Quezron Launch

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“Asshole. You didn't think you could run away with your hands and feet tied? ”

Fring runs out of the castle garden at an incredible speed, even though his feet are tied together and he can't move. It was fast enough to match the record of the 100-meter world champion who had done so many exercises and efforts.

The high heels worn by the poem were roughly barefoot, but even with two feet tied together, this speed was definitely the same as what Fring said he had.

“But there aren't any soldiers in this trashy castle. Tsk, tsk, tsk, who would want to work for a perverted wizard? You pervert. You dress like this. Son of a bitch.”

I didn't look different when I dressed, but I was extremely insulted inside. I brought a little piece of paper that looked like underwear from nowhere and stuck it to my chest and vagina, and I could barely bear the thought of insulting myself for a moment.

In fact, there were a lot of conflicts before they fled. I didn't want to go in that weird room again. However, after thinking about various things, I thought that I would put him in that room with another excuse if he was there, and I couldn't stand not running away because I thought that I would have to do physical labor that I really didn't want to do.

At this point, Fring, confident that the wizard would never catch up with him, slows down a little and looks where to go.

There were no walls to see what happened to the saints, and all I could see was trees and beautiful flowers. The castle itself grew enormously, but I wondered if there were only two children and wizards who looked like butlers to that castle.

When I think about it, I came from the castle of the Rohheim Empire to this strange castle for a moment, but I heard that such warp magic is impossible without a fairly high level wizard or dragon...

Fring trembles, wondering if that wizard is a dragon. Little is known about dragons, but the all-powerful power and the terrifying power to blow up a city in an instant has reached its ears.

“That idiot can't be a dragon. If I were a dragon, I wouldn't be able to catch me running like this. Yeah, that's right. Idiot. Khh. Impersonating dragons. Oh, your fucking arms and legs are so tight. ”

Fring blasphemed and cursed his restraints the whole time, as if he was going to do all the bad swearing for a while.

I think I've been running for a long time, but I still see no civilians at all, just full of forests and flowers. At this rate, I couldn't figure out how far I would have to go to get to where I had hidden gold coins and jewels.

“What the fuck? It's the ocean.”

After a long run, it was the sea that saw the horizon.

Though the anxiety about running in the wrong location is overwhelming, Fring decides to circle around the shore first.

Walking on a white sand beach full of fine particles, Fring looked around anxiously, but there were no old, shabby sculptures that were common in the sea, not to mention no ports where boats came in.

At this point, I couldn't help but feel anxious. If this place was an island and there were no ships to leave, he was completely isolated and dry.

“No way…. Oh, no. There's got to be a way out. If you don't, I'm going to fucking kill that bastard. ”

Fring shakes his head vigorously as he continues to feel anxious. This anxiety has never solved anything. However, even if I wanted to get rid of my anxiety, I had no choice but to go back to the castle and ask for forgiveness. It was Fring's instinct to forgive a wizard like him.

“I don't think so. If you want to go back to the Rho Heim where you lived, you'd be faster to become an Archmage with warp magic than to run away. ”

“What the fuck? ”

Suddenly, a voice came from behind his back, and Fring was furious and turned around. Even the gymnasts couldn't imitate it, whether they were figure skating or gymnastics, it felt beautiful enough to be the day they won the gold medal.

“Did you swear? You ran away from the castle and insulted me, so you're not guilty. How many more hours of solitary confinement is that gonna change that? ”

“Oh, no. It's not an insult, it's a surprise. But it's so nice here. I took a short walk, but the flowers are so pretty and the sea is so refreshing that I want to continue living in the castle. Hehe.”

As soon as Fring found out about the situation, he reacted as if he had gone for a walk. If there was any hope, he would have run away without even talking back. However, I changed my attitude momentarily because I didn't see any hope at this rate.

Moreover, seeing the situation that had never been seen before was right behind him, Fring felt even a little scared. I ran at an incredible speed, but I didn't chase them, but the ability to appear behind me suddenly was not something any ordinary wizard would have.

Thinking that the situation might be true for some reason, Fring used the most polite attitude and tone. It didn't take me 0.01 seconds to find the best attitude in this situation because I've been going through this recklessly in my life.

“A stroll? You're not trying to trick me into running away with that kind of nonsense, are you? Come here for a second. ”

“Yes, Wizard. ”

Fring approached him with a pure expression and polite attitude that was not even comparable to the previous insult. I knew that it was hard for people to get angry easily when they acted like this, and that even if they were angry, they would get over it quickly.

“Don't call me Wizard, call me Master. ”

“Yes, my lord. I'll call you Master from now on. Hehe.”

Fring clings to the side of the poem, making a cute smile and deliberately pressing his chest against the arms of the poem. Usually, whenever I made physical contact with her in this way, she forgave any man for being angry.

The creature called man was so simple and stupid, so it was easy to squeeze and use as much as I wanted with just the breasts that were only flesh.

“Let's get back to the castle. ”

The words of the poem show up, and he flicks his hand lightly. And the beautiful surrounding sea, fresh forests, and soft sand disappeared, and I returned to the training room where the poem had just been practicing.

