As soon as I finished the class, I ran quickly and returned to the high school. The poem immediately summoned the door to the Castle of Quezron.

The castle was hung with a banner to celebrate the level-up of stairs, handrails and walls, as it was when we first arrived.

“Congratulations on reaching level two. ”

“Thank you. It's Corns. ”

The poet stroked Konz's head and always tried to go to the reception room.

“Oh! You don't have to go there anymore, because by the time you get to level two, the library and the office are open. Let's go there.”

Recently, the town had checked the rooms while wandering the castle. They were all comparable bedrooms to the same Interior, so I quickly lost interest.

“The library?”

Konz took the situation out of the hall, and it was connected like a school or a giant hotel. Between them, there were unknown pots, statues, and paintings, but it didn't bother me at all how wide the hallway was.

“Come in.”

As I opened the door, there was a huge wooden desk in a living room, as vast as a living room, and the room was full of books. On one side of the study, there was a table where you could simply drink tea.

The poem carefully glued the buttocks to chairs made of leather that would sit by the priests, but my body became comfortable and my head became clear.

“The chair helps ease fatigue and mental health. ”

“That's amazing.”

I was just going through the desk drawer, but nothing special.

“Here's a list of items that are level two and are off-limits. ”

[20 million won in cash]

[2 tablets for language acquisition]

[Select Minor Hearing Type 1]

[Choice of no balls]

[Basic Wizard]

[2 Lesser Accessories Available]

[wrinkles, blemish remover]

[2 Lesser Magic Items Available]

[Open Rochelle Planet Warp Gate]

[Poor Quality Potion]

[Level Up to Keslon's Shard Level 2]

[Extremity can be changed]

[40cm x 30cm subspace]

[Miscellaneous Goods]

[Special Reward] [1 Full Recovery Potion]

“Awesome. ”

It was not comparable to the list received at level 1. Even 20 million won in cash was an enormous amount of mouths, and underneath it, the magic book and magic items that did not exist on Earth were blindfolded.

Particularly, it was noticeable that the item could change the appearance of very small areas. Are you giving me a plaster job?

“Hey, Konz, what can you change the appearance of the minor areas? ”

“Literally. You can adjust just one part of your face a little. But it's a pretty narrow range, so it's impossible to stick your nose on your forehead. ”

Who in the world would put a nose to his forehead?

“So you can put in what's protruding? ”

Teeth correction was one of the dreams that the situation yearns for the most.

“That much is possible. But think about it and choose slowly. ”

“Okay, I will. ”

He said that, but he was going to make it right.

“And you'll have to pick your own accessories, study books, and magic items to choose from. ”



Konz applauded and the library changed. The poet's desk was intact, but a bookshelf full of books disappeared and a display of numerous rings and necklaces appeared as if he had come to a luxury museum.

“These are the lowest accessories. ”

The scene with an excited expression sweeps through the things on the shelf. Then every item comes up with an explanation.

[Coronian gold ring. A gold ring made by the Archaeologist on Rochelle Planet 7. Wearing it reduces body fatigue.]

There were hundreds of accessories containing this magical effect. I had to pick two here, but I couldn't figure out what to choose.

“Normally, you give these jewelry to a woman, so why not focus on something pretty? ”

From what Konz said, it seemed that way, too. I wanted the effect to be okay because the design fell badly, making it look bad to anyone, and the effect was quite aesthetic.

Thinking about it for a long time, he picked two necklaces. At the moment, Jiyoung and Eunji were the only women who would give gifts, but I was a bit ashamed to choose because they seemed to say that they were dating for some reason. Of course, I was ashamed to give a necklace to Eunji, but it seemed better than a ring.

[Karin's Necklace. A beautiful emerald necklace made by a Dwarf. Eliminates body odour.]

[Black Pearl Necklace. A special black pearl made exclusively for mermaids. Slightly increases affinity for water.]

I chose it based on aesthetics, so the additional options were a little bad. Even with the odor elimination, I didn't really understand what the affinity for water meant. The visible design was much more important to the ordinary person who gave the gift, but the option that was too good was more likely to create a big confusion.

“If you're done, I'll move on. ”


Konz clapped his hands, and the room changed again, and this time, a lot of old books were tucked into the bookshelves. That's why the damp smell from the old paper fills the room.

I pulled out any book. I had never seen a language that looked like Han characters before, but fortunately, the translation appeared next to it.

The moment the Yin Yang ‭ moon sets and the sun rises, the sound retreats and the sheep ejaculates, the yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin and yang yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin and yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin, yin yin, yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin, yin yin, yin yin, yin yin]

Just looking at the explanation, it was quite interesting. Giving an excuse through sex increases morale as yin and yang work together, and it seems to pile up in one piece. Moreover, at the dawn of the rising sun, both the hole that can gather breath through the crown and the pupil that gathers breath through sex were as versatile as possible.

