Dragon Lunamos

I went to Koex holding hands. There was nothing in particular to see, but the fact that we were walking around holding hands like this was fun.

I looked around and went to the department store next door. The poem had nothing to do with going to the department store like a normal man, and I didn't want to see it, but I had to follow it because I knew that the sunset wanted to go quietly.

“Well, do you have anything to buy? ”

“Just take a look…. ”

I replied little, hesitating at sunset. Since a while ago, I was embarrassed to face the situation, so the horse didn't come out right.

The city and sunset looked around the first floor of the department store. Like all department stores on the first floor, they sold a variety of luxury stores and cosmetics.

“What kind of luxury does Sunset like? ”

“Yes? I don't buy luxury goods. It's too expensive.”

“Really? Don't celebrities buy a lot of luxury goods? ”

“I haven't made much money yet, so I have to work harder. Jane has a lot of work to do, but it's not like me. ”

After hearing the sunset words, I felt like I wasn't making much money yet. I thought pink pets would do me good, but they didn't.

I looked around the first floor and went to the second floor. There were a lot of jewelry stores on the second floor.

“Do you want to make a couple? ”

I didn't think of it at all until I saw the jewelry store, but as soon as I saw the jewelry store, I came up with the word coupling.

“Yes? A couple? It's so sudden... ”

“I'm in love, but I have to do that. Let's go in somewhere. ”

The poem took a hesitant sunset and entered any store that looked luxurious.

“Good to see you, sir. Are you looking for something? ”

“I want to see a couple. ”

“Ah, coupling. If you look at the coupling here……. ”

The poem and sunset followed the staff and saw various coupling rings in the glass.

“Pick something you like. I'll pay for it. ”

“No, brother. Then I'm sorry... ”

The sunset suddenly rejected strongly, and when the situation meets the eye, the head bows again.

“I'm fine. It won't take long anyway. ”

The price of the ring seen by the town and sunset was between approximately KRW 1 and KRW 3 million. I came from everywhere, but the price of the ring was considerable as the store was luxurious.

After seeing the price was high, Sunset said that he would pay more and more sorry. When the sunset paid, I felt the situation was sorry and I needed to make a deal.

“Then I'll buy you a ring, and you give me something else. What do you think?”

“…… Yes. Then I will definitely give you something of similar value. ”

Yumi would have picked it up right away, but the sunset was strangely stubborn in this area. After seeing the settlement, the sunset starts picking rings a little hesitantly. At first, he seemed really picky, but after a while, he began to choose the ring that he liked.

In the eyes of the poem, they all looked alike, but the sunset pondered for a long time and chose the ring. The ring that the sunset chose had a simple design with a little diamond in the middle, which was approximately KRW 2 million.

From the perspective of the poem, it was really little money, but the sunset seemed to have chosen something too expensive.

Bought a ring and left the store I decided to unpack later and went around the department store a little more.

It was a situation that did not sleep at night, and did not tire of any labor, but following women's e-shopping made the situation tiresome. The repetition of the walking pattern was the most painful after looking at the clothes a few times and checking slowly, stopping where you could just pass by.

At the very least, Sunset took into consideration the situation and concluded his eye shopping. I couldn't do the shopping while trying on properly because I could see my face, and now I can only look with my eyes.

I got back in the parking lot and got in the car.

The poem resisted wanting to open his base and handed the Mountain Coupling Bag to Sunset.

The sunset opened the package and took out the coupling.

“Give me that. I'll let you in. ”

“Yes……. ”

The poem took the ring from the timid sunset and placed it on the ring in his left hand ring. I put the ring on the poet at sunset as well, but his face was so pale that I could feel it in the dark parking lot.

“But when the sunset hits the left hand ring, don't the fans doubt it? Idol fans are sensitive to that, aren't they? ”

“Oh, right. I doubt it. What do I do?”

The sunset was quite perplexed that he had not thought of it.

“On the right hand ring. This way the fans won't suspect a thing, right? ”

The poet took the ring off at sunset's left hand and put it back on the ring.

“Yes, I think my right hand will be fine. Jane also has a ring on her right hand ring. I'm sorry.That's all you bought me... ”

“It's okay. Sunsets are idols, so watch out for scandals. And it's either left hand or right hand or coupling. ”

“…… I see. ”

The poem said that the sunset was quite shy and accommodating.

“Brother, what can I get you? Is there anything you need? ”

“We'll figure that out later. We're not in a big hurry. ”

It didn't matter if the poem really didn't take anything, but Sunset was determined to buy something. I really didn't need it, but I was going to ask him to buy me something like a couple of teas if he bought it for me.

