
* *

I came to Quezron's castle and took out my shoes from the wardrobe and waited for the poem to relax into the night. However, as I usually think of the time that I would pass quickly without thinking about it, it flows slowly as if I was waiting for a delivery.

I spent some time bored and saw Eugene's face through the door once, but he was making a dazzling face like he was possessed by a ghost.

By comparison, the poem examined the clothes or shoes that were worth selling when he launched Quezron. Just as my first impression was important when I met people, my first outfit was important.

I looked at the time after choosing my favorite clothes and shoes, but I had to wait a little longer before dawn. I was thinking about it for a moment, and I glanced out the window. As the sun began to set, the planet of Quezron was rising, and the sky was slowly flooding with light. At this point, the poem asked Konz to take a look around a few islands on the planet. I wanted to go to a more plausible island than just going to any island.

After wandering around a few places, I found an island I like. Even if you look around, the island's size is not so small in the tower without an island, so there are springs and mysterious cute animals in the forest. But it's all good, but it lacks one thing.

“Konz, I thought you said you locked up all the magic on this planet. Can you beam one of them to the island? ”

The poem stood on a hill in the forest where the sand beach was visible.

“Sure. We can move all the stuff to the island if the Pope wants us to. ”

“I don't need that. I just need one. Do any of those things look threatening on the outside, but are any of them weak enough for me to simply catch them? ”

“Well……. ”

Corns is a little concerned.

“Is this okay? ”


Cornz bounces his hand, and a magic object forms a little distance away. Two sharp teeth were particularly long and protruded from under the chin. Black smooth skin and large body appear to be quite threatening.

“My name is Kahel. They have red eyes and long teeth, so they look scary, but they're not as fast or efficient as you'd think, so they're just a bunch of magical things. If you are the Holy Father's level, you can simply subdue him. ”

Since it was summoned suddenly, Karel looks around and notices the situation. He growls like a dog and poses a threat. But instead of rushing straight in, he just keeps barking with a strange look on his side.

“It's scary seeing you like this. ”

I've never encountered a sorcerer like that before, even though I'm sure I can catch it easily as Konz said.

“Because of the nature of the group, when I'm usually alone, I yell at my colleagues. If you don't have an ally, you can only threaten them, but you won't attack much, so you can rest assured. Should I send it back?”

“Yes, you can send it now. ”


As Konz bounces his hand, Kahel disappears, just barking at the poem. That was enough. I liked that it looked scary, but not only threatening, it didn't run well.

Earlier, the sun was just rising, but it was bright soon. Earth is almost dawn.

“Let's go back.”


Cornz bounced his hand and simply returned to Quezron's castle. He brought some books to the library and read them in the library. It's an interesting book with pictures of other planets, but I keep howling at Eugene because he's waiting for me.

“Is it about time? ”

At about 1 a.m., the poem summoned the door and examined Eugene's bedroom. Unlike when I checked earlier, the lights went out and the room was surrounded by darkness. However, Eugene lies in bed and sees a smartphone. The liquid crystal light is bright on his face. Normal workers sleep early, but Eugene is on vacation, so I can't feel what time he sleeps.

I turned my eyes back to the book and read a little more and looked at Eugene. About half an hour later, the liquid crystal light shining on Eugene's face disappeared, but I didn't know when to go to sleep again.

I thought it would not work like this, but the poem brought a nostalgic perfume among the lowest magical items and sprinkled it through the door into Eugene's room. I might think it smells strange because of the sudden smell, but it was just as long as I slept.

As expected, Eugene looked around with a flawed face, and he could see that he was full of fear even though he was deceiving the darkness. It seems that people who don't believe in superstition face the superstition with their own eyes are more afraid than people who believe it.

The poem spent two more hours snooping around while checking Eugene's bedroom. At this point, Eugene did not turn around to see if he had fallen asleep or not, and was lying in bed quietly with regular breathing.

It's time.

Tell Konz that the poem that went to the beach on the island earlier summoned the door. Then I took off my shoes at the door and carefully went to Eugene's bedroom. I carefully removed the blanket Eugene was covering as carefully as possible.

