Dragon Lunamos

After dinner, everyone sat on the couch in the living room and watched TV. I also ate the fruit I bought at the market earlier, but it was cut by silver.

“Brother. Here, take this. ”


Silver suddenly picks up a fork of fruit and tries to feed it to the pope. Then I glanced at the sunset, but Sunset was not a very interested face. That one's even angrier. The sunset should be restless like him, but I really didn't like pretending to be okay.

“Come on. Eat up. ”

“Well, yeah. ”

Suddenly, the situation was a little embarrassed because Silver Rain was nice. I fed him some fruit, but it was a little, or a lot awkward.

“Are you guys going to the spa now? ”

“Of course. If you're here, you should come in. Then why?”

Silver asked the poet why.

“I want to test this new product with you in advance. ”

“New product?”

“New product?”

The poem said that the snow of silver and sunset flashed for a moment. The woman herself was interested in that kind of beauty, but would a celebrity be wrong?

“Yes, it's a cosmetic bath. Would you like to try it? ”

“Of course I do. That's expensive, right? ”

Silver stood up first and replied.

“You haven't set a price yet, but it'll be expensive. ”

The price is whatever the situation is, but I haven't decided how much to do with it yet. It also removes dead skin whitening and smoothing skin, so shouldn't it be worth the price of Quezron cosmetics?

“Then I'll prepare. ”

He went to the bathroom and got water in the spa bathtub. When the water ran out, all I had to do was sprinkle the Elvish bath and Benno petals.

Silver didn't say much about sunset while the poem was getting water in the bathtub. Silver Rain clearly expressed its relationship to the sunset so that the sunset no longer cared about the sunset.

“Do you want to go first? ”

“Huh? Me first? Separate?”

The spa was big enough to last two or three people, but Silver Rain suddenly asked if they would go to the sunset first.

“No, you go first and I'll go with you. ”

I had no intention of going this far, but I was going to show Sunset the relationship between the situation and this directly.

“With you? Did you ever wash with him? ”

“Yes, we used to wash together. You didn't know me and my brother used to bathe together. ”

I didn't tell her, but she smiled in repentance as the sun set was a little embarrassed. That's what I wanted. Overwhelming disparity. The sunset is an unimaginable difference.

“Take off all your clothes and wash them together? Then we've all seen each other. ”

I recalled the face of the sunset a little and asked again.

“Huh? Well, yes. ”

I was a little embarrassed this time when I asked you too directly. I was so ashamed to hear that from Sunset.

“I'm fine. You can come in with me. Why are you bothering me? ”


The expression of the sunset, which I had just asked with the face that was clearly mentioned, quickly changed.

“Let's go in together. You always come in with me, right? ”

“Well, yeah. It's okay. It's nothing. ”

He said the secret was as quiet as possible, since it was a losing battle. But only from the outside, he was quite embarrassed. It was just the two of us. It was fun and fine, but when the sunset came in, the story changed a lot. I don't understand why I feel okay about Ruby and the sunset and showing her important places. Has the world changed this much? I had no idea.

I came out of the bathroom to see if I was ready for a subtle fight between the secret and the sunset.

“We're all set. Go in there and try it out and tell her how you feel. ”

The situation, of course, was going to be a simple shower later. I would have done all sorts of things if I had a secret, but I was going to stay calm because of the sunset.

“Brother, come with me. Silver is fine.”

“Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden? ”

The unexpected words of the sunset, the poem looked at the sunset and the silver. Whatever happened, his expression was subtle.

“I'm going to wash it anyway, but we should all wash it together at once. And it's easier to go into a spa and tell your brother yourself. ”

“Well, yes. I think so, too. ”

Eun Rain agreed with the sunset words as if she didn't want to lose.

“Are you sure you're okay? I didn't bring my bathing suit. ”

“Oh, it's okay. In Japan, even strangers bathe, but my brother and I are much closer. ”

I don't know what's okay, but Sunset keeps saying it's okay. He seemed a little nervous for some reason, but I couldn't figure out what he was thinking because his face was so fine. I felt uneasy because the nature of silver and sunset changed completely today.

“Then I get it. Go ahead. I'll be right in. ”

Whatever it was, it was profitable as a poem. It's hard to do this with normal women, so she was a popular idol and a popular actress. It was a hard experience to pay 10 million.

“Yes, Silver Rain. Let's go. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Sunset brings the silver rain to the bathroom. When I took off my clothes at sunset, I didn't want to lose silver, so I took off my clothes immediately.

They were about the same height as 163 centimeters. But the body was completely different except for the breasts. Although my breasts were different in shape, they were both small, so I couldn't say anything in particular. However, apart from the chest, everything from the ratio of the torso, the ratio of the lower body, the skeleton, and the lines of the body were better than the sunset.

The body of the secret was the drama of femininity. Thin ankles, long legs, cute little hips, thin waist compared to wide hips. Although she was pretty dressed, the poem was somewhat touched, so her naked body was more like an artwork. The sunset body wasn't so bad either, but it was quite unappealing with the silver rain.

