
“Oh, really? Then sit on the couch and play with Aru. I'll get to work. ”

“Hing, play with me. Brother.”

Yumi waves her arm. The reason you're going home so late is because you want to hang out with the poet, and you don't even know it, and you're surprised at Aru!

“I have to work... ”

“Oww, brother……. ”

Yummi says with a deaf snore, and the poem laughs. I had to take a look at the opinions about Aru on the Internet right now and collect data from the bad actors, but Yumi couldn't help but flirt with it.

“Got it.”

“Oh, yes.”

Yummi smiled and said with a happy expression. Thinking about it, it took a little time for the Aru reaction to occur, and it didn't matter if I gathered the data on the complaint on Sunday or tomorrow.

Yumi and Aru sit next to each other as the poet sits on the couch. The so-called flower of both hands. Yumi's face is a little farther than the aru, but her eyes are so pretty that her eyes are sparkling. Since I was still in high school and didn't wear makeup at all, the beauty itself was a bit lacking, but I was more inviting and full of greedy feeling.

“Yumi, how's your studying going? ”

“It's hard. I study in the library all the time. But I have about 100 days left to complete my qualifications, so I have to work hard. ”

Yummi said as if he was tired just hearing the poem. When I was in high school, Yumi who had a college sister in consideration thought she would be upset because she had never studied proficiency at all but played with it.

“Yumi, where do you want to go to college? ”

“You look just like your brother. ”

Yumi replied as if it were natural.

“Are you going to Seoul University? ”

“Ze, really? Well, that's hard. ”

Yumi was embarrassed when the poem said with a slight smile. At present, even the middle class universities in Seoul were held hostage, but it was not natural for them to go to Seoul University.

“Well, do you? ”

Yumi said that the pope stroked his chin. Actually, going to Seoul University was a bit of a joke. I didn't have that level of grades yet, and I wondered if I could improve my grades by studying for only 2-3 hours a day. But even if it wasn't Seoul University, I had to go to Seoul University. That way the next plan will proceed. To do that, Yumi also has to go to a university in Seoul.

“Hey, I'll work hard. Do you know? Haha... ”

“I'm kidding. I'm kidding. My brother's aim is to go to college in Seoul. ”

“Oh, really? Oh, thank God. If I try, I can go to a university in Seoul, so I'll study really hard in the future. ”

Yumi said, the poem stroked his head. Although the prognosis seemed to have changed a bit, it was a good thing to study hard, and we had to go to Seoul together. That's why I think we need to give Yumi a little help.

“Hold on. I'm going to the bathroom. ”


The poem went to the bathroom, locked the door, and summoned Kesron's door. A door made of luxurious wood appears opaque and opens the door with a handle.

“It's Koontz.”

The poem that came into the library immediately found Cornes.

“Yes, Pope. ”

“Do you have any tea that clears your head? Helps with studying. ”

“Of course.”

According to the poem, Konz took a jar of tea out of his pocket and gave it to the poet.

[Roomer car. Tea with a nice aroma and sweet taste. Roommer Leaf is a great help for students studying because it clears their hair and improves their memory.]

This was a very helpful car for the poem.

“Can I have another one? ”


Konz pulls out another can of the same tea from his pocket. After taking two, the poem returned to the officetel's bathroom. Yumi was talking to Aru when she put the car in the subspace and left the bathroom.

The poem pretended to get the car out of the kitchen, being careful not to be seen by Yumi. Even though it was annoying, I always had to be careful because I could be greatly troubled if I discovered this magical ability for ordinary people like Yumi. I don't know where the human heart really comes from.

“Yumi, drink this tea. ”

The poet sits on the couch handing Yumi a barrel of Roommer's car.

“What is this? ”

Yumi, who has a round barrel, tilts her head.

“Boil it and drink it, and your hair will clear up and your memory will improve. It'll help you study. ”

“Really? Thank you. I'll study hard with this and go to college with you! ”

Yummi looked curiously at the poem and said while looking at the car. Until now, Yumi looked very excited because there was nothing bad about what the poem had given her. There were a lot of cars that said they had that effect on the market, but the car the pope gave was definitely different from that crude one.

“Yes, I'm going to college with my brother. ”

I am glad to see Yumi who likes taking tea.


The poem's phone on the table vibrated, and the name Kang Su-jin came to mind on the screen.

“Hey, is that Kang Su-jin? ”

Yumi looks at the poem's phone and says in surprise.

“Oh, yeah. Yeah, hold on. I need to take a call. ”

“Wow, you're amazing. You're just in touch with a real hard-ass. ”

Yumi is amazed. I knew she had met a frustrated and depressed person, but I didn't know she was even calling me at this rate. Ordinary people will be jealous, but I'm just amazed that famous celebrities like Kang So-jin won't be dating anyways.


[Good morning, Mr. Pope.]

[Yes, hello.]

[Oh, aren't you talking too awkward between us?]

[Haha. Is that so? So that's what this is about, so you don't mind half the time?]

The poem laughed at Sojin's words and said. Unlike silver, exhaustion was quite simple and cohesive. Then, I didn't give any celebrity teas and I liked her quite a lot. In TV dramas, it is surprising that Kang Sojin is very disliked and Jung Eun Bee is completely liked, but the actual personality is the opposite.

