
I understood the meaning, but I didn't know if it was because I really wanted to take my underwear off or because it was something else. Suddenly, the situation that has been hard on him for a week suddenly gives me a strange feeling and a strange expectation.

“I'm not gonna do anything. Don't worry.”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Eugene carefully took off his brassiere and underwear without any objection to the words of the poem who spoke kindly while patting his head. Even though the poem was usually harsh, I couldn't help but follow it, but I couldn't help but be kind to him.

When I was in society, I was filled with men who were anxious to be seen around me, so I didn't have any emotion for ordinary favors, but my heart felt trembling and feeling better just because I received a small favor that didn't seem like a favor from the poem.

Eugene shrugs slightly with his underwear by his side. Yesterday, I didn't feel anything different when I slept naked. Today, I took off because of the poem's words and mixed it with shyness and rumbling to create a strange feeling that I had never felt in my life.

“It feels good to sleep like this. From now on, let's both sleep naked. ”

“Bird, think about it. ”

When the poet hugged Eugene and said, Eugene mumbled low, buried in his chest. As the giant poem's penis pierced near the conspiracy, the obscene thought of wanting to masturbate later filled my head.

I thought it was really pathetic to think of masturbating with a situation that didn't seem to interest me at all, but my instinct was intensely wanting that pleasure. I was already excited by this hug before I went to bed, so I was short of breath.

“Yes. Do as you please. ”

“Yes... ”

The poem hugged me and stroked my head. I hugged her naked and slept in the yard, but I felt like my heart was bursting for some reason.

“Do you know why I said I didn't like you in the first place? ”

“Huh? Well, I don't know. ”

Eugene was a little embarrassed by the sudden revelation, and replied. Normally, I would just fall asleep like this, but today the poem was strangely kind and gentle.

“Yes. You wouldn't know. We don't know for a fact that such an action is wrong. ”

Eugene felt a heartburn in his chest because the poem said that his head was gently stroked but disappointed. The excitement that was buzzing disappeared and my heart suddenly cooled down.

Eugene thought quickly. I thought about what I did wrong.

Usually, when men and women fight like this, women ask them if they know what they have done wrong, and men are not able to answer correctly, so a positive scene should be created. However, the relationship between the poem and Eugene was the opposite result because the poem had overwhelmingly favorable leadership.

“I'm sorry about the jewelry, Bo. I think I was too much... ”

After thinking about it for a long time, I quickly apologized to the pope for buying jewelry and making him feel a little threatened. It was because I thought it was a jewel stolen or illegally obtained from somewhere, but after going through this nonsense, I realized that the situation was not someone who would do such a bad thing or not. Usually, he was a gentleman, even though he was a bit harsh.

And in society, even if they knew that, they would not apologize, but there were some things they felt while living in the uninhabited country, and they were afraid that somehow the situation would be disappointed in them.

“There was that, but there was something much more disappointing to you than that. ”

After wrapping my head around it and thinking about it, I apologized, but Eugene's expression became worse. I quickly thought about it again, but no matter how much I thought about it, there was nothing else.

“I don't know what's going on. I'm sorry. I'll be careful in the future.”

I didn't even apologize like this at first, but now I'm simply sorry.

“Never mind. It's in the past. We'll never see each other again if we break up here. ”

Eugene felt a sudden tingling sensation in the words of a cold poem. Thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with the poem, but the cold words were so heartbreaking that tears poured out a little. After spending a week together, I thought we were getting along and getting along, but it seemed to be my own delusion.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Tell me what happened, and I'll be careful. * Sobbing * ”

“Well, we have different ways of living and different ideas. Is that going to work? ”

Eugene was staring at himself with round eyes filled with tears, but the poem continued calmly. I intentionally caught the atmosphere, but Eugene came in here out of his mind and was a little surprised, but I was careful not to tease him like that. I couldn't completely change my mindset, but I wanted to change that arrogant, arrogant look a little bit.


The poem pretended to think while stroked Eugene's head. After being silent for a while, Eugene lets out a few tears. I heard tears are a woman's weapon, but seeing her crying makes me really weak.

