“My name is Hwang Ji-young. You saved me back there. Do you remember?"

“Ah. Earlier... ”

Of course, I remembered, but I couldn't find any connection between saving her and why she should be naked.

“Then why am I naked.... ”

The poem that was speaking was blurry or embarrassed.

“I got all my clothes soaked in blood. I tried to keep my panties on, but there was blood in them, so I couldn't help it. ”

“Until then, I understand, but all of a sudden, you do that, Fe, Fe, Pelazio……. ”

I was going to say I sucked it at first, but it sounded like a vulgar word, so I said Pelaccio, but I was too ashamed to say it, so I stuttered a few times.

“Oh, you seduced me first. I can't just keep rubbing peppers on my thighs touching my chest. ”

In fact, the poem knew if it was breasts or not. However, after a mild concussion, my thinking and reasoning skills decreased, and I kept touching it to make it look real, but I didn't think it would come back as a good result. On the contrary, it could have been caught for sexual harassment, so it could have been a trembling moment. I thought I should be more careful from now on.

“I'm sorry. ”

“It's for saving me. If Mr. Pope hadn't helped me, I would have been raped. ”

Jiyoung stroked the heart of the poem while speaking. I gently tickled the nipples of the poem with my fingers that no one had ever touched, but the poem was so frustrated by the thrill that I had never felt before.

“Aren't you going to the police? ”

The poem speeds up the conversation to calm the excitement and examines her profile.

[Hwang Ji-young]

[Age: 29]

[Birthday: September 30]

[Height: 168cm]

[Weight: 46kg]

[Chest size 70B]

[Number of sex: 644 times]

[Pregnancy Status: No]

It was a lot of sex. Suddenly I understood why Pelacio was so good.

“Maybe it's okay now. He's a big guy. He's very shy. ”

I was awful just thinking about what happened earlier. What if something had gone wrong and died? Of course, thanks to his courage, he saved Jiyoung and received Pelazio as a reward, but if he had been badly hurt or died, he would have been no more than a thousand or less.

“Are your eyes okay? ”

The poem spoke to Jiyoung and pulled his butt back. Even though I had just begun to reason, I was lying in the same bed with Jiyoung, and my nipple was revealed in the mesh because of the naughty slips, and Jiyoung kept patting her breast with her nipples.

“My eyes are fine, but I think the Pope's alter ego is angry again. ”

Jiyoung grabbed the penis of the poem with her hands.

The poem trembled as I felt an exhilarating sensation even though I was only caught with my penis.

“Now, I'm going to go to the bathroom. ”

I thought I'd give you another Pelazio, but that's the idea, and I didn't have the courage to grow up. I was so ashamed of the situation that I tried to run to the bathroom to calm my excitement.

“You haven't had sex, right? ”


The situation shocked me when I said something unexpected.

“I saw a book in my bag about women. That's a lot of people who don't usually get girlfriends. ”

“So... Yes.”

I thought I'd lied about the poem, but I didn't think I could fool her with sharp eyes. I felt ashamed and wanted to hide in a rat hole.

“Are you sympathetic? Have you kissed her? ”

Jiyoung asked explicitly. And I didn't forget to stroke the chest of the poem.

“I haven't.”

“Do you want to have sex with me? ”

“What the……. ”

“Just think of it as a reward. ”

“I, I, I, I don't know? ”

I really wanted to drive him crazy, but something was a little awkward. Not that Ji-young felt bad about 644 sex times, but I was reluctant to leave Eun-ji behind first. Eun-si would never think that, but the poem felt like she was betraying Eun-si.

Not long ago, all I could think about was wanting to have sex with any real woman, but I was reluctant when I got the chance.

“Do you like someone? ”

“I'm not sure. I think I like it. ”

I didn't really know the feeling of liking the poem. It's not because I was overwhelmed by emotions. After living for 26 years, I wanted to have sex at some point when I saw a little pretty or cute woman, and the moment I saw Eun, I was the first to have sexual imagination. And the first woman I ever kissed was Eun-ji, so I vaguely thought that I would have sex with Eun-ji. I did not know for myself whether it was because I liked it or whether I only wanted the body of the virgin Eunji.

“Then you're right. The feeling of liking is not as grand as I thought. If you're attracted to it, that's enough. Unfortunately, there are many people in the world who don't even have that kind of attraction. ”

I felt 644 years of sex. The relationship between men and women seemed to know with my eyes closed.

“You know very well. ”

The poem was impressed.

“It's not like I like it or have sex. Just think of it as play. You don't have to put too much meaning into sex. And when you have sex, you get to know women. I'll teach you well. ”

Ji-young took off her slip, threw her out of bed, and became close to the poem. A B-cup chest pressed against the arm of the poem, and the nipple protruding from the middle of the chest felt vivid.


The poem exclaims urgently, wrapping its head around it.

“Oh, are you okay? ”

Jiyoung was embarrassed because she thought she had a headache.

“This is all a dream, right? I can't be so lucky. Do you think it's possible to save a passing woman and have sex in return? I haven't spoken to a woman in 26 years, and it's weird that she's having sex all of a sudden. Plus, it doesn't make sense for me to be ugly and involved with a good-looking, beautiful woman like you. Haha. Of course. Hahaha.”

“That's not true. ”

Jiyoung buries the face of the poem into her chest and strokes her head.

“The world is not that simple. Reality is more coincidence and miracles than fiction. If a poor man tore his life apart with a lottery ticket, he dug the ground up and made billions of dollars. But this is not a coincidence. He saved me from that situation. It didn't happen by accident without context. He protected me with his courage, and I was drawn to it. ”

Jiyoung spoke like her mother reading a fairy tale book. As he gently followed the poem with a beautiful aesthetic, he felt the confused heart calming down.

