Under one roof.

* *

“Isn't the poem too good for you? ”

“Well, that's not so bad after all. ”

Hyojin sat in a slightly crooked seat and looked at the situation to help with the work at the counter.

As Cafe Quezron became more famous, many celebrities came to visit. Among them, the sunset that followed the secret before the opening always seemed to be every day, and afterwards, Hyojin and Seonghyun visited a lot. The secret was that I met the poem more often in a place with no one than in a cafe.

Since I was quite old, I was able to put the poem and the words together because of Hyojin's good and outgoing nature. By comparison, Seonghyun was still clumsy about the situation, but much better than the first day.

Ever since it opened, the cafe has been busy with people. It wasn't that I didn't feel that way because it was the only cafe quezron in Seoul.

“Hey, did you order? ”

After finishing things roughly, the poem sitting across from Hyojin and Seonghyun said.

“Yes, I did. But I'm not here for coffee. I'm here to see my brother. I'm a little interested in you lately. Oh, right. Are you angry with Silver by saying this? ”

“Take me out. ”

When Hyojin smiled softly and said, Seong-hyun who was next to him added lightly.

“Haha. Joking. ”

The poem smiled lightly. When a beautiful woman like Hyojin said that, she would think of all kinds of things, but the poem only saw Hyojin as a bit of a familiar celebrity, but there was no other emotion.

“But the business is going so well. You don't want to make a chain deal? Somehow I want to invest. ”

“I haven't really thought about it yet. We still don't have enough chocolate cookies to keep selling. ”

“Oh, that's too bad. I think it'd be really cool to put up a chain. ”

“There's nothing I can do about it because I'm incompetent. ”

In fact, I said this, but after a little while, I was thinking about giving the chain to Eun-si and Sook one by one. although I still have a lot of money and a lot of things that are lacking in many ways that I've only conceived about.

“But you're at the cafe today? You don't usually snore. ”

“I have something important to do. ”

“Aren't you a little indifferent to cafes? I'd like to see you more often than coffee. I have a thing for you. ”

“Haha. Hyo-jin is good at joking. What's the point of a guy like me who doesn't have much fun? ”

Seeing Hyojin speaking with a slight smile, the poem smiled again lightly. I didn't do it because I really liked him anyway, so I just laughed.

“Oh, I'm not kidding.... ”

“Brother, it's time. ”

Hyo-jin was about to say something, but suddenly, the pope came to me with a spawn. Hyo-jin and Seong-hyun were shining as if they had highlighted this position just by sitting at the table. As the eggs approached, the effect seemed to have been transferred to the eggs. They were emitting enormous beauty on a schedule.

“Yes, let's go. Then I've got work to do. I'll get up first. Have fun. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Hyojin, who was embarrassed and answering, went to the cafe that promised to interview with the stirrups. Of course, you might think you should interview at Cafe Quezron, but Cafe Quezron was so noisy that it was better to go to a quiet cafe.

When I arrived at the nearby cafe, I saw a man sitting there who appeared to be from the publisher.

“Are you and Mr. Lim Soo-ran? ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

“Greetings, I'm Lee Hyuk-gyu from the publishing house. ”

“Nice to meet you.”

After a brief greeting, the poem and the disturbance sat across from Lee Hyuk-gyu. In this interview, I had to pay careful attention to the press releases on the internet. All the comic books sold in this way will be the experience of the poetry. If you sell a lot well, you'll be close to level 5.

“I don't know if I should say this, but you're both pretty cool and beautiful. In fact, in this day and age, it's more about appearances than cartoons that help you secretly sell them. because of the fact that they're just handsome or pretty, they often have names and photographs and they spread all over the Internet. ”

“Ah, I see. ”

“Yes. In the case of the poem, I looked it up, and people would be more interested, especially because he was a moderate celebrity on the Internet and had a good aptitude. The comic book business is so difficult these days, I have a lot of things to do to help sell it. ”

The situation was a little tempting because it helped sell. Originally, I was going to lay eggs on the front and fall back, but I thought I would be able to deal with issues well from the beginning. He was confident in his work, so he was confident enough to sell as long as he had a lot of interest.

Noise marketing came from this perspective. After all, if you go up and down people's mouths, you'll be interested.

“Does that mean that our photographs go out? ”

“Yes, I think we should do a picture together and sprinkle. Especially since Mr. Juran is so pretty to say," Go away. "I can get enough attention from male readers. I don't know if you know this, but a lot of pictures have spread to the Korean community just because a Chinese cartoonist is pretty. I love being so pretty and handsome when people see me. Haha.”

“We'd love to take a picture and sell a lot of it. ”

It was the most important part.

“How is Mr. Shulan? Are you okay?"

“If you do it, you should do it. ”

The egg replies with a grave expression. If it bothered me later, I could change my impression a little with magic, so it didn't matter much.

Since then, the poem and eggs have smiled and photographed the comic book published by Lee Hyuk-gyu, answering the questions appropriately. It was not a photo op-ed just for press release, so I took a quick photo in the cafe and finished it.

* *

Shortly after the interview, Ruth Morun's 1 and 2 adventures were published with a press release. Even though he was a new writer in one mind, he seemed to pay attention to the popularity on the Internet.

The poem saw the eggy face full of excited expressions, but it wasn't until late that night that the computer confirmed the reaction. Nowadays, since the internet is so good, I could immediately see the reaction.