“Huh? Uh, how.... ”

“As you can see, I can come and get you no matter where you are, so running away doesn't mean anything. ”

“Well, that's the walk. Oh, really. The flowers and forest are so pretty that I don't even know... I won't do it again. Heheh.”

Fring rubbed his chest on the arms and back of the poem with all sorts of charm, but he felt slightly anxious when he saw that his expression was rarely straight. I didn't want to go into that white, fuzzy room again. This caused me to regret running away for no reason, deep in my heart.

“I told you I'd punish you for running away, right? What kind of punishment would it take to fix your habits and personality? ”

“Ah, master. I really went for a walk. From now on, I will stay close to you like this. ”

“Wait here for a moment. ”

The poem, with or without Fring, leaves the training room and starts looking for something worth earning among the lowest magical items.

[Punishment stick. Hits hands or hips back without bruising, leaving deep pain; not intended for use with children under 15 years of age.]

“This is a bit bad……. ”

[The whirlpool of love. A whirlpool optimized for spanking a woman's ass. Pain relieves and increases pleasure. Relieves pain, not no pain, so you need proper force control.]

“This should do it. ”

It was an elected whirlpool because I didn't intend to cause Fring so much pain. I hit him as a warning, not that the situation was particularly interesting or pleasant to play SM. Rather, I felt great excitement and joy in loving each other and whispering love through each other's mental connections, not the pleasures of such cruel behavior.

“Huh? I should take this, too. ”

[Cat tail for butt insertion. When an opaque insert is placed in the buttocks, the tail moves according to the emotion like an animal. There is a slight foreign sensation, but there is no great discomfort with the slightest insertion of the tip. You need to recharge the Magic Charger once a month because you use the Magic Battery.]

I accidentally found this tail and liked it a lot. With this, I could sort of figure out what Fring was thinking.

Meanwhile, he found some more related items.

[Cat ears for fixing hair. A pair of cute cat-ears that you can put on your head. Using it with a cat's tail makes it easier to recognize emotions. You need to recharge the Magic Charger once a month because you use the Magic Battery.]

The poem packed everything from the wardrobe to the mesh stockings and high heels, then returned to the training room. In case you haven't noticed, Frye was grabbed earlier and is sitting quietly in the study.

“Come here. ”

“Yes, my lord. ”

Fring got up from his chair and came to the front of the poem.

The poem took Fring to any bedroom.

“Kneel on the bed. ”

“Yi, like this? ”

Fring climbs into bed and kneels low. I was feeling anxious for some reason, and I glanced at the poem holding it in my hand, and I was holding it like an animal's tail. But I had no idea what I was going to use it for.

“Put your hands up, put your butts up. Yeah, that's it. ”

The poem changed Fring's posture to a backward posture. In this pose, covering my vagina with a short, thin maid's clothing that I can see clearly in my heart, I became quite wild as if it were a tempting poem.

“I'm going to spank a teenager with a bee you escaped from. And this is a warning, so the next time I get caught, I'm gonna spank you and put you in solitary. Do you understand?”

“Hehe……. My Lord, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. * Sobbing * I'm scared.”

Fring said as if he was scared with tears, but he thought he was only a teenager. I was really beaten to death in my life, and if I was beaten because I was beaten by the nobles of the castle and cheeks for no reason at all, I had a skull.

Rather, if I get caught again, I was even more afraid to put it in the white room. The next time I ran away, I needed to make sure I had a better plan and assume the worst. Or seducing the poem wouldn't be bad either. It looks like the castle is big and the territory is huge, but if you seduce the poem and get married at least, this is collected with your own hands....



“One. ”

After thinking like that, Fring suddenly yelled without knowing his butt. My butt didn't hurt that much, but I was surprised by the strange senses I had never felt in my life.



“Two. ”

Before the punishment disappeared, he went to school, and he knew more about the pain that hit his butt than anyone else. I had been beaten one by one for getting 20 points on the exam, but I didn't want to beat Fring to feel that much pain. So I used the snap of my wrist as much as possible to control the pain to be less painful, even if it made a cheerful sound.

Thanks to this, Fring is not in pain, but in a strange situation where pleasure is spreading swiftly. Pain is an emotion that I always felt, so it was no different, but this feeling of joy that I had never felt in my life made it more difficult to endure Fring.


“Ugh…. ”

“Ten. If you ever do anything wrong again, I'm gonna spank you, so be careful what you say and what you do. Do you understand?”

“Yes……. My Lord, I will. ”

Fring can't tell if he got his ass kicked or what. The more I got hit by it, the better I felt with the pain. It was definitely not sick, but I felt that much pleasure again. However, the feeling of pleasure brought considerable humiliation to Fring. It's because his pride was hurt that he was beaten by such a pervert and felt good.

After this, Fring made a commitment to seduce the situation and turn it into his toy. Then I will spank you like I did now and do all kinds of humiliating things.

“Can I go down now? ”

“Wait. Wait. It's not over yet. ”

The poem put the whirlpool into the subspace, untied Fring's restraint, and stripped off the maid's clothes. I was embarrassed enough to be exposed, but I thought it was enough to withstand the shame, so I was going to take off my clothes and put on other clothes.

Fring's maid clothes were removed and the poem removed the band covering his butt and vagina to insert the cat's tail.

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Thank you for reading.

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