
“Phew... ”

Eugene sighed lightly and carefully looked at the situation. My chest is pounding like crazy, and my hands and feet are trembling.

Living on an uninhabited island with nothing to enjoy. At first, I was worried about when I could go back and was afraid, so I didn't have time to think about anything else, but after a few days, I started to think about other things.

If I could not go back, I would have to live with the poet and child here, but the most intense thought came out of my head was a masturbation that I felt great pleasure.

Even though I tried to forget the pleasures of the body that I felt at that time, I suddenly remembered and aroused intense lust. Normally, it would never have happened, but it was only the situation that I believed in the harsh situation of being uninhabited, and my pride and pride were getting worse because I felt that I might have to live with the poet for life.

Thanks to this, I was even glad that the poem could help me in that way, not make me sad during the day.

“Ahh... ”

I'm just holding the poem and hugging him, but I'm already secreted from the vaginal wall, and I'm starting to spill out of my vagina. I'm already starting to feel like I'm going to masturbate.

Eugene patted the back of the poem and lifted his lower back slightly to match the penis of the poem with his penis. I felt pleasant just by touching the penis of the poem in the crevice, leaving only one pair of panties.

I moved my lower back slightly and felt the pleasure in the vagina. I hugged the situation a little tighter and touched my back. It's because I get more excited when I touch the slimy body of the poem than just rubbing it between my penises.

However, I felt bad because I was rubbing my pants on it, and it was less pleasant than before. Eugene glanced at the situation. I felt like we slept together for a week, but I didn't worry about waking up at all because I didn't know who could carry me when I was sleeping.

So I carefully took off the panties of the poem with some peace of mind. Light was just a little window in the cabin, so I could barely see in front of it, so I had to do everything with just the senses of my hands.

As I lowered my panties, the poem's huge penis was touched in my hand. I slept with the poem for a few days and secretly had a few non-vintage times, but it was the first time since then that I had masturbated so I was not very familiar with it.

When a hard club-like penis comes into my hand, my heart bursts. I was going to rub the clitoris right here, but I stuttered with my fingers to feel this hidden area more.

I was an uninhabited person without anyone, and I once saw the penis of the poem because I dress very modestly, but I had never touched it properly like I do now.

It was like a hard club in a way, but I was so excited that I could feel it because I recognized it as a penis that it flew down my thigh.

After touching every part of the penis, including the testicles for a while, Eugene began to masturbate. I brought the Pounds of the Apocalypse to the noisy sequence between the labyrinth that was opened with my own hands. The penis was hard, but the frog was soft and tender, so I felt really good when I rubbed it on here.

The penis of the palate was gently fixed by hand and then the waist was moved to friction the noisy labia and clitoris on the eardrum.

Thanks to the saliva that flowed from the vagina and the copper fluid from the poem's head, the slippery head was so strongly stimulated by the clitoris that the stinging sensation spread throughout the body that his hands and legs were full of strength.

“Haha... ”

Eugene moved his back in a frenzy that was completely different from when he touched it by himself. I know how to feel better and more excited because I tried it once before.

The clitoris was intensively rubbed into the penis. I don't know if it was natural, but there was no unpleasantness or pain at all and I just felt full of pleasure. The clitoris seemed to swell to see how pleasant it felt.

“Ugh……. ”

Eugene, who was vomiting out of excitement, now makes a slightly ill sound. A groan came out even though my back was bent by itself and my toes were not meant to be so intense.

Eugene moves his lower back more and more rapidly as he feels the rush of his chest like a vortex.


Suddenly, my head felt strong enough to whiten. While almost all the pleasures would disappear at the moment of a man's assessment, the woman Eugene was just trembling with intense pleasures like a boiling teapot.

“Ugh... ”

I vomited out a deep breath of joy. The overwhelming pleasure is now calming down. I was so distracted that I didn't know the fact that I was tying the bridges and breasts of the poem to be crushed. When I came back, I started to notice everything around me.

I felt a little relieved and masturbated, and I hugged and screamed a lot. I looked at the situation nervous in case it happened, but luckily, I was sleeping with regular breathing sounds. You're so stupid.

“Phew... ”

Eugene started enjoying the breeze, exhaling a mix of relief and pleasure. I gently rubbed around the noisy and clitoris with the penis of the poem. Although it is weaker than the previous intense pleasures, it still breathes deeply into the pleasant pleasures.

I was rubbing my vagina with the penis of the poem for a long time, and suddenly my heart fluttered strangely. And like instinct, I kissed the lips slightly.

“Well, what did you do? I must be crazy.”

