
So I solved all the problems easily, even with a score of 3 and a score of 4. It seemed to be difficult, but I understood the nature of the problem right away, so I was drunk.

“Good for you, brother. ”

The poem's mock exam problem was surprisingly complimented and said. I thought it was great that the simulated test scored over 80 points last June, but this time it's a perfect score. The pace of sexual rise was unbelievable.

When you think about it, when you first measured your skills, your math skills were very low and your English skills were mediocre, but in just a few months you reached your English math score. Having this enormous head, I couldn't understand why I came to this local private school.

“Yeah? It was a little easy. ”

“Fantastic, brother. ”

“Well, take this. Now I have to study languages and probes. The bureau seems to have a lot to memorize, but I'm a little worried. ”

“Noodles? You gonna play Noodles? ”

“Yes, why? ”

“Nooks are hard, so they don't usually make a choice unless they want to go to Seoul University. ”

I knew the situation. By the end of July, I thought that if I studied hard in the area of ​ ​ language and the area of ​ ​ social exploration, I would be able to go to Seoul University.

“That's why I chose you. ”

“Oh, I see. Now that I see you, you're very strict. ”

“Huh? Mother? ”

“Yes, I'm good at singing, I'm good at studying, I have a lot of money. I wonder how jealous people will be when they see you. ”

Chant said with a smile. Although the situation was not the second year of the reign, it was really worthless even though she was strict. Even though I bought envy around me just because I entered Korea University, it is the blood of a new foot compared to the poem. However, he did not like the attention, so he did not tell the first person where the school was.

“And you're dating a girl as pretty as a compliment? ”


The words of the poem suddenly flushed my face, but at the same time I feel relieved. Unlike usual, he did not show any interest in himself, so he had some anxiety about whether he had lost interest in a dull and uninteresting self.

“Haha. But Yumi is studying hard these days, right? I go to the library every day on vacation. ”

“Yes, I'm working hard to go to college in Seoul with my brother. But Yumi said that if she went to Seoul, she would live with her brother, and I said no.

“Yes? Why? ”

“Th-that's the problem with my brother.... So…. ”

“I'm fine. But aren't you going up to Seoul for a compliment? You're not gonna leave me here forever, are you? ”

“Well, of course. I'm thinking about going back to Yumi. So I was thinking if Yumi went to college in Seoul, we could get a room together and track her down, but she kept saying that Yumi would live with her brother. ”

It is quite bold that a girl high school student who has not had sex with herself is already planning to reject her request. But that's the thing about Yumi.

“What's there to think about? ”


“Aru and egg will go up with you anyway, but we can all live together. I have to do cartoons, so I need a lot of space. ”

“Ah……. Is that so?"

“Yes, I'm thinking about buying a villa, roughly five rooms. ”

Praise be to the words of the poem. He makes a worried face.

“Seoul is expensive, is that okay? I think it's better to just live in a small place for rent.... ”

As expected, I was worried about the money being praised.

“It's okay. I'm going to live in Seoul all the time, but buying a house isn't bad either. ”

“Where do you want to buy a house? ”

I'm still worried about the expression of praise. I don't know how much money the city has, but the price of a house in Seoul is such that a normal worker has to save for a lifetime to live. But if you go out to the outskirts, it will be a lot cheaper, but it will take a long time to go to school. That's the problem.

“That's when you decide where you want to go with me to Yumi University. For now, it's just a plan. I don't mean right now. It's not too late to finish your studies. Just so you know. ”

“Ah……. I see.”

I sighed of relief, saying that I'm not still alive. It wasn't that I didn't believe in the poetry, but I felt a little anxious because I thought it would be too luxurious like buying a car before.

“Then let's finish studying and do something really interesting. ”

“Oh, my. ”

When the poet grabs his hand and lays it on the bed, he looks ashamed of it. But I was waiting for a poem and sex. Not only did I hate men, but I absolutely hated this act of sex. Somehow, the sex with the poem was so happy and I felt a little excited from the morning.

The poet who placed praise on the bed was close enough to kiss first. Then praise comes out and accepts the kiss.

Shortly after, a hot row unfolds in the room of praise. I could hear the groaning of praise in the living room outside the room.

When he returned home after closing the cafe, he checked the Internet articles.

[Famous Internet BJ Song Episode, Acclaiming a group of 300 Acklers!] was floating on the main portal site. The situation was confirmed by clicking on the news.

As he said, he went to the law firm and appointed an attorney to sue them. The poem smiled favorably at the very honest article. It appears on the main site of the portal that you can clearly see how much of an arsehole the villains have insulted you.

