Under one roof.

“Yu, Yumi. Does it hurt a lot?"

Yummi thought it wouldn't hurt because she wasn't sick at all, but when Yummi groaned in agony, she looked at the place where the poem and Yummi connected with a worried expression.

“Yumi, are you sick? ”

“Huh? Oh, it doesn't hurt. ”

When Yummi thought about what the poem said, he tilted his head until there was no pain. Of course I thought it would hurt, but I was screaming in a reflex, and it didn't hurt at all like I thought it would. Obviously, it hurt because it felt like the penis of the poem was forcibly pushing in a narrow space. I even looked at the bottom, and there was a slight flow of blood.

“Wait a minute, brother. Clean up some Yumi's blood. ”

When the poem stepped aside, praise wiped the blood off Yumi's vagina slightly. There isn't much bleeding, so you wipe it down a bit and there's no more blood.

“Yumi, were you sick? Now what?"

“It's okay, sis. It doesn't hurt at all. At first, I screamed because it sounded scary and painful, but it didn't hurt at all strangely. ”

“Yes, thank God. Yumi is an adult now, so I want to congratulate her. ”

“Thank you, sis. Hehe.”

Yummi smiles joyfully as she strokes her head. I was nervous and worried because of the pain and fear of the unknown rather than the fact that it was my first experience, but now that I know what it feels like, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Thanks to Yummi, who was very nervous, disappeared and returned to her lively appearance as usual.

“Shall we call it a day? Yumi's having a hard time, too. ”

“I'm fine now. I want to make love with you just like you do. ”

Yummi, who escaped from Chan, hugged the poem and said. As tension and fear subsided, other emotions began to pour in, and the greatest of them was the love of the situation.

“Haha. Let's take a slow look at that for future enjoyment and make it simple today. ”

“I don't think you should overdo it today. Yumi.”

“Ugh... Then I understand. Next time, you have to be like my sister. Brother.”

“Of course. Of course. He likes Yummi as much as he likes Cold. ”


Yummi smiled brightly as he kissed me.

The poem, who was kissing for a while, laid Yumi on the bed to resume the sex I had not done before. Then, Yummi, who was leaning on the shoulders of praise, took his penis to his vagina, looked at him one by one with curious eyes.

“Sis, how do I get such a big thing into my body? Amazing, isn't it? ”

“Ugh, yeah. Yeah, I know. ”

Unlike Yumi, who had been through it once and now looks at it with curious eyes without any shyness, she looked at Yumi's penis with a slightly shy face.

“I'll put it in.”

“Yes, brother! ”

The sight pushed the penis back into the vagina of the lacrimal gland while expressing healing power. Yumi's quality is quite small, so I feel quite strong pressure. If I just had sex without healing, Yumi would be in pain and couldn't put it in properly.

“Wow. Keep going in. You're amazing, aren't you? ”

“Yu, Yumi. Don't look at me like that. ”

“Yes? Why? Can't I see it? ”

“Oh, I don't think so. But you're still ashamed.”

“I'm curious and keep wanting to see it. It's amazing how big something like that just doesn't hurt at all. ”

Yumi looks so innocent that she sees the penis coming into her important place.

“Yumi... ”

The poet hugged Yumi and moved her waist to have sex. I still felt pressure and stiff because of the narrow vagina, but I was able to move somewhat differently than when I put it in.

“Hmmm... I feel a little weird. Brother.”

Yumi lay her head on the lap of praise, and closed her eyes and began to feel a strange and intimate rise.

“Ahh... Why am I doing this... ”

Yummi couldn't bear the warmth of the boiling sensation and hugged the poem. Somehow, I couldn't stand it without doing this.

“Ugh... Strange... ”

While I was looking at Yummi, who was sighing with embarrassed eyes, I started to flinch even though I had just had sex. I knew how good that sensation was, so my body reacted. In the old days, he was an innocent child who didn't know any of this, but he smiled lightly, thinking that he had realized how fun sex was because of the poem.

“Sis……. I'm so weird... I'm going to die because I like it so much... Ahh……. ”

Yumi could not bear the pleasures and wrapped the poem around his legs. I couldn't figure out what to think about what I was doing because my head was burning white with this intense feeling.

“Can I pee inside? Yumi?”

“Ahh... Brother... Hey, sis, what do we do? Ugh... I don't know anything. ”

When the slow poem asked Yummi, Yummi who had regained his senses looked at the compliment and asked her with an expression that he didn't know what it was.

“Huh? Ah! No, it's okay. Brother... It's still a safe day... ”

She was surprised by Yumi's question and replied, and she swallowed her hind words. Even if Yumi was pregnant, she didn't have to tell the pope that there was nothing wrong with her because she would welcome her parents or herself.


The man's semen was filled for the first time in Yumi's vagina with a short groaning of the poem.

