
Now, just call if it's fun or not, and ask them to zip down their pants, pull out their penises, and wash them off.

“No. ”

“Huff……. ”

When he touched Aru's hand with his trousers, the poem pulled Aru's hand off. I don't know if it's a secret, but Aru's technique is so good that he can hardly find a grunt. It was difficult to ruin the image by making a phone call with an important target. However, when the rejected Aru looks up at himself with a pity look, his heart weakens.

“Then just touch it and lick it. Okay?"


After the poem's permission dropped, Aru pulls down his pants with a cheerful expression and pulls out his penis. It's not irritating or shrinking. Nevertheless, Aru said it was so big that he didn't feel cute, but Aru rubbed his hands like a toy and licked his tongue slightly.


While touching Aru's head, the poem felt such a gentle stimulus. As soon as I heard the voice of a young woman answering the phone, I focused on the phone.

[Is that Eugene's phone?]

[…… Who are you?]

After checking that Eugene got it right, the woman on the phone says with a slightly cautious voice after not saying anything for a while.

[Greetings, my name is The Apocalypse. He's the one who sponsored Silver Clothes and Gemstones.]

[Ah! Quezron's …….]

[Yes, that's right. He called because he asked Eun Bi about me.]

He didn't say anything strange about meeting and talking business or whether he was interested in jewelry. It was the same as Eugene's hand when he called first. Even if a man and a woman love, those who like it more are anxious and hurt as much as they want something more quickly. However, the situation would have wanted a lot more than Eugene, but it was the same as folding a tea like that.

[Yes, I was a little curious, so I asked Mr. Jung Eun Bee about the Pope.]

[I see. What do you want to know?]

The brows of the poet, who licked his head with his tongue like he was playing with his penis, and stroked Aru's head with his finger to touch the yogurt, frowned a little. I was curious about the nature of the person, but I feel that the voice and tone themselves are quite stealthy. Besides, it seems to be a lot of caution, so it will be difficult to get along easily.

[Where did you get the red diamond? I used to regularly auction fancy colored diamonds at the Argyle Mine, but I've never seen such diamonds.]

[It's a little hard to tell where I got it because I got it by chance.]

[Hmmm, is that so?]

Eugene continued, as expected, in a distinctive, eloquent tone with no mixed emotions. But judging by Eugene's continued participation in the diamond auction and her attendance in medicine, she certainly seemed quite interested in fashion and jewelry.

[Any other questions?]

[I looked up a brand called Quezron, and there was only one cafe called Quezron that had not yet been launched for clothing.]

[You've done your research.]

[Why are you already advertising a brand you haven't even launched yet? Don't you intend to sell coincidentally obtained red diamonds for profit rather than brand promotion?]

Eugene asks with a slightly sharp voice. I don't know what to ask, but I'm trying to figure out what I didn't even think about, so I have to answer for a moment.

[…… I didn't mean to, I just lent jewelry to my close friends because I had an awards ceremony before the brand launch. because there's nothing wrong with good images. I'm thinking of launching when we're done with the café business we're expanding.]

[You've been accepted to Seoul University's top class this time.]

Eugene suddenly talks. However, there was nothing I didn't know as well as the daughter of the chairman of a large business. Usually you talk about information like that because it might offend the other person, so it's normal not to talk about it, but you have done some research. I don't feel bad, but I have a rough idea about his personality.

[You don't know anything.]

[I did my research. If you know who you're dealing with, you're talking about 100 to 100. Anyway, there are a lot of questions about your past. How did you get those expensive red diamonds when your parents were doing all the hard work? I don't understand what common sense is. I don't think he stole it, but he's suspicious.]

The moment I heard the expression "trivial" and "stolen," the impression of the poem got worse. How can you use a word like that out of politeness when you don't have enough to confidently talk about what you've investigated? Eugene did not understand common sense, but his own. That's how insignificant you find yourself and your parents.

[I don't want to talk about that part. I don't think you're curious, so I'll hang up now.]

The poem boils in rage, but he clears his voice and speaks calmly. I didn't want to do anything that benefited Eugene, regardless of the connection with the British Imperial Court. Rather, I think I want to punch Eugene who looks down on the world like that because he was born in a great house.

[Wait a minute. I still have more to say.]

What do you want to say?]

The eyes of the poem glowed sharply. He had already perceived Eugene as an enemy, not as a partner. I didn't want to use physical violence, but I wanted to break that stolen and arrogant nose in some way.

[If I stole it, I wouldn't mind, would you sell the diamond? I'll pay you well.]

The moment I tried to tell him I wasn't going to sell it, the eyes of the poem flashed. I came up with a good idea.

[Well, wouldn't it be a problem to say no?]

[Hmmm, you might have a bad day.]

An unambiguous threat. It's clear you can't have it unless you're stealing the jewels. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to say something so blatant.

Having listened to this, I was sure that Eugene would have called even if he hadn't called. If I did wrong, I could have been beaten without knowing anything. We can't just stand here like this.

[I'm scared. Haha. I don't have any intention of selling it if you pay me well...]

I had no intention of selling it at all, but I continued to talk calmly.

[Okay, let's take an appraiser from our side to make sure it's authentic first. I have to meet her in plain sight.... Why don't you just meet me back at my place?]

[Not bad.]

Rather, the poem said with a twisted smile. It was much better to do it at Eugene's house than to execute his plan in strange places.

When he decided to meet at Eugene's house, he hung up the phone and checked his thoughts.

“Brother, can I suck it now? ”

“Huh? Yes. Aru, do whatever you want. ”

When the poem's permission falls, Aru actively shoves his penis into his mouth and starts sucking. The tongue of the aru that flushes like a snake and the wet mouth cools the hot hair.

It's okay to do background checks, but you're driving yourself into a thief and you're disrespecting your parents and threatening them. The moment I heard that, I was furious. If it had been the same in the old days when I was helpless, I would have had to swallow it with my heart, despite my resentment and anger. I don't know what kind of penalty I'd get if I didn't get it right.

But the present self is not such an intrigue. I have the power to give back what I was given.

The poem sharpened his eyes and organized his thoughts.

* *

The day he promised to meet Eugene, he drove his car to Seoul early in the morning. I was glad something like this happened before the cafe opened, before I started college. The plan might have taken some time.

Eugene was following a trail at the Samsung Dong Villa not too far from Seoul University. I don't think I bought it for a day or two, and maybe during the semester I dragged my car to school myself.

The situation went up to Seoul, but I didn't intentionally contact Eun Bi. Now it was all focused on breaking the nose of the daughter of the big thieving corporate chairman who was just treating herself as a thief.

When Eugene arrived in front of the Samsung Luxury Villa, he called. It was only 2 p.m., so I still had a lot of time.

Soon after the beep, Eugene receives the call and says he is coming right down when he arrives at the house.

In the car, we wait a little while, and Eugene comes out, opening the door of the villa. I came out wearing a simple coat because of the winter, but I felt more aura than I had seen in the picture. It was not just the clothes that seemed expensive, but the face itself made the impression that everything from body, movement, fashion, etc.

As Eugene was circling around, the poem got out of the car and approached Eugene.

“You're the poet. Nice to meet you."

“Nice to meet you.”

He shook Eugene's hand and smiled lightly. It is not a pure smile that I usually make to my close friends, but a slightly twisted smile.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading

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