It's also the daughter of a wealthy family, so I start with luxurious pajamas. It was never that kind of pajama for sexiness, and it was a nice and comfortable pajama.

The phenomenon that activated the Magic Circuit only increased the strength and bought Eugene. Eugene squirmed for a moment, but it didn't matter if he got up by now.

The poem carried Eugene right through the door and brought him to the island, and immediately the door was canceled. Since Eugene has passed through the door, the door to the planet of Kestron will now be visible. So if you're not careful when you take the door out, you might live with suspicion.


The poem carefully placed Eugene on the beach and sighed lightly. The preparations are now over. I don't know how Eugene will react here, but I was sure to fix his dirty personality. and at the same time achieve their desired goal.

The poem told Konz to get rid of the shoes and look like he was at Eugene's house earlier. You have to do this much to fool Eugene, right? Well, there's no turning back without being fooled.

Sitting on a white beach full of fine particles of sand, the poem looked at the silent sea. Seeing you like this, I think you really came to the uninhabited. I like the quiet atmosphere with no one. Wouldn't it be okay to build a vacation home in a place like this?

“Mmmm... ”

The poem, staring at the sea dazed, pretended to lie down a little away from Eugene when he woke up. I closed my eyes but carefully looked at Eugene's voice with my ears.

When Eugene woke up from his seat, he stared at the sea dazed, wondering if it was a dream. When I woke up, I didn't feel real.


However, when he opened his eyes and woke up, Eugene cried out with a loud expression. His face quickly turned into a reflection and a deep horror settled in his eyes.

I didn't think so, but something incredible happened. Ever since the poem disappeared, I feel so bad that I can't sleep. I keep tossing and turning, but after the strange scent suddenly bloomed, I fell asleep and came to this desert.

It was just like the poem said before. After drinking tea, this nonsense happened. At that time, I drank the tea shouting that the poem's words were nonsense, but I kept regretting that I drank for no reason.

“Mom... * Sobbing * ”

After Eugene, who looked so arrogant and arrogant, cried out, he cried out, saying that he was a mother with a scared face. Even though the situation was lying right next to him, Eugene was crying, not even noticing it.

“Mom... Help me... Ugh... ”

Eugene wept horribly where the tears came from. If they were suddenly drifting on a strange island after sleeping, everyone would be as terrified as Eugene and shed tears without any mental strength.

Eugene cried horribly for a long, long time. Crying means crying, even though there is no solution. I was so afraid to look around that I just vomited tears at the sea and the ground.

“Ugh... Hey, here... ”

I thought I'd wake him up after crying for a while, but I couldn't find anything to wake him up to. The poem suddenly woke up purposely, pretending to be sober.

Eugene wets himself trembling and peeing, surprised by the sudden voice of the poem. Eugene's fancy pajamas were wet with piss, and the white sand sitting on Eugene's back was soaked with water.

Earlier, Eugene, who was arrogant, overbearing, and intimidated the world without fear, disappeared and heard the sound of horses, turned into a weak and weak woman who was scared and peed. I thought he would act reasonably and rationally because of Eugene's personality, but in this situation, it seemed to be harder to overcome instinct than reason.

“Jina, what's going on? ”

The poem deliberately went to Eugene's front and said,

“Poetry, Mr. Poetry. Ugh... ”

Then Eugene, who was shaking in shock, suddenly hugs him and pours out tears again as soon as he realizes that it is the poem. I was still frightened and frightened to death, but I was so glad that I found the situation with a face, that I shed tears on relief. Friend or no friend, that was not important. I was delighted to say that I was not alone on this dreadful island.

“Jina, just calm down. ”

He didn't hug her lightly, and Eugene hugged her with all his might, whether he intended to kill the poem. It was not an act taken from the feeling of liking, but an act instinctively derived from the thought of wanting to relieve the feeling of fear.

I hugged her so tightly that I just dug into her panties. The poem wanted to get away from Eugene right away because of the bad dampness, but I couldn't let go like a leech. I thought if I left it like this, I'd have to do the laundry because my clothes would smell really bad.

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