Dragon Lunamos

The poem grabbed a jewel off the floor and threw it roughly on the couch, clinging to Eugene's back while he was making fun of his waist. There were a few more in the jewelry chest like that, and there were so many valuables that even those diamonds couldn't compare with, I didn't think much about how precious it would be. But I don't want you to lose it.

“Jina, I'm going to pee. ”

“Ugh…. Brother... Put it in your mouth, put it in your mouth. ”

Eugene pulled out his penis for a while to do what he wanted. A gigantic erectile penis that seemed to be ascending to heaven was rushing up red as if it were an immediate matter. The poem lightly lifted Eugene and laid him on the carpet on the floor, then lifted Eugene's leg and inserted his penis into his vagina. Repeatedly, with the sound of a screech, the penis of the great poem digs deep into Eugene and comes out.

Soon after, I started flinching because I was preheated. A situation that demands intense emotion as if it wants to vomit semen. The situation was so much that I couldn't think of anything else except circumstances. As soon as the semen was enough to squeeze out of the tool, the pope nearly pulled the penis out of Eugene's vagina.

Then I took the penis out of Eugene's mouth, which was already open. Drinking only filled Eugene's mouth with semen that was strong enough to become pregnant.

Eugene calmly grips the penis of the poem with both hands and licks the semen from the tool clean with his tongue. And I fell slightly away from the poem with my mouth closed to prevent semen from leaking out in a prudent manner.

“Mmmm... ”

After feeling the dark orgasm like a slave to pleasure, the taste of the sperm of the poem was distinct. The sperm flavor with unknown addiction was sweet enough for the tongue to melt and had a deep, trembling flavor.

“Ah……. My brother's semen tastes a lot different than old times. ”

Eugene, who closed his eyes and tasted the semen little by little, drank all the remaining semen in his mouth, then breathed deeply.

“Does it taste different? How does it taste now compared to the old days? ”

“The semen I ate on the old island was delicious, but it seems to be getting a lot more intense these days. The bold and intense taste.... Ha……. ”

I don't know how the semen coming out of the human body is so sweet, but nowadays, even if it tasted heavenly, it was not too tasty. Eugene licks his head with his tongue as he sees a little cum seeping out of the poem's yoke.

“Haha. That tickles. ”

“It's so good that I want to drink it again. If you sprinkle your brother's semen, any dishes will turn into fine dishes in no time. ”

“I don't want any of that. Ugh... ”

Eugene said seriously, but I couldn't stand the opposite of imagining the situation. I can't imagine what semen tastes like, but I thought it would taste more nauseating if I tried it by myself, not by a woman. However, Eugene's sperm tasted more intense than before because he tried to increase his magic skills in eating the Summoners while working hard these days.

“I'm joking. I'm joking. That's how good it is. ”

Eugene sat next to the poet sitting on the couch, smiling quietly, holding her in his arms. I couldn't take it because the situation was good. No, should I say it's unbearably good? However, I was too happy to be held in my arms, so I didn't even worry.

“Then shall we continue with what we were talking about? ”

“Yes? About what? ”

Eugene couldn't even remember what he was talking about earlier while having sex with the poem. I think he was talking about something important....

“About the diamond auction. I showed you earlier.”

“Ah! That's right. Red Diamond……. Huh? Where'd he go? ”

It was only after hearing the poem that I remembered. Eugene clearly found a red diamond to put on the table, but can't see where it went. I feel like my heart is pounding and falling. Suddenly, I was blinded by the thought of losing a few billion won diamond.

“It fell off the floor, so I put it on the couch. ”

The poem said, giving Eugene a diamond roughly strewn across the couch. Something similar had happened before, but at that time, if it was intentional, it wasn't intentional at all. You could have done something more before you handed the diamonds to Eugene, but there was no reason to do it.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I took it and accidentally dropped it on the floor. ”

Now I'm confused. I think the penis of the poem was inserted into me to examine the diamonds and gave myself over to pleasure. I don't remember the details, but I felt like I was on the floor swinging my arms and body while I was resting my torso on the table.

No matter how happy I felt, I couldn't care less about a few hundred million won of jewelry and fell to the ground. The more I thought about it, the more I felt sorry and ashamed for the poet who believed in me and gave me a little tear in Eugene's eyes.

“Until you're sorry. You can make mistakes. ”

“No. My brother trusted me, but I accidentally dropped him on the floor and couldn't find out where he was.... * Sobbing * ”

Eugene, who had a pale face when he lost the diamond, looks for the jewel. This time, his remorse for the poem fills his chest and the gears shed tears.

