Under one roof.

Although it was a battle between the situation that I thought was premature, the progressive skinship, and Eugene's scheme to want to do sexual acts and Eugene's scheme to play a role. Well, as a result, it was a strange fight that resulted in skinship and sexual activity.

Since the poem and Eugene still did not take a shower and caress each other, the bathroom in the living room, as before, Eugene went in and took a shower, and the bathroom in the room, the poem entered and showered.

Taking on hot water, Eugene made another commitment to get significant results against the climax. When we were just naked together, I wanted to teach the poet who was just making a silly smile, like when we were in the desert, what a woman is and how to feel better.

Especially after paying attention to the place that smelled like vaginas, buttocks, and feet, Eugene was able to finish the shower.

When I washed my body and head with a towel, the poem was already eating simple food that had been prepared on the table after the shower.

“I'm sorry. You waited a long time, didn't you?”

“No, I just got out. Sit here.”


Eugene went to the table and slightly scoured the corpse. When I saw the body and penis of the poem that just showered and shined more than usual, I remembered the memories of being uninhabited, and I coughed excitedly in my mouth.

“Let's have a simple meal and talk. ”

“Yes, brother. I'll pour you a drink. ”

Eugene, sitting across from the poem, picked the right one during the drink and opened the lid and poured it into the poem. Then the poem poured the right amount of alcohol for Eugene. Neither of them particularly liked alcohol and drank well, but there was a need for some alcohol to fulfill each other's purpose.

I drank a moderate amount of alcohol while living in my residence. If it were between men, the poem wouldn't drink so much, but drinking with a beautiful woman like Eugene made even bitter taste sweet.

“Time flies. I can't believe I'm drinking with you right now, but the fact that I went to an unknown island has become a vague memory. Once in a while, I think it's a dream. ”

“I still remember vividly. It's hard at first, but sometimes I miss being with my brother because time has passed. ”

It was not the sound of the poem saying it was good to hear, but Eugene missed the time when he really lived with the poem. Especially when I was sleeping alone without a poem, I thought, "I wish I could just stay on the island."

“Hanging on to me in tears is probably the first and last time you were in the desert, right? Haha.”

“Boo, you're ashamed. You should keep that in mind for the rest of your life! ”

Just thinking about it reminds me of the burning face, Eugene lightly slapped the corpse of the poem. However, I only touched the bare flesh of the poem for a short while, but the moment I got drunk, my heart fluttered and my stabbing senses spread throughout my body. In the meantime, I was so excited that I could barely reach my hands.

“Jina, you look a little drunk. I think my cheeks are red. ”

“Oh, I'm not drunk. I usually turn red after a few drinks. ”

“Really? That's a relief. Oh, right. The brand we're launching. Why don't you take over the design for Jina? ”


“No? Is Jina better off running things? I thought Jina was running a business, but I wanted her to be a world-class designer. I think Jina would make a great designer. ”

The poem told Eugene what he had thought until now. If someone other than Eugene was in charge of the design, it would be hard to design it based on the beautiful clothes in Quezron's wardrobe. We launched a fashion brand called Quezron, and what does it mean when a designer comes and makes clothes?

“Designer……. Can I do it? In fact, I've always wanted to launch a fashion brand and hope that the clothes and accessories I make will be popular around the world. So I tried studying abroad, but no matter how much I think about it, I still don't have enough. What if I design out of greed and the fashion brand just crashes? ”

Unlike so far, Eugene said with a slightly serious but slightly frightened look. He was afraid that if he designed and destroyed clothes, he would swallow too much of the bitter fruit of failure rather than financial damage.

“You're afraid of failure? I think I can help you with that part. ”


“Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm going to help design it, so don't get me wrong. Haha.”

Eugene looks more puzzled with the poem's self-confident expression.

“Actually, I didn't tell you everything before, but before you and I went to the island, I went to the island alone. I didn't just bring jewelry from there, I also brought other things. ”

“Uh, like what? ”

“Have you seen the dress Silver was wearing before? Actually, that came from an uninhabited island. Otherwise, I would have made you a dress like that because I had some talent. I didn't tell my parents about this, but I'm telling you because I know. ”

The poem decided to reveal the truth about some very strange things. Since Eugene's ability was so great that he could not compare it to other ordinary people, it was clear that if he did business with such things, he would have doubts unlike Yumi, Eunji, and Purity. I needed to shut it down.

Of course, I didn't intend to teach you that at all. We had to be as careful as possible because secrets are not secrets, even when we share them.

“An uninhabited island? Really? Did you bring anything else besides the dress? ”

“Yeah. I brought clothes and stuff, not dresses. I'm ashamed, but actually, they don't look like anything I've ever seen, and they're really pretty, so I brought them to give to you when I have a girlfriend. But since you don't have a girlfriend yet, I'll give it to Jina. Wouldn't it be helpful to design with that in mind? ”

“Oh, brother……. Thank you so much!"

