Dragon Lunamos

After sleeping at the hotel, Pink Pet members woke up early in the morning, watching the broadcast of their information and were moved. But I didn't have time to get wet for a long time. The next schedule was so tight that I had to prepare to go back to Korea early in the morning.

Since each member booked a room separately, the poem also lay with Autumn and watched the broadcast.

In fact, I was having light drinks and food in the autumn room with Pink Pet members at night, and only Soho and Jane, the members, woke up to their room and stayed in bed like the autumn.

The poem watched the broadcast as he rubbed the chest of the fall next to him. Recently, there was a desire to rub the boobs of Idol Fall, which is becoming popular, but it was more meaningful to nurture the boobs.

Since I've been busy in the fall, I didn't have a lot of time to touch my breasts and make them bigger and correct my body. So every time I met him, I had to touch my chest like this.

The TV was rubbing his chest, showing the autumn look, jewelry on stage, and the enthusiastic reactions of fans.

Japan's MC complimented Elongated Fall on its beautiful appearance and provided brief information, including that 50 billion gems were 10 carats of blue diamonds and backed by a popular cosmetics company called Keslon.

“Pink pets have been really popular lately. ”

“It's all because of you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be as popular as I am now. ”

Autumn looked at the poem lying next to her with loving eyes. It was so blatant that I could feel how much I really like strangers.

Like the poem said, PinkPet was becoming increasingly popular everywhere on the Internet. I guessed it was hot because the debut song drove backwards and came back first.

“How does it feel to be popular? ”

“It's really, really just like a dream. I've never been so full of people's attention and schedules... and I'm so impressed. Brother, thank you so much. The members are always thankful to you. ”

“What have I done? It's all you. ”

“No, my brother gave me a massage, and my body and face became so beautiful, and my clothes became so supportive that I became an issue. I'll never forget your kindness. ”

Fall was no fool. I knew better than anyone that the poem had nothing to do with it. If it wasn't for the body and the beauty of the clothes that the issue and the poem were touching due to clothing support, pink pets would still have been a mediocre group.

“Haha. You have to go back to Korea and work right away, right? ”

“Yes, I have an afternoon event I have to go to. ”

I didn't get up early for nothing. Nowadays, PinkPet is really busy, so it was just right to say that there are no snow birds.

Speaking of the event, I also talked about autumn clothes.

“I was going to wear another stage costume that my brother gave me, but I look even prettier when I put it on. So other idol group sisters often tell me that they want to try it on. ”

Because they were female celebrities who were sensitive to beauty, I felt confused that they looked different in autumn and in kezron costumes. You don't know the existence of magic, so you just think it looks prettier if you wear it because it's expensive and pretty.

Of course, even an ordinary autumn without makeup and without magic corrective clothing, due to the efforts of the poem, the body became heavily covered and the skin turned whiter and whiter than the baby, making it possible to crush any celebrity. It was natural for a woman to want to have clothes because she was clothed with magic corrections, and when she saw the appearance, she wanted to have clothes because she wanted to be beautiful enough to put corrections in her usual selfie.

This was the effect the poem was aiming for.

“I'm getting a little excited touching my breasts. ”

I was touching my chest as I was talking, and the penis of the poem was erected and tried to pierce my panties.

I didn't have sex yesterday, but the poem and autumn used to hug each other in panties.

“Feel free to put it in me. I'm so excited... you're welcome to put it in anytime. Look, it's slippery with a lot of fluids, right? ”

Autumn blushed slightly and led the poet's hand to his vagina, saying mean things. I had a glamorous look on my face that was so intense that I could entice the man at once. He looked the same as he did onstage.

The poem couldn't help but kiss the penis right into the quality of the fall idol star, which is becoming increasingly popular among men these days.

I felt the exhilarating pleasure of contