Dragon Lunamos

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Praise replied to Mother with an awkward expression. The poem still wore its belt relaxed.

“Oh, there's a poem. ”

“Hi, I'm so bored, I just came to hang out. ”

The mother of praise saw the poem and praise. The poem wearing a belt and praises me with a lot of red face. At this point, I automatically remembered what the two of you had done before. The mother of praise smiled with great joy.

“Am I early? I'm sorry about you guys.”

“W-what are you talking about? ”

I was embarrassed by Mother's heartfelt words and compliments that used to be so calm.

“But be careful. I'm fine, but he might be shocked because he cares so much about praise and yummy. ”

“Let's go out and talk. ”

Praise forced Mother to smile gladly and say it.

“Oh, he doesn't usually do this. ”

“It's okay to talk here. ”

I told Chan that the poem was fine.

“Wait a minute, brother. Please wait a moment. ”

Praise, red as far as my ears, took my mother out of the living room. I also closed the visit to make sure he didn't listen to me.

“You're not already having a baby, are you? ”

When the reaction of praise was stronger than I thought, the mother of praise asked with a slightly surprised look. I told him already, but he knew I wanted him to have a secret look.

“What are you talking about? Don't say anything weird because nothing happened. ”

“So? But if you're pregnant, you have to teach your mom. Don't try to solve this on your own. ”

“Oh dear. Really……. ”

I didn't think it was right to say anything. I gave up praise. I'd be suspicious if I just stayed alone in the room, but it was natural for the poem to be caught wearing a belt. What do you need to do, strap yourself in a room with two men and two women in it?

“Anyway, don't say anything weird to your brother. Okay?"

“Oh, my God. Why am I saying weird things? ”

“Okay. I'm going back to my room. ”

“Yeah, have fun. She'll be in her room, so don't worry about it. ”

“Ahh... ”

Chant sighs and goes back to his room. I was anxious, but there was nothing more I could do.

“What did you say? ”

The poem asked the compliment that came into the room.

“I didn't say much. What do you want for dinner? Should I go out and eat?”

“Just the two of us, so ask your mom. Would you like to join me? ”

“Oh, it's okay. It's just you and me. My mom's been eating. ”

Praise didn't want to put the poem and Mother together. I don't know if it had just happened, but I felt like I was going to say something strange to the poem now.

“Really? Then let's go out and eat lightly. ”


Praise lets out a sigh of relief in my heart.

The poem and praises told my mother that I was going out to eat. It was still February, so it was quite cold. The street was already dark and the orange streetlight was on.

Chant was wearing a coat in the quezron wardrobe given by the poet, who looked very beautiful. Even though it was a coat, the beauty of the body was secretly highlighted. In harmony with the black stockings, she didn't seem like an ordinary woman. Like a professional woman or a model?

“Do you want to hold hands? ”

“Yes……. ”

Chant nods shyly.

The poem folded his hands in praise. Shops brighten up when I go downtown. There were a lot of young people and workers who looked like college students. As they passed by, they glanced at the compliment. Her face was prettier than any celebrity, and her body was more than a model, so the presence of praise shined on the street. Even those on the road stopped and looked back at the praise.

This happened every time I went out with praise, Yumi, etc., the situation didn't feel much. The poem wandered the streets and found a delicious restaurant.

Surprisingly, there was no place to eat because it was in front of the university. When I was worried, I went to the rib shop where I could eat normally. This store also sells cold noodles and sells a variety of dishes. It was filled with guests even after dinner.

As soon as the compliment entered the store, the store was static. She stopped eating and stared at the enormous beauty that she saw on TV.

The poem sat at the compliment and table.

The shop attendant immediately brought me water. The poem simply gave two ribs. The lady who received the order stared at the compliment for a moment and went to the kitchen.

“Brother, here. ”

Chan took a piece of paper towel, laid it on the table, and brought a spoon on top of it. And I followed the water to the poem.

“Thank you.”

The poem smiled and pinched the ball of praise slightly.

The men glanced at him for no reason. She had nothing to do with herself, but she was annoyed at the fact that such a beautiful woman had a boyfriend.

The rib bath was quick. The woman who prepared the side dishes and ribs on the table looked back at the side of the compliment.



She sang a hymn.

“Are you a celebrity? How can you be so pretty? ”

“Oh, no. No, he's just a regular guy. ”

I was embarrassed by her sudden question and denied it. My face was full of shame because I had never heard it before.

“You think you can be a celebrity? ”

The compliment was even more embarrassing when the poem told the lady.

“You could really use a celebrity. It's beautiful."

“How can I……. ”

After praising her for a long time, she went back. Chan was as shy as she was when she suddenly came in after having sex earlier.

“Do you really want to be an celebrity? ”

The poem asked Praise. If Chan said he had a heart, he was serious about helping me.

“No, I like to cook and do chores for my brother like I do now. Celebrities can't be with you. ”

The story behind me was small, but I understood the situation with good ears at once.

“Huh? What? ”

“Oh, no. ”

However, when I asked him again pretending not to hear it on purpose, he looked ashamed.

The men around me who had been staring constantly were flustered by the sight of such a poem and praise. Just the two of them smiling and talking made me very angry.

The poem and praise ate the rib bath. I was hungry, but it was quite delicious. The deep flavor of the soup and the softness of the beef were excellent. Rather than chewing it, the meat went over my neck. I thought it was a bit expensive because it cost 15,000 won, but the taste itself was very good.

After eating all the ribs, the poem and praise once again held hands and walked in the street. I walked in front of a university full of bars and entered the university where the old poem had been. Through the entrance comes a small lake.

I sat on a bench near the lake. Praise naturally leaned against the shoulders of the poem. It seemed like we were really dating like this.

“I took a class in that building over there. ”

The poem points to a building that looks beyond the tree. It was an ordinary university building, nothing special, but it felt strange to think that the poem had taken lessons there.

“I studied English, but I didn't speak any English at all. ”

“Don't you speak English very well? ”

Praise asked with a curious face.

“I learned it from you, and it worked. It's all thanks to praise. ”

Something was a little off, but I knew that praise wasn't the point. I was just happy at this moment. I wanted the poem to work, but I couldn't get rid of the heart of loving the poem.

He talked about the poem's own past for a while. He talks about how pathetic he was and praises silently listened to him.

“Thinking about it now, I think it was pretty pathetic. ”

Even though the dragon's legacy was a powerful force, if it had tried long ago, it would have done some good, even if it wasn't now. Thinking about the past self who spent every day for nothing and didn't try anything, I felt pathetic now.

“Since I've had that experience in the past, maybe I have a brother now? Rather, I'm glad I had a past where I didn't think my brother would have met me if he was a very smart and brilliant man. ”

“Is that so? But how do I like praise? Advocate for my pathetic past, too. ”

The poem smiled and asked.

“…… Yes. ”

Chan nodded, hesitating for a moment. He seemed ashamed. Seeing how shy the usual praises looked, it was quite cute and pretty.

“Do you love me then? ”

“ ……. ”

Chant nods slightly.

The poem kissed Chan. I liked all the other girls, but I liked praise the best anyway. Somehow I remembered what I thought last night. Wouldn't it be a compliment if I asked you to pick one at the end?

A dark lake. The moonlight only shines upon the poetry and praise of kissing.

* *

The next morning, the poem came up to Seoul with Chan Mi and Yumi. I've been better with praise since going home in the province. Yumi would be so jealous.

After the holidays, Yumi and Chan went back to university. The current situation made me feel like I wanted to drop out of college because university life was meaningless. Even when I saw the experience part of my time at school was wasted, I had little advantage.

Once he had thought about it, he entered the class. Before opening the class, Goun was contacted and the timetable was about the same, so the classroom was waiting for her and her friend Bo-young.

“Brother, here. ”

When Goun saw the poem, he waved his hands and shouted. The people in the classroom looked at goodness, but they didn't even care about goodness.


The poem sat next to Goun.

“Hello, brother. ”


Goun and Bo-young greeted the poem. When I saw Goun and Bo-young, who were the same age as Yumi, I felt overwhelmed that the situation was that he was a college student.

“Hey, you know what? I don't know if I can say this... ”

“Huh? What? ”

Suddenly, he turns around and says quietly. The poem gave a puzzling look to the image of goodness as if trying to tell a secret story.

“Just give me an ear……. ”


Goun whispered very quietly, taking his mouth to the poem's ear.

“You're the brother who sang with the sunset, right? I knew right after I heard that voice. ”

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