Quezron Launch

“It's two and a half centimeters bigger. You can see it clearly, right? ”

“Well, yeah. ”

Ruby looks embarrassed. I still couldn't believe it was real. I can't believe my breasts just pop and get bigger with a massage. If I told my friends around me, I was sure they'd laugh me off.

“Then can I touch Ruby's breasts anytime, like I said? Can I touch it now? ”

“ ……. ”

Ruby was reluctant to listen to the poem. I didn't think it would get this big, and I made a ridiculous promise. I just kept wanting to say no, but I made a promise, and I couldn't refuse just because I didn't want to.

“No? ”

“Oh, okay. ”

As Ruby sat on the bed, the poem now touched her breasts with a relaxed look. He was the face of a victor.

“Is it okay to meet Silver now? ”

“Phew... Yes.”

Ruby sighs and answers. I was really happy about my breasts, but I couldn't help but sigh as I thought about the poem and the future.

“But be careful, he's a very popular celebrity. Even scandals make it hard to keep a secret. ”

“Got it.”

The poem simply replies, and Ruby gives a grumpy look.

“Ahh... ”

As the pope pinched his nipple, Ruby breathed a light breath of pleasant cheer. For some reason, whenever the poem touched the nipple, I felt a pleasant feeling that I had never felt before. It was not that I had never dated a man, nor even had sex. Strangely, the affection of the poem made me feel pleasant enough to make the man experience so far colorless.

But now the poem didn't touch Ruby's chest to make her feel better. I was touching Ruby's breasts and wondering how to massage her, and I was expanding my thinking earlier.

“By the way, Ruby, if you pay to get big breasts like this, how much can you do? ”

“Is that what you're telling me to get paid? ”

“No, it's not like that. I have something on my mind. ”

“Ha……. I don't know, but a breast surgery with at least one cup is roughly 6 million won or more, so I'm gonna have to give you that. ”

Ruby wasn't looking for a boob job, either. I was under a lot of stress because my heart was so small as well as my secret. Then, when Ruby saw the situation and thought the poem was a fraud, it was not hard to believe that the poem was nurturing Silver Rain's breasts.

“So if there was a place where you could take your legs off, your waist, your belly, your forearm, and raise your breasts, would a lot of women come? ”

“Is that what you call it? You can't handle it with so many people around. I'd like to get out of here right now if you could just massage my legs and belly out with no side effects and make my breasts bigger. ”

“100 million for taking the whole course? ”

“A hundred million? It's expensive.... But won't he go if he has money? It's risky enough to have surgery for a few million won. I think you should save money and take it, even if it's expensive, not because it's expensive.”

Ruby says with a look of uncertainty, but this is not enough. After all, there are a lot of people who want a massage as much as the women want it to be.

“Thank you for your answer. So I'm going to go now. I'll see you again sometime, right? ”

“Now, wait a minute. You're leaving already? ”

Ruby stared at the situation with a puzzled look, saying that the situation had already gone.

“Yes. Ruby's breasts have been raised as promised, so we should get going. ”

“Oh, my boobs aren't as big as I'd like them to be. I can't make you an A cup, but you have to make me an B cup. ”

Suddenly, Ruby begins to force her hand. I didn't think I would see the poem in the future, so I couldn't send it as it was sad and sad.

“B cup? It's much nicer than it used to be. ”

“Hiya, pervert. Don't look.”

As the poem sweeps his chest, Ruby covers his chest with his arms. You can't touch it, but you can't see it? It was Ruby's heart who didn't know what it was.

“I don't care if you massage your breasts any more, but what's in it for me? Eun-Bi won't like it. ”

“Well, that's ……. ”

Ruby hesitates without taking any action. Earlier, I even said it with my own mouth, but I couldn't ask for it for free because it had 6 million causes for breast plasticity. But that doesn't mean I can do anything special.

It wasn't just because I wanted to get bigger. Of course, it was not without such a reason, but the relationship with the poem was strangely sad and sad, so I wanted to continue the relationship no matter what.

“Well, I get it. I'll give you a massage when Eun Bi's away. Can I massage my chest instead and then do whatever I want to do? ”

“Rice, pervert. Where are you touching? ”

“I can't help it if I don't want to. ”

“Ugh... Oh, okay. Let's do that first. It's weird, but I won't let you touch it. ”

“It's weird, but I don't touch it. Then contact me the next time. I'll be going now. ”

The poem promises to raise Ruby's breasts further, leaving Ruby's house on the subway to her home.