[Then I won't call you the Pope, I'll call you the brother.]

The poem says, "Exhaustion is revenge." When strangers heard it, they mistakenly thought they were talking to each other.

[I'm impressed to hear that someone as famous as Sojin is my brother.]

[You must be more famous than me.]

[I'm kidding, but why did you call?]

[I just called to say I watched the show today. The more I listened to him, the more I was amazed. Are you sure you don't want to be on Star M?]

Sojin kept telling the pope how sad it would be to be on Star M's birthday. It was because the situation was too poor to just broadcast on the internet.

[Cafe work is busy and I have to study.]

[Oh, that's too bad. But are you really going to sue all the bad guys?]

[Yes, I do.]

[But wouldn't it be a little awkward if you sued? I'm also a dislike character in the drama, so I get a lot of bad reactions. But if you say something like that for no reason, you can't do anything because the Internet is going crazy.]

He said as if he was a little worried.

[It's okay. I don't have an image to carve out for me. And those bad guys need to set an example.]

[I'm a little worried, but I wish you all the best.]

[Yes, thank you.]

After that, I had a little more small talk and hung up. I only met him once, but I got to know him a little bit on the phone, so I got to know him. The old poem would have been trembling at the existence of consumption and could not even say the half word, but it was no longer that childhood.

“Wow, are you having a hard time with that half-talk? Awesome. Take my autograph. Brother.”

“Sign? I'll take it when I see you next time. ”

“Wow, this is amazing. I can't believe you're so hardworking and friendly. ”

Yumi was amazed at how curious she was.

This was the reaction of ordinary people. In a broad sense, it was only human society that became greater than others for the reason that everyone knew and was famous.

However, rather than admiring such celebrities, the poem was full of thoughts about how to get close and have relationships. Having sex with celebrities can give you good experience.

In this situation, I was more likely to have sex because I was more intense and intimate than I am, but I don't know what the world is going to be like.

While playing with Yumi, Yumi and Yumi took the car around 11 o'clock and went to the cafe to help finish the celebration. Normally, he would have just gotten on his bike, but today there was a Yumi, and he took a car not too long ago.

After closing the cafe, the poem burns praise and yumi and drives them to the front of the house.

“Hey, that was fun today. ”

“Thank you, brother. ”

“Yes. Now go home. Everyone's had a hard day. ”

Yumi and Chan, who got out of the car, went down together and told the poet who was escorting him.

“Sis, I have something to do with you, so go ahead. ”

“You will? ”

“Oh, there's something like that. Go inside quickly.”

Yummi, who thought he would go home with him, suddenly said he had something to do.

“Then come in quickly. You're worried about her.”

“Got it.”

The compliment I told Yumi first went into the house.

“Brother, let's get back in the car. ”

“Yes? Why? ”

“Come on, come on. I don't have time."

Yumi pushed the poem into the driver's seat and herself into the passenger seat. Apart from the prominent streetlights, there was not much light on the street, and the car was also full of darkness.

But even in that darkness, I can see Yumi's face is grey.

“Brother……. Please... ”

Yumi said, shy. It was an awkward sentence with no purpose. I had the courage to say the word "kiss."

“Got it.”

The poem pulled Yumi and kissed her. After a short kiss, Yumi's short breath sounds vivid to my ears.

Yumi's soft lips and the sound of rough breathing caused the penis to swell all at once. Thanks to the enormous 14 points invested in vitality, this simple kiss will give you erection all at once.

A lewd sound fills the car, intertwined with tongue and tongue. She used to be ashamed of just kissing her lips, but now she uses her tongue well with a continuous kiss, and even touching her chest during the kiss did not reject her at all.

“Brother, I have to go now. ”

Yumi, who was kissing for a long time, fell out of the situation with a sad face. Nevertheless, his hand was still touching Yummi's chest and thighs. Since it's summer, Yumi's teas and trousers are short, so it's easy to touch because they have good exposure.


“W-well, stop touching it. Shame on you.”

Yumi said that, but he didn't just push the hand of the poet away, just blushing his face.

“Feels good to touch Yumi. ”

“Boo, I'm ashamed.... ”

Yumi's eyes were shy of what the poem said, and I noticed her panties. I feel good but very embarrassed to touch my chest and thighs and think my penis has grown like that.

The poem calls while he decides to put his hand inside the brassiere and touch Yumi's breasts.

“Oh, it's me. Brother, wait a minute."

Yumi picks up her phone right away from her pocket. I wanted to touch Yumi's body more, but I got a phone call from her parents, so the poem took his hands off Yumi's body.

“Yes. We're almost there. Don't worry. ”

He seemed worried that Yumi would be late. Yumi hung up on me for a moment and sighed of relief.

“Brother, I'm going now. ”

“Yes, Yumi. Come by the cafe once in a while. ”

“Yes, I'll be there. ”

Finally, Yumi, who lightly kissed the man's mouth, opened the car door and ran into the house. After Yumi checked through the front door, she drove back to her officetel.

On the couch, Aroo was watching the TV, and the egg sitting next to him was looking at the book.

It was only a short fall, but Aru rushed to hug the poem to see if he was happy.

“Isn't this a monogamous place? ”

After hugging Aru and sitting on the couch, the egg watched the situation and said.

“Yeah, that's right. Why?”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Have a nice day!

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