Under one roof.

Kang Ju-hee? The poem seemed to come up with a vague name. At that time, I could barely remember the name of Kang Ju-hee who kept shooting 1000 moon balloons, even though there were so many viewers.

At that time, I received a balloon and broadcast it without thinking about it. When I met a girl who came to me as a fan in person, my shoulders were shrugged.

“Oh, I remember. But it's a different name. ”

“Well, that's because I was a minor, so I did it under your name. ”

“Haha. I see. Well, it feels good to have someone who recognizes me like this. ”

“No, I liked it better when I saw him. ”

Suddenly, the lecture ended early and there was still time until the next lecture. Now that it was almost time for lunch, I thought about going to eat and looked around. As expected, the friend who was talking to Goun earlier is waiting to look this way.

“Then I'll be going now. Nice to meet you.”

Since I have a friend waiting for me, I can't keep talking to Goun, the poem greets me to say goodbye and surrounds my bag.

“Oh, wait a minute. ”


“Hey, did you eat there? ”

“No, I haven't eaten yet. I'm starting to think I'm going to eat. ”

“Are you having dinner with a friend? ”

“No, I'm going to eat alone. ”

Since I didn't go to OT, no one knew about it, I had to eat it alone, whether I liked it or not. But what was strange was that in the past, eating alone was so embarrassing and embarrassing, and now it was a graveyard without any thought.

“Then would you like to join us for dinner? I was just about to eat... ”

He said, speaking with a somewhat tense expression. It turned out that he wanted to talk to the poem more somehow and be together. It was like meeting an aspiring celebrity.

The poem felt a new feeling. It's because I have a lot of women now, but no one has ever come close to making tea like Goun from the beginning. I could feel a little celebrity in the eyes of the woman who looked at me like she had never seen a heart engraved before.

“I'd love to eat alone if I could. First, ask your friend if he's okay with waiting for you. ”

“Oh, yes. Yeah, I'll do that. Now, wait a minute. ”

As I thought, Goun thought that the poem was good consideration, and asked his friend if he could eat with the poem. I wanted to eat rice with the poem too much, so I didn't get it even though I wanted it in advance.

“Bo-young, I'm sorry to say this all of a sudden, but can I eat with my brother? I really want to eat together... ”

“I've never had lunch with a man before, so I'm a little nervous, but I'm fine, so tell him to go eat. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

Goun ran straight to the poem and preached Bo-young's words, and was able to leave the classroom to eat the poem and food.

When the poem came forward and introduced himself, Goun was really surprised when he was in front of the poem that he had only seen pictures and broadcasts. I used to listen to the song of the poem on YouTube for the first time, and I was so moved that I put the video in my phone and always watch it whenever it was hard. When I heard that she was broadcasting on Serengeti, I joined Serengeti under her sister's name. As I thought, the poem's singing skills gave the balloon a gift with all the spare money that was touching enough to shed a little tears. I've always loved poetry, but since watching the broadcast, I've really become a fan of it, and I've been going to a cafe where the poem is said, and I've collected all the videos and YouTube. There were still songs and videos that the poem sang on the phone.

The poem, fine, and Bo-young were deciding what to eat while walking the sunny campus streets out of the crowded census. There were a lot of people on campus as well as in the building because it was a new semester that was just opened today.

In the morning, he was buried because he was not too nervous or excited about going to school, but I felt a little better now that he was walking around campus with women like this. Surprisingly delightful. Since I went to college in the past and didn't have any friends, I didn't feel like this because I had a lot of things to do when I went home after class and played games or bothered.

“Do you want something to eat? ”

“I'm fine with anything. Brother.”

“Then simply eat your education. I have another lecture in a little while. ”

I didn't want to get in the car for no reason, so the poem asked me to eat takeout. I wanted to buy you something delicious as a fan, but I couldn't go far because of the lecture.

“Yes! I like everything. ”

“Gochun is fine, but what about Bo-young? ”

“I'm fine, I'm fine. ”

When the poem looked at his face, Bo-young couldn't look at the poem's face, lowered her head slightly and replied. When I saw that her ears were red, I felt ashamed of talking to a man.

The situation was also understandable enough because I did not have a good conversation with the woman in the past. It was common for anyone to be shy in South Korea, South Korea, Recreation and Yeongo Techtree.

I went to a nearby student restaurant, picked up the menu I wanted, picked up some rice, and sat at the waiting table. It was quite noisy because there were so many people who wanted to eat.

“Does it taste good? ”

“Yes, brother. It's really good.”

According to the poem, it was not enough to say that it was really tasty like fine wine. Just the right level to eat. If it were not for the lecture, it was also tasty without any reason to come here and eat.

