Dragon Lunamos

There is cheerful music that fits the trend. Of course, this trend was quite good, considering the fact that the situation is a standard, but the reality may be different.

Sunset listened to the song seriously. I didn't expect the poem to write a song very much, but I unexpectedly found it quite attractive. I couldn't explain it well, but as soon as I heard it, I felt like my tone was stuck in my brain. It was not just a repeat, but a strange addiction. Sunset listened to the song and drew a rough idea of how to sing the song.

About two minutes later, the poem turned off the song.

“How do you feel? Do you think you're okay? ”

“Yes. It's hard to say for sure because there are no guides yet, but it sounds pretty good to me. If you sing well, it might surprise you. ”

“I feel confident telling you that at sunset. ”

The situation was a little relieved. I was a little anxious because I had never done this before. He knew he had no artistic talent at all. Of course, this was not the end, but I could find another song and write it, but I wanted to get the experience points up as quickly as possible.

“Even though I'm an idol singer. I'm not good at singing or dancing, so I'm worried that it might help my brother. ”

“The sunset is too much for me. Haha.”

Knock, knock.

A knock rings while you two make useless noises.

“May I come in? ”

“Yes. Come in. ”

The door was opened and I came in with fruit and drink. I felt like a guest had come to prepare me. When I saw Chan carrying fruit, the sunset rose in a hurry to pick it up.

“Thank you."

“Talk comfortably. ”

When the sunset thanked him, he smiled lightly and replied. It wasn't that Idol singer named Sunset who didn't care about praise. Not even her? Even though I thought about it, I did not express my feelings outwardly.

There was a moment of silence after the hymn.

“Eat. Strawberries are good. ”

“Oh, yes. Thank you."

The poem said, sunset picked up strawberries and ate them as they were. By comparison, the pope took strawberries dipped in sugar and ate them. I liked to dip it in sugar rather than strawberry itself, but praise brought me sugar because I knew the taste of such a poem well.

“Now I have to write lyrics. Do you have any idea what it's like to hear a song? ”

“Well……. Since it's such a cheerful song, why don't you have fun with your love story? ”

“Fun? For example? ”

“Well, that's ……. Hmm... ”

Sunset struggles to think of a good story. He looks at the ceiling and makes a strange sound, which is quite cute.

“I'm sorry, I haven't had any experience yet, so I can't think right now. ”

“It's okay. We'll figure it out together. ”

The poem smiled lightly and replied, reviewing the sunset information again.


[Age: 22]

[Height: 163.4cm]

[Weight: 48kg]

[Chest Size: 75A]

[Number of Sexs: None]

[Pregnancy Status: No]

[Heartbeat: Neck]

I still haven't had sex since I met him and confirmed it before, and I don't weigh much compared to being an idol. That's why my breasts were small. At first glance, it looked like a B cup, but I thought it might be the power of the implant pad.

“Mmmm... ”

Sunset tries to keep thinking about something, but she's been moaning for a long time whether it's because she really has no experience.

“Then let's do this. ”

“Yes? How? ”

As the poem seemed to come to mind, Sunset looked at the poem with a curious look.

“I love you."

“What? What are you talking about...? ”

“I think I've come to love you. ”

Sunset was embarrassed by the sudden confession of love of the poem, so I didn't know what to do. Immediately, the words my older sister said went through my head. He said he kept texting because he was interested, but he really didn't think he'd confess his love in his room.

“I'm sorry. I'm still ready... ”

“Imagine me confessing to you like this. ”

The sunset is too sudden, so I asked her to give me some time to think about it. However, at the same time as sunset, the poem said something unexpected.


The sunset embarrassed me immediately.

“Huh? Did you really think I confessed my love? Haha.”

“Oh, no. Well, I didn't think so. I really didn't think about that at all. ”

The sunset frowned and denied that it was not a pole. Speaking of lyrics, you're mistaken for a confession of love. I felt ashamed to death. But all of a sudden, if you say something like that, everyone will think it's a love confession. Maybe.

“Sorry. Sorry. It's not intentional, but if you think we're together, wouldn't the lyrics be easier? That's what I thought. ”

“Oh, I didn't get it wrong. Well, I'm sure the lyrics would be a little easier if I thought of it that way. ”

The sunset was still a bit embarrassed and said with a little excitement.

“Well, isn't it awful just to think you're dating me? The reaction is too intense. ”

“No, it's not like that. I was just a little embarrassed. Anyway, let's start with lyrics. Imagine you and me together? Okay, I'll think about it. ”

The sunset was the type that sped up horses when they panicked. Sunset used to pretend to think of lyrics after saying something I didn't know what. Before, nothing came into my head because of work. The poem was just saying that because of the lyrics, but I was ashamed of myself. No, if you think about it, everyone would have made that mistake at that moment. Is it because the poem confessed not to confess, that he was trying to impress himself? Sunset wasn't thinking about lyrics, it was just thinking about what happened before.

