Quezron Launch

“Magic can feel like this. Give it a try, Master. ”

Fring taught me about posture, and then began to teach me by hand how to use magic on the bridge.

I put a finger on the poem's leg and taught him the way to move the magic. I was a little excited to touch my chest more sensually than to rub it openly, but the poem focused his mind on getting rid of the distractions and learning the way.

The path of magic taught by Fring was very different from that of Margie, who was simply ignorantly inserted by the poem. I thought that if I simply moved Margaery to the quickest path to strengthen her strength, it would be the quickest.

The most important point was to understand the muscles used when forcing and kicking the ground and to allow the magic to move through those paths to squeeze as much force as possible.

So far, the sight has shifted marginally, strengthened any muscles, and then hit the ground. Unrefined ignorantly and uncontrollably massive power, and the ejected force was not only used for forward thrust, but was uselessly used everywhere, so the floor swept up like a puddle. It was like an engine that was inefficient, consuming a lot of fuel, but with only a high fever and not quite as fast as I thought.

“And if you move the magic with your toes, you can move more flexibly than ever. ”

Fring touched the bottom of the poem's foot as if it were tickling and pressed his thumb down with his finger.

“I think I know the feeling. I'll give it a try. ”

As Fring stepped aside, the poem moved Margie to the path that Fring had taught her. Since all the blood vessels and the whole blood vessels were pierced after drinking fossil oil in the past, Margie was able to move to the location where Fring spoke with no difficulty except feeling awkward.

Strengthens muscles. Previously, if it was the same force as a bulldozer that couldn't be controlled, now I feel such flexibility that I can control my body with free materials like a cat.

As Fring said, he transferred his magic to the soles of his feet and then hit the floor simultaneously with a feeling of a burst of magic on his big toes.


Unlike before, the floor did not break at all and moved gently to the end of the training room. However, it was faster and faster than ever before. If I didn't see it properly, I felt I had moved momentarily.

“Wow! That's right. Master, that's what I'm doing. ”

Fring said with a surprised look. I can't believe you did what the poem told you to do so quickly. How many years have I been beaten and scolded for learning this in the past, and as soon as I taught him the poem, he immediately became devastated and unfair.

“Is this what it feels like? Hmm……. ”

Unlike the past where Margie was ignorantly pushed into her legs, Margie gained similar speed and flexibility. I had just done this because I was not skilled enough and only used some of Margie's quantity, so I came out with this speed. If I practiced better and controlled her quantity well, I was more confident that I would move faster than I am now.

The poet put Margie in his leg and practiced again.

It was still a little awkward, but it was easy to move to the left and to the right.

“Ah……. This is how it's supposed to feel. ”

It was a new sensation. I had the confidence to move as much as I wanted and avoid any attack. It changed perfectly just by empowering the muscles needed to change and move the path of the magical force and firmly locking the movement with the big toe.

It felt simple after learning, but without learning from Fring, we wouldn't even know Margie's path, so we might have come to the same conclusion after many trial and error exercises.

It made me wonder if this was the difference between self-study and private education with teachers who taught me how to solve all problems by myself.

But this was possible because it was a poem. It was very difficult for a normal person to lead long or magical force to the desired position because of clogged blood pressure, like the Prince who had been beaten and taught for several years. That is why it was possible for Pina to practice for a short number of years and a long number of years in order to break her blood and move her energy and magic to free materials as she wished.

It has more than 40 years of energy and magic by eating the elixir as the poem has, but few people can move energy and magic through the blood vessels and veins in the whole universe.

At first, the poem was able to move naturally around the training room with awkward movements.

“Phew……. ”

The lightly breathed poem stood in front of Fring, looking surprised with a round eye.

“Oh, my God, you're amazing. I didn't think you'd be so good at it. You are the master of the Prince. ”

“You taught me well. Thank you."

The poem stroked Fring's head with a soft smile.

“Phew……. ”

Fring, who had always been insulted and scolded around him, showed an embarrassing expression at the moment of praise for the sincere poem. I liked the sound of that thank-you sound so much that I could still hear it in my ears. It was the same when I kissed her, but for some reason, when I felt my heart palpitating, Fring gave me a strong feeling of weakness again.

“Heh heh, can't I kiss you again with a prize? ”

This time, Fring insisted that he would use the right technique to make fun of the situation. Earlier, I was unwittingly teased, but I could never live with myself.

“Okay, fine. Because Fring is cute.”


When Fring heard a word that he didn't think would come out of the mouth of the poem, he immediately thought he heard something wrong. Cute? I've never heard such a thing in my life. It was the same when I stroked my head a while ago, but when I heard that it was cute, my heart was pounding so much.

