
Aru comes with a pure cartoon and giggles up to the inside of the car, and the egg looks out the window at the street with its curious eyes.

“Buildings so big and tall.... ”

With so many people, the building was high, and I was amazed endlessly. Given the disturbing reaction, the Rho Heim Empire doesn't seem to have made much progress. Looking at the magic items he chose, there seemed to be a lot of worlds that were less advanced than Earth, but they seemed to need to be at a higher level to get there.

“What do you think?”

“Fantastic! I wonder what the structure of this vehicle, in particular, is. It's just all so new and mysterious. I never thought there'd be a world like this. ”

I arrived in Busan while I was talking about things. While thinking about where to go, he headed to the largest department store in the world. There is also a Haeundae seawater bath just a little further from here, so it would be nice to go on a tour.

The town drove a BMW M6 near a major world department store and saw people staring. In the modern world, money was a source of power and aspiration.

I stopped in the parking lot of a major department store in the world.

“Let's get off.”

According to the poem, Aruwa spawned from the car. It is beautiful enough to make the parking lot dark and gloomy.

“Brother, I want to cuddle with you. ”


At Aru's words, the poet opens his arms slightly, and Aru rushes to the poet and folds his arms. After watching a lot of pure cartoons and dramas, he wants to encourage this affectionate behavior between men and women.

“Ho……. ”

The eggs were distracted because the poem and aru were looking around with curious eyes, arms clasped or not. As I leave the parking lot and enter the department store, my admiration bursts out in succession. Like the largest department store in the world, there were all kinds of luxury items and brands, but the quality and performance of the items in Keslon was much better than what was available here.

The poem took the eggs and aru and looked around the department store. However, even though Aruwa eggs came from another world, I was busy watching women or women selling women's clothes.

As the bored poem takes a look around, you can see the men staring at the eggs. Then, when I met myself, I turned my head in shame.

Arujah was wearing a bracelet that didn't attract any attention from the other men, but the eggs were now gaining the attention of numerous men because they didn't have magic items.

“Suran, men keep staring at you. ”

The poem said to the egg:

“Is that so?"

At the words of the poem, I made a look like eggs were nothing. Because it's natural. It is natural for men to look forward to their beauty and admiration. It's not natural to look at yourself as if you saw the poem.

“Don't you feel burdened? ”

“Of course this is the case. Well, you don't seem to know the Pope very well. ”

An egg with a higher snoring than usual shrugs. This is the look of my majesty.

“I see.”

The poem was amazed and said. Then the snoring of the eggs increases.

I watched the department store and had lunch in a restaurant in the basement. I didn't waste money on jewelry and clothes because they were all over Quezron's castle.

I drove to shipping with the BMW M6 after going to the department store. But in the summer, there were so many people who could not see. Hundreds of people are walking around in their bathing suits on the open ocean beach.

I stopped and drove around the shipping deck and looked at a lot of women, but there was no woman prettier than an egg or an ashtray.

I was walking around Haeundae and looked around, and the eggs were quite impressed. Aruya had already adapted to this world and was just having fun. The eggs lit up her eyes and carefully looked at everything.

Dinner came home after eating at a restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere. It was a full day of sightseeing in Busan, and the eggs and aru looked quite satisfied.

“How was it?”

The poem sitting on the couch said. When I went to Haeundae, there was a great heat, but the poem did not feel that heat at all because of Margie, and Aru did not sweat a single necklace from the poem. The eggs were not hot at all because any magic was written, so it was much more comfortable for me to enjoy the tour.

“That was amazing. I can almost feel how the people of this world live. ”

“Hey, I had fun, too. ”

“Glad you had fun. Now let's get you cleaned up and ready. ”


In the words of the poet, Aru took off his clothes, and the eggs were slightly shy. However, I was still a little ashamed to hide my chest and vagina, but I thought I would accept the reality given to me.

It was the result that the poem wanted. I was delighted, but the poem still looked at Arumanly, not even interested in eggs. The eggs were fortunate, but a bit unpleasant.

“Nice breasts, Aru. ”

“Hing, my breasts are so small. Brother.”

“No. My brother prefers smaller breasts than bigger ones like eggs. ”



The expression on the poem made me feel good, but the expression on the egg was slightly distorted. It was because I felt a little bad about what the poem said. You like those poor, little breasts better than your charming breasts? I didn't understand.

“Let's go wash up, then. ”


The pope smiles slightly as he sees the disturbing eggs. A slightly grim, albeit seemingly innocent smile.

“Come in, demonstrator. ”

The poem came to his office with a demonstration. It was to paint a cartoon in earnest from today.

“Oh! Hello. ”

Aru greets the demonstration as he opens the officetel door.

“Oh, yes. Hello."

The demonstration also greets Aru awkwardly. Then he stares at the aru. It's because she's blinded by her beauty.