“Speaking of which, let's write the lyrics of the first lover of men and women. Don't you think it'll go well with the song? ”

“Yes? Yes. I think it fits. ”

“Let's put your reaction in the lyrics, too. The first day I confessed, you panicked, and you didn't know what to do. Like this.”

“Ex? You're going to put that in? And I didn't panic. ”

“Haha. It's just a lyric. Don't take it so seriously. ”

“Oh, yes……. ”

Sunset had more words to say, but it was just a lyric, so I had to accept it and remain calm. The more I denied it here, the more I realized I was embarrassed.

“Well, I can't think of anything at home. How's sunset?”

“I can't think of any good lyrics either. ”

I was embarrassed by the work just now, but the lyrics didn't come to mind. There was no lyrics in my heart because I didn't know it was love. "I love you." Even if you give me everything. ’It was just the same old, childish lyrics.

“I can't. Let's get out.”


“If I go out on a date, won't the lyrics come to mind? ”

“De, a date? You're teasing me again, aren't you? ”

“Huh? No. I've never made fun of you before. Let's go out to the Han River or Karaoke or something to eat. ”

As the poem rose from its place, the sunset rose. I felt like I was going to go out and do something, not just for fun.

“Let's go.”

As the poem went out, the sunset also followed him out of the room. Sunset went out to the living room with a slightly awkward look, and the people were just sitting on the couch playing.

“Praise, you'll be late if you go out, so eat your dinner. ”

“Yes, brother. Don't stay out too long because it's cold today. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

Praise and poetry spoke as if we were married.

“Thank you for the strawberries. Goodbye. I'll be going. ”

“Yes, goodbye. ”

As the sunset greets, the compliment smiles and gives way. Sunset came out to the parking lot with the poem and got into the car. The sunset was still trembling because all of this had been decided and happened in the blink of an eye. A date all of a sudden.

The poem looked at the sunset on the passenger seat. Then the sunset turns its head away.

“Where shall we go? Do you want to go somewhere? ”

“Paddy, I don't see much. ”

When the poem asked, Sunset awkwardly replied.

“Don't do that. Imagine you've never met me before and you want to go somewhere. What's going on with lovers these days? ”

“I don't know……. ”

“Let's go to the theater first and watch a movie. Everyone goes to the theater a lot. Are you okay?"

“Yes……. I'm fine, but I'm a little worried that people will notice. ”

“Wait a minute.”

The poem pretended to rummage through the back seat and pulled the scarf out of the subspace. It was a necklace in the Kestron wardrobe that made it inconspicuous.

“Here you go. Not the scarf I'm wearing, but this. This won't come out right. ”

“Thank you."

I didn't understand why I couldn't see it well because it was the same scarf, but the poem gave it to me to use, so I tried to use it and return it later.

“Hold on. I'll do it myself. It's a gift. You can take it with you. ”

“Oh, you don't have to do that. ”

I was more embarrassed by the fact that sunset gives me scarves rather than gifts.

“Tsk, this is how it's going to end all day. Let's decide now."

“Yes? What kind of decision? ”

“Let's just be real with me until the lyrics are written properly. Of course, I wouldn't ask you to do anything weird just because you're really together, so you don't have to worry about that at all. ”

“Are we really going out? ”

The sunset was confusing in my head. I didn't know if the poem was doing it because of the song lyrics or because I really had feelings for myself. The situation was definitely a good man, and he was attractive and rich enough to make out with anyone who saw him. Rather, it was so great that I could not imagine that Sunset would easily become friends with the situation. Somehow, it seems that there are practically huge walls blocking each other.

“Yes, only until the lyrics are written. But that's all I'm saying is that we're really together, and let's have a lover's feelings for the first time. We meet and date. Wouldn't it be great to write down such experiences in lyrics? I've never done anything like this before, so I'm not so confident in writing lyrics without doing it. I need you to understand something. ”

It was the same word. The poem was not a joke to the sunset, but I really wanted to write lyrics with that mind. I knew better than anyone that I didn't have this talent, so I also hoped that Sunset would help me write lyrics directly.

“I know what you mean. ”

“What do you want to do? Are you going to be okay?”

“Mmmm... It's okay. If that's the case, I'll try. ”

The sunset allowed it. I don't know what the heart of the poem is yet, but I didn't dislike the poem or like it, so I decided to pretend to be together as I wanted. In fact, it seemed like it would be fun to pretend that we were dating because the existence of the poem was burdensome.

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