“Ahh... I feel good... ”

Yummi trembled and breathed deeply, feeling warm semen. It was my first time having sex, but I felt so good that I had no idea. Thinking that I enjoyed this good feeling less than the poem and Chan, Yumi's cheeks were slightly inflated because it was unfair.

“Yu, Yumi, can you let go now? ”

“Ahhh! I won't let you go. I've been doing such good things with my sister every day, and she doesn't even teach me. Sister, you idiot! ”

Yummi, who called himself an arm and a leg, said as if he was making a fuss.

“Yumi was young, so I couldn't help it. Yumi is an adult now, so you can make love to her all you want. ”

“Sorry, Yumi. I'll be good to you.”


Yummi smiles in praise and poetry, and lets go of his arms and legs.

When the free poem only pulled the penis out of Yumi's vagina, the semen that was filled began to flush out.

Chan quickly wiped down the saffron juice with a toilet paper so that the bed wouldn't get dirty when it was ready. If it had been Eugene, he would have eaten it all, but Chan or Yumi didn't know how great the taste of the sperm in the poem was, and even though she knew it, she couldn't do it because she was ashamed.

The hymn that thoroughly wiped the semen flowing from Yumi's vagina cleaned up to the penis of the poem.

“I'll clean up after you. Yumi needs some rest. ”

“Sis, thank you. Heh heh. I'll help you next time. ”

Yummi tried to help out when she saw Chan tidying up, but Chan told Yummi that he didn't want her to work on her first experience today.

“Brother, can't you sleep with me in my room today? ”

Yumi clings to the poem and shudders as Chan cleans up.

“Wouldn't it be hard for you with three small beds? ”

“Phew, is that so? Will the bed be very small? ”

Yumi lay on the bed herself, and two of them were the right size, but three of them wanted to be small.

“Then, shall I sleep in my room? My bed has three people to sleep in. ”

“Really? The best! ”

Yumi was so happy that she hugged the poem's neck and kissed his cheek.

“Yumi, it's time to get dressed. To go to your room. ”

“You're happy, aren't you? Come here and give me a hug. ”

Yummi said, holding a compliment for handing over clothes, he was forced to hold Yummi like a poem with an embarrassed expression.

The word flower in both hands was more satisfying than this, and the poem hugged Yumi and praise with both hands.

After being roughly summarized, Yumi and Chan put on their pajamas and crossed over to the poem's room.

“Your room is really big. Wide beds.”

Yummi came into the poem's room, lying on the bed, looking around. As I didn't usually come into the poem's room, my heart was pounding for some reason.

When the poet lay down next to Yumi, praise also lay down next to the poet, putting out the fire.

“Yumi, did you make a lot of friends? ”

“Of course, brother. I've been really happy lately because I enjoyed school and being with my brother. It was really hard in high school.... Heheh.”

“Good. Oh, and in a few minutes, I think I'm going to be selling cosmetics for real. You haven't forgotten that Yumi is a model, have you? ”

“Of course, brother! I'm already shaking. ”

Yummi jumped out of bed and looked at the situation with a slightly excited expression.

“I still need a few more months of cosmetics.... I'm thinking about putting Yumi's picture in our cafe first. Do you have any boobs or anything you want to fix? ”

“Yes? What do you want to fix? Uh, nothing. ”

“Oh, brother. I don't want Yumi to have that kind of surgery. Even though it's a model, it's a bit... ”

Yumi and Chan were startled and refused to believe they were mistaken for plastic surgery or breast surgery.

“Haha. I'm not talking about plastic surgery. I know massages like that. A massage that makes your breasts big and your legs pretty. ”

Essentially, massage in the epiglottis and plastic surgery were no different. However, there was a huge difference in difficulty in the body's natural changes through plastic surgery with a knife and implant in the body and massage in the epiglottis. Plastic surgery is common, but the magic of changing the body itself was not something that could be done on Earth other than the poetry.

“Ah……. Massage, you scared the shit out of me! Brother!"

“Can you massage like that? ”

And I said, "Yeah, I could use a massage to do a little bit of good. Yumi's breasts are not as big as cold, so I asked her to massage them up a bit. ”

In the question of praise, the poem spoke as if it were no big deal.

“Hing, my breasts are beautiful, too. You're my sister, aren't you? ”

“Yes, that's right. Yumi, your boobs are prettier than your sister's. ”

“Haha. So Yumi doesn't have anywhere she'd like a massage? ”

“No, but the bigger the breasts, the prettier it gets, so I'd like to give you a breast massage. She looks fat when she gets bigger there, so I don't think she should do it. ”

“Haha. Yes. Let me know if you want a massage. I'll do it on my back or wherever. ”

While thinking about the words of the poem for a moment, Chan and Yumi carefully said what they wanted from each other. But to be honest, I didn't think it would have such a big effect. I felt more satisfied that I could just do the situation and skinship and talk about places like this.

However, the praise and Yumi now were small, but they had no idea that big changes would occur in their bodies.

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Thank you for reading.

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