Under one roof.

“Ahem, I'm going to bed. ”

“Yes, Eun Ji. I'm gonna go to bed now. ”

“Ew. Can't you sleep with Aru today? ”

As the night got deeper, Eun Ji went back to her room for work tomorrow, and the vision was about to return to her room. However, unlike usual, I looked at the situation with eyes filled with desire to sleep with Aru while catching up on the situation.

Nowadays, the poem often comes in late at night with Eugene, so it was a little difficult to have proper sex with Aru. Then, there was a deep complaint in Aru's eyes.

The praises next to Aru's sudden words make a puzzling expression. In a little while, we have to go through the poetry and study, but Arura appeared with an ambush.

“Aruya, let's sleep together tomorrow. I have some work to do today. ”

“Yes……. We have to sleep together tomorrow. ”

“Yes, I promise. ”

“Then I'll go to bed early tomorrow. I hope it's tomorrow night soon. ”

The expression of Aru, who had become a little blurry by the promise of the poem, quickly changed brightly and returned to the room. He was over 20 years old, but he still acted like a child, so I laughed even when I was just looking at Aru.

The last remaining praise, eulogy, and poetry were scattered to their rooms.

The poem came into the room, turned on his laptop and went to the blog where he wrote a complaint about Cafe Quezron because he didn't know when praise would come. I wrote carefully in the comments box.

[Hello, I'm the underboss of Cafe Quezron. I think you're getting the wrong idea about our café. Our cafe is a power blogger, so we don't serve coffee and food for free. We are very sorry that the blogger was unaware of this and insisted that our staff be provided with free coffee and chocolate cookies, etc., in the process of declining it. We will always strive to provide the best service and make it a better cafe. Thank you.]

He said he was sorry, but it was just a cliché as it was just a service job. The overall article was written to make it feel like the person who runs this blog was rejected to try it for free.

I was going to write and see how I would react. If I apologized politely and wrote an apology, I would end it roughly, but I was afraid that it would not happen. If you were, you wouldn't have written on your blog because you were rejected for free and filled with malice.

Knock, knock.

In case you were wondering, you heard a knock while you were saving the contents of the blog and the comments you wrote yourself into a picture file.

“Brother, it's a compliment. May I come in?”

“Yes. Come in. ”

The poem covering the laptop replied, and Chant carefully opened the door. The compliment of taking a shower and getting ready well was wearing a simple pajama.

“Are you ready? ”

“Yeah, I'm all set. But did you even tell Yumi? ”

No matter how much he thought about it, Yumi's face was not the face of the girl who had her first experience. He couldn't come out unless he knew anything.

“I said something briefly before I just got here. ”

“Is that gonna be okay? ”

“It's okay. You can come to my room with me. ”

Praise grabs the poet's hand, raises him up and carefully takes him to his room. I talked to Eun or Sook, but I was as careful as possible not to make any sounds because I was embarrassed when I found out in person.

Carefully opening the door of Yumi's room, Yumi sits on the bed in a bright light, worried and embarrassed.

“Hey, sis. You know... ”

Yummi, who was about to say something to Chan, turned his head in anger as he saw the poem coming in.

“Hello, Yumi. ”

“Oh, hello. Oh, brother. ”

Yumi awkwardly greeted Yumi as she was just watching TV together. It was not the way I usually felt. I thought I might have my first experience soon, so I was so nervous and nervous that I couldn't look at the face of the poem. I really liked the poem, but I was scared of the word first experience.

“Hey, sis. Can I talk to you for a second... ”


“Ugh, yeah. Come quickly.”

“Wait a minute, brother. I'll talk to Yumi for a minute. ”

Chanting sat the poem on the bed and left the room with Yumi to the balcony on the second floor. Even though the night breeze was still cold, the moon, stars, and orange streetlights that were floating in the black night sky were somehow stimulating the susceptibility.

“Hey, sis. All of a sudden, he and his wife have their first experience. I haven't prepared my mind yet, but if I suddenly bring my brother... ”

“Yumi, don't be nervous because it's your first time. As much as you love your brother, you're gonna have to do it someday, and that's just today. Is it because you're ashamed to be with her? Do you think she'll be here for a while? ”

“Wealth, I'm ashamed of it, but it's more... I'm scared. I've never seen anything like it and I've never done it, but I'm so scared... ”

“I'm just a little scared because I'm new, and after my first experience, my love for my brother will be a little bigger. You didn't have to worry about anything. ”

“Well, but…. ”

Chan tried to calm Yumi's head with a stroke, but Yumi was still filled with frightening faces.

Praise looked at Yumi like that and gently hugged her.

Playful and energetic, Yummi looked like an outsider, but inside he was too pure. During puberty, the love between men and women who were curious was just all the sexual knowledge and experience Yumi had.

