than I am, so make yourself comfortable. ”

“Oh, yes. I will.”

The attachment was not bad. Rather, I was more concerned about this addictive personality. That's how close I'll be to the Pope. No matter how broad-minded he was, he didn't want to create a woman who had a deep relationship with the situation other than Aru and Yumi.

“Sister, let me give you something delicious. Sit on the couch.”

“Yes, thank you. ”

In Aru's words, the hymn sat on the couch, and the poem sat next to the hymn. Then the egg sits next to the poem.

Chan examines the troublemakers.

“Praise be to God, I do cartoons. Susie's agreed to help me with that. ”

“Are you a good sketch artist? ”

Chan said as he watched the eggs.

“One of the things I'm confident about is painting. ”

“Oh, really? ”


Compliments of the spawn nod. I knew a woman from a foreign country was just wasting her time living with her, but I guess not.

“Take this. Eat eggs, too. ”

Aru brought a snack from Quezron's castle and placed it on the table.

“Oh, and there's a demonstration of working at night? He's gonna help me paint, too. I'm trying to be a little more thorough. ”

“A demonstration? So you can save one more part-time student? ”

“Yes, I do. ”

Chan had a slightly alarming look on his face, but I was fortunate that Café Quezron's monthly turnover was over KRW 40 million, so even if the cartoons didn't go well, it wouldn't be a problem with money. It's just that the words of the poem seem a little heavy, and I thought I should pay more attention to that part. There is no money.

“Are you going to keep her here? ”

“Yes, my parents told me to. I want to be alone, but I can't help it. ”

SooRo was good at acting. I've worked hard for so long that I'm only a little bit like a layman, and that's a very naive and pure layman, whereas the eggs lie and talk so skillfully. I didn't even know if he was lying because of the change in his face.

“Is it Yumi's day off? ”

“Yes, Saturday is a day off. ”

“Yes? When I was on vacation, I was in school until past 5: 00, and I went every Saturday.... I'm so comfortable these days. ”

“If you think about your age, it's almost 10 years old. ”

“Really? Haha. ”

After the poem had a pleasant conversation with her, she opened the book covered without much concern and began to read. While praising the poem, I was able to carefully examine the appearance of the disturbance and have my own confidence that the poem did not have much interest.

“Then I should call Yumi. ”

The poem called Yumi. The tone goes long.

[Are you calling to see me?]

[Haha. Okay. I called to see Yumi.]


Yumi smiles comfortably at the words of the poem.

[Where are you?]

[Reading room now. I have to study hard to go to college in Seoul with you!]

I'm sorry, can you come to my house now?]

[Your house? I want to go... I have friends...]

Yumi hesitated a little. I wanted to go to the poem's house right away because I felt like it, but I was having a little trouble studying in the reading room with my friends.

[It's a bit urgent.]


[Yes. That's...]

The poem told Yumi about the rumors on the Internet.

Are you serious? Wow, that sucks.]

Yumi was angry at the words of the poem and said. Recently, after studying the poem a little more prominently, I didn't know that this had happened. It was already past the mid-July until the 100th, so I couldn't help but study because it was only a few days away.

[That's why I want you to come. I have an explanation.]

[Okay, I'll be right there.]

Yummi hangs up the phone, speaking in a furious voice.

“What are you going to do? ”

Chan said to the poet with worry. While watching the celebrity rumors, Praise knew that such gossip could not be easily suppressed.

“I'm going to hang out with Aru on the air today. ”


The praise of the poem shocked me, and I didn't think what to say. You're not dating Yumi, you're dating Aru. No, that's the second thing. I've already had a headache about what happens when I say that to Yumi.

“Why Aru? Wouldn't you rather be with Yumi? ”

“But it's true. That doesn't make it an issue. And Yumi would take it easy on me and Aru because she knows we're best friends. ”

“Ah……. I see.”

Thinking about it, Yumi didn't know that the situation and Aru were not her brothers and sisters yet. If so, Yummi might surprisingly give her permission.

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