Beginning of Change

When Konz woke him up at exactly 9: 00, the recurring episode was deliciously touched the sleeping body of Aru while he was still in a daze. Then, suddenly, he went into the duvet and carefully took off his panties so that the aru wouldn't wake up and snored. I wanted to know what it smelled like.

I don't know if it was a virgin or because it was washed clean yesterday, but I didn't smell anything. I snorted and sniffed at the hole in order to accept the penis with my fingers, but only slightly wrapped around the scent of a gentle body wash.

“Whew…. ”

After closing my eyes and smelling for a long time, I kissed the hole in the aru lightly and came out of the duvet. Then he took the tablet out of the sub-space and checked the quest.

[Visit Rochelle Planet] [Complete] [EXP 50]

[Buy female slave] [Complete] [EXP 100]

You gained 150 XP, but there was no significant fluctuation in the EXP bar. It was only level 2 and it was already a bit difficult to level up.

“But I still have a lot to do. ”

There was a lot of time and a lot of quests.

When the poem put the tablet into the subspace, he went to take a shower in the bathtub that he had washed yesterday and returned to the bedroom, and the Aru woke up one day and looked embarrassed.

“I'm going to go out and wash up and play in the bathtub yesterday, and eat when Cornz cooks for me. ”

“Is there anything you'd like me to do? ”

Aru became anxious when the poem told him to do nothing and gave no orders.

“Don't worry, rest well. I'm coming.”

The fully clothed poem licked between the lips as he put his tongue between the lips of the aru, which just stood still without any response at all. After hugging Aru's neck and kissing for a long time, I felt satisfied, so I summoned the door and went to the high school.

It's only been a day, but the narrow, old plateau is so strange. I wondered for myself how I lived in a room like this.

I still had a little time left, so I boiled the ramen tea, put it in a bucket of water, and checked my phone on my way to school. However, I didn't contact anyone even though I didn't have a phone for a day.

After the first lecture, I went to the English Language Conversation II classroom. I was a little nervous to think I could meet Eun-ji in this class.

As I entered the classroom, Eun Ji, Min Young, and Hyoju were sitting, and they were talking about whether they were a little close after the first team.

“Eun-si doesn't have a boyfriend? You want me to introduce you to someone? ”

“It's okay, sis. ”


Thanks to Min-young, the poem found out that Eun-si doesn't have a boyfriend. I vaguely assumed Eun-ji wouldn't be a virgin yet, but I didn't know until I checked for myself. It was hard to ask because I was afraid that everything I was interested in would get wet, but I know for sure thanks to Minyoung. I felt good because I heard Eun Ji didn't have a boyfriend.


“Ah! You're here? ”

Eun-ji greeted him with a happy face as the poem greeted him.


In comparison, Minyoung and Hyojoo were the same as usual. I was creating a modest street that did not give me a very close tea and did not pretend not to know.

“How are you feeling? ”

“Yes, I'm fine. ”

The poem asked Eun-si how she was doing, but even greeting her just a few days ago was a tremendous improvement compared to trying to die. Having more than 20 million won in inheritance was a part of not being shrinking like before, but being able to escape with compassion because of Jiyoung was one of the big factors that gained confidence.

“Let's meet this week and finish the line. ”

Min Young said as he sat down, the number of sex was increased twice more in his profile.

I took a quick look at Minyoung's face, and she was having the same face as usual so I didn't even think she was a woman who had sex 10, 20 hours ago. At night he breathes and has fun, and the next day he meets someone with nothing.... I felt something strange and too natural.


When the poem looked at him, Minyoung said with a curious look.

“Oh, no. When do we see it?”

“See you on Saturday, like last Saturday. ”


The professor comes in and starts the class, and the poem sweeps through the profile again, looking for a slight clue.

[Number of Sexs: None]

[Heartbeat: ear]

Fortunately, she was still a virgin, and her palate was out of her ear.

“See you Thursday. ”

After class, Eun-ji said hello and left first. The poem wanted to make an appointment for dinner after the movie, but Minyoung and Ju-hee were staring at it, so I couldn't bring it up.

After sighing lightly, the poem entered the next class was troubled. What he had was things that would benefit him greatly if he used them well.

All I could think about was cosmetics, potions, and a full recovery potion. I was reminded of a dramatic scenario in which the dying chairman of a large corporation was brought back to life as a full recovery potion, but it was a dream, and it was difficult to sell potions that were not well informed.

All that was left was cosmetics, but I had to sell a visit or sell the internet, but I struggled. All the way through the class, I came up with an idea, but I was wondering if it would work.

After a six-hour long class, the poem looked tired, took out the Lamin Tea from the bag and went to a nearby real estate with a gushing energy.

“Welcome. ”

A middle-aged man welcomed the situation.

“I'm here to check on the house. ”

“Have a seat here. ”

When I sat on the couch, the boss brought me a cup of coffee.

“I'm thinking of an officetel. ”

“You mean for residential use? ”


“Let's see. ”

The boss was just following up on a ticket or something.

“How about this? It's an officetel that has recently been called Skyscraper nearby, and it's a multi-layered structure, so it's spacious and nice. ”

The phrase Skylark tilted his head. It was a very familiar name.

