Dragon Lunamos

I kissed her lips. He said he didn't cheat his emotions, but he was accepting the kiss with a comfortable face unlike before. I don't feel that my personality has changed, but I feel that my attitude toward him has changed.

It led to a nasty tongue kiss. I squeezed my chest with my hands, but I did not resist the eggs at all. Rather, he gently stroked her back. Warm flesh and flesh touched and each other's hearts connected. Whenever I was depressed, I felt like I could be healed at any time if I was buried in the arms of an egg like this.

Each other's lips fell off. The egg hits its ear, looking at the poem.

“Are you not going to have sex now? ”

The egg is shy and asked.

“I want to save as much as possible for a delicious meal. I'll take your precious purity slowly. ”

In spite of that, the poem correctly presented the tip of the vagina, which was a slight erection, to the vagina of the egg. The liquid and Cooper are tangled and slippery, so if you give a little strength here, the virgin ovum of the eggs will be torn at once.

“What are you going to do if I change my mind later and stop having sex again? Would it make you feel better to have me now? ”

“Then let's get down on our knees. Wouldn't you have to let me have sex because eggs are weak to ask? ”

The poem replied seriously.

“You're pathetic. ”

The egg looks at that serious expression and smiles lightly. Then I tapped the nose of the poem slightly, and I put out my mouth again with an embarrassed look on my face.

I kissed again. The egg is shy but not violent. His usual arrogance was buried on the bed.

After checking each other's minds to some extent, the poetry and eggs did not insert each other, but just enjoyed each other's bodies naked. I kissed and sucked my nipples and breasts, but I couldn't stand it. I rubbed my genitals on the cracks in the vagina of the egg. I did not insert it, but I saw almost everything. The crack made him feel pretty good just by rubbing it, and his face was full of joy.

I was ashamed and satisfied with the poem panting in her body. Strangely, when I saw the expression of enjoying pleasure with my body, I felt unbearably good.

Eventually, the situation was full of vaginas and bellies of eggs without insertion. Healthy, fresh semen was scattered over the belly of the egg and some even sprayed to the chest. After enjoying the excitement, the poem wiped the semen with a toilet paper and lay next to the egg again.

The egg seemed to have worked hard and asked with a satisfactory expression.

“Am I so full of rice that I feel so good? ”

“Yes? Of course. I bet there's not a guy who'd feel bad about being sexy with a beautiful, well-dressed woman like an egg. ”

The expression of the poem was too straightforward, and the eggs laughed. After realizing his heart, he even looked cute.

“If you had to have sex with me later and marry me, what would you do with the rest of the women? They love and depend on you more than they can compare to me. ”

“Well, marrying you has nothing to do with marrying you on another planet, right? How are you going to convince me that it's not going to work? ”

It was the poem that teased the bottom, but the spawning also wanted to solve the problem together. But this was not a big deal because it had always been solved by the side of the poem. It was a simple solution because everyone would understand it if only to some extent it was true. Rather, the other part bothered me.

“But you have to choose one of her, don't you? Can you do that?”

Continuing relationships with many women was very limited, not only by choosing one woman in the comic book or ending it with an open ending. Even in cartoons, there could be no other end but separation. It was so harsh and pathetic for them to continue this pleasant relationship without getting married.

“Shall we go live on your planet? Then it's a problem solver. ”

“I'd like to say no to that. I love living here in cartoons. ”

“I'm kidding. I like living on Earth, too. ”

Right now, there is no end to everyone's happiness. It was natural because it was real. However, the poem had a dragon legacy that could surpass that reality. Even though it's not possible yet, I don't know what the solution would be if I could level up my Legacy.

After all, it was a common conclusion that the Legacy Level had to be raised, but it was also the only way.

The poem held the heart of loosening again firmly.

* *

The Beno bath soap, Casillon body cleanser, and Lucaron wrinkle-reducing essence from the last release of Beno petals were showing quite good sales. The price was KRW 1 million for the Beno bath, KRW 2 million for the Casillon Body Cleanser, and KRW 5 million for the Lucaron Wrinkle Relief Essence.

Ordinary bath products cost several million KRW, but the price of bath products was different from the unit price. At this price, the product may seem repulsive, but Kestron has already built up considerable trust with cosmetics.

Performance, qualitatively, the difference between existing cosmetics and other products is significantly different, so it gives a perfect, more satisfying experience to people who want to improve their skin. Thanks to this, women who saw CF or magazine advertisements that a new product was released bought it all at once. It was a waste of money on consumer goods, but I did not hesitate at all.

The most sold was the Lucaron Wrinkle Reduction Essence, which was overwhelmingly expensive for middle-aged people than for younger people.

Lucaron's wrinkle-correcting essence was also quite popular with CF, which highlighted the beauty of its subtlety and beauty. In the news on the portal site, he wrote an article about the CF reactions of secret and Yumi, and the various communities were tired of [CF.gif] eye-catching with beauty.

Yumi's perception has risen dramatically, unlike that of a simple kezron cosmetic model, whether or not going on TV has a definite impact on popularity. Now I could recognize Yumi by saying 'CF him' even on the street. As they gained notoriety, netizens also found Yummi to be quite popular on the Internet in the past.

It was Yumi who was really troubled when it happened. I gathered enormous attention from people around me when I was on the road or going to school. As Yumi's personality was invigorating, she didn't seem to have much color, but she seemed to have quite a problem.