The first site to go was a cafe where eggs were posted, mostly female members. This was also a place filled with comments that I would definitely buy and watch since I wrote that the eggs were published.

[You've finally purchased Ruth Morun's adventure!]

[When I heard it was publication day, I went to a bookstore near the empty place. But when I got there, who else was on Ruth Morun's adventure besides me? I was delighted, and I peeked at him. Could it have been our cafe guy? Anyway, I bought it right away and came home to read it... I thought it was really fun to cry. After reading all 1 and 2 books in a heartbeat, I just wanted to see 3 books... I can't wait to see the third book. It's going to be too hard while I wait for this....]

Since the beginning, this cafe has only commended cartoons because they were very responsive.

[Ah! I didn't know you had an adventure writer from Ruth Morun!]

[I read the news, and I was surprised that Juran was so pretty, and I was surprised that the storyteller next to him was so handsome. If you're so good at drawing comics, don't you think it's a bit of a scam? (Panting)

Flattering, monotonous, ordinary responses. It was nothing different.

The situation then identified the site where the majority of men were. Among them, there are many galleries that like to use strong language. I've searched and searched many galleries daily.

[Hey, isn't Ruth Morun's cartoon girl so pretty? I thought I was a serious celebrity.]

["54752;" 54752;, reading comics was pretty funny. I thought he was doing another neat cartoon, but he wasn't. A slightly healing adventure. I recommend reading them.]

[I have an erection just by looking at my face. Human trash recognition? Heheh.]

[What is the man's trash next to the goddess? You look like a bun shuttle. If I was in front of my eyes, I'd be high kicking.]

[Hey, isn't that the guy who used to say he was a singer before? I think he went to Seoul National University. That's disgusting.]

[I'm going to Seoul to meet such a pretty girl who looks like that.]

I didn't say you two were dating.]

That's how you draw comics together. Would you leave that stuck-up bitch alone? I'm gonna seduce you somehow and have sex.]

I felt free to talk about all kinds of profanity and sexuality like a website that writes violently. There were many writings to insult the poem by taking pictures like eggs, and many people wrote all kinds of false facts as if they were true.

However, as the situation predicted, thanks to that one photograph, the impact was significant. I thought I should start applying for a new name because I knew there would be trouble if the eggs became famous like this.

After looking at the articles roughly, I looked at other sites as well.

[The face of a common cartoonist.]

[Celebrity? I'm just a cartoonist.]

A huge number of photos of eggs and cartoons of eggs began to appear on various community billboards and humor boards. In particular, the most common title was xx. It was said to be common, but usually I wanted to paradoxically express a very good fact, but it was no different than saying that the beauty of the eggs was beautiful.

[Honestly, what percentage of these cartoons is the top beauty?]

[I think it's about the top 10 percent. It looks pretty just looking at it, but the balance of the face and the slightly clumsy shape of the nose doesn't work for celebrities of class A or higher. I think we can handle it from the mature line.]

[Yes? That face is worse than Sung Hyo-jin? Are you Lee Shin……. Looks like you're not even doing your makeup properly, and that's the least I can do. If that face is in the top 10 percent, then my country is a total beauty paradise on earth. Will you stop bragging?]

[Actually, that's the only picture we have, so we need to keep the Photoshop reds in mind. I mean, Photoshop and that's actually not that much of a beauty.]

A baseball-related site used to rank it as a secret, but this time it was fighting over the top percentage of eggs' faces.

While the women's website had the face of the poem and said things like that briefly, the men's sites burned up with the face of the eggs. The poem did not think that the impact of the egg's face would be this much. Having a pretty face seemed like a big factor to get a lot more attention than I thought.

Of course, if you were just going to be popular with a pretty face, a lot of beautiful, anonymous celebrities had to be popular, but not because the part about attraction was also very important. If the same girl group sings a good song, it quickly becomes popular and popular. It's because my appeal has risen dramatically through the song.

The cases of ovulation were similar. Is the face of a cartoonist who paints really, really good cartoons, even fairly interesting cartoonists? is attracted to the fact.

“Not bad. ”

It was a really good start to spread cartoons of eggs on the Internet from day one. At this point, I thought that the number of cartoon sales would be enormous and close to level 5.

The poem took out the tablet and checked the EXP.

[Hand over 100,000 copies of books or comics. EXP 100] [Generic novels do not apply duplicates, but for example, cartoons apply half the EXP for each of the following books.]

So if you sell 1 copy for 100,000 copies and experience is 100, then 2 copies can only get 50 XP if you sell 100,000 copies. 3 copies gradually drop 25 copies, so publishing a lot of them doesn't really benefit your experience. All that matters is up to about five Experiences.

The poem then examined the remaining EXP to level 5.

Judging from the graph, there were about 30,000 left, roughly based on the EXP. I had to sell more than 20 million copies to just sell cartoons and film level 6, but it felt a bit silly.

The poem was troubled by a pat on the chin.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'm sorry. I was so tired yesterday that I took a day off. After running too much, I'm tired easily, so I'm thinking of taking a break for a few times a month.. My body doesn't follow my mind..

Thank you for reading.

And I just want to say thank you to those of you who gave me the Sunchuko Coupon.

I think Ruth Morun is using Morun as Morun. Sorry about that.

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