In particular, I liked the idea of taking a woman's penis like yielding, not enhancing her inner space, but turning the yin and yang together into inner air. Although the amount of internal air that was accumulated was not much, it did no harm to the body at all. Rather, the more sex, the whiter the skin became.

But the disadvantage was too big. If another court order took the time of 1 to collect the air of 10, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin, yin yin yin

Although the efficiency was not good, I liked the poetry. You might not have made a choice if you could just gather your teeth through sex. However, I liked the reassuring explanation that yin yang was united and the posture of gathering and gathering chi because I felt unmanned.

“I'll take that. ”

“The next book is a public office, but first you have to choose what you want to learn from swords, provinces, books, spears, etc. ”

When the poem chose the court letter, Konz immediately said.

I felt similar to the first time I played a game. The poem was between the sword and FIG. I felt reluctant to use a spear or bow, but after thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly realized that I could hardly use a sword or a bow in reality. In Korea, where the poem lives, very thin and small Sashimicals were treated as enormous weapons.

“I'll take the book. ”

“Here you go. ”

When the poem decided, Konz took out a book out of his pocket.

It was a book written [Basic Statement of Authority].

“Is this the end? Did you just pick something out? ”

“You have to go to level three to make a choice. That's all there is to level two. Oh, and take this. ”

Konz gave me another book called [Introduction to Rochelle Magics].

“You're still level two, so you don't have a choice. You don't have a choice. You don't have a choice. ”

“Ugh, right. ”

I was looking forward to choosing it just like before, but after I gave him 2 books, I was so sad that the city tasted better.


When Konz clapped his hands, this time I felt like a general store full of various items. There were tons of swords on one side and lots of fashion items such as wallets, bags, etc. There were so many kinds, I couldn't figure out what it was.

“You just need to pick two magical items. ”

“Ah! Magic items. ”

The phrase "magical items" made me go around looking carefully.

I was going to choose something that would help me in real life, rather than weapons like swords and bows that I couldn't use in real life.

From fluorescent lights that absorb the surrounding Mana and turn on the lights without electricity, to scissors that slice the stone lightly, to a chair that comforts the lower back, there were many things that could cause massive sensation.

Among them, the poem chose a collar and bracelet with numbers, but they were not both ordinary, as they were magical items.

[Caron's quill. A quill invented by the wizard, Karon, for his son in love. Readers who write with this banner fall into a light fascination and have a slight fondness for the content.]

[Silver bracelet of mass. The digital system allows you to easily adjust the number on the bracelet and the mass of the number on the bracelet will occur throughout your body. For your reference, luxury bracelets that can only add mass to parts of the body are currently on special discounts of 899 rupees.]

They were really thoughtful and selected. There are too many things that I think are okay with that, so I only picked two things across the tangent.

The silver bracelet of mass was meant to be used during exercise, but it was chosen by the misery and reflection of my own weakness that I felt when I was saving Jiyoung a while ago. I intend to work hard in the future.

And the quill was not for the poem to send a love letter to a woman. This is a good item to think about.

“I've chosen everything. ”


At the words of the poem, Konz clapped his hands and returned to the library where he had first come in.

“I put everything else in the sub-space.

In Konz's words, the poem in the chair put his hand into the subspace, and the process happened at the same time as the idea of wanting to use the subspace, not just special. When I put my hand in, the opaque space was expanded to the size of the regular bag and the items on the list were neatly placed.

I looked through the items and books I had selected earlier.

Just looking at whether it was made of expensive wood in a large library like a living room, the situation seemed quite fabulous as well as opening a book on a luxurious desk. It was unbelievable that he was the kind of guy who sits in a narrow old high school computer.

“And the Pope. ”


“You've reached level two. Shouldn't you be looking for a slave? ”

“Slaves? What slaves? ”

He would have said something crazy if he didn't know what he was talking about.

“It's on the list, but the gate to the planet Rochelle was opened at the same time as the Pope moved up to level two. If you go there, you can simply buy slaves. ”

“I don't really need slavery. ”

“There are also slaves purchased in the quest, and once you've purchased one, you can use it as a sex slave or as a guitar player. You're bothering me with the laundry and cleaning. ”

“Well, is that so? ”

Konz's words were reasonable. I liked the part about being able to use it as sex slavery the most, but I thought about it in many ways, but I wanted to be there. Don't all men dream of having a slave woman to exercise their rights on my behalf?

“Are you going to buy it? ”

“Oh, gosh. How do you live?”

I was a little embarrassed, and the poem had no reason to cough.


Cornz claps his hands and a gate to the planet Rochelle is created in the corner of the library. When Konz said he was the manager, he clapped his hands and everything seemed to be under control.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Corrected with a collar pen in the brush.

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