
The poem hasn't mentioned money to Eun Ji since then. This money problem is quite subtle, so many times, even long-lived couples are greatly hurt by their pride or enemies. So the poem was looking at the timing to tell the story.

After finishing the café work, the poem naturally took me to the house of Eunji. Every day, Eun-si looked depressed, so I couldn't stand it.

I opened the door with the password Eunji taught me not long ago. Then I heard Eun-si's voice, whether she was on the phone or not.

“You already borrowed money in my name. ”

You speak in a low voice. The poem tried to close the door without thinking about it, but when he heard Eun-si's words, he closed the door very carefully.

“What do I do? You already borrowed 50 million won from Sojin. ”


I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I heard a slightly louder voice over the phone.

“How can I ask Sojin to lend me money again? ”

The poem stood in front of the door and quietly overheard Eun-suh's conversation without moving. It was a breathtaking conversation.

“Do you want me to go to a bar? What am I supposed to do...? ”

Earlier, his voice was gloomy, and he said in a trembling voice whether he was crying or not. Listening to the conversation, the poem sighed lightly. When I was a child, I suffered a great deal of pain because I was so poor. In modern societies, capitalism, money was not an exaggeration. If I had enough money, I could live a better life than anyone else, but if I owed as much as I owe now, I almost looked like hell.

“I don't know. I can't talk to her anymore. It's hard for me, too. ”

Eunji strongly refuses. Maybe Eun-si's parents wanted to borrow more money from Sojin, but it was hard to say it, so they asked her to talk to her best friend Eun-si. Just by listening to Eunji, the bird felt frustrated and stuffy as if he had received a debt urgent call in his old time of poverty.

“Ugh... ”

Eun-ji hung up on me a little longer, and then Najjik burst into tears.

The poet took off his shoes and went to the living room. A silver sheet sitting on the couch is overflowing with tears.

“Eun-ji, are you okay? ”

“Brother……. ”

Eun-si could not answer the words of the poem, but simply called out the name of the poem in a trembling voice. It's so sad to see a face full of pain, suffering, and conflict.

“Haven't you figured it out yet? ”

“Ugh... Yes…… ”

The poem sat on the couch and hugged Eunji gently and patted her back. Then Eunji buries her face in the poem's chest and cries horribly. I feel like the thin teas are damp with the tears of silver.

“I'm sorry. I heard you come in and call. ”

“ ……. ”

Eun-si, who was crying for a long time, calmed down a little, and brought out the poem.

“What's going on? ”

“My mother... * Sobbing * ”

Eun-si wept again, not while speaking, but waited patiently without scooping up the poem. In this situation, it was not good to say it like I was stumped that I wouldn't talk fast. The poem tapped Eunji's back again.

“I'm sorry, brother.... ”

“No, it's okay. ”

“I'm sorry, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I... ”

“Eunji.... ”

Seeing the silver dripping in his arms, the poem tingles and frowns. I remember the days I had suffered because I didn't have the money in the past.

“Mom wants me to borrow more money from Sojin. ”

Now, he wiped his tears and said as he calmed down. Her nose is red because she cried.

“To Sojin?”

“Yes……. I already borrowed 50 million won from my sister. I borrowed money from my sister's parents a long time ago and I borrowed money from my sister... How can I borrow money again...? ”

I assumed that through the conversation, but I heard the situation more clearly from myself.

“What are you going to do if you can't talk to Sojin? You have to pay the money to prevent bankruptcy. ”

“I don't know. Ugh... ”

“It's okay, Eun-ji. Everything's gonna be fine. ”

The poem strokes his head, hugging the silver that shed tears again. At this point, I was starting to feel confident. But Eun-ji didn't want to say anything when she was so confused.

“What should I do...? * Sobbing * ”

“It's going to work. Eun-ji.”

The poem looks up at the face of the crying Eunuch in his arms and kisses lightly. It was not a wild kiss, but a kiss that healed the heart of wounded Eunji.

“Thank you, brother. ”

Eunji's moist eyes glanced at the situation. It seemed so weak and sad that I felt pity for the poem.

While wiping my tears with my hands, he hugged Eunji and smoothly kissed her. Eunji accepted the kiss calmly because she knew that it was not her intention to refuse the kiss of the poem, even if it was to covet the flesh.

The poem constantly patted the silverware, kissed and comforted the person, because he never felt better for a moment without solving the problem.

“It's okay now. Brother.”

Eun-si smiled faintly and said, "Are you feeling better?" I would have been depressed if I was alone, but I felt much better when the poem comforted me like this. I felt fortunate to have someone to rely on, even though the grief of reality was still there.

“How much do you need? ”

“…… Brother, it's okay. ”

Eun-ji, who listened to the poem, hesitated a moment before answering. However, my eyes shake slightly. The thought of wanting the help of the poem and not wanting to cause such anxiety seemed to be striking violently.

“Eun-ji. I wouldn't have said this if I didn't know Eun-ji's parents. And I want to help Eun Ji, but that's not all. ”


Eun-ji doesn't seem to understand. I know you lend money to help yourself, because I was wondering if that's not all.