At that moment, the lips of the poem covered Fring's lips. Like an unprotected surprise, Fring was unable to do anything. I just dragged the lips and tongue as they moved.

Now it was my second kiss, but I felt good enough to melt like I did the first time. But ironically, that part made Fring feel bad. I had to seduce the poem and enslave it later, but it did not continue to be as I intended. On the contrary, I felt drawn to the poet and was frustrated and angry.

“Ahh... ”

The lip of the poem falls, and Fring groans unnoticed. It was such a wonderful kiss. I was surprised how my lips, lips, tongue and tongue were only intertwined, and how I felt so good. I also had a strange addiction, so I couldn't help but think that I wanted to kiss the poem.

“No! ”

“Huh? What? ”

“Oh, no. My Lord."

Fring blushes slightly, shouting, "You can't go out of your mouth without knowing it." The poem and the kiss weren't meant to make me feel better, they were just the first step in seducing the poem. I should never forget to seduce the poem and turn it into a slave.

“Now that I'm going to train, Fring needs to relax. ”

“Yes, my lord. Thank you."

At the words of the poem, Fring sat on a chair prepared on one side. Then the poet put on his trousers and stared at him dazed as he was training with a wooden sword.

During this time, Fring constantly insulted the situation in his mind. There was nothing I liked about being a pervert and locking myself up.

But now I didn't even have the strength to insult the poem. It was just snow following the poem as it moved without any thought. After the kiss, the whole body was filled with strange senses as if the thought circuits were strange.

“That's it? Good work today, too. I'm leaving now, so I'll see you tomorrow. ”

“Oh, yes. Master, you must come early tomorrow! ”

Originally, I was bored to death, so I felt like my training in the poem ended strangely quickly today.

“Ahh... ”

As soon as the situation disappeared in front of his eyes as he said good-bye, Fring sighed lightly. Unlike usual, I had a strange heart today. After reviewing the missing part of the situation, Fring was furious, shaking his head and returning to the bedroom exhausted.

“This sucks. This sucks. ”

After taking off his high heels and mesh stockings, Frin laid roughly next to him and looked up at the ceiling. Then I kept thinking about the dazzling kiss I had with the poem before, the way the poem used to pat my head with a smile, and the cute thing that he whispered in my ear.

“I hate that snitch! I hate dogs!”

Fring shouted, not being able to stand it, but his mind was still full of things about the situation.

I was sure he wanted to kiss me to seduce me, but after kissing me, Frin was seduced.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will seduce and enslave you. And then he licks my feet like a dog. Hmm, that's good. It always washes my body and makes me kiss whenever I want.... ”

At first, I tried to imagine being a slave, but I was filled with the fantasy that the poem had washed my body and kissed me with such a soft smile.

“Ahh... Am I crazy... ”

I only imagined it, but my heart trembled for no reason and my face turned red with shame, so I sighed. However, this moment was not a fake face, but the face of a pure girl who had just opened her eyes to what love was.

“Man, I don't know. Let's get some sleep."

Fring just went to sleep. Strangely, my mind wasn't as controlled as I wanted it to be now, but after I went to sleep, I was sure that my malice about the situation would be full again. No, not exactly. It had to be filled with malice.

Fring constantly recalled the evil deeds of the Apocalypse in his head and urged him to sleep. You must enslave the Holy See.

* *

Early morning.

Before Café Quezron opened, it was natural for people to be standing in line in Cheongdam, but today it felt a little different than usual.

Usually, if it had been the fuzzy feeling of women and couples lining up to buy coffee and chocolate cookies, a lot of men would be standing in line in front of Cafe Quezron with a huge camera, as if they were at the front of a cosplay.

“I'm so nervous about coming to the first cafe. ”

“I mean it. If it wasn't for Lady Yumi, I'd never come to a cafe like this. Phew... Hey, do you know how to order in a café? I don't know anything. ”

“I don't know. Let's just search for sleep. ”

After talking quietly with the two men in line, I quickly took out my smartphone and searched for "How to order coffee in a café."

Usually men go to the fish shop, but the cafe didn't go well, so it wasn't that weird to never go to a cafe if it was a normal mosalley. So it was natural to be nervous without knowing how to order.

“Espresso? Should I do this? Who the hell is americano? It's hard.”

“Ah! Espresso. By the way, I've heard a lot of the word" esopresso. "Don't ask me if I'm an American I've never heard of. Let's order espresso. ”

“Oh, I think I've heard of espresso. Order two espressos and it'll be clean. Whew, that's hard. ”

The two men sigh as if they were only relieved.

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