Quezron Launch

The poem carefully watched over such men.

“Yumi got a little flush. I didn't even know who I was. ”

One of the men around him talks to Yumi with a playful face.

“Have you seen him? Shame.”

“I'm sure more videos will come out today. Yumi's going to be so famous. You want me to sign it now? ”

“Oh, that's not going to happen. How do I become an celebrity? ”

“Right? I didn't want to tell you. Haha.”

I laughed lightly around the jokes of the man.

Yumi's personality was so good that many people, whether it be a man or a woman, gathered around her and laughed loudly.

It was obvious to the eyes of the poem that the boys were shaking their eyes and swallowing their saliva intentionally, not as selfless as the girls, by touching the shoulders of Yumi slightly while joking.

Even though the impression was squinting for a moment, it was still not the level of concentration with Yumi, and it was not good for Yumi to act too sensitive because she had not noticed this at all. Anyway, I didn't want to interfere too much with Yumi's privacy.

While Yumi and her friends were laughing and chatting, the professor came in and everyone scattered their horns.

When she was in school, she was always alone and there was no one to call a friend, but Yumi was in college completely the opposite of herself.

At the beginning of the lecture, Yumi took notes listening to the professor with a serious look.

I dressed like a normal college student, but I noticed Yumi at once because she was so beautiful and fit. One of the herd of chickens... I heard a lot of the expression "military diary," but it didn't seem like I had much of that meaning.


While Yumi Han was in class, the phone of the poet was shaking violently for a moment.

It was a text from Ruby.

[Hey, you know it's your last day, right? I measured today, and my breasts didn't grow a centimeter. I feel so good already thinking about your frowning and feeling depressed. Blah blah]

I promised to go today, but I texted you just in case.

[Don't worry. because I'm going to make you really big breasts with another special technology today. You'd be surprised.]

[Do whatever you want. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah]

Ruby joins a massive sequence of Kivum supernova to make sure she feels good. Since then, there have been a few more texts written in Kivum, but the poem only laughed and said. Rather than the breasts, Ruby was a little curious about what he was doing and how he was resting.

If I look at my age, I think I'm a student... In case you were wondering, I searched the portal site for jewelry.

[drama queen] [movie star, model]

[Affiliation: Azin Entertainment]

[Family: Brother Jung Eun Bi]

[Education: Dongdeok Women's University Pediatrics Department]

I opened my eyes to the words "movie actor, model." I wanted a pretty face and good body, but I felt like I was aspiring to be a movie actor, not just an ordinary company worker. But when I saw the films, the extras were all there, and I did a little modeling activity at the crack of the moment, nothing much.

While the poem was playing in the silent classroom, the professor who was giving the lecture did not care about the poem at all. It was because there was no one who could detect that the situation was here unless someone else noticed it, such as making a particularly loud noise due to cognitive distortion magic on the clothes worn by the poem. Becoming invisible? But we had to be as careful as possible because it caught on the machine.

At the end of several lectures, there were always three girls around Yumi.

“So, have you kissed your brother? ”

“Keys or kisses? It's a secret."

“Phew! Oh, my God. Have you really done it? ”

When the word "kiss" came out, three or four girls around Yumi looked at Yumi with curious eyes and were ashamed, shouting, "Yumi is a secret."

“Vee, it's a secret. ”

“So how does kissing make you feel? Does it feel like it's from a cartoon or a movie or something? Can you smell my breath? ”

“Bad breath? I didn't smell my breath, but I feel really good. Ha……. ”

Yumi took a deep breath while thinking about the sex she had with the poem yesterday. The exhilarating physical and mental pleasure that I felt when I kissed the poem, skinned and sex was impossible to express simply that I felt good.

“Ugh! That feels good. You just stick your tongue in? ”

“Oh dear, I'm ashamed. I get angry when I talk about it. ”

“Hehe! Yumi is amazing. ”

When I kept asking her about the kiss, Yummi was embarrassed and told her not to ask anymore, but the women around her screamed louder.

When I asked if I had only kissed her, I was embarrassed, but when I looked at her face so clean and pretty, I felt like she was an innocent girl who didn't know anything about sex. But who knew that a girl with such a naive look would tie her hands and pull her corners last night? I never thought I'd have such active and stimulating sex.

When the break was over, the women around Yumi went back to their seats, and shortly after, the lecture was about to start again. At the beginning of the lecture, a male student gave Yumi a letter of paper and sat down.

The eyes of the poem flashed. I got up carefully and stood next to Yumi, spreading the paper with a puzzled face, and read the contents together.

Can I see you after this lecture? It'll only take a second.]