“Suran, say hello. He's a cartoon artist with us. ”

“I'm Park Si-yeon.”

The demonstration greeted him with a distinctive, blunt tone.

“Yes, hello. It's a Yoo-ran.”

Yoo Si was one of the two national identity cards obtained by the city, and it matched well with the name "spawning." It feels like a flower name.

“Come on, sit at the table. ”


The demonstration sat next to the egg. Then he stares at the comic book that the egg is watching. This face is not usually blunt, but full of interest.

The poem sat across from the demonstration and laid his scenario on the table.

“Well, I don't just want to do cartoons as a hobby, I want to do cartoons that are read and sold to a lot of people. Like Tuppers, for example. ”

The poem talked about his aspirations before drawing cartoons in earnest.

“Ah……. ”

The demonstration is a little surprised. I thought I wouldn't give myself that much money as a simple hobby, but I didn't know if I had that much ambition.

“Once I've written a story, tell me what the eggs and the demonstrators need to read. ”

The poem gave Moose Morun's adventure a simpler and more readable scenario to demonstrations and eggs.

Demonstration and distraction take the scenario and read it with a serious look The original works are so outstanding that demonstrations and distractions are fast-paced and immersed.

“Wow, that's pretty interesting. especially when you're going to dungeons or exploring uncharted forests. ”

The eggs praised elongation.

“It's interesting, but I feel a bit lacking. ”

By comparison, the demonstration came with a slightly critical attitude.

“In what way? ”

“The scenario itself is all about adventure. I think people and people need to meet, conflict, beautiful romance needs to be garbled. ”

“Romance……. ”

“Yes, it's not a romantic cartoon, but it's often interesting when you have the right level of romance. These adventurous cartoons may be a masterpiece, but in the hectic sense, they're a bit of a question. ”

Usually, a silent demonstration speaks eloquently when it comes to cartoons. Even though the argument was not wrong, the situation had its own concerns. Obviously, this scenario is all about adventure, a big disadvantage.

“Then let's figure out how to fix it. ”

In the words of the poem, the demonstration gave various opinions and diverse comments in light of his experience. Thanks to this, the scenario is able to compensate for the deficiencies so that women can add their desired romance. However, he tried not to become too much of a cartoon girl's taste.

“How about this? ”

“Well, I think we're good. No, it's fun enough. ”

“What about demonstration?”

“I'm not so bad myself. ”

The demonstrator couldn't hide his excitement from his expression. I really like the complemented story.

“Okay, that's the story. Now, let's set some more detail about the characteristics of the character and paint it. ”

The poem took out a white paper and took out a pen. Then pull Margie up and activate the Magic Power circuit. He drew an image of Ruth Morun on white paper that was incredibly fast and ridiculously sophisticated and beautiful.

“That's ridiculous. ”

The first time I saw the poem painting, I opened my mouth and said, He also liked painting, so he could see how absurd the situation was.

“How about this? ”

The poem shows the image of Moses Morun himself. In consideration of Korean sentiments, I drew a fine, handsome line rather than a downright protagonist, and added some features to make it seem unremarkable.

“I feel fine. ”

“What about demonstration?”

“Well, that's okay, but I think we need more features to make a good impression. ”

“Hmm? Really? ”

In the opinion of the demonstration, the characters, heroes, and other characters were drawn in a snap. It was not a problem at all to simply draw people or draw landscapes, but it was a problem to cut comics into pieces or to make them look like cartoons.

“But how do you plan to publish this cartoon? ”

“Huh? I'm thinking about going to the publisher. ”

“Is that so? Then I'll have to work hard. ”

I feel empowered by the demonstration's eyes.

“But I thought the demonstration was very clumsy, and you were talking about comics so quietly. ”

“Well, is that so? ”

The demonstration's face flushes with the words of a sudden poem. You seem a little shy.

“That's enough for today. Come back around this time tomorrow. ”

It was already 3 p.m. The poem opened the cafe door and immediately brought the demonstration to the officetel, but it was six hours after he revised some drawings and scenarios. If I drew the picture in earnest, I would be a little later, but I was going to spend this much time for a while because I had to practice and study in parallel.

“Oh, yes. I'll come back tomorrow. Well done."

The demonstration greeted her and left the officetel, and she was looking at a book on how to draw comics with a cautious look.

“Then I'll be out and back, and she's looking at it. ”

“Yes, goodbye. ”

The Pope stroked the head of the egg who greeted him dry for focusing on the book, and left the officetel to study at the house of praise.

Then, after taking the compliment to the cafe, the poet returned home, sitting on the couch and stroking his chin. The Korean cartoon market has long been over. It's no wonder you can't attract so many readers like webtoons to draw comics in places like this.

So I didn't just draw cartoons, I needed something to get people's attention. It was almost impossible for the poor Korean market to draw cartoons and become popular.

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