Dragon Lunamos

[What are you doing?]

[Just...... resting alone in Cafe Quezron.]

The poem identified the time with a luxurious watch on his wrist. 3: 10 p.m. Instead of sending something with intent, I just texted her about sunset in a community comment. But I was resting at Café Quezron, so I thought I'd meet him for a while. I had a few questions.

[Yeah? I was just about to go to the cafe. Can I talk to you for a second?]

[Yes, it's okay, it's the third compartment on the second floor. I'll be waiting.]

It took some time for the poem to text and say it was okay.

[Yeah, I'll be right there.]

When he replied, he put his jacket on and went to the parking lot.

The weather suddenly entered the winter. The cold wind came, but the situation did not feel much cold, so I got in the car. I headed straight for Cafe Quezron.

Soon after, I arrived in Cheongdam-dong. The town stopped in the parking lot and went to Cafe Quezron. As always, Cafe Quezron was standing in a crowded line buying coffee. At first the cafe looked so big and now it looks so cramped.

“Oh, brother. ” “

Eunji came to me as soon as the poem entered.

“You don't have any real customers, do you? ”

“Yes, there are no such guests. I had a few customers like that before, but they've been missing a lot lately. I think that's what this is about. ”

“Good. I'm gonna go upstairs and talk to someone I know. ”

“Do you know him? Yeah, I get it. I'll get back to work, then. ”

Eun-ji, who looked curious for a moment because she said she knew someone, went back to work.

It was such a waste to have Eunji, Purity and Hyunju work only in such a small shop. It was better to have the branch managed separately or buy a building in Cheongdam and turn the whole building into a cafe kezron.

I went to the second floor and entered the third compartment. It was so covered with a little privacy that I could immediately see the sunset outside.



As the poem entered, the sunset stood up and greeted. I was wearing a sweater and jeans because it was cold winter.

“What were you doing alone? ”

“I was just looking at some books, SNS, and coffee. ”

The sunset expression was not very bright. I left something worthless, and it was clear to me that something was going on.

“Really? I was going to ask you something. ”

“Which one? Do you have any questions for me? ”

The sunset looks a little strange looking at the situation. I didn't understand that someone like the poem had something to ask me.

“I was thinking about doing some records and sound recordings, but I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to get popular. ”

“You want to record? ”

Sunset looks surprised. Does that mean you want to be a singer? I didn't know that the poem wanted to make a record.

“Yeah. I don't want to be a singer, but I'm a little interested in that. ”

This was to sell records or sound recordings to gain Legacy EXP. The amount of experience you can get from sex has reached its limit. Leveling up was quite a hassle, unless it was an experience that continued to rise through sales, such as comics, records, etc.

“I was a little surprised. I didn't know you were thinking that. And that's hard for me to say. ”

“Yes? Why? ”

“My group is not very popular and I'm not very popular. ”

“Aren't pink pets famous? I've seen it on music shows, and there were a lot of fans at the last Quezlon cosmetics event. ”

“No, it's not that popular. I appreciate your support, but I've never actually been number one in my group's music show. I haven't heard any new songs this time. I'm not even in the top 10 sound recordings. ”

“Yeah? I didn't know that. Is that why you looked a little depressed? ”

I thought pink pets on music broadcasts were popular because the poem didn't know much about the girl group. Even if I had known this in advance, I would have asked the same question, but I was a little surprised to hear it from Sunset myself.

“Yes. I thought this song would work, but it's less popular than I thought, so I'm very upset. ”

“Why do you think the new song isn't popular this time of year? ”

“I think it's all a sexy concept nowadays, but we're still kind of in the middle of it. It's not sexy, it's not pure. And I don't think it's a good song. ”

“Concepts and songs, right? ”

“I think so, but I don't really know. I'm sorry, I don't know how to be popular. ”

Sunset sighed and said. Then I stirred the coffee with a spoon for no reason. The coffee that is only half empty is like the heart of sunset.

The poem was briefly troubled.

“What's Sunset's role in pink pets? ”

“I go to the vocals, but I'm not really good at singing. He's not a very good dancer. So I'm not popular. ”

“I don't think that's the case. The girls in the other girls group, they're not prettier and they can't sing, but there are popular kids. ”

“Then what do you think is my problem? ”

The poem came to ask you a few questions, but it soon turned into a worrying counseling session at sunset.

“Maybe it's about glamour after all? Actually, I don't know much about girls, but I think so. If you have a pretty face, you'll get attention at first. If you sing well, you'll be recognized. But that's it. I think people like attractive people. ”

“Charm……. ”

The sunset mutters the word "dazzling".

