Dragon Lunamos

It was one winter, but the fever of youth meant nothing.

Saturday afternoon.

The poet loaded Bentley's trunk with clothes for the sunset and silver. I had to pick up the sunset and silver before going to Hongdae.

I contacted him that I was leaving now, and he drove me to his place at sunset. Usually, it would be sunset, but today I had to wear clothes in advance. I stopped in the parking lot, and he picked up clothes, heels, etc. in the back seat. I took this dress to my accommodation.

I climbed the elevators naturally because I had been here before. When I arrived at the front door of the house, I rang the bell.

“Who are you?”

Soon after, voices flow from the speakers. He was another member of PinkPet, not Sunset.

“Hello, I am the Crown Princess. ”

“Oh, hello. I'll open the door right away. ”

A member of the pink pet replied with a sneaky voice whether or not the sunset had spoken beforehand. The door opened immediately.

“Welcome. Sunset is still waiting. ”

It was the oldest Soho on a pink pet. Earlier, I kept asking who I was, and I kept hearing a faint voice that was different from the one I had asked.

“I'm sorry, I couldn't get you anything. I was busy. ”

“It's okay, don't worry about it. ”

The poem entered the front door, and Soho waved his hands and said he was fine.

When I went to the living room, there was a sunset waiting for me. I felt like I was just paddling with Soho at home.


“Here, put this on. ”

When the sunset greeted, the poem immediately handed over the clothes. As the sunset saw that the poet was bringing clothes, he took the clothes right away and went to his room. I looked at the clothes as I went into the sunset to see if the dress the poem had chosen.

“Have a seat here. ”

Soho asked me to sit on the living room couch. Ever since the poem came in, my voice has changed and my face has been smiling. I could feel him trying to impress the poem.

“I'm sorry to come to a place where only women live. ”

“Oh, no. Feel free to come by anytime. Would you like a drink or a snack? ”

“It's all right. We'll be out of here soon. ”

Soho was too kind. However, it was a little strange that I could come to Idol's place at any time.

“I listened to the song. You sing really well. You go to Seoul, right?”

“Yes? Oh, yes. ”

Suddenly, I asked Soho University. The poem replied awkwardly. Sitting next to the couch and asking me about something, the situation was uncomfortable. But it seemed better at least than standing still without saying anything.

“Isn't it against you to sing so well when you're good at studying? I was so surprised to hear that song. How can there be such a person in the world? ”

“Haha, no. ”

Soho was clearly overdoing it. Too kind and too complimentary. With this kind of compliment, I felt a little embarrassed about the situation.

Knock it off.

While the poem was talking with Soho for awhile, I opened the door to see if the sunset was all dressed.

“Oh, my gosh. They look really pretty. They look great on you. ”

At sunset, Soho stood up on the couch with an exaggerated voice.

“Ugh, I'm so ashamed. ”

I looked at my clothes in front of the full-body mirror in the living room, leaving the sunset face red.

The clothes that the poem brought were not ordinary. It was an old-fashioned and beautiful maiden's blessing. It was qualitatively different from the cheesy makeup clothing sold at adult shopping malls or the cheesy makeup clothing sold at cosplay malls. Luxury is all over my clothes. Although the word "made of clothing and luxury" is a little awkward, other planets have made and sold fine made corridors.

[Designer Rupolon's masterpiece. The pinnacle of maid's clothing. I brought my makeup to the realm of fine fashion. With its simple yet understated and sophisticated beauty, the Maid of Lupolon's Blessing is designed so that any man can only feel lust. Crafted only by a thousand bees, this made of a magical material that maximizes the beauty of women.]

Women will simply say they are pretty, but when a man sees the sunset maiden blessing, he naturally gets greedy. Nevertheless, it was not so intense that he sighed and struck, and he was greedy as if he were looking at a dirty picture.

The exposure was not much. The top was covering the chest well and the skirt was slightly above the knee. But he had enough stimuli to stimulate men, such as the black stockings, the red heels that matched well, and the sneaky shimmering Sisru.

“It looks good on you. ”

“Can I wear something else? I'm so ashamed I can't go out like this. ”

The sunset in red heels made a tear. It was a costume that should not be ashamed of anyone who was not interested in cosplay or such culture.

The sunset was usually grim, but it was strangely awkward because of the effect of Rupolon's Maid of Blessing. My chest feels weird and my penis itches. It was like that when I saw a closely dirty picture that suits my preferences.

This should have worked for men.

“It's so pretty. I think sunsets will be incredibly popular with this outfit. Silver is becoming more popular these days after wearing our Quezron Café uniform. ”

“Really? But I'm still a little overwhelmed. I've never worn anything like this before... ”

The sunset examined the clothes again to make sure they were a little tempted by what the poem said. I was still ashamed, but the dress itself was pretty. Especially the cachusa on my head seemed to go well together. I couldn't help but notice that he seemed fine.

“I'm serious. Let's go. I don't have time.”