Eugene was greatly moved by the words of the poem. Usually, it is the mind of a man to hide something like that and take advantage of it a little more. But what woman wouldn't be moved by the poem giving away precious things for nothing?

Eugene, who woke up in his place, hugged the poem. The poet sat on the chair, naturally climbing on his knees, hugging his neck and getting close. Eugene's chest was distended in the rigid chest of the poem, and Eugene's lower body felt the shape of the penis of the poem as it was.

“Haha. Take this. So, are you planning on designing? I'll do my best to help you. ”

“Yes, brother. I'll give it a shot. I don't think I can do this alone, but I think I can do it better with my brother's help. ”

Eugene spoke to the pope more closely. I was so happy for a moment that I jumped into the heart of the poem, but when I woke up, the warmth of the poem felt so good that I didn't want to let go forever.

“Thank you very much. ”

“Haha. What's with that? By the way, aren't you going to drink anymore? ”

“Yes, brother. Let's go back to bed and talk. ”

I was originally going to give the poet some more booze, but for some reason, I didn't think it would be necessary to drink any more. In addition, Eugene, I thought that the feeling of shame was much diluted because I was a little drunk.

“I'll do as you say. Heave-ho!”

The poet picked up Eugene, who was sitting on his knee, and took her to bed and laid her down.

Eugene, who was not wearing anything on the white sheets, had an artistic beauty that he could not even imagine was so vulgar. It was almost as if the princess who existed in ancient times were lying naked and felt like Eugene now. Of course, the beauty was the balanced breasts of the B cup and not excessive relationships.

“Come here, brother. Let's lay down like old times. ”

When the poem lay next to Eugene, Eugene immediately hugged him. I was so excited about what I just did and I was so drunk that I had the courage to do something so bold. Seeing this with just one more bottle, Eugene seemed to be surprisingly weak.

“It feels good to be lying with Jina like this. ”

“Do you really feel good about this? ”

“Ugh, yeah? ”

“Have you ever thought about looking at me naked and touching me? ”

Eugene was giving a sticky look in front of the poem with a wild look he had never made because of his shame. Although he looked a little nervous, he looked very different from before drinking.

“I don't know. Ji, Jina, it seems a little different than usual. Are you drunk? ”

“No, I'm not drunk. I'm fine, so answer me. When we slept together, did you ever really want to touch your breasts? ”

“Well, that's ……. ”

The poem flinched his eyes, pretending to be ashamed. I didn't just say I wanted to touch it, but it was a simple pseudo expression so that anyone could see that I wanted to touch it.

“Do you want to touch your breasts? It's okay not to be ashamed. I'd do anything for you. ”

Eugene grabs the poem's hand and leads it to his chest. Even though it was ironic for him to act so boldly without having sex, I couldn't help but notice that he knew nothing about women.

“How do you feel?

“Boo, it's soft. ”

The poem with an embarrassing face gently touched Eugene's chest. Because of the breasts of the B cup, this soft feeling like sticky rice cake was softer and better than anything else in the world. I was so excited that Eugene led my hand to touch it, not to touch it openly. My penis was hot and erect at once.

“You've grown up under your brother. Feels good to touch your boobs, huh? ”

“Ugh, yeah. I feel good.”

“Don't you want to keep touching it? ”

Eugene wrapped his legs around the bridges of the poem and said, keeping his lower body as close as possible. As the penis of the gigantic poem touched the stomach and the poem touched the chest, clear fluid began to flow slightly out of the vagina.

“Well, that's ……. ”

“Don't be shy, brother. You just have to say what's on your mind. ”

“No, I want to touch it. ”

“I always thought you'd touch me. ”

Eugene smiled pleasantly when the poem said he wanted to touch her breasts. At first, I was quite nervous, and by this time, I even felt good about the appearance of the poem being relaxed and ashamed. Eugene became bolder thinking that he could now lead the unfamiliar poem as expected, and he also stroked the chest of the poem with his finger.

“Let's kiss, brother. You know how disappointed I was when I just kissed you before? ”

“I'm sorry. There were a lot of people out there. You're disappointed.”

“It's okay, brother. I'll teach you more about women today so you don't have to. ”

Now, Eugene, who was touching the poem's chest and back, kissed as if it were overwhelming. It was because I was greatly excited when I saw the expression of the poem that was ashamed even though I had kissed him before. The appearance of the poem touching his chest and being ashamed of his sexual skinship was unbearably lovely.

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Thank you for reading.

I'll bring it up early tomorrow.

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