“No, I'm more sorry. I should have had sex with jewellery, but I didn't care. If it wasn't for that, Jina wouldn't have dropped a diamond on the floor. ”

“Brother……. But... ”

“I'm fine, really. I wouldn't care if Jina lost her jewelry. If I lose a jewel, it will hurt me even more that Jina is sad as she is now than if I lost it. ”

The poem wiped Eugene's tears. Just by listening to someone's side, I was an ambassador who was injured and would vomit blood, but for the current poem, the ambassador was able to easily do this without moving a single eyebrow. Isn't this confidence different from the past?

However, Eugene might have been a little disappointed in Eugene if he had tried to avoid his own mistakes when he lost his jewelry, rather than feeling sorry for him. It was not intentional, but somehow it happened and the results were quite pleasant.

“Brother……. ”

Eugene looked at the situation with impressive eyes. It's not strange to be angry at the fact that you carelessly treated more than a few billion diamonds. Instead, I felt unbearably moved by the revelation that comforted me more than diamonds. I felt the warmth of the poem holding me, so my body and mind were also purified.

“Okay, that's enough. Let's get back to the auction. ”

“Ugh, yeah. Brother.”

Eugene wipes his tears away from the eyes of the poem. I knew why women were constantly coming near the poem. Is there a woman who might not like the poem? Eugene felt a strange feeling that he couldn't handle the bowl by himself.

“How do I enter the auction? Do I have to go by myself? ”

“Brother, I'll go to the Soderby's office in Hong Kong and collect it myself. ”

“I'll sell it. I'll go myself. It's hard for Jina to get to Hong Kong. ”

“I made a mistake earlier, so I'll take responsibility and come back. And while I was in Hong Kong, I was researching fashion trends and other brands. ”

“Mmmm... Do you really have to go there yourself? No Internet access? No matter how hard I think about it, Jina seems to be going through a lot. ”

“No, brother. I'm fine. You can file it over the Internet, but it'll take more than a month. ”

“Should I come with you? It's dangerous to go alone.”

“You have to go to school and manage events. You can take the attendants with you, so leave them to me. ”

Eugene smiles lightly and kisses as he looks at the situation worryingly. It was no big deal to go to Hong Kong for the sake of the situation. I also wanted to investigate the trends of luxury brands and the international presence of kezron cosmetics by bringing in an attendant, rather than just going to an auction.

“Yes. Then I'll ask Jina. Call me as soon as you get anything. ”

“Yes, don't worry. ”

I thought about it and wanted to go on a trip to Hong Kong, but I couldn't say I wanted to go because it was more important than that. The event was also an event, but I was going to investigate it soon because of the power blog.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you more for me. Brother.”

Eugene embraced the poem, and the thought of wanting to have sex again suddenly filled his head as he felt the warmth of the poem. Eugene carefully placed the diamond on the table and laid it on the couch, as if exercising hard as if he were thirsty for water.

“Yes? Why? ”

“Brother, I can't stand it because I want to. ”

“You just did, didn't you? ”

“I'd like to do it again. No, I want to work with you all day. cuddling like this and feeling your body temperature. ”

“That's too much. Haha.”

“Ahh... ”

The same lust as this thirst was also due to work just now. The faith and love of the poem made me feel overwhelmed by the love and commitment of the poem and the hope that I want to be with them forever. As a result, I could not bear it without having sex.

If you had just had sex with the lead of the poem, this time Eugene climbed onto the top of the poem lying on the couch, inserted his penis and tasted the sex. It wasn't just sex, it was a bold move that wasn't awkward to say that it was tasty.

“How much would an auction cost? It's not gonna sell, is it? ”

“Ahh... That's what Red Diamonds are for. It looks like 40 carats, but it's going to be over 40 billion. ”

Eugene, who was hugging and kissing the poem, answered the question of the poem and moved stickily. Even though I just had sex, I wasn't tired at all. The sticky movement seemed to want to have sex for a little longer, rather than quickly feel pleasant and give an excuse.

“40 billion…. ”

It's not little money. I thought about what to do with this money. There were a few things I wanted to do, but one of them was to build a new house. It wasn't a bad house at the moment, but I wanted a bigger and more decent house. It's a big house, like that building that a famous singer has. The house was big at first, but it felt a little small because there were so many people living there. We can't guarantee each other's privacy.

Or buying a building and making it a place to sell kezron brands wasn't bad either. This is why I looked around the roads of Garosu and Cheongdam. Now the Café Quezron was so crowded that it needed expansion, and selling cosmetics here seemed fine. If you launch a fashion brand later, you can enter immediately.

I still needed to think a little more. You might find a better place to use it.

The poem kissed Eugene for the joyful feeling. This sex was the first to say that there was some worrying.

* *

Eugene finished everything he needed before he left for Hong Kong. If the situation had been done by himself, he would have cared a lot, but Eugene took care of it himself, so all I had to do was manage it comfortably.

Before the Lucky Bag event, he had to start the Kestron cosmetic sample event, but he contacted Silver because it felt a bit boring just for the event.

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