
The poem woke up shortly after how much Eugene had touched her all night. Eugene was so fond of his penis that he couldn't stand the taste of it, he opened his eyes and had sex with Eugene right away, even if he lacked a little self-control. But sex hasn't been allowed yet. I had to make more progress.

The poem opened its eyes carefully and washed out of the lake without Eugene waking up. The water is so cold that it freezes in my bones, I feel refreshed quickly.

“It's Koontz.”

“Yes, Pope. ”

Even though it was a cloudy dawn that the sun had not yet risen properly, Konz appeared immediately in the call of the poem.

“Can you take me to the cave I saw before? ”



As Konz bounced his hand, his vision suddenly changed and he saw a cave in front of him. It wasn't a big cave. It was a small cave that used to be used by magic objects on this planet.

I've been wandering around Eugene and the island for a week, but I didn't come deliberately near the cave in front of me. Finding the cave was like telling Eugene that he could find a jewel in the cave and come back.

I took Konz into the cave. It was dark around here, but it wasn't a big cave, so it wasn't much.

It was awkward to throw the jewels here, so the poem went to Kestron's castle and returned to the cave with an antique little table and jewelry chest.

The cave sets up a table in the deepest depths and places a jewelry chest on top.

[Chest of Golden Jewels. Usually it looks like a normal jewelry box, but when the light disappears and becomes darker, it is a delicate golden child around the jewelry box. It's a fancy product that lacks many other features and is popular with young women.]

This jewelry box had a big role, although it didn't have much of a function as described. I found a treasure I was looking forward to, but if I just put it on the ground, the deprivation regardless of the value of the gemstone. That's why it was important to make me feel like I'd found the treasure.

The poem retrieved a chest of jewels from the sub-space and searched for a worthwhile jewel and found a pink diamond. It was the best pink diamond polished to the same size as the one I showed Eugene. An object that cannot even be measured at a price.

Pink diamonds are placed in a jewelry chest and placed on a table. A young jewelry chest with a subtle golden glow on an old-fashioned table looks like something.

“Konz, if I come around here later, summon that magic I showed you before into this cave. ”

“Yes, Pope. ”

This concludes all preparations.

The poem returned to the cabin. I was worried that Eugene might wake up because it took longer than I thought, but fortunately, I was still busy sleeping.

I carefully went into the house and lay next to Eugene. While Eugene is sleeping, his arms and legs get entangled again. Soft and wild flesh touched me, and I had a huge desire, but I endured it, stroked my hair, and revisited the plan.


How long has it been? It wasn't until the sun came up that Eugene woke up. I got used to living here, and I woke up late, sleeping late.

“You awake?”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

At the words of the poem, Eugene rubs his eyes around and hugs the poem again and buries his face in his chest. When I first came to the uninhabited island, I always looked around if I wanted to go back to reality, but now I was just checking where the situation is.

“Are you tired lately? You keep getting up late. ”

“A little……. Kee, maybe a kiss will cheer you up. ”

Eugene, who was burying his face on the poem's chest, raised his head and looked at the poem and said with a euphemism. It still felt awkward, but it was the development of the elders compared to the past.

“Where do you want me? ”

“On my lips... ”

Seeing the poem, Eugene pointed to his lips with his finger, making a slightly shy face. At first, I felt like my hands and feet were swollen and my face was flushed with shame because of this charm that I had never done in my life, but now I feel like I'm getting used to it or having fun.

The poem smiled softly and kissed Eugene's lips.

“You got it?"

“A little longer... ”

“How much?”

“Give me more than a minute. ”

Eugene said sweetly, placing it on his cheek, even though it was dark. I made it clear yesterday that this is how the poem likes it.

“Eggs, cute. Jina, you have to do what she says. ”

The poem smiled and kissed Eugene's euphemism. Then Eugene closed his eyes and grabbed him by the neck lightly. Although I still feel ashamed and powerful, this was a more subtle charm.