Silver and sunset have entered the spa. A red petal floats round on the warm water.

“Oh, there's an atmosphere. But there's no bubbles. ”

Silver said, disappointed. Of course, I thought it would be full of bubbles, but there were no bubbles. Smells good, but I liked the bubbles. What if there's no bubbles? Of course, there were a lot of bubble-free bath pills, but I liked the fact that the secret was a lot of bubbles.

“Is it okay if there's no bubbles? ”

“Really? I like bubbles. ”

The sunset doesn't care much about foam or no foam, but the secret is quite sad.

“Definitely smells good. Ugh... ”

The sunset sighs heavily. I felt good. I was really satisfied, except for the bubbles. It makes my skin smoother if it moisturizes well and gives me a fresh and refreshing aroma that relaxes my mind. Relieves fatigue and recharges body.

“That's great. I feel at ease. Skin is super smooth. ”

“ ……. ”

Silver kept talking about bath pills, but the sunset didn't have the heart to assess them. I pretended to be nothing, but I was quite nervous. It was the first time I had bathed with a man, and I had never seen a man naked. No matter how much I tried to pretend to be okay, my body itself trembled.

“What's that smell? I've never smelled it before, and it's really nice to be fresh. No nostalgia?”

Because he had already had a lot of sex with the situation, Silver Secret enjoyed the spa without being too nervous. If I liked the fragrance, I wanted to buy it.

“May I come in? ”

Not long after silver and sunset, the poem said outside.

“Yes. Come in. ”

“ ……. ”

The secret answers naturally, and the sunset is still pretending not to mind, but the body is slightly trembling.

The door opened and the situation came in. A beautiful body. It may not be a suitable expression for a man, but the body of the poem is not strange. Even the large penis was as beautiful as a statue, even though it was limping.

“Idiot. But we still have to go with the towel. You can't just show up. ”

“Oh, sorry. I didn't know.”

The poem apologized when Eun Bi shouted. Normally, I would have done it on purpose, but now I pretend not to know.

“I'm fine. ”

Sunset never looked at the lower body of the poem, but only looked him in the eye and said,

“Yes. I'm glad you're okay. I'm coming in.”

The poem entered the spa.

As the penis of the poem entered the water and was not visible, the expression of the sunset became perfectly fine. Just now, it was obvious to me that I was very nervous like a man in the military.

“How about a bath? ”

“Why is there no bubble? I can feel it when there's bubbles. ”

The question of the poem brings up the bubble. Silver was really important to the bubble. The effect was also effective, but I really liked the feeling and atmosphere that the bubbles bring.

“Bubbles? Oh, right. I didn't know. ”

I didn't use a bath medicine, so I couldn't have known about it.

“Is the bath supposed to have all the bubbles? ”

“No, there's oil, there's salt, there's lots of things. But I like it bubbly best anyway. ”

“Hmm……. I see. I'll have to think about it. ”

According to Silver, the poem realizes something new. If I hadn't tested it like this, it would have become an intermediate product.

“But this is good enough. I love the fresh scent too. Doesn't this smell like perfume to you? I'd like to buy some. ”

“Do you like the smell? I think the perfume will be fine. I'll think about it. ”

“Yes, I do. This is gonna be awesome. ”

I learned many things thanks to my secret. This is why it was important to test the product, not just make it.

“How was sunset? Are you okay?"

“Yes? Yes. I love it. I love the smell. ”

The sunset has not been adjusting well to this situation compared to the secret. I never thought I'd be so ashamed to be naked with a man.

Silver sees the frozen sunset, deliberately approaching the poem, touching his body and playing a prank. Then the sunset felt ashamed to death, but approached the poet and sat next to him like a silver rain.

Silver's expression becomes a little harsh.

Without sunset, he would have done something very naughty and obscene with Silver Rain, but since there was sunset, the poem had a quiet spa conversation. Once, the sunset monk held the poem's arm and waited for his chest, but his chest was so small that there was no significant impact.

Thanks to this, I was ashamed of sunset, but I was able to overcome the situation well just by looking at the face of the poem. If the poem and silver had done something naughty, he might have run away in the middle, but he was okay with it.

The poem looked at every corner of the body, but the sunset was more ashamed to see the penis of the poem than that.

After the spa, I cleaned up and came out of the living room and drank beer.

The poem didn't drink a lot of beer because he didn't like alcohol, but he drank a bit of silver and sunset. Is it because I drank a lot of beer? Suddenly, the sunset falls asleep on the couch.

The poem took the sunset and laid it on the bed on the second floor. Then I went down to the first floor to have a little more conversation with Silver.

As the sound of the poem going down, the sunset opened its eyes. Sleeping after drinking beer was the trick of the sunset. He pretended to be asleep on purpose. Sunset began to carefully listen to the story of the poem and the silver with her ears, imagining the secret things that would now happen.

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