“Hey, are you having fun? ”

Behind the poem on the computer, the egg watched the comic book that the poem brought. I wear the same slips I was wearing this morning, making sure I didn't change my clothes.

“ ……. ”

The poem asks, but he doesn't answer if he hasn't heard any eggs.


“Yes? What's going on?”

The poem called a few more times, and the eggs were startled and replied to the poem.

“Is it just fun? ”

“Ah……. It's so much fun, I can't take my eyes off it because I'm so immersed in it that I can't even read it. ”

The spawning didn't spare a compliment on whether she was really into comic books. I hated it, I was a little worried about it, but I didn't think I'd like it this much.

“Good, then keep watching. I need to see a lot before I draw. ”


Eggs read the comic book again and watched the comic book with Arudo egg sitting next to him. Looking at the comic book dressed in a closely exposed garment and the beautiful eggs and aru, which are hard to express in a polite word, was similar to a drawing.

Eyes glaring at you.

After watching Aru and her spawning for a while, she went online to investigate the reactions to the complaint and looked at the cartoons and drew pictures on white paper.

It's getting late on a busy Monday.

The poem was standing in front of a building that was supposed to meet with the broker. It looked a little shabby, but it was an ordinary building that didn't feel particularly strange.

I opened the door of the building and went to the third floor. I felt a bit grim, but the situation opened the door without a nervous expression.

“Oh, are you here? I've been waiting.”

The man who made the call greets me when I opened the door. A middle-aged man who looks neat and not what he thinks. When I met him on the road, I didn't think he was a broker who forged his nationality at all.

The poem sat on the sofa indicated by the man. There was another man in the non-large office, who was large and looked quite ugly. But even when I see such a man, I feel no fear at all.

“Can you build it right now? ”

The poem got right to the point.

“Haha. Of course. ”

“Wow, that's fast. But how do you make a nationality? Do you have that nationality and get caught later? ”

The poem asked what he was worried about.

“Haha. Don't worry. And what I'm making is a complete identity guarantee, not just a fake ID. ”

“Mmm-hmm, how is that possible? ”

“It's simple. You know, there are so many kinds of people in the world that you can't even imagine. There are thousands and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, and even if your child dies, you can't report it properly. That's why we use the information of our dead children to create a nationality by giving them money. ”

“That would mean different names and different social security fingerprints. ”

“That's it, you can change your name easily if you go to court and apply for a new name, so there's nothing to worry about, but the problem is that it's a resident registration fingerprint.... If we're going to do this properly, we need to forge a national ID card and put a lot of money in it. It costs a lot of extra money to keep your fingerprints clean, so what do you do? ”

“Ahem……. I see.”

Simply put, Aru entered as the adoptive daughter of a man who owed a lot of money. The problem was that they didn't know each other's faces or know each other's existence, but their fingerprints were different. Although the city had never written a National ID and had not used it for almost a decade, it was still a little uncertain that it left a sense of anxiety.

But if you think about it, you might need to forge your Social Security number because of your fingerprints. There must be some magic items in Quezron to complement this.

“What would you do? ”

“Well……. Just give me your ID. Well, what's the big deal? ”

“Haha. That's right.

A man pulled out 2 National ID's from his pocket. This is a citizen's license for a 19-year-old girl that the city wants.

However, a man does not give his National ID to the City immediately.

“Haha. I'll give you the deposit first. ”

“I'll deposit it right into your phone. Wait a minute."

30 million won for each of those IDs. It was not a big burden for the current poem. However, the situation was troubled. If you deposit money here, there will be a trace. You will definitely fill in the transaction details on the book, and if you later reveal the fact when this broker is caught, wearing a shackle is the basis. Of course, the self with the castle of Quezron just left this world, but I could not leave this place without foolishness.

So there is one tool that I have chosen to prevent this in the future.

While pretending to put his hand in his pocket and take out his phone, he pulled Margie up while taking out the memory removal flash from the subspace and together with the mobile phone in his pocket.

Then I pressed the flash button for memory removal right in front of the broker's eyes. A bright light flashes as if you had blown the camera flash, and the broker's eyes are dazzled in front of him. At the same time, a series of memories, such as a video editing program, were listed like a video at the bottom of the vision.

A simple menu of operations will appear to the left of the field of view, including cutting, copying, and pasting. Horses erase people's memories, like editing a video on a computer.

“What! What's going on! ”

Suddenly, I sat in the back of a chair and yelled to the poem as the man who was playing with the Internet jumped up and down.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I accidentally blew up the flash on my phone. ”

“You, watch out for this guy. ”

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