I didn't stick my tongue in, I just slapped my mouth and kissed. I wasn't in a hurry to have sex, but I was going to step out very slowly.

“How are you? Are you tired of kissing me now? ”

“Yes. I'm stronger than I was before. But it's still not enough... I feel more empowered if I hold her like this. ”

Eugene said, putting his face back into the poem's arms. Not long ago, I was wandering around at dawn looking for jewelry so I could go home quickly, but now I'm just slowing down in the house.

“Then can I kiss Jina's chest? ”

“Go, why the sudden kiss on the chest? ”

Eugene was puzzled by the sudden words of the poem touching his hair.

“I wanted to. Not if you don't want to. ”

“Well, that's ……. Oh, okay. It's okay.”

I was really ashamed to even touch my breasts. When Eugene saw the situation of being a little disappointed while thinking about what to do, he immediately became weak and gave permission.

“Thank you, Jina. ”

The poem smiled and replied, pretending to kiss Eugene's chest with his mouth and slightly asked him about his nipple. That's what this was for anyway.

“I'm embarrassed there.... ”

“I like it here. Can I suck it? ”

When the poem looked him in the eye and said, Eugene had to nod slightly. I didn't intend to tell you not to do it, but I couldn't help but look into the eyes of the poem.

With Eugene's permission, the poem again bit Eugene's nipple with its mouth and sucked it like a baby. Of course, I did not get wet, but the feeling of sucking my nipple was quite good. The remaining breasts began to grow as I slowly sucked, wriggling with my hands. I didn't even caress her, but I felt like I was warming up.

“My nipples are hard. Feeling good?”

“Boo, I'm ashamed... ”

Eugene covered his face with his hands because of the blatant poem. But I was ashamed, but it felt really good because the poem sucked my nipples. I masturbated like that at dawn, but I couldn't because of the fluids.

I planned to go home today, but I spent some time sucking Eugene's nipples and kissing her because there was nothing urgent about the situation anyway. We didn't just have sex, and we had sexually intense skinships like touching each other's genitals and twisting our arms and legs like vines.

“Let's stop playing at home, eat, and look for another cave. ”

“Ugh, yeah. Yes.”

As the poem fell, Eugene replied with a sad expression. Today, I just wanted to kiss and touch each other like this, but after this, only bad feelings kept happening. However, the poem asked me to stop, but I couldn't keep going.

Eugene and the poem, who ate food, simply put on underwear and prepared to go out on their way to find a cave.

“Can we take our hands together? ”

I was going to visit the cave prepared for the event, but Eugene suddenly patted the poem's arm slightly.

“A hand? Let's do it. ”

Eugene grinned with a cheerful smile with the poem's permission. At first, I thought he was a tough guy, but after a few days, I found out that he was kind and kind. The first offensive action was ultimately his fault, but there was nothing bad about the situation.

The poem holding Eugene's hand pretended to find a way, and took him to the cave. The way to the cave was not difficult or harsh because there were no hazards other than horses on the island. It's usually used as a resort.

Familiar terrain begins to emerge between the screeching trees. We arrived near the cave where Konz and I came from. It was not a large island, so it was easy to arrive within an hour of walking to the desired location.

“Huh? That looks like a cave. ”

“Where? Where are you? ”

Eugene looked around, still holding the poem's hand. There were not only trees and grass, but also huge rocky terrain on the front and cavernous gaps in between.

“Let's go first. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

After walking at a slightly faster pace, Eugene also held hands and walked fast. My feet hurt a little, but now I can go back and I don't even feel the pain because what happened on the uninhabited island was already in my head.

“This is a real cave. Let's go inside.”

“It's a little scary. ”

As he entered the gap large enough for the person to enter, Eugene's heart palpitated with anticipation and fear. I prayed in my heart that there were no scary animals or insects in the darkness of the cave, even though the sun came in, but I couldn't see properly.


However, as I set foot inside the cave, I heard a ferocious beast.

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Thank you for reading.

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