Normal people would say, "Shouldn't we eat women first in this situation?" But the situation was a little different. I never thought something like this would happen to me. I was incredibly happy for a few days, and when I kept seeing things like novels, I felt great anxiety. I was afraid it would all disappear like a mirage. I didn't want to lose hope for this happiness.

“Is that so?”

Jiyoung hugged him so lovingly that she looked at him with a full face and kissed him lightly.

“Is this your first time kissing? ”

“Well, that's ……. ”

Although I was forced to, I couldn't answer because I kissed Eunji once.

“Huh? Have you kissed her? ”

Jiyoung noticed that she had kissed the poem and licked its lips with her tongue. However, when the poem was dumbfounded without any reaction, he laughed.

“You have to open your mouth to kiss. ”

Jiyoung said, as soon as the poem with a little red face opened its mouth, Jiyoung immediately covered the lip of the poem and stuck her tongue in. Saliva and saliva are mixed and tongues and tongues intersect. Jiyoung's kiss was proficient. I licked my lips, gums, and the back of my tongue thoroughly and bit my tongue lightly. I just kissed him, but the poem seemed to melt away.

Jiyoung then licked the scrotum's nipple. Earlier, I felt an exhilaration when I touched her with my hand, but when I licked it with my tongue with my teeth, the poem sighed a bitter breath without knowing it.

The poem could not help but lay Jiyoung on the bed and sucked his chest and nipples frantically.

“It hurts. A woman's body is sensitive, so you need to be gentle and loving. Okay?”

Hearing Jiyoung's words, Jiyoung realized that she was too eager to fulfill only her own desires, and reflected deeply. After calming my mind a little, I licked my chest and nipples with all my strength, and my nipples began to get harder.

“You're doing great. Now take off your panties. ”

The poem, who had been sucking on his chest for a long time, began to remove his black panties with trembling hands at Jiyoung's words. The drool has been swallowed. As the panties went down, a tidy, dark forest appeared. When I saw Japanese ferocity, I usually did not touch the conspiracy because it was dirty everywhere, while Jiyoung's conspiracy was very clean like waxing or Western ferocity.

After taking off the panties, Jiyoung opened Dara so that the poem could see well, and the poem looked at Jiyoung's vagina with an impressive face. When I opened the labyrinth with my finger, a dark red noise was revealed. There was no clean taste at all, but it was not bad because it felt colorful.

Ji-young was also spilling baby fluids. As a clear, sticky liquid flowed through his buttocks, the poem licked the liquid with his tongue. Then he licked the labyrinth and the labyrinth and tasted the smell. Fortunately, the smell of bongfish didn't bore me. I thought I had showered before, but it smelled like a thick body wash.

When I licked the labyrinth and the labyrinth with all my heart, the clitoris began to reveal.

“Here……. ”

Jiyoung said, revealing the clitoris completely with her own hands. It seemed like an expression to ask for a lick. The poem that felt so beautiful began to sound rough breathing in Jiyoung's mouth as she teased her tongue as she tickled the clitoris. It wasn't snoring like in the wild, but I could see Jiyoung was quite excited by the sound of her breath.

“Now put it in. ”

Jiyoung said, the poem shook my heart. At last, I felt overwhelmed by the thought of compassion. In preparation for this day, hundreds of vagrants confirmed the location of the vagina, the entrance to the penis.

In case you were wondering, I stuttered my hand to check the location of the vagina and carefully inserted the penis.

“Ah……. ”

Since the penis of the poem was already covered with Cooper fluid and Jiyoung was also filled with mourning, it was not difficult to put the beans into the hole. However, I thought it was going to slip, but I suddenly felt a slight resistance, so I carefully pushed my lower back in case Jiyoung was sick.

The warmth of the vagina surrounding the entire penis was equally exhilarating compared to the hundreds of masturbations so far. I closed my eyes and moved my lower back to feel the warmth of Jiyoung. At first, the vagina felt a little stiff, relaxed, and smoothly wrapped around the penis.

“Ah……. Ah……. ”

The poem felt so good that he groaned without even knowing it. Surprisingly, whenever the pope pistoned, Jiyoung's vagina constricted and pressed the pope's penis more gently. The poem moved by itself. Every time I moved my penis in the slippery qualities of the ground, the excitement came like tidal waves and I couldn't stop.

Jiyoung kissed the poem with her hand. The poem that embraced Jiyoung teased Jiyoung's mouth, teased Jiyoung's mouth, and constantly waved her waist and teased Jiyoung's lower mouth with her penis.

“Cheap, I think it will. ”

A huge emotion came to light. At this rate, the poem tried to pull out the penis quickly, but Jiyoung's legs were wrapped like snakes so that the poem could not pull out the penis.


With a short groan, the poem shot semen into Jiyoung's uterus. I spent a lot of semen these days because of my work with Eunji, so the sheep themselves were not that much.

“Ha, ha……. ”

The brow of the poem was sweating how hard he moved his lower back.

I felt a sudden loss of lust for two reasons, but I learned in writing that the more I kissed women and had to enjoy the afterlife.

The poem hugged Jiyoung and kissed her lightly. I licked Jiyoung's lips, gums, teeth and tongue diligently with my tongue a few times after doing it for the first time.

“Oh, you're doing great. ”

Jiyoung grabbed the poem tightly as if it were magnificent.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

Have a nice day.

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