“I have a lecture today, so I just ate, but I'll treat Goun and Bo-young to a delicious meal later. ”

“Thank you so much. Oh, I'm excited. ”

“Go, thank you. ”

I didn't only see him today, but I continued to see him in the same school. There was nothing bad about being close to him. Even though Bo-young is pretty, I thought that Bo-young is small and short like Aru, full of young teas and full of shame and shyness. I wanted to be nice to the poem for some reason.

“Oh, and please make it easier for him to talk. You're older than us, and you're uncomfortable with your words. ”

“Should I? Is Bo-young okay? ”

“Yes, yes. I'm fine, I don't have to worry too much. ”

The poem naturally asked Bo-young as well, and Bo-young replied with her ears red. When I was with my friend, it was important to increase my intimacy by talking to children like Bo-young who were quiet when I met strangers or rational people.

“By the way, you have cafe quezron in Seoul. Is that your new one? I didn't know it would look like that even if I went to a fan cafe. ”

“A fan cafe? Or my fan cafe? ”

“Sure. There are a lot of people who like you. There's also an article on Cafe Quezron in Pan Cafe. Everyone praises that the coffee there is really good. ”

“Shame on you, Pan Cafe. ”

I wasn't even aired in Serengeti, and there was nothing else on the air, but hearing that there was a fan cafe made me feel a little embarrassed no matter what the situation was.

“Anyway, when I moved to Seoul, I left something in the province with my parents and paid for a new one in Seoul. Come visit me once in a while. I'll give you something delicious. ”

“Wow, I see. I have to go now because you're doing it. ”

“Ka, Cafe Quezron! Is that where you run it? ”

Bo-young was furious with the poem and the words of Goon speaking as if it were natural. It was hard to believe that the owner of that great café Quezron was right in front of me.

“Yes. It's been two days since we opened. I'll give you chocolates and chocolate cookies since you've all eaten. We sell chocolate cookies at our cafe, but we don't sell chocolate. Chocolate was so good, I couldn't sell it all to people. Haha.”

The poem pretended to take the chocolate out of the bag and picked up the box with the chocolate in the subspace. This was so much that it was now perfectly natural to take it out of the bag.

It was a sparkling box with a slightly girly feeling. The design of the box itself was excellent enough to give just like this.

“You must have heard about 20. Split them up.”

“Beautiful. May I have this box, brother? ”

“Yes, do as you please. ”

“Thank you, Bo-young. Have some chocolate. Here."

After opening the lid of the box, you picked up the chocolate and handed it over to Bo-young. Then, she received the chocolate with a really impressed expression and quickly put it in her mouth.

“Ah……. Delicious."

and naturally followed by amazement.

“Here's a cookie. ”

The poem gave me a box with cookies, and this time the Goose received it quickly. As it was a box given to me by the poem, I was going to take it home and decorate it. In fact, I told the poet, but I also printed a picture of the poem and hung it on the wall.

When the box was opened, this time, she quickly picked up a cookie and ate it. Earlier, I asked Goun to go to Café Quezron, and he was eating it because he was so impressed to see that it was really delicious.

“Is it good?”

“Yes, it's really good. I think it's as soft and delicious as your heart. Probably because of your efforts, right? ”

“Ugh, yeah. Okay, thank you. ”

The poem smiled awkwardly and replied with embarrassing compliments. I thought it was great to have that kind of shyness. Would you be able to endure that kind of emotion if you were a fan?

“This quantity would be very expensive.... ”

“No pressure. It's okay to think of it as a gift from the first time you met Goun and Bo-young. ”

As Bo-young said, the price of chocolate and chocolate cookies given by the poem was never great. 8,000 KRW for three small chocolate cookies, 20 for more than 50,000 KRW and 100,000 KRW for chocolates.

However, this was also priced, but it was also a unique dessert that would always be sold out so quickly if you didn't find it on time.

Cookies are cookies, but I took the box that the poem gave me, so I ate some nice goodies, cookies and chocolate, and got out of the restaurant with a touching expression.

“I have my next lecture, so I should probably get going. ”

“Oh, brother, can I exchange your number over there? ”

“Of course.”

As soon as I left the restaurant, I exchanged my phone number with Bo-young.

“I'll be going, then. I'll see you later."

“Yes, I'll text you later. It was really fun and fun today. Next class, sit next to me! ”

“Goodbye. ”

Goun and Bo-young broke up and the poem took a step to hear the next lecture.

Somehow, I thought it would be a good college life.

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It's a little late today. Sorry about that.

I've been a little busy lately... heh;

I'll put it up at dawn.

Thank you for reading.

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