“Pose for that ring. We need to take a picture of this. ”

“Shame……. ”

At the request of the poem, the sunset posed shamelessly without removing the scarf. The hand on the ring lifts up to your face and smiles.

The poem took a few photos with his cell phone.

“Do you want me to take a picture with your phone? ”

I said, "Yeah, I want you to take one of mine. ”

The poem handed over the phone from the sunset took a picture. The sunset that received the phone back took a picture of the poem without saying a word.

“Let's go back. ”

That's it for today's date, and the poem brought the sunset home.

“Thank you."

“Yes, go in. I'll text you later.”

As the poem leaves, the sunset sets quickly enter the apartment and board the elevator. Pressing on the 14th floor, the elevator door closes and begins to climb.

“Ahh... ”

I felt like my heart was going to burst. As I started dating the poem, I became more and more fond of it, so I thought I really liked the poem or I was a little nervous. I didn't think it was an increase in liking or liking, but I was so nervous that I couldn't see the situation strangely today. It felt like I was in love with the poem.


“It's fake, but we're dating, and it's kind of weird being in love. ”

As the elevator arrives on the 14th floor, the arrival chimes and at the same time the sunset murmurs faintly.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the sunset set set went straight to the lodge. It was not that big, but it was like a king compared to the new girl group.

“Did you come to sunset? Are you busy? ”

When I went to the living room, Soho, a member and a big sister who was watching TV, looked at the sunset with suspicious eyes.

“I see. When I rest, I go out in the afternoon and come back at night. ”

Jane, who was next to him, was also suspicious.

“It's nothing. I'm gonna take a shower. ”


The sunset tries to enter the room with a weary face, but Jane suddenly shouts. Then he gets up from the couch and comes to the sunset, grabbing his right hand and raising it. Jane's eyes were fixed on the coupling that the situation had just bought.

“Sis, look at this. There's a ring on the ring that wasn't there before. ”

“Awesome. I'm serious. ”

Soho also got up on the couch and approached it like an electric quartz.

“Come on, come on. I'm tired, so I'm gonna go in and get some rest. ”

“Huh, let's start with the identity of this ring. This feels like a couple. I think he was trying to hide what was in his right hand. ”

The sunset sprinkles Jane's hands and tries to get in, but Jane continues to examine the ring without releasing it and conducts a complete analysis.

“I bought it. I don't have a ring. ”

“Liar. This is an expensive brand ring. A few million won, right? A kid who doesn't buy anything like that suddenly buys this expensive ring? Tell me honestly."

The sunset set begins to panic a little after Jane finds out about all the lies she was trying to pass on. Jane was so interested in this that she forgot to look online every day.

“That's him, isn't it? President of Quezron Cosmetics? Did he give you that expensive scarf? Obviously.”

“Oh, no... ”

The sunset was really embarrassed because Soho might be right. I said no, but I was embarrassed because I saw the truth.

“Awesome. Man, I envy you. How did you get together? I've never seen anything like it. ”

“Be careful with you. I get really tired when reporters find out about it. But I'm really jealous. ”

Jane and Soho quickly said a few words as they were sure that the poem and sunset were dating. Both of them were full of envy on their faces.

“I don't know. I'm going in anyway. ”

The sunset falls upon Jane's hand and goes to her room. I took off my scarf, hung it on my hanger, and lay down on the bed. I was a little embarrassed by Jane and Soho, but it wasn't a big deal. They had been secretly dating for a long time, so I didn't have to worry about going somewhere to tell them. It was just embarrassing to think that it was real to fake a relationship with the poem.

“I need to wash and rest. ”

I took off my clothes and went to take a shower in the bathroom. Washing your body in hot water makes you feel lazy.

Sunset, returning to her room and dressing in deducing, turned on her computer and connected to her SNS. Sunset loved writing and communicating with people on SNS. When I was depressed or worried, I would feel relieved at all.

I felt a little depressed and wanted to be comforted by people.

After a brief thought, Sunset began writing to SNS.

[I don't know my heart. I feel small without existence. Is this how everyone lives?]

It was an expression of the current mind. I get frustrated when I think of the poem. I did not know the identity of the wild emotion that I felt in the poem's arms before, and I did not know the reason for my heart.

Do they really like poetry? Even if I really liked the poem, the chances of getting along was close to 0%. Now there was a reason why the poem pretended to be together, so I was sure that it would be over once this was over.

“Ahh... ”

The sunset sighed and posted an essay on SNS written about the ring the poet bought.

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