Yumi's expression was still tilted, but the poem could see that the man was about to confess to Yumi at once. I thought Yumi would have been interested in it, but she seemed to have written a note in her mind as it was broadcast yesterday and became much more popular.

I followed Yumi to see if something like this was going on, or if someone had a bad feeling about Yumi, but I felt that I was welcome when I thought about it.

The impression of a man wasn't that bad. He was quite handsome and well-dressed, and it seemed to be quite popular with women. Well, I didn't think Yumi would be so popular either.

The poet sat back down and curious about Yummi's reaction.

After the lecture, the man and Yumi went out of the building with an awkward distance to a quiet bench nearby.

It was warm and sunny in the spring, so I felt sick. The surrounding trees were now blocking the sunshine quite intensely.

“Have a seat.”

“Oh, yes. ”

Yumi sits on the bench and the man sits a little further away.

The poem stood right next to Yumi and stared at the man. It wouldn't have happened, but in case something bad happened, I was just going to step up.

“Hey……. Just because you're talking about something important.... ”

Yumi looks awkward and nervous.

“Yes. I'll turn around and say it without saying it. ”

The man stared at Yumi with a slightly stiff expression.

“I like you, Yumi. I'm not asking you to answer right now. You don't even know who I am. First of all, getting to know your friend a little.... ”

“Well, there. I'm so sorry."

The man is talking with a slight cold sweat, and Yumi is restless and hangs up halfway. I thought I would miss the time to refuse if I kept listening.


“I'm really sorry, but I have a brother who I want to marry. We all know that. I appreciate that, but I'm really sorry. I hope you meet a better woman than me. ”

Yumi was restless, but adamantly refused, then got up and bowed to the man and returned to the classroom. I thought I'd say no, but I didn't know how determined I was to be to say it, even when it comes to marriage.

At the mouth of the poem, I looked at the man with a deep smile and a frustrated expression. The old poem confessed to Eun-si and kicked her, so I could understand that feeling for a while, but I couldn't help but feel something cheerful and cheerful.

“Oh, shit. I shouldn't have confessed.I should have just stayed put. Crazy. Oh, how do I get to school now? ”

It's shocking that Yumi dumped her, but the man sighs because he was worried about how people might see him if Yumi made a rumor.

Campus couples were also good when they were together, but there were often bad rumors after the separation, so men usually left the army.

He smiled lightly as he saw the embarrassment of being kicked and the mental collapse that might come later, but he did not go back to the classroom and changed his clothes.

I didn't have to follow Yumi anymore. It was because I thought that I didn't have to worry anymore when I saw Yummi say no even to marriage. Now Yummi, who was 20 years old, had thought about getting married, he would have been ruthless, even if a man confessed.

However, some people might think that they are not dating, so it seemed necessary to take some safety measures against threats that you might not know about.

When he changed his clothes and came out of the bathroom, he walked to a quiet campus in sunny weather. The time I decided to meet Ruby was still available, so I was relaxed and took a quiet step to see the Sungkyunkwan University for the first time.

The woman's clothes were quite colorful, although it was a bit dreary but not sweaty like summer.

“Hey, can I ask for directions? ”

“Gil? I'm sorry, I'm not a student here, so I don't really know the way. ”

To the poet walking recklessly, a woman came and laughed a little.

Short pants and fluffy blouse were compliant. It didn't seem like he was naive or shy, and I felt that he was lively and coarse when I looked at his clothes, his behavior, and his face.

“I thought you were a student, but you're not? Are you here to play? ”

“You're right. I had to work for a while and now I'm on my way back. ”

Normally, if she didn't know the way, then she should have been on her way, but the woman kept talking to the poet and never thought of leaving. In this pattern, there was usually something planned. If it was religious, the survey was very likely to be a nuisance.

“Do you mind if I ask where you go to school? Excuse me?”

“It's Seoul. I have a girlfriend who's getting married. I'm here for a while, but I'm busy, so I'll leave now. ”

In the old days, it would have been a question of course, but now it has not been. And I thought about what Yummi said to the guy earlier, and I said that he was my girlfriend who was getting married on purpose. I didn't have to say anything, but seeing Yumi made me feel like I wanted to try it once.

“Now, wait a minute. Can I talk to you for a second? It's good to hear from Seoul University students. ”

As the poem ignored the woman and tried to pass by, the woman tried to grab her clothes quickly.

Anyone could have easily avoided the behavior if they had anticipated it, but it was only later that they realized that the poem was too much for women to hold onto their clothes.

The moment the woman's hand touched the edge of the poem's clothing and tried to grab it tightly, the poem moved strangely.

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Thank you for reading.

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