“Actually, I'm trying to run a business. ”

“Business……? Not the café you're in? ”

“Yes, I want to do a different kind of business than a café. ”

“But I don't know what that has to do with me. ”

I understood what he meant roughly, but I didn't understand the connection between repaying my parents' money and the business of the city. I also thought that I was deliberately telling you not to feel burdened without hurting your pride, but I saw the look on the poem's face and I thought.... It's beautiful.

“To put it simply, being a business partner. The business I want to do is quite expensive, but I can save more money with Eunji's parents' help. ”

“Ah……. ”

Then Eun-ji understood.

“Eun Ji, can you tell me what factory your parents are working in? ”

“That……. You're in a detergent factory... ”

Eun-suh doesn't know so much about it, so he explained it to the poem roughly.

“It's a detergent factory. But why did you have to go through all this trouble? ”

“That……. I don't know the details, but my dad said it's been hard for him since the game has reduced the order quantity so much as it was before... ”

It was so realistic. If the game gets bad, there won't be a couple of bankruptcy factories.

“Right. So how much do you need? ”

“Mom told me to ask Sojin to lend me another 50 million won.... Maybe we need more than that. ”

Eun-si doesn't really know much, so she's just guessing and talking to the poet.

“Well……. ”

“I'm sorry, brother. I don't know much... ”

“No, it's okay. Don't worry about Eun-ji because we can meet in person tomorrow. ”

I understood the situation of Eun Eun because I only knew where he was working and how much money he was earning.

“Brother, thank you so much. * Sobbing * ”

“Speaking of which, let's go to Eun Ji's house tomorrow. Okay?"

“Brother……. * Sobbing * ”

Seeing the poem speaking with a slight smile, Eunji burst into tears again. Earlier, if I was crying because I was depressed and sad, I would be moved by the words of the heart of the poem. Usually men only express their sincere feelings, but they don't cry like this, but women seem to cry a lot.

Eun-si smiles with a lighter look after the poem wipes her tears. The poem kissed me with such a silver coin. Unlike before, it was a kiss that felt a lot of affection, but Eun did not reject it at all, rather I grabbed the heart of the poem tightly.

I originally liked the poem a lot, but beyond the simple feeling of liking it, the idea of wanting to do anything about it filled my mind. Ordinary men would try not to get involved as soon as they found out about their situation, but instead, he stepped aside and tried to help. Eun-si was so moved and glad to feel truly for herself that tears poured out constantly.

Since the atmosphere improved a lot, the poem kissed Eunji's breasts. Earlier, if Eun-si touched her breasts when she was depressed, her liking would have dropped greatly, but now it was not a situation where her liking would drop at all.

After kissing, the poem naturally tries to remove the teas and brassieres of the hidden, so the silver paper moves around comfortably.

It's a little small, but it reveals bright, beautiful breasts. It's a hidden chest that I see all the time, but it feels a little different than usual.

The poem touched her breasts and nipples with the softest hands possible, and kissed Eunji again. Touching her breasts and kissing her did not just satisfy her sexual desire. I wanted to comfort Eun-si a little through this loving skinship.

Whether he knew the idea of the poem or not, Eun-ji actively touched the poem and kissed it.

“Ugh... Brother... ”

The poet licked his chest and caressed his nipples, and he let out a low groan. This sexual arousal was not only breastfeeding, but also accompanied a reasonable atmosphere, situation, and desire to do so.

If Eun-si had sucked her breasts bluntly when she was depressed like before, she would have been filled with annoyance instead of liking it like now. You get excited because a woman doesn't want to have sex and sticks her penis in and pistons it? This is absolutely ridiculous.

“Eunji.... ”

The poet took off Silver's trousers and panties and took off all of his clothes. Then he licked his face with his tongue to the vagina of silver.

“Ahh... Ugh... ”

I groaned at the diligence of the poem. Not long after the love of the poem, I was secreted from the vagina of the mystery.

When I was roughly ready, the poem gently inserted the erected penis into the vagina of the silverware, hugged the silverware and laid on the couch.

The silver sheets of wet eyes smile faintly. I felt a little anxiety and concern, but it was full of trust and belief in the situation, and I made a more loving face than before. It was so beautiful that the poem shook my back and the body of the silver shook like a wave.

“Ugh... ”

Only sticky moans fill the living room without saying anything. I feel like my body will melt in the vagina of a hideous hideout. The poem hugged Eunji and constantly waved his back.

“Brother……. Ugh... ”

Eun-ji felt so good that she couldn't hold on to the poem's chest tightly and let out a rough groan. I don't even have more foreplay than usual, but it was hard to endure the overwhelming pleasure.

“Eun-ji, ugh! ”

The poem can't stand the feeling of a powerful piston blast and shoots semen into the vagina of the mystery. Then Silver's body trembles, bending like a bow, and the vagina rapidly contracts and relaxes.

With her eyes closed and feeling the orgasm of the climax, Eunji tightly hugged the poem with his arms and legs. I don't know if there will be a lot of suffering and adversity in the future, but I was so happy at this moment when I felt like this.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I told you I was going to the reserves in the mood for a trip.

What a trip... that was hell. Tired and tired all day long

I'm so glad this is my fourth year...

I'm feeling better now, so I'll give it a try!

Thank you for always reading.

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