“Then Yumi. ”

“Ugh, yeah? ”

Chan, who was holding Yumi in his arms, looked Yumi in the eye and said as if he had decided to do something.

“Let me show you how much I love you. Wouldn't it be a little less scary if my sister taught me gradually afterwards? ”

“Oh, you're making love to your brother first? ”

“Yes, Yumi. Don't be too nervous. Yumi will do everything she can to help. Yumi will love Yumi even more if she does well today. ”

“And what about you? You like him, too. ”

Yumi looks at the hymn with teary eyes. In the past, I was jealous just to see my older sister's praise with the poem, but that jealousy disappeared like snow after I didn't know the heart of praise for myself. Rather, my tears were troubled because I was so thankful and moved just to see the praise for myself like now.

“She's just happy to see Yumi and her brother together. You don't have to worry about her. ”

“Thank you so much. ”

Yumi hugged the hymn and shed a drop of tears. Seeing praises only for himself, Yummi thought that he should make praises more loving and loving to the poem.

“Let's go inside. I'll wait for you.

“Yes, sister. ”

Thanks to the praise, Yumi returned to the room with a slightly tense expression as his fears and tensions fade away.

“Hello? Should I just go back to my room? ”

“Oh, no. Brother, I'm fine. ”

Yumi quickly shakes her hand at the words of the poem.

“I'm glad to hear that. But I'm a little nervous. Haha.”

The situation was a little strange, and he smiled awkwardly.

“Brother, Yumi doesn't know how to make love to a man. So first, can you teach Yumi how me and my brother make love? ”

Chan sat down next to the poem and said in a bold voice. It was a compliment that I used to be so ashamed of when I had sex, but I was quite cute pretending not to be ashamed of Yumi because she was in front of me.

“Really? I'm a little embarrassed, but if Yummi's okay with it, then so am I. ”

“Well, I'm fine. I'm fine, really. ”

Yummi, who was sitting next to him, replied with a shy expression so that the poem and praise bed could be clearly seen. Thinking that the poem and his sister Chan were just about to do something nasty, Yumi's heart fluttered and turned red to her ears.

“Well, then I'll do it. Look after Yumi. ”

“Ugh, ugh. Here, let me take a look. ”

Praise also tried to have sex with Yumi in front of the poem, so I couldn't bear the shame. I carefully took my hand to the poem's teat with a slightly red face. I had to take my clothes off first.

“Ugh! What should I do? ”

As the hand of praise moved, Yummi, who was looking at the poem, cried out with a deathly shy expression. Seeing the erotic expression of poetry and praise in such a bright place, a strange chest appeared in my heart for the first time in my life.

The hand of flattery, which had taken off the teas and trousers, flinched slightly from the poem's panties and then took them off at once. Then, with the huge poem's penis full of erection, he revealed his graceful appearance.


Yumi couldn't stand the look of a man's penis for the first time, so she closed her eyes. However, the appearance of the giant penis remained so intense that it was clearly visible in the dark.

“Yumi, don't close your eyes. ”

“But……. Okay, hold on. Oh, my God! What do I do? Uh, is your guy always that big? ”

Carefully opened his eyes to the words of praise, Yumi asked Yumi with a face of shame and worry in the penis of the great poem beyond imagination.

“I don't know. I only saw yours... Anyway, don't worry. Come here and touch it. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I don't need to care. Compliments and yummies. ”

The hymn granted by the poem brought Yummi who was ashamed and sat next to him. I was going to teach her everything one by one and show her how to have sex with the poem later.

“Z, you want me to touch it now? ”

“Yes, Yumi. Don't be shy. Touch it carefully. ”

Praise held Yumi's hand and put it on the poem's penis. Then Yummi pulls out his hand, and Chan once again lets Yummi's hand rest on the poem's penis.

“How do you feel? ”

“I think it's hot and hard. This feels weird. ”

“I'm touching it for a second. I'm gonna take my clothes off. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

After touching the penis of the poem, Yumi thoroughly touched the penis with the ferocious curiosity he usually had. Especially not the stiff one at the bottom, but the squishy one at the top, so I pressed my finger gently.

“Yumi, I'll teach you how to do it now. Keep an eye on him. Just do what you do with your brother. ”

“Oh, okay. Sister.”

Yummi returned to his bed and looked embarrassed, switching between poetry and praise.

When the perfect naked poem and praise hugged each other and kissed, I felt that something was quite ugly and strangely beautiful.

After kissing each other, Yumi looked at the poem and praises, preparing to caress each other and make love to important parts.

Yumi was completely fascinated by the way she looked so wild and beautiful.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hah... I must have had norovirus or food poisoning or something all day yesterday. After waking up to sigh, I can barely write because I feel better.

Careful, everyone.

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