
“I don't know. ”

I didn't have anything to say about how to be loved by men because it had nothing to do with me.

“Come in now. ”

Suddenly, the door opened and I heard the voice of the poem. The egg that heard the voice of the poem instinctively covered his chest with his hands.

“Let's go, SooRo. ”

Aru grabs the spawn's hand and enters the door.

“Phew…. ”

Out of the mouth of the egg, I was amazed. This place was as gorgeous and large as the bathhouses in its castle. Surprisingly, the floor was soft and warm and beautifully decorated with gold and jewels.

“Come in.”

Already in the Elvish bath, the poem told Aruwa Suran.

“Oh, yes. ”

The egg covers its chest with its hands and carefully enters the bag. It is a bath of very appropriate temperatures that makes the body slim, neither too hot nor too warm.

“Ahh... ”

I feel good about my nakedness. I can feel the groaning in my mouth.

The eggs sat slightly away from the poem, but the water was so clear that the penis of the poem was clearly visible under a continuous wave. I avoided my eyes because I still couldn't adapt to seeing that man's penis naturally.


But Aru hugs and kisses like before. Tongues and tongues curl up and down, and the poem's hands grope the chest of the aru.

I know we love each other, but I wish we could be more restrained.

The eggs understood the world roughly through books, but there were many things that did not reach goodwill because they had not been directly roughed up. Carny planes, that sort of thing. I don't understand how it works on its own without any magical devices.

Whether the poem and Aru were embarrassed or not, the eggs were forced to be summoned to Toleiman to think about what to do next. It was not particularly anxious, but it was a bit of a problem that I couldn't see where the end was. Maybe I should settle down in this world forever, but I didn't think it was that bad. Maybe it's better?

“Brat, let's go wash up. ”

The poem and Aru woke up from the bath to make sure they did everything. However, he even caressed Aru, but his penis was erected with enormous strength because he could not insert it into his vagina and explain it.

“Oh, yes. ”

After a glimpse of the poem's large penis, the egg turns its head and answers.

When the eggs came out of the bath, the poem taught me how to use shampoo and body cleanser, and then washed the aru myself.

While the poem and aru were washing each other, the eggs were shampooed with a slightly curious expression, washed their hair and lathered onto the body by rubbing the body cleanser. I secretly feel good because I smell nice.

When I turn on the shower and soak myself in warm water, my body feels refreshed as well.

“Ah……. ”

I was enjoying the good mood, but I heard the hissing and low moaning of the poem. As the egg glances aside, Aru sucks the penis of the kneeling poet.

The egg's face turns red like it couldn't burst at once. I've never seen a woman suck a man's dick before. It seemed to make him feel even weirder by looking so lewd.

“Ahh... ”

I kept thinking about the eggs and soaked myself in the warm water coming out of the shower. You should be familiar with the poetry and that sex act of Aru, but it's too hard to get used to it. It's not that I don't understand, but I'm not ashamed of it.

“Ugh... I'll be cheap.”

Fortunately, the act seemed to be over. The egg glances at you. I was curious and couldn't help but see.

There, Aru swiftly rubs the penis of the poem with his right hand and sticks out his tongue and holds it to the yogurt. The moment I thought the penis of the poem was inflated, all the white semen was sucked into the mouth of the aru. Aru's mouth and tongue are filled with the poetry's sticky-looking semen.

The eggs couldn't take their eyes off the scene.

Aru swallows all the sperm of the poem as if it were natural, and then sucks the remaining sperm from the poem's penis into his mouth and processes it. The scene is so shocking. It was an act completely unimaginable as spawning. I knew it wasn't just to give birth to a child, but to have sex for pleasure, but even more so, stimulating a man's penis with his mouth to vomit semen... ….

The face of the egg turned dull and had nothing to do with it. At that moment, I was dazed, and I met the eyes of the turbulent eye and the eyes of the poem that were watching the scene constantly. The poem smiles slightly.

The egg shakes and turns to face immediately. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed that I was going to die.

“Brat, once you've washed up, let's go. ”

“Oh, yeah, sure. ”

The poem panicked and replied. Just watching the poem makes your face turn red strangely. It's because I keep thinking of the lewd behavior I did with Aru just now as if it had been replayed.

After washing his body with a towel, the poet came to the officetel and gave him okay slips and panties for the egg to bite on.

“Stay on the couch for a minute. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

A swift answer came from an egg in panties and slippers.

Seeing the disturbance, the smiling poem went up to the second floor. I was a little worried at first, but my plan seemed to be working. In this way, it was clear that we would be able to have sex with Aru and other women without seeing any disturbance at all. Of course, the goal was to have sex with the eggs, but I didn't intend to rush into it.

The poem on the second floor is placed beside the pillow and raises Margie. As Margie walks around the whole blood vessel, I feel a tremor of enormous power.

And this condensed force lifted the bed. The bed flickers like a feather.

The poem put the bed into the subspace. By the fourth level, the expansion had plenty of room for the bed.