“Yes? Well, but.... ”

“It's okay. It's okay. We're gonna go now. ”

The poem still grabbed hold of the arm of the sunset and took it out. And I said hello to Soho.

“Yes. Have a good show. ”

Soho escorted him to the front of the elevator.

Until I got down in the elevator and got in the car, the sunset was overwhelmed with anxiety that it would really be okay. When the poet said he would bring clothes, I thought he would bring ordinary clothes, but this Maid Luck was completely unexpected.

You take the anxious sunset to the Silver House. I left the sunset in the car and climbed up to Silver Rain's house and brought her clothes. Silver was worn as usual by Cafe Quezron. I changed my clothes quickly and came down.

The poem is in the driver's seat, and the silver is on the jewelry. The silver on the jewelry looked naturally at the sunset in the back seat to say hello.

“Huh? Nice outfit. ”

As the sunset dresses in the Maid of Honor, Silver Rain is a little surprised and says,


The sunset looks a little anxious.

“Yes, it's beautiful. Surprisingly well suited. I think it fits your face. I didn't know that. ”

I also complimented Silver Rain. The sunset may feel strange, but it was definitely pretty and it was weird not to compliment her because she was good with sunset.

“Don't worry too much about Silver Rain. And it's not that different from the sunset and the silver. ”

The uniform in the secret kezron cafe was also far from normal fashion. But it was good because it tasted like that.

“Yes, I'm better now. I'm sorry, my brother took care of it. ”

“There's nothing to be sorry about. I understand enough. Let's go to Hongdae. ”

Since the sunset also seemed to have accepted clothes, the poem began in the red.

As Bentley approached Hongdae Street, the young people who were walking the road glanced at him. It attracted people's attention as much as the price.

It was getting late because I was coming to Hongdae dressed. It was still light, but it seemed to be dark soon.

I stopped in the parking lot.

“Put this on. ”

The poem gave masks to silver and sunset. It was a mask that covered my eyes and nose. If you continue on your way, you will be in trouble because of the people gathering after sunset and silver. I had to wear a mask until I was on my way.

Silver and sunset wear masks without words because they knew what they were meant to be. This mask was also taken from Quezron Castle, and there was a spell that caused the cognitive decline.

“And this. ”

Next, it was a blue necklace given to me by the poem. It was a magical item that prevented the cold weather for a bit in the middle of winter. It's not very effective, but it should still be cold, but it's not bad enough.

The poem also wore a mask and completed all the preparations. The main character of the show was silver and sunset, so the poem was dressed in plain clothes and did not intend to take off his mask. I didn't want my face to be known.

After preparing, the poem, silver, and sunset got out of the car. As the wearers get off at the Bentley, those walking along the road glance at you. The uniform of Maid's Blessing and Kestron Café was prominent, so people were interested even though they didn't know the identity of the sunset and the silver.

I pulled the amps, speakers, microphones, etc. out of the trunk. The situation is heavy, and there is a light microphone with silver and sunset.

Like a young street, the streets were already crowded. Winter didn't matter at all.

Since the entrance to Hongdae, street performers have already been rarely seen. There were a variety of people who sang on guitar, danced, etc.

The town was located on a wide road to the entrance of the subway. There was plenty of space in a crowded area. Having settled down and set up the tools, people had already gathered a bit. The mere presence of silver and sunset caught people's curiosity.

“Awkward. Aren't you ashamed? ”

It was my first time performing like this, so I asked Silver Rain next to me at sunset.

“It's a little awkward, but I think it'll be fun. I don't sing, so I'm less burdened. ”

Silver didn't sing. It was a simple gesture, but I had to make a simple gesture to make love with the poem in accordance with the song. I had already guessed all these things in advance, but it was a little awkward because I didn't prepare so hard.

People gather around Silver and Sunset. He was wearing a mask with low cognitive spells, so he didn't recognize the silver and the sunset, but was just chatting about his clothes and body.

“Isn't that a costume? It's a little different than it used to be, but it's pretty. ”

“Hey, even dressed like that, you need a body to support you like that. But don't you think she's pretty with a mask and a bad face? ”

I was more interested in the sunset than the silver one in the Quezron Cafe's uniform because of my cognitive decline magic. Even though the clothes were so pretty, Maid Blessing itself was quite spectacular.

The sunset bows its head in shame, knowing the atmosphere.

Soon after, the poem finished setting. I prepared a song, and the microphone worked just fine. I had to do a simple rehearsal before singing. If I just sang one song and left right away, I needed to buy some time because people were not gathering.

The sunset first decides to sing a song of pink pets. The magic circuit that the poem copied gave Sunset a little confidence in singing.

The poem plays the most famous song of the pink pets. The most famous was never ranked # 1 on music broadcasts, but it was a song that any young person would know.

The music flows from the expensive speakers in clean sound and the sunset begins to sing. When the magical circuit was activated, it changed from the sound of sunset.

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Thank you for reading.

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