Dragon Lunamos

“Why are you sweating so much? ”

“Yes? Sweat? ”

“Yes, it's flowing. ”

The poem wiped the sweat off the sunset brow with a paper towel.

At sunset, I didn't understand what was happening at the moment. I was briefly aware of the situation. I think I fell asleep after receiving a foot massage from the poet. And I had this crazy nightmare. Is it because he slept in a bed filled with the smell of the poem? I had never dreamed of such a dream, so I was very embarrassed.

“It's already 7: 00. Let's have dinner together. ”

“Wait a minute. I'm still busy... ”

“Wake up and get changed. I'm out of here. ”

The poem left the room.

The sunset takes off the blanket and once it's out of bed, it sits down. I shake my head to wake up, but the bottom is strangely damp.


Your training shorts were wet. It was wet in the vagina so that anyone could see it clearly. I felt wet as I put my hands on the wet area. The sunset falls into chaos. I have never had such a dirty dream in my life, but the contents of that dream were so shocking that I still vividly remembered it.

Dreaming of masturbating while watching Silver and Poetry have sex.

Sunset tucks her hand into her panties and checks. It wasn't pee, it was wet. I was so excited that I got wet with my training shorts. I didn't pee. I didn't know whether to say good or bad. After all, he was quite shocked by himself.

“Let's get changed. ”

The poem was waiting outside, so I had to change quickly. I got out of bed and took off my training shorts, but there were too many wet marks. I never had the courage to give it to the poet. First, I changed my clothes and put training shorts and teas in my bag. I was going to take it, wash it, and return it.

Sunset changed his clothes and went out to the living room to eat the poem, praise, etc., and food. Although the poem and praises spoke to me, Sunset replied as if I was bewildered by my previous dream.

After eating all the food, the poet took me home. I remembered I haven't told you that the silver I was getting out of the car will wash my clothes and give it to you.

“I'll wash your clothes for you. I put it in my bag.”

“You don't have to. Then just wear it at home. ”

“No, I'll really suck it for you. ”

“No one wears them anyway. I'd like you to wear it. ”

“Yes, I'm sorry. ”

Suddenly, when I received my clothes, Sunset was quite sorry.

The sunset set set from the car went home. When I got home, Soho and Jane, members, talked, but they answered me dry and went into their room and lay in bed.

Something has been strange lately. I felt good considering the situation. I knew for some reason that it was a similar emotion to lovemaking. But I've been having strange thoughts ever since I saw that unidentified hair. I could have imagined how strong that impression would have been. What is this feeling?

“Ahh... ”

After a sigh, the sunset jumps out of bed and starts writing something in the notebook. I wrote down at a fairly fast rate.

It was an emotional lyric. I wanted to vomit this feeling, but I thought it would be better to write lyrics than to use them in SNS.

It was not the lyrics of the poem's bold first love, but the story of a woman in love and a man who doesn't know it. Naturally, the woman in love was sunset and the man in question was the poem. Sunset liked the poem, but the poem liked other women and asked Sunset for advice to show her well. The woman who wanted to make a good impression wrote with her mind on the secret.

[You kissed her somewhere I didn't know. I want to see the look on your face kissing her. I can't stand it. You look sexy making love.]

It was a lyric like this, but I wrote it exactly as it came to me, and it was very strange. The main content was that Sunset wanted to see her skin and make love with another woman. If she showed the lyrics to the poet, she would see it as a strange woman.

The contents were revised here. I put in my usual jealous self, except for everything that looked weird. Even though it was a little crude, the lyrics were somewhat framed. If I made more corrections here, it would be not a bad lyrics.

“Silver Secret.... ”

After writing the lyrics, I was really curious about how far the mystery and poetry had gone. You look familiar with silver and don't seem to be in a relationship, even though it seems like you like it. I wouldn't even tell myself to pretend to be together if I was.

When I met Silver Rain later, I was going to think about it.

A few days later, the sunset had a private meeting with Silver Moon. I used to meet her often because I was close to her.

I went to Café Quezron for coffee with the secret. Both of them were touching their smartphones for a moment without speaking in particular.

“You know, I was supposed to sing with the poet's brother.... You know?”

“Huh? A song? What song? What are you talking about? ”

At sunset, Silver Rain was startled and asked again. I had never heard the poem say sunset and singing.

“My brother asked me to do an album with him. I wrote a song and all I had to do was put lyrics on it. ”

“Oh, yeah? Good, 'cause he sings so well, he'll be great with you. ”

You pretend to be calm, but the embarrassment remains on your face. I would not care about anyone else, but I was quite concerned about Sunset because I had been photographed talking to the poem intimately before.

“I went to my brother's room before... ”



“No. Why did you go to your room? ”

Silver's expression stiffens. You're going to the poem's room to sing a song together? The secret didn't make any sense at all. Are sunset and poetry so close?

“I went to make a house together, but I had a schedule that day, so I lay in my brother's bed for a while and then I fell asleep. ”

“Why are you sleeping in my bed? No, I just don't get it. ”

Silver's expression rises with jealousy.

Sunset looked at the silver rain like that. That was a genuinely jealous look on his face. Silver seemed to like the situation a lot. It was natural for someone you like to be jealous of someone who did something you didn't even know about. But the sunset is strangely jealous of Silver Rain. Rather, I was curious about the extent of the relationship between the two of them.

“I just fell asleep for a while. Silver seems to care too much. You're not dating my brother, are you? ”

“No, I don't care too much. You're a celebrity. You're a woman. It's dangerous if you're alone with a man. ”

Silver says it has nothing to do with the situation, but the sunset already feels the heart of silver.

“You don't do that. But you don't like him anymore? Then can I dash? I kind of like you, actually. ”


After a sudden change in circumstances, the secret looks a little dazzled, fully understanding the words of the sunset, and considerably contemplating them.

“I met my brother a lot for making lyrics this time, and I thought he was really nice. If it's okay with you, just confess it to your brother. ”

“Hey, you know, You're an idol, aren't you? What are you going to do after the scandal with your brother? Calm down. Calm down. You're not quitting Idol, are you? ”

“Does that mean I have nothing to do with you and I can confess if I want to? ”

“Oh, no. That's not what I said. ”

The sunset doesn't look like much, but it's quite fun to see a bewildering figure of silver. In fact, it was a secret to hang out with the poem's girlfriend rather than herself. It was not comparable in popularity, much better in appearance, much better in body.

“If you say you're okay, I'll confess, and if you're willing, I'll give up. ”

The sunset forced his choice. First, I was able to ask more directly about my relationship with the situation.

Silver bites his lip slightly. I thought it would be better to disclose my relationship with the situation somewhat.

“Actually, I didn't tell you, but he's almost already dating me. Do you think it would be weird if we started dating tomorrow? I'm sorry I didn't tell you. ”

“Really? Let me tell you something. I just don't think you're interested anymore.... Then I'll give up. ”

“I'm sorry.”

He apologizes and smiles. If he was reluctant to reveal the truth and continued to take a mediocre attitude, Sunset might have confessed to the Pope.

“But you're not still dating, are you? ”

“No, we're almost together. I just haven't told him that you want to go out yet. ”

Eun Bee made it more clear that she would confess again if she said she didn't have a sunset date. There were a lot of things to skip to say we were almost together, but it was important to make the sunset not think about anything else for the poet.

“Did you kiss her? Aren't you ashamed to say this? ”

“Huh? Huh... I did.”

Silver nods, shy of the blatant question of the sunset. At this point, I thought the sunset would definitely give up the situation.

“Just a little bit? Not even a tongue?"

“ ……. ”

“Wow, really? Amazing.”

The sunset was really surprised at the silent secret. I thought the dream I had in the poem's bed was a simple dream, but maybe it wasn't. Already in my head, I have a picture of silver and poetry mixing the tongue and kissing automatically. My chest became a little hot.

“You didn't just kiss me, did you? Not until the end?”

“Oh, no. No, I didn't do that. ”

Silver's face turns red. It was very embarrassing.

With that reaction, Sunset was somewhat confident that the poem and the secret were having sex. I could have said no because I really didn't, but my gut was telling me that it wasn't. It was not entirely delusional to see the poem and secret having sex during a visit in my dream. Maybe I had sex in the exact same way I had dreamed.

When she imagined it like that, she felt her panties get a little wet. Even though I thought I shouldn't do this, if I imagined the situation doing it with other women, I could not do it because my body was so excited by itself. At some point, I felt like I was broken.

I knew that and I couldn't stop imagining it.

Did the hair on the bed at the time belong to silver? Or is there another woman? Is she one of the girls that lives in the house?

“Y-you can't tell anyone. Because I only told you. ”

“Yeah, don't worry. I told you I'd confess to my brother. Then let's take my brother out on a date next time. Let me help you. ”

“Huh? Huh. Yes.”

Eun-Bee looks like she doesn't understand what the sunset is thinking of asking us out together. I doubted whether he was up to something. Once I went out with him, I showed him that I was doing well with the situation as well as I could, so that I could get rid of my mind about the last part of the sunset.

But at sunset, I just wanted to see silver and poetry dating purely. Honestly, it was exciting and fun.

The snow of silver and sunset crossed moments with different minds. Eyes so intense that they are mistaken for air.

Something unusual was happening in the middle of nowhere.

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Thank you for reading.

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