Dragon Lunamos

Given the situation, I naturally had sex once more. After having sex once, the poem focused on having sex, feeling more pleasant than not holding out. The hostility towards Yulnar had vanished just by a change in face. When I think about it, there was no reason for Yulnar to be hostile because he had not done anything particularly bad. I was filled with grief because I knew the secret.

“Ahh... Excellent. Sperm with a hint of magic makes me feel so good. ”

Yunarr discovered the secret of semen with various effects due to yin and yang symbiosis.

“Phew... ”

It was like the first time I had sex with Aru. Although both the vaginal pressure and sensitivity felt when inserted were the same, it was simply a man who felt more excited and pleasant depending on his face and body. The situation is no exception, so I was even more excited when it was Yunarn's true self than when he faced Irene.

“Oh, you're so sexy and still so lively. The more I know, the better. ”

“But don't you usually say you're corrupt? ”

Yunarr was amazed by the touch of the penis of the poem, which did not change in thickness and hardness at all. Somehow, embarrassment changed the subject of the conversation again.

“That's what they're already calling it. I don't know if you know this, but regular Elves value virtue the most. But does it make sense to hear that you're corrupt because you like sex so much? ”

“No matter how virtuous you are, you have to have sex to have a baby. ”

“Huh? You don't know anything about Elves. Elves become pregnant in nature, not in utero, so they don't have to have sex at all. That's why you're a virgin until you die. ”

“So you don't need a penis at all? ”

“I don't make children, but I have a desire for sex. It's just that sex is an unacceptably low behavior, and that's why everyone wants to live with it. ”

YuNar bit the penis of the poem and licked it lightly. When Yulnar sucked his penis, which looked so pure and virtuous, the poem flinched his butt with pleasure. The power to generate visual information was devastating.

“So you're corrupt just by having sex? That's a little too much. ”

“That's the rule. And the sex usually ends in exile, but I have more urge than any other elf. Hehe.”

“Hmm……. ”

Corruption naturally reminds me of sucking up a man's routine or butchering him like the Circus, but instead of just having sex... This caused Yulnar to feel sorry for him. You say that like it's nothing, but you must have been hurt a lot.

“It's in the past. ”

“Wait, what are you doing? ”

He was about to insert the penis of the poem back on Jupiter Island. You said you were a little strong, but you weren't usually that strong. After having sex twice in a row, you didn't seem to have anything to say about being corrupted among sex-hating elves.

“It's too bad you didn't grow up again. ”

Irene, who inserted a penis into her vagina, moved her lower back more relaxed this time. I had sex passionately twice, and this time I felt like I wanted to relax.

The two sex was already dawn, not soon after, but because it was a long time ago. When I first had sex, I heard a woman howling in the room next to me, but a long time ago, I didn't hear any sound of her sleeping after the sex.

YuNar hugged the poem and kissed me everywhere. When I thought of Yunar as Irene, I refused sex because of the problems that would arise, but there was no reason to refuse sex. Rather, I wanted to have more active sex and touch all the places where Yulnar was ashamed.

“Ahh... I really want to keep having sex, but it's too bad I have to go back to work. Really.”

“Work? What do you do? ”

The poem touched Yulnar's breast and asked. It changed quite favorably from when I first came to the motel.

“Just a bunch of junk. It's no big deal, but I've had a lot of little things, and I can't have sex, and I've had a lot of cravings. ”

Yulnar did not answer clearly, but said a little bluntly. Then the poem automatically came up with the idea that Yulnar was an OL, according to Earth. YuNar's hair turned dark blue with a black miniskirt... The feeling of stimulating the man made the penis a little harder.

“When are you going back? He just got here, didn't he? ”

At first, it was so annoying that after returning to Yulnar, I felt a little sad that I had to go.

“About tomorrow? I was going to have sex with the Pope anyway, so now I have to get back to work. ”

“Well, it's a bit unfortunate, but if I have to go, I can't help it. ”

Not just a little, but a lot. I really wanted to have sex with Yu-nar all day long. However, he pretended to be okay because he couldn't tell him not to go.

“My master is a bit harsh. Oh, yeah. One of the newest elves in town is a very tight kid. Can you teach her how to have sex? I think Pope would be good at it. ”

“Huh? What does that mean all of a sudden? ”

“I'm a little tired from working with him because he's so jammed up. She keeps nagging me when I masturbate. Wouldn't it be better to have sex with the poet's brother? ”

“I think this is too extreme a solution. And a little annoying. ”

I did not bother at all. No, I was really looking forward to it, but I pretended to be annoying. I don't want to make people feel weird if I ask them to do something because it's weird.

“Oh, do it. She's young and claustrophobic and a little annoying, but she's really pretty. I think you'll like it. ”

“Is she prettier than you? ”

“Huh? Can't you do better than me? ”

“Then she's not that pretty. ”

“She's really attractive. I've never seen anyone say that to me before. Hehe. Anyway, you don't have to worry about your looks. You'll never be disappointed in your face. ”

“Huh, really? How old are you? I can't be under 19. ”

“Oh, 19. If you're that young, you can't introduce me. I'm 177 years.But Elves live longer than Humans, so I don't care if they're older or younger. ”

“177? How old are you? ”

“Excuse me for asking a woman her age. ”

Usually, YuNar, who gave all the answers, cut the age story with a dagger. If the new elf was 177 years old, Yunard must have been at least above that. By the way, how can you call a situation that is not even 30 years old...?

“What should I do? ”

“It will also help the Pope a lot. He's really good at high-level magic. ”

“Hmm……. ”

The poem pretended to worry.

“Okay. How long do I have to keep this on me? ”

“Oh, you're doing it? Thank you.Just do as you're comfortable. Because he's not doing anything special, and it doesn't matter whether he is or not. ”

I would have said no if I had been as pretty as the average celebrity. It's annoying. But if you were as pretty as Yulnar, things would be different. I was more fortunate than Lotto 1 to just leave something so beautiful and have sex with something so virtuous.

“I'll make you feel good in return. ”

As YuNar moved his waist, the excitement began to rise. The appropriate pressure felt in the vagina and the slippery feel of the vagina made the legs feel comfortable enough to relax. In addition, the proper tightening of the insertion and removal made me feel amazed that this was sex.

The poem could not bear the pleasures and spawned Orloth's nipple, which was sprawling on YuNar's rich chest.


And then I came back. However, despite the circumstances, the penis did not lose consciousness at all and stirred Yunarr's quality.

As energetic as I am, I had unrelenting sex until morning.

It was really good energy to process.

* *

It was the day Irene left Korea.

The poem and Eugene escorted Irene to Incheon Airport. The airport was full of people, as always, but there were no reporters or Irene who chased them away without informing anyone.

“That was fun. I'll see you next time. ”

“Ugh, yeah. I had fun, too.”

Eugene replied with a slight tremor.

“Come back later. I'm sorry we didn't get to do a lot of sightseeing this time. ”

“No, that was quite pleasant. ”

Irene glances at the situation with a smile. However, unlike before, I did not feel any personal feelings about the situation at all.

Eugene looked a little puzzled, even though he felt it. It was because not long ago, he acted like he was going to take the poem away, but now he doesn't seem interested in the poem.

“Call me if you need any more cosmetics. I'll send it right away. ”

“I think my mom will like it, too. I think I'm going to run out soon. ”

Irene smiles wisely and replies. The atmosphere was so different not long ago that Eugene tilted his head to make sure that Irene was right.

Of course. Yesterday it was Irene by Yulnar and now it was Irene. At first, Yulnar would have acted the same as Irene, but the mood changed gradually because more and more personal feelings were involved.

Irene and her friend Eugene are so jealous that they don't notice the change. I just thought it was to seduce the poem.

“It's time for the flight. I'm gonna go now. ”

“Yes, bye! I'll go to England next time. ”

“Can I come to you? ”

Eugene and the poem said goodbye.

“Of course. We're friends. Goodbye, then! ”

Irene smiled beautifully and said she was a friend and said she saw the situation in a meaningful way and left.

“Phew... ”

“Why? Are you sorry Irene left? ”

“It's a little bit, and it's comforting. I don't know.”

The horse was still making a polite face, rather than a pity. Irene has been acting like she's trying to seduce the poem for some time now, and I'm very concerned. I still felt bad fighting about the situation with my mother, but I came to Irene with great stress. Fortunately, after Irene left, she seemed to have lost 10 years of weight.

“Come on, we can meet next time. Come on, let's go, too. We have a lot of work to do because the store opens tomorrow. ”


The poem and Eugene drove to the department store to open tomorrow.

On the first floor of the department store, there was a fairly large amount of kezron cosmetics. I was already prepared and all I had to do was open tomorrow.

The cosmetics that the dragon inherited and the situation suffered and sold to Amri were finally delivered to the world through a luxury department store.

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