Shortly after he arrived home, he went to his room, turned on his laptop, and looked at the reactions of the video he had posted earlier of the true blogger.

Because it was difficult to find and read each article on the bulletin board, I searched for the word Quezron. There were many articles about going to Café Quezron because of various sites on various topics, but there was also an article about the real blogger that was published by the poem.

[This is an epic blogger video. d]

[It's on Café Quezron's official website, and it's amazing. Do bloggers go to restaurants like this and get them? They think they have some kind of power. I think you're crazy. You're doing Café Quezron shambles. He made a mistake, and then he did this thing with the victim's cosplay. If Café Quezron hadn't posted that video, people would never have known what she did.]

It was as angry as it was his job. At the bottom of the post, there was a link to a blog site that was unmovable and a video that had been posted. After confirming and pressing the play button, the video that was edited by the episode starts playing.

“Phew……. ”

When I saw him again, the poem sighed for no reason. If this had been a place like the Rohingya Empire, rather than Earth, we could have inflicted a stronger punishment. In South Korea, however, there were quite limited avenging methods other than allowing these social condemnations and hurting income sources. If he had committed a crime for no reason, he would have become a criminal. But I couldn't face the state because I didn't want to be a criminal, and I didn't have the strength to.

The current situation has not avoided even bullets fired with that common gun. Seeing the direction of the gun and the movement of the hand didn't make any sense in the first place, and if it was possible for several people to shoot, it was just a bullet. Then we needed the fundamental force to stop the bullet, but no matter how much we thought about it, there was no way to do it now.

Well, I don't plan to overthrow the country, but this idea was meaningless in the first place.

The Pope, who was having second thoughts, read the comment.

[That's amazing. Do you want to do that and eat it for free?]

[Screw you. I want to ruin that blog.]

[Huh. I thought that blog post was a bad place for Cafe Quezron, but it's not. This is why you can't just listen to one word.]

Comments were also criticizing bloggers, and some of them were reflecting on cafe kezron after just seeing the blog posts.

The image was so important. If the image is bad, you don't like it and feel bad, even if you don't have anything in particular. Compared to that, if the image is good, even the same level of service as others seems to be much more likable and good. Companies didn't spend a lot of money to pull up their image for no reason.

The episode then entered the website of the true blogger. Thousands of comments were posted on the article about how well the video spread.

[This is where you get your free food. Is it a blog?]

[I've come on a pilgrimage.]

This was a fairly satisfactory result. I'm not sure how the video spread, but I'm sure this will make it very difficult to post to the blog in the future because the images on the blog will be very much discounted.

It would have been better to get on the news from the public, but I didn't say I wanted it, so I decided that's all I wanted to worry about for now. I was busy with things, but I didn't care anymore.

The poem crossed over to Quezron's castle to get some information. In the afternoon, I decided to check on how Fring was doing because it had not happened recently.

As you leave the castle, Frin scrambles from the garden lit by a magical light and digs for Laroline. Seeing me working hard with my tail down without working hard, I felt strange for no reason.

“Aren't you tired? ”

“Huh? My Lord. ”

Frin, who was digging for Laroline, looked at the situation in surprise. It's still dark tonight. I can't believe this is happening already. As usual, Frin sighed of relief in his mind, thinking that he would be in trouble if he worked.

Somehow he didn't want to swear today. Thank God you're here.

“That's all for today. Well done."

“Woohoo! Thank you. My Lord."

Frin gave it to the poet naked. I was so happy that I didn't have to do any bothersome work to tear this unknown grass, that I shook even Prince's tail joyfully.

“What took you so long today? ”

“I'm here to find something. ”

“Hee-young, are you going to go right away? He wants to be with the owner a little more. It's scary and boring to be alone at night. ”

Fring glanced at the poem and said. I was a little ashamed of saying this strangely differently than before, but I decided to seduce the poem while being together.

“But how long have you been washing? I think I smell something. ”

When it smelled strange, the poem put a nose to Fring's body and smelled it.

“Smell? I washed it a few days ago and it doesn't smell much. ”

“A few days ago? That's why I smell it. Take a shower every day from now on. That way it won't stink and it'll be clean. ”

“Every day, every day? Hehe……. If you bathe too often, Fring will have a hard time. ”

“Wash it every day, no matter what. And speaking of which, let's go take a shower now. I have to clean up after myself. ”

Fring, who was impressed by the word everyday, said he was having a hard time with his tears, but he didn't care about the poem and took Frin to the bath.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

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