“Oh! It's right next to here. ”

It was the officetel where Eunji lived. I came to think of a place like Eunji's officetel in the first place, and there are not many officetels nearby, so it was only natural that there were properties in the officetel.

“You know, there's 301, 704 and 1103 now listed as properties. ”

The situation was surprised by the word 704. It reminded me that Eunji's house was No. 701. If you enter 704, you will live on the same floor as Eunji. There was no difference between living on the same floor as Living elsewhere or Eunji, and I was quite attracted to the opportunity of living near Eunji.

“704, can I see it now? If you like, I'll sign right away. ”

“That's refreshing. The 704 is empty, so let's get going. ”

I took the boss's car to the officetel, and it was the office where Eunji lives. When I got on the same elevator and got down to the same floor, I looked to the right, it was the house of silver, and if I looked to the left, it was 704 out of the property. In other words, it was right across the street from Eunji's house.

When I went inside, only the house and direction of the silverware changed, but the basic interior was exactly the same. Thought I'd take a closer look at the house, but I already confirmed the purchase.

“When can I move in? ”

“Anytime. ”

“What's the price?"

“The deposit is 5 million won per year, 500,000 won per month, and the brokerage fee is 360,000 won per year. What do you think? Do you want to start the contract tomorrow? ”

The boss went out strong because the poem seemed to like the house a lot. I thought I could get a contract as soon as I could.

“Do it. I can pay you tomorrow, right? ”

“Yes. Haha. ”

After a thorough review with the satisfactory boss, he left the officetel.

“I'll see you tomorrow. ”

“Goodbye. ”

The poem greeted the boss and looked back at the officetel. I can't believe I'm going to live in this office tomorrow. Life had gradually changed since he inherited the Kestron estate. In the past, I could have married someone I worked with roughly after graduation, or I could have married an expedition because I couldn't marry in Korea. Anyway, he would have died just like that after getting married.

But I had no intention of living like that now that I received my inheritance. I wanted to be good to my parents, living a life full of everything I could.

“Phew……. ”

The poem calmed down with a deep breath as my heart boiled in a feeling full of excitement.

When my mind was calm, the situation turned to Mart. I had to buy clothes for Aru.

I didn't like the training clothes I wore yesterday. The aru itself was pretty, but it was hard to put my hands in and out, and it was not the style that the poem liked so much. It was nothing more than a quick mountain.

I bought everything from stockings. I bought everything I wanted, from black, white and coffee pantyhose to band pantyhose. I was a little ashamed, but I was already ready to have an erection considering Aru was wearing stockings, so I was able to endure this.

Along the way, I picked out a short miniskirt and a short buttocks to wear to Aroo, and even a sleeveless t-shirt and a white t-shirt. I calculated everything I liked after buying the sweets.

When people looked at themselves buying a bunch of women's clothes and stockings with strange eyes, the poem pretended to be as innocent as possible, but his ears turned red because he couldn't hide his shame.

After completing the calculations, I quickly returned to the high school and turned on the computer immediately. When the computer turned on, he took a short breather during boot, connecting the tablet and inserting various behaviors that had been stored. I was going to show Aru my technique.

I called my mom on the phone while the video was in.

Why did you call my son? Do you need money?]

When the poet who rarely answers the phone called, my mom was surprised and said.

[No, not the money... I moved in.]

What move?]

[Someone I know said he wants to stay with me in the officetel, and he only has to pay $200,000 in rent, so he's moving out of the high school in a few days.]

[Is he trustworthy?]

[Of course, I'm not an idiot.]

[When are you moving? Do you want me to come?]

[No, it's okay. I went to this office I just built today, and it's a big room, and it's really nice.]

[When we move in together, we shouldn't do that. Clean it up first, clean it up first, okay?]

[Yeah, okay.]

My mother continued to advise and ask the Pope if she was worried.

[Is there anything else?]

[It's okay. Oh, but I'm not going home this week because of the exam next week. I'll be there after the exam.]

[Are you already taking the test? Yeah. Take the test and come down when you're done. I'll make you something delicious.]

[Yes, yes. Okay.]

After finishing the call with my mom, she breathed lightly. I lied to my parents and felt a bit uneasy, but I had no choice. I couldn't say that I inherited the Kestron legacy. It was too annoying to make excuses, and there were many explanations, so I still had better just hide it. I was worried that my parents would visit in the unlikely event, but at that time, it was something I had to do again.

When I entered the video on the tablet, I put it in the sub-space and summoned the door to the castle.


“Where's Aru? ”

When Konz left the hall, the poem immediately asked from the location of the aru.

“She's in the bedroom. ”

“Thank you.”

I ran through the hall and went to the bedroom yesterday. Opening the door, an awkwardly wrapped aru sits on the bed with a stiff face.

“My Lord, have you been there? ”

When I saw the poem's face, Aru's expression suddenly opened, and I got up from bed and approached the poet.

“Did you have a good rest? ”

“Yes. Rested well. ”

“What did you do today? ”

I wondered what he would have done in a castle with nothing to do.

“I was in the room after washing, just like the master said. ”

It was also very passive because it was only one day. After living like that all my life, I felt like I had to slowly fix it.

The poem approaches Aru and just peels off the brassiere hanging on his shoulder without hooking it.

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