The day the poem and Yumi promised to meet at dawn and have sex. Yumi snuck into the poem's room at dawn like she was filming a spy movie. Then, after enjoying the poetry and violent sex, I lay in bed and told her about my troubles.

“Brother, it's a big deal because you seem to be too popular these days. And then we get a picture of you dating your brother, and then what? I'm worried about what people who don't even know you will say. ”

Yumi said with a worried expression. However, since I wasn't wearing any clothes, I was touching the teat of the poem with my finger, revealing my chest and vagina as it is, and it wasn't a bad situation to fit into my anxious face.

“Isn't it great to be popular? There are a lot of people who are worried about not being popular. ”

The poem smiled lightly and said. Thinking about the sunset, Yumi's worry seemed to be satisfied.

“Then you won't be able to play with me comfortably. It's my dream to marry my brother, but I hate it when I get distracted. So I'd rather be here with my brother than with him. ”

Yumi hugged the poem's chest and wrapped his legs around his body as if it were his. Then, I let go of the arms and legs that I hugged for a moment, and kissed the body of the poet everywhere. I felt desperate in my actions and words that I was filled with love for the poem.

“Is Yumi's dream of marrying me? ”

The poem touched my head because it was cute.

When Yumi refused to confess before, Yumi said that there was a man who wanted to get married. Even then, when I was impressed and said that the dream was to marry me directly, the poem had a happy smile on my mouth. It's the fruit of your endeavor since high school.

Yumi, who was kissing for a long time, sighed lightly.

“Ha, but there are so many people who like you. I have the daughter of the CEO. I have celebrities. I don't have anything, so I have to meet you so often and battle intimately, but it will be so popular that I won't be able to meet you, and then you'll be taken away and... ugh, I don't like that. ”

Yumi's concern was only about the situation from beginning to end. The poem was so cute that he grabbed the ball and waved it.

“Don't worry, it won't happen even if it's popular. Speaking of which, why don't we check our notebooks for Yumi? ”

“Ahh, no. I'm ashamed.”

When the poem arose, Yumi accidentally grabbed the penis while trying to grab the bride. The poem had to stand as if it were a cat that was bitten on the neck.

“Hahaha, you look so funny. ”

Yumi grabs the boat and smiles. Even small things, not just because of my personality, laughed so much. It was not that popularity made me pretending to be rich and arrogant, but that natural and pure look was still the great charm of Yumi.

The poem brought a laptop from the table and sat on the back of the bed and searched for articles about Yumi. The last time I saw Silver Secret, I looked at the Internet reaction like this. However, since I was always envious of the famous people and beautiful girlfriend on the old internet, I had a strong desire to feel the reaction myself.

However, if there were many writings mostly written by men, Yumi had more writings that were surprisingly written by women. There were a lot of idol sites, mostly for girls, just by searching the site.

After entering one of them, Yummi shyly covered his eyes with his hands.

[Is that a real Kazron model? Ha, I want to rip that face off.]

[Huff. Crazy. Is that what happens to me when I apply Quezron cosmetics? If you don't put it on, you're gonna have to get it back from Quezron! [Screaming]

[I'm like Yumi, but really cute. There's nothing pretentious about him and he's too nice. I used to bring a lot of chocolate cookies from my brother that were hard to get at Caffron Cafe, but I handed out all the kids.]

It's a kezron model, but it's definitely a kezron story. It was important to put the potential purchasing targets in the mouths of women rather than men who were not buying them in the first place, which seemed to be better for Yumi than silver.

“Did you see it all? If you've seen it, please keep your eyes open. ”

“I'm still watching. She writes with you, but she's so cute. ”


Yumi twisted her body in shame at the words of the poem. My chest is gently shaking and my thighs are smooth.

Of course, it wasn't just about Yumi. The news article on the portal site said, "Is that beauty? Like," That's pretty? I don't really like it, but I didn't really look for it.

After a deep search for Yumi, I entered SNS called Facebook View. Yumi's selfies and pictures were there to see if Yumi was posting, but all he wanted to do was talk about was cafes and cosmetics.

“Does Yumi do Face View? ”

Yummi opened her eyes and looked at the laptop monitor as soon as the poem asked.

“Oh, that's my faceview. My friends asked me to do it, and I just started. ”

Yumi logs in to show her face view properly. I showed the poem and explained the selfies and various photos taken during my daily life.

It was a girly faceview, but the faceview comment contained quite a lot of comments from men who wanted to somehow satisfy Yumi and comments from women who praised her for being pretty. Reading those comments, the poem touched Yummi's heart. I definitely had a greater satisfaction when I touched my heart reading comments or articles like this than just touching my heart.

I did not dislike SNS such as Facebook View because I thought it was a waste of my life, but it was a means of promoting it. Yumi, who is also happy and promotes about Quezron, had no reason to dislike it.

However, Yumi also posted a post about whether she became friends with silver and sunset. As for Silver, Sunset, Actors and Idols, there were a lot of comments, but many comments by foreigners.

HanRyouni said Korean culture is popular in foreign countries and the comments showed up as well. It was information worth using.

The eyes of the poem were filled with thoughts.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hi, I'm back.

I'm sorry I haven't had a steady dialogue in six months.

I'm always sorry for taking a break from my lack of ability. I think I spent more time resting than I did writing a novel, but if it's something special, it's not, it's just my tribe. My limit is that I'm not going to be around forever, and I'm going to be back and forth in a few months...

I don't know if it's possible or impossible now, but I will try to convince you to complete it.

I'm always sorry...

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