Eugene is so ashamed and embarrassed that he's so angry that he can't even say anything. No matter how rationally I thought about why I kissed the poem, there was no answer.

After seeing that, he said he would never do it again and masturbated when the poem fell asleep without overcoming his lust. I didn't feel as overwhelmed and remorseful as when I masturbated for the first time, but I felt like I was a little bit vulgar and stupid.

After the appetite subsided, Eugene carefully got up from his seat and put his pants up after wiping the penis with a piece of cloth prepared in advance.

“Ahh... ”

I didn't know when I was enjoying myself, but after I finished masturbating, I just thought I was too stupid.

Eugene carefully leaves the cabin and goes to the lake right next to it. I had to wash the cloth and my body.

With the lake so cold, Eugene wipes the fluid from his vagina with just water in his hands.

This time, I tried to wash the cloth that was covered in the poem's affection as it seemed clean enough. However, I was curious about the smell of damp cloth, so I put it on my nose and smelled it slightly. It didn't smell that different from what I thought, but I felt like it was full of the smell of the poem, and my heart again fluttered.

“What's the matter with you these days.... You don't happen to be sick, do you? ”

It was before, but my heart fluttered all the time like now. I don't know why, but my heart was so frustrated that I thought I was going to die.

“When can I go back……. ”

With a sigh, Eugene sucked a cloth. It was the only handkerchief made of tearing off his pajamas, and I had to use it clean.


While I was washing the cloth, I suddenly heard the voice of the poem.

“Huh? Why, why? ”

Eugene, who was shocked, replied with a trembling voice. I started pounding so hard my heart burst because of what I just did, I wonder if the poem noticed. I keep regretting why I did that.

“What are you doing?"

The poem was revealed under the moonlight, wearing nothing but panties through the trees. The perfect body that shone in a hazy light was like a work of art.

Eugene quickly examined the city's face. However, he was rubbing his eyes to see if he was coming to sleep, rather than looking angry. I felt like I had no idea what I was doing just now.

“Well, just……. Go. What's wrong with you? ”

“I was sleeping and I woke up without knowing it. You weren't crying in here, were you? ”

“No, I didn't cry. I just came out a little depressed. ”

Fortunately, Eugene quickly surrounded the situation with a young expression of relief.

“Really? That's a relief. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Eugene twists slightly as the poem approaches. So far, the shame hasn't disappeared enough to show me naked.

“Don't worry. We'll be able to go back. Starting tomorrow, let's find something more like jewelry. ”

“Huh? Well, go ahead. ”

Suddenly, when the poet stroked his head and spoke softly, Eugene felt his heart fluttered and embarrassed, and he was so confused that he couldn't even think what to say. We got along a lot more than we did at first, but it was the first time we were so kind to ourselves.

“Why? You still hate me? ”

“It's not like that.... ”

“Well, I actually hated you for being selfish and arrogant at first, but now I don't think it's much, because it's much better. ”

“Really? Oh, thank God. ”

Eugene barely replied as he squeezed the expression of the poem that it had gotten much better, feeling like it was breaking his heart. It was unbearably loud and unbearable.

“Well, I'm gonna go to bed. ”

Eugene couldn't wait to get up from his seat and try to return to the cabin with his head slightly bent.

“Wait a minute.”

However, the poet grabbed Eugene's arm and grabbed him by his side.

“Well, well, what are you doing? ”

Suddenly, Eugene was so embarrassed by his skin that he stuttered.

“Let's just get ahead of ourselves. ”

The poem smiled and said, hugging Eugene.

After waiting for a long time, the time I only wanted was now. When I first met Eugene, I thought about leaving him here alone, but I endured it to achieve my goal.

However, unlike what I thought, the more time went by, it didn't make me more angry, but it became more and more pure. I did what I was told, and I did almost nothing selfish and arrogant like the first time. I don't know if I instinctively realized that I was thrown away after doing something like that, but it seemed a little different from before.

However, the circumstance was vague that this was a result of a special combination of self-reliance and self-reliance. That's why he treated them a little harshly, as if he were always careful, and then he went after the moment of weakness. That way I'll like it even more.

Eugene was to be taken from the beginning. It was only a matter of frightening and then scaring, but when it came back to reality, it would come back as a sharp spear. That is why it is possible to continue to keep the mind even when we make ourselves more confident and willing in this way.

However, this was not enough to completely change my personality and make me more willing. Pride, arrogance, selfishness, and self-esteem were hard enough to break down completely before being forced to rely on themselves.

This was just the beginning for it.

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Thank you for reading.

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