Dragon Lunamos

After all the Lucky Bags that I had prepared were sold, I was able to take silver and photos. It was mostly women because only those who participated in the Lucky Bag event, but sometimes men took pictures with silver.

“Wow, isn't Jung Eun Bi really pretty? I've never seen a woman so small. Really.”

Seeing the silver coin in the photo, the men spoke, and the words went into the ears of the poem and the silver coin.

“Eun Bi. I'm a huge fan. Take this."

By the time I finished taking all the photos, a girl who looked like a middle school girl came and handed the box to Silver. It seemed to contain some kind of snack.

“Thank you.”

“Eun Bi, you're really pretty. ”

The girl praised the Elongated Silver Secret. Since the photo was taken wearing a kezron uniphone, there has been an increase in praising women for giving something to Eun Bi, often saying that they are fans. Do you think a secret expression will attract the attraction of women? Although the poem did not know at all, it was a trend for female fans to increase as much as for male fans.

At the end of the photo session, all events were closed. The proceeds from the event were pre-arranged for donations. That's roughly 25 million won. Even though it was a lot of money, I had to make a donation like this to be able to hear people's criticism a little less.

Given the cost price of manufacturing kezron cosmetics, there were more than one person who would fall by the back of his neck. The cost of manufacturing is about KRW 10,000. This was also using expensive bottles, so we could reduce it even more. In addition, the Quezron cosmetics created by the poem could make a bigger profit, not only for development costs, but also for advertising and promotional expenses at all.

Simply put, there was more than KRW 7 million left over from selling one cosmetic product, except for the department store fees, etc. Selling only one cosmetic product will earn twice as much as a normal worker makes in a month.

After finishing all the finishes, the poem rode the car with a silver secret. It was an event in the morning, so the sun was still clear, but the car stopped in the department store parking lot, so it was dim as if it were night.

“What do we do now? Eun-Bi, you look a little tired. Can I take you home? ”

“I'm not tired at all. You know, I keep wanting to send you home. I doubt it.”

Silver narrows his eyes and looks at the situation. For some reason, Silver Rain was suspicious of the situation.

“Why would I want to send Eun Bee home? I'd rather stay with you. ”

The poet tried to put his hand inside the silver skirt that was still wearing the Quezron uniform. However, the silent Silver Rain struck the hand of the poet.

“I didn't mean to tell you. What are you? ”

Eunhye picks up her phone from her bag and shows him a picture. There was a picture of the poem talking with a smile at the sunset at the event last night, as clear as the actual count.

“I was just talking about sunset and knowing each other. Eun Bi introduced you to Sunset, right? ”

“But you're very close. Look what they're saying in the comments. ”

Silver Rain rolled down and showed it to the poet. There was quite a bit of writing about the poem and the sunset, as Silver said.

[Who's the guy who looks like he's friendly with the sunset? Are you a manager?]

[I envy you. I want to be a manager too. Then I'll get to know Sunset and talk to him with a smile like that. [Screaming]

[I'm not the manager, I'm the CEO of Quezron Cosmetics.]

[Don't you think they're strange? Are you dating?]

There was nothing special. Common reactions on the Internet. However, even though it was a normal reaction, it seemed that the process of making friends and doubting whether they were going out with Sunset was disturbing.

“Can you even defend yourself? You want to send me home and go see Sunset? ”

“Haha, no. We're just friends with the sunset. But you know Eun Bi is so precious to me that she can't compare to sunset. ”

The poem hugged the silver rain lightly and looked him in the eye. Now, even this shameful word came out immediately.

“W-why do you keep talking back to Sunset and respecting me? ”

“Then I'll talk to Eunuch. Is this okay?”

“Hmmm, I doubt it, but I'll get over it today. Watch your step. I'll be watching. ”

The poem's swift solution seems to ease Silver's mood a little.

“Are you going to look at it like this? ”

The poem brings his face close enough to the secret and wraps his right hand around his neck, tucking his hand between the hairs of the silver. And after kissing him so naturally, he tried to touch his little silver chest with his remaining left hand.

“Ahh, not now. ”

“Are you still angry? ”

“I'm not mad at you. I was just being cautious because you were being so stupid. ”

I was right to accuse the poem because I was jealous, but I didn't ask for the poem any more because it wasn't a secret.

“Then let me touch your breasts now. I want to touch the most popular secret breasts in the celebrity world these days. ”

“Well, don't say that. Idiot.”

The poem buries his face in the chest of Silver Secret, but this time it is not stopped. I had no intention of stopping preaching just now, but I didn't let anyone touch me like they were coming to the parking lot.

“I'm an idiot who knows only what's really dirty. Stop touching my boobs and let's go. ”

“Where shall we go? ”

“To my house. ”

“Are you going to rest because you're tired? I was gonna hang out with you today, but you can't be tired. ”

“No! No one's home today, so let's play at my place. I really don't know. ”

“Ah……. Haha.”

The situation clearly understood what our house meant, and started with a light smile. Then I went to the house of Silver Rain in Apgujeong.

On the way, Silver talked nonstop. It was mainly about the reactions of different people in kezron uniforms and ordinary life.

While the poem properly greeted the middle-of-the-century story of Silver Secret, he arrived at the apartment where Silver Secret lived.

I stopped in the parking lot and went into Silver Rain's house.

Perhaps the silence was left alone in the living room because there were no parents or rubies. Unlike the appearance of ordinary apartments, the interior was quite luxurious.

“Take off your clothes. I'll put it on a hanger.”

Silver took the City's jacket and put it in the closet in his own room. My parents said they'd be late for an appointment, and Ruby was late for work. Suddenly, I thought there was only two of us in this house, so my breasts began to accelerate slightly.

Looking in the mirror, Silver looks at your face and straightens your head. It turned out that I still hadn't taken off my Quezron uniform. I was still naked because the poem told me not to take it off, but I couldn't help feeling awkward because I was dressed like this at home.

The silver, roughly wrapped up his head and clothes, went out to the living room. The poem stares out at veranda.

“I don't have much to eat at home, do you want some water and fruit? ”

“Yeah, can I watch TV? ”

“If you want to see it. The remote control should be around the couch. ”

While Silver was bringing drinks and fruits to the kitchen, he sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I checked to see if there was a secret broadcast, but there was no secret broadcast on any of the many channels since this afternoon.

“Here, eat. ”

Silver beans brought fruits and drinks and left them on the table and sat next to the poem.

“How's the outfit? Do you like it?"

“It's pretty, but do I have to keep wearing it? My clothes are a little uncomfortable. Can I just wear a sweater? ”

“No. I want to do silver and porn in a quezron uniform. ”

“Phew, pervert. I knew it. ”

The poem lays a silver rain on the couch. The long hair of silver scattered on the couch, drawing a beautiful line. The fragrant smell from the hair provoked the poem, but even more radiant and radiant hair caught the eye.

“Do you always manage your hair? ”

“What, all of a sudden. ”

Of course, Silver was preparing his mind in advance because he thought he would take off his clothes and touch his chest to do dirty things. However, I was a little embarrassed by the sudden question of the poem.

“I have beautiful hair. Silver is not a pretty place. ”

“Heh, heh. Idiot. It's useless to say that. ”

Unlike what he always said, Silver seemed to be happy with his whole body, making a dull expression. This deadly cuteness. People who only watched the secret on TV would never see it.

“I'm just saying it because it looks pretty. Especially how attractive your little boobs are. ”

“Ugh! Are you making fun of me? ”

As the poem touched the area of his chest and spoke, Silver Rain frowned. Small breasts are a complex because I only heard it as a joke.

“I really like the breasts of silver. ”

“Never mind.”

The poem released only the top of the silver uniform to let out the brassiere. And as I pulled one side of the brassiere down, the volume that I saw when I put on my clothes disappeared everywhere, revealing a small and small chest. The continuous massage of the poem did not reach the cliff, but as the power of the chest correction brassiere dissipated, I couldn't help feeling a little small.

“Rather, I want to model because I have small breasts of silver. ”

“Model? What model? You're not suggesting I pose as a model here, are you? Idiot, pervert. How could you imagine that? ”

Even though I didn't mean to say that, Silver still blushes his face with what he imagined.

“Haha. That's not bad either, but I didn't mean it that way. I'm also launching a fashion brand later, and I'd like Silver to model it for me. ”

“Ugh, yeah? A fashion brand?”

“Yes, a fashion brand. ”

“You're not making this up, are you? ”

“Why would I lie to Eun-whee? What can you do? ”

As the poem spoke, he put his hand inside the bottom of the secret and peeled off the panties. Silver lifted his butt slightly and helped him to remove the panties easily. The stockings I was wearing were not pantyhose, but half-stockings coming up to my knees, so I didn't have to peel them off. The stripped panties were roughly thrown on the table.

Silver was holding out a thin shoulder line and a small chest on his upper body, and his lower body was only slightly covered with the skirt of a uniform.

“Of course. When will you do it? ”

“Later. But I have a favor to ask you. ”

“Please? For what? Is there anything we can do? ”

“Yes, just pose like Eun Bi said. I didn't mean to, but I missed her after Eun Bi told me. ”

“Pervert! Are you making fun of me on purpose? ”

“Aren't you gonna do it? I just wanted to see the beauty of the secret. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. ”

At the words of the poem, Silver Rain looks a little conflicted. Not because the model of the Kestron brand wanted to, but because the city asked me to, I couldn't refuse. I've always been remiss, but I never listened to what the poem told me or asked.

“Really……. Okay, just a little bit. What kind of pose do you want? ”

“A little dirty? ”

“Ugh. A real pervert. Phew. I'll leave you alone later. ”

Silver sighs lightly, then gets off the couch and goes to the middle of the living room. I tried different poses in the photo shoot, but I felt ashamed to take wild poses in front of the poem.

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I'm so sorry I'm late.

When I first saw it, I thought it would have no effect on writing, but apparently it was a game, and my mind kept selling there, so I couldn't write. It's all my fault.

It's not hard work, it's light, it's brief. I guess you have to be dedicated to deleting and writing. My rotten tenacity is pathetic. T

I will try my best to write harder. Ugh...

Thank you so much for always reading.

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