“And celebrity faces are mostly pretty, so if they're really, really pretty or attractive, they think they're there. The sunset is really pretty, but there are many kids in the entertainment industry who are as pretty as the sunset. ”

“I don't think I'll ever be popular because I listen to you. It's not as pretty as silver. It's not as glamorous. Ugh... ”

At sunset, it was still quite popular. There were a lot less popular girls in the girls' group than the sunset. However, there were so many girl groups that it was more than normal but in the middle position.

“Will you sing with me? ”

“Yes? A song? ”

At the words of the absurd poem, the sunset looked at the poem's face and asked.

“Yeah, I'll teach you how to sing. I was gonna call her myself, but I thought I'd do better with sunset. ”

“Ah……. Yeah, I'm fine. Your agency will allow it. The boss was so excited when he got caught at the Quezron cosmetics show. ”

“Haha. Good. Then let's meet once and practice singing together. ”

“Yes. I don't know if it'll help you, but I'll do my best. ”

The sunset gave its permission lightly, thinking it would help the poem. I didn't think the poem's singing would be very popular. I just wanted to help because I received a lot of help from the poem.

* *

The Soderby auction took place step by step.

Expert estimates are KRW 200 to KRW 30 billion. The catalog was already created and distributed, and the auction was in New York City. 33 carats of red diamonds were receiving the greatest attention from a wide range of auctions.

While the city was busy, it soon became auction day. Auction items have been on display since 4 days before the auction started, so a variety of people have checked the items to buy.

The New York Soderby Auction House was quite sizable. A slightly darker room filled with people. The people at the front of the platform were standing by the auction house and waiting for people to participate in the auction over the phone. And in the wide hall, a variety of people sat in chairs with license plates to attend the auction.

The auction proceeded as is commonly known. Auction items were displayed in turn next to the auctioneer and people picked up their license plates and auctioned.

A few auction items passed and the pope's red diamond was finally displayed next to the auction house. There is a loud noise inside the auction house.

The auction has started for 33 carats of red diamonds. As soon as the auction started, the license plate quickly rose. The people who answer the phone put up the license plate busily, as well as the people sitting in the chair.

Sometime later, I exceeded KRW 20 billion. Given that lottery number 1 wins are usually between 20 and 3 billion reasons, it was equal to the amount won 10 times in the lottery.

Suddenly, 30 billion won had passed. As the price range rose, it fell slightly, but still many people raised the license plate.

Forty billion won has passed and 50 billion won has passed. The estimated price was 200 to 30 billion won, which is more than twice the price.

Participating in the auction over 50 billion won was only two people who answered the phone and bid for it. I don't know whose phone it was, but they kept getting instructions over the phone and putting up the license plate.

Soon it became 62.7 billion won.

“Currently, the highest price is 62.7 billion won. ”

Since it is 62.7 billion won, people who compete a long time do not carry license plates.

“Do you have 6.32 million? ”

The auctioneer looks around and shouts, but no one picks up the license plate. The auctioneer shouted a little more, and finally shouted KRW 62.7 billion three times.

“62.7 billion won. ”

The auctioneer bangs the hammer, shouting. The poem's red diamond was sold for KRW 62.7 billion.

Lottery number 1 and number 20 were awarded to the pope with enormous amounts of money to be won. This was a huge amount of money, 55176 million won, minus 7524 million won, which is 12 percent of the auction fee.

This was also just one of the things the poem sold in the jewelry box, but if he sold a few more jewels in it, he would become a billionaire's fortune in an instant. The penis with healing power made the situation enormously rich.

The news was that Jina called the Pope and let him know right away.

[Oppa! The auction has won 62.7 billion won.]

62.7 billion won? I thought I was going to win it for 30 billion won, but it's much more expensive.]

The voice of the poem went up a little because it said 62.7 billion won. Until now, I had touched a lot of money, but it was hard to be cold in front of the money of 62.7 billion won.

[Yes, until the end, the two of them continued to compete and the price went up tremendously. Congratulations, brother.]

[Thank you, Jina. Thanks to Jina.]

[No, brother. I did something. It's all in your power. What are you gonna do with that money?]

Jina was even more curious about what the situation would do with a large amount of more than KRW 50 billion.

[Do you want to buy a vacation home abroad and go hang out with everyone? Haha.]

[That's okay too, but you can use my vacation home. It's in Haeundae or Jeju Island, and it's all overseas, so let me know if you want to use it.]

The poem was just a joke, but Jina said she could use her own villa. Jokes that would work for ordinary economists did not work for Jina at all.

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Thank you for reading.

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