When he summoned the door and crossed over to Kesron Castle, he wandered around the bedroom and found a large bed. It was uncomfortable for him because he had three beds now.

I don't know which bedroom it is, but I can see an old-fashioned bed in a bedroom that is about twice the size. A bed that is 1.5 times larger and full of luxury and old-fashioned.

The poem dragged Margie back up and put the bed in the sub-space, and put the original bed here roughly. However, when I lived, I looked quite elegant and pretty, but when I put it in this luxurious bedroom, it looked so ugly and ugly. It's a pretty expensive bed, but it looks like this...

“Ahem……. ”

The poem felt something momentarily, so he stroked his chin and organized his thoughts. The fact that luxurious beds were placed in more luxurious places when used to be, and that they were gone. It seemed that it wasn't just people who were affected by the environment.

I think I can use this somehow.

The poem came out of the door and returned to the second floor bedroom. And I carefully pulled the bed out of the sub-space, because it was a lighter bed for the 30-year-old maggy, but it didn't lose its original weight.

The luxurious beds in the bedroom make the house feel more elegant. It's just furniture that's been changed to luxury.

The mattress on the bed was extra plush and the duvet was so soft that I wanted to squeeze in. This feels like a truly luxurious bed.

“Aruya, Suran. Come on up. Let's go to bed. ”

At the words of the poem, Aru came running up the stairs with a slightly awkward look on his face.

“Wow, the bed got bigger. ”

Aru was curious and lay in bed.

“Brother, he's so fluffy. ”

“This should be enough for three, right? ”

The poem watched the eggs and said.

“Well, yeah. ”

I did this and told her I was sleeping on the couch, so she had no choice but to answer positively. But the bed was so big that there were three of them that it was not enough for him.

“Then let's go to sleep. ”

As the poem lay open, the eggs sighed lightly and lay beside the poem.

Turn off the standlight and the room will turn dark. I felt like the poem and Aru fell asleep quickly because they committed such lewd acts in the bath. The eggs sigh lightly, trying to sleep with a little thought, but the bed is so soft and comfortable that they fall into a deep sleep without even knowing it.

The poem woke up in the morning, having sex with Aru, as usual, and left the cafe and opened the door. On Monday, Hyunju had a day off, so there was a lot of work to do. However, if the shop was not crowded at all, two part-timers were enough to help, so he took his own piece of aggravated data and went to the law offices in front of the district court branch.

There was a lot of lawyers and lawyers' buildings on the street, and there was a building that looked as big as a sign and a stylish building.

The city entered a building that looked roughly okay because there was no existence and fate of the lawyer.

“Welcome. What brings you here? ”

“I'm here about the lawsuit. ”

When I entered the law office, a man in his 40s who appeared to be a lawyer was sitting there looking at some kind of document, and a woman who seemed to be working under it welcomed the situation.

“Oh, really? So just sit here for a minute. ”

The situation sat on the couch indicated by the staff. Soon after, the man who looks like a lawyer sits across from him and at the same time the woman brings out coffee.

Lawyers in their 40s don't look so tough and are a little generous, but they seem to be kind and kind.

“What are you going to sue me for? ”

“I don't know if you know this, but I have a reputation for being the main singer on the Internet. ”


The woman next to the poem gives a resilience. I don't know his face, but I feel like I've heard the name "Song Core."

“You must be quite famous, considering our spirits know. Haha.”

The lawyer smiles and says,

“It's not that famous. Haha. I'm just a little aware, but that's why someone's spreading false rumors. ”

“Oh, fake rumors? ”

“Yes, I'm also broadcasting at a place called Serengeti, and people who saw the fake rumors are coming to accuse me of insulting me and humiliating me and accusing me of something like that. ”

“Aha, I see. But if we're going to sue someone like that, we need data to prove it. the kind of data that captures the profanity. ”

“I've brought all the details of the conversation. Wait a minute."

The poem gave the printed conversation details from the bag to the lawyer. The A4 paper thickness is enormous because of how much of it is recorded.

“Huh, that's a lot. ”

“Yes. I'm suing about 300 people. ”

“300 people... Haha... ”

The lawyer was a little embarrassed by what the poem said. Conflicts over the Internet can be fairly straightforward if you go directly to the police station and sue them. But there was a reason why I came to the law firm.

The lawyer took a look at the data the city gave him.

“Can we sue them all? ”

“Yes, this is quite possible. Now, this goes into an insult, because this insult has to be a space where me and the other person and the third party are. It turns out that this broadcast has enough viewers and they were having a conversation, so it's pretty plausible. ”

“That's good. Then what punishment do you get when you're accused of contempt? ”

“If the prosecutor decides to prosecute, he goes to court, where a minor becomes a juvenile offender, a juvenile offender becomes a juvenile defender, a civil service case, and an adult offender gets roughly KRW 500,000 in fines. ”

The lawyer smiled. Although the fines were mild, it was important that he had a record and was worrying and stressed.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Have a nice day.

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