“You're nothing, no, of course you thought you were, but I was really disappointed by the way you talk about my parents. I know you were born to be the daughter of the highest group in our country, which is nothing to be jealous of, but that's not what you get for trying, and you don't have the right to ignore other people because you're rich. ”

“I'm sorry. I didn't know. * Sobbing * ”

Hearing the poem reminded me of the story I first talked to the poem. At that time, he expressed to his parents that he was doing something worthless, but it seemed to have hurt him. Up until now, no one had ever said anything to themselves, and when I was born with everything, I thought of the poor as the lower class.

But when I came to this uninhabited island, I lost everything I had. Those things, which I thought were natural, disappeared like all power had been illusions. If I had listened to the poem in reality, I would have just laughed, but I spent a week relying solely on the poet in this uninhabited island, and I understood what the poem meant.

It was a new realization.

“I'm so sorry.... ”

“I wasn't going to say this, but now that you're working hard and doing what I say, I like you. If you were as angry and arrogant and as arrogant as you were when you first met, you'd think there was no answer, then you'd just go somewhere else. ”

He said he'd repay a thousand in debt. If he continued to be angry with the poet without thinking about it, he would have become a cold corpse in this strange uninhabited island that he did not know. I came in much more directly than just saying I was wrong.

I think my fate may have been decided by one action, so I think about what I said and what I did.

“Thank you. Ugh... I will never do that again. I promise, I promise. ”

And I was so shocked by the first words of the poem that I felt like I was stabbed in the chest, but nowadays it's a great comfort to say that I'm doing well. It was nothing really, but I felt better than any compliment I had during this time.

“Well, I'll believe you for a second. If we don't act like we used to, maybe we'll see each other again when we get home. ”

“I'll be really good at it. ”

Eugene replied, thinking that he would do better in the future, in the words of the poem who wedged the lead. I've lived so far, but I've never spoken like this. Eugene wouldn't have felt it so much, but he would have given all the power to the city. Until then, it was a temporary power that the situation could have because there were so many things that the situation could do to uninhabited people, so it was more likely to collapse quickly if we went back to reality. The difference was similar to that of the girl who worked hard to prepare for straw, and she accepted.

However, it was firmly established by the previous words, so that this could not easily collapse even if it came to reality. Here, just a little more will give you a definite control over reality.

“Yes. You can do as you're told, so don't cry. ”

“Ugh, yeah. I'm not crying anymore. ”

In the poem's words, Eugene wiped his eyes and replied.

“Jina's cute these days. ”

“Oh, thank you. ”

Eugene felt his heart palpitated in front of him for a moment because he said he was cute. Until just now, I was sobbing with tears because of the poem, but now I feel so good for a moment that I buried my face in the chest of the poem. This made me feel strange as if I had fallen in love with the poet.

“Let's get some sleep, then. We'll have to find another way back tomorrow. ”

“Yes, I'm going to sleep now. ”

Recently, I have listened quietly, but Eugene is more stubborn than usual because of that. So far, I felt a bit annoyed and annoyed, but I also looked really cute, like I was just trying to cheer you up.

“Good night. ”

The poem whispered to Eugene's ear and kissed him lightly on the forehead. The situation was also a normal man, so my hands and feet were stretched, but I knew that women liked this and I was holding on to it. I gave him a whip, so it was time for a carrot.

“…… Good night to you. ”

Whether the intention of the poem worked or not, Eugene was unable to answer the poem normally, not knowing what to do with a sudden kiss. My heart was pounding like a second ago and my heart was pounding so hard in front of my eyes.

In my head, I kept thinking about what the poem said, saying cute, and kissing my mouth to say goodnight.

Earlier, I was scolded by the poet and shed a few tears, but I thought I should be better for the poet, not strangely offended. He had no idea what was wrong with his actions until the poem told him. If he had been through something like that, he never would have seen it again, but he took care of himself. Now that I think about it, all I could think about was how great and grateful I am.

I felt the gentle odor of the man in the chest of the tightly held poem. It was not the smell of disgusting sweat at all, but the fragrance of a sexy man who somehow made my breasts throb.

For a long time, I tasted the scent of the poem, rubbed my back, and I just thought about what happened before, and I closed my eyes to sleep.

But I expected it, but even when I closed my eyes, all I could think about was what I did before. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't sleep because my heart kept pounding.

I don't know how much time had passed since I didn't have a watch, but I couldn't sleep for more than an hour and was in the arms of the poem.

Moreover, I could not control my mind because of the penis of the poem stabbing near my navel, not because my mind was calming down.

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