Dragon Lunamos

I couldn't kiss her with my tongue out at the university where people looked at me, so she only kissed me briefly. My lips snapped for a moment, but everyone except for the egg was shocked.

Those who watched around were shocked by the fact that a beautiful child like eggs kissed a man, and Goun was shocked by the bad feeling that eggs and poetry seemed to be really dating. Even the pope was shocked by the fact that the egg was kissing here.

“I envy you. You're dating such a pretty girl. ”

“I'm so jealous.... I wish I had a girlfriend like that... ”

They were already establishing that the poetry and eggs were dating around them. It made even more sense to think of it as nothing.

He felt it, too, and his face was horribly distorted.

“Can you believe it? ”

“ ……. ”

After seeing the sudden smiling disturbance, Goun stared at me with a huge look without a word.

“Goun, Goun. ”

Bo-young, who was next to me, was embarrassed and followed Goon, and the poem also tried to follow Goon.

Suddenly, the egg grabbed the hand of the poem. And I looked at him as if he didn't want to go. The whimpering poem finally sent the gospel and remained beside the egg.

“There's no reason for me to follow you. ”

After the ghoul disappears, the egg's expression returns as normal. The cute and loving face that I had made earlier suddenly changed to a dream.

“But I'm sorry... ”

“Rather, this is natural. It's even weirder in this world if you can't say no to all the girls. ”

An egg from another world actually warned the poet. Even though it wasn't quite wrong, the poem didn't say anything.

“Let's go first. A lot of people are watching. ”


Because people around him were complaining about the situation and the disturbance, he took the disturbance and went to the parking lot and got into the car right away. I didn't want to talk about it in a crowded place.

“Maybe a little too much. I just wanted to say no. ”

The poem in the car reminded me of the face of Goon I saw earlier. I was really sorry to rethink the distorted look on his face. I confessed because I liked her, but she kicked me out unilaterally and showed me kissing another woman in front of my eyes. If the poem had gone through that, it would have been devastated by the collapse of the mental structure.

“You may have seen it, but she wouldn't have followed you if she hadn't done that. It's better to disconnect at once for her. ”

“I see.”

I clearly told Goun that I had a girlfriend, but I couldn't believe it and was angry and said harsh things to her. I thought it would help myself and Governor to end this neatly so that I could drag this problem out for no reason.

“Thank you. But I didn't know eggs were gonna make it that far. At first, I knew I was dreaming. That was amazing.”

“I make sure when I do it. I don't behave like my brother. And I also tested this nasty character because it was in a cartoon. ”

The egg spoke boldly. I felt it from the moment I defeated Fring, but the egg was hard on the same woman. I acted indifferently, regardless of whether it was the same woman who spawned because it was not easy for men to be women.

“Surprisingly, that character looks good on you, too. Can't you do that when you're with me? ”

“Oh, you want me to do that again? Really……. You're greedy.”

The poem said, "Unexpectedly, the egg made a cute face like the one before, then smiled beautifully and said." At the end, I touched the poem's nose slightly and even gave him a wink.


The poem was purely admired. I couldn't believe how cute a character like that came out of that egg.

“Last one.”

However, he returned to his original spawn and said with a grim expression.

“Why? It's so cute. Are you ashamed?”

“Why is that a shame? I just don't want to do it because I don't like that face very much. ”

“What should I do? Do it again, okay? Do it again."

“ ……. ”

The poem asked, but the egg did not hesitate to speak up.

“Too bad. I really liked it.... ”

Now the situation was quite sad because I didn't think I could see the cute eggs. I felt sorry for him.

The egg hears the murmur, but only looks out of the window.

It was already late afternoon. As the sun sets, the sky turns red.

* *

I thought the situation was perfectly resolved by the distraction. The next day, when I met Goun, the situation was so troublesome that I had to figure out what to say.

I entered the classroom a little nervous. However, when I saw the poem as if nothing had happened, I waved my hands.

The poem sat next to Goun. For some reason, I thought, did you have a time slip in your reaction to the spirit that was no different from yesterday?

“Hey, brother. ”

“Oh, hi. ”

Unusual goodwill greetings.

The poem saw Bo-young sitting next to Goon just in case. Bo-young hit me in the eye. Then she shakes her head slightly and sighs lightly. After seeing her reaction, she was relieved that the situation was not a time slip.



When Goun called, the poem was a little surprised and replied.

“I was thinking about it yesterday. ”


The situation was relieved to see the calm expression on his face. Fortunately, Goun clearly seemed to have folded his mind. I wouldn't have made such a calm face without it.

“Even if you have a girlfriend, I'd still like you. ”

“Goun... ”

Bo-young next to the confession of Goun made a sad face. I didn't know what to say.

Moreover, I was staring at Goun and the poem, prowling around for some reason. As soon as I finished yesterday's lecture, it seemed to have spread all the rumors about the family tree. The poem tried to sigh lightly because it was the first time I had been noticed like this. At this rate, rumors spread all over the Han Dynasty.

At this rate, there was a need for special measures to be taken because the poem would be in a difficult situation on its own.

The poem looked at Goon.

The eyes of the poem glared intensely at me.

“Goungun, I'm sorry. I'm taking a break.”


This time I was surprised by the sudden decision of the situation.

“Is this because of me? Am I that burdensome? * Sobbing * ”

Eventually, Governor shed tears.

However, the gaze of those who stared at me was immediately drawn to Goon and the poem. The classroom became deserted.

“Come on, let's get out of here. ”

The poem took Goun's hand and left the classroom. Even though people passed by outside the classroom, they looked at the poetry and gossip and muttered something to a friend.

When I went to school before, I didn't even know that school was rumored because I didn't even have friends like this. After class, all I did was go to the PC room and play. That's why I didn't think yesterday would happen like this. If I had known this, I should have talked in a place where no one else could, but it was just meaningless regret because I hadn't realized it yet.

I sat on a bench with as few people as possible. It was a short distance from the classroom.

“Ugh... ”

Even though he walked quite well, Goun was still crying.

“Just listen to me for a second. ”

“That's because you don't like me. * Sobbing * I really like you... ”

“No, it's not like that. The holidays were really something I thought about a long time ago. I was thinking about taking a leave of absence because I'm busy with work, but I had some work yesterday, so if I keep going to school, you might get in trouble. That's why I decided. It's not because you feel burdened or uncomfortable. ”

How do you treat someone who says they're good? The poem gave Goun his own excuse.

I looked at the poem, wiped my tears to see if this excuse worked.

“Is it really because of me? ”

“Yes, it's work. And I'm sorry for you... ”

The poem couldn't understand what kind of steel menthol he was, seeing that scene in front of his eyes yesterday and saying he would continue to like it. It wasn't like that if there was anything special to Goun like the other girls. I only got it. I didn't do anything.

“Then can I still like you? ”

“As you can see, I already have a girlfriend. I don't think that's a good idea. ”

“I'll never do anything that gets you in trouble. I'll just, I'll just love it. ”

“Ahh... ”

The poem sighed.

When I didn't have a girlfriend, I was worried because I had a girl who I liked too much now if I was worried about wanting to make a girlfriend. Whatever was too much was not good. Even without a girlfriend, it was a problem that there was someone who liked too much.

“But I'm going to take a leave of absence and work.... ”

“You won't be spending any time. It's just something I like.... ”

Tears poured back into his eyes. I tried to smile, but in the big eyes, only tears kept flowing.

I couldn't say anything about the situation after seeing him like that.

“Fine. Do as you please. ”

This was the only answer I had.

“Thank you, brother. So I'm going to take a lecture. ”

The spirit that woke up from his seat hesitated for a moment and kissed the cheek of the poem.

“How about a kiss good-bye? ”

“ ……. ”

The poem nodded and ran to the classroom smiling brightly.

I was kissed by Goun, but the poem was uncomfortable. No, I was depressed. I couldn't say I felt sorry for Goon. In the end, it was for the best. If you don't take a break and look at your face, you will gradually be forgotten and meet a handsome man.

The poem sat on the bench for a moment, organized his thoughts, and entered the classroom in class.

Goun acted normally with red eyes as if he was crying.

I looked at the poem around me, but I thought it would be good.

After class, the poem that was separated from Goun went home as usual.

As I entered the house, I saw the depressed look on my face while the egg was doing something in the living room.

“What happened? ”

Since he had never seen the poem before, I had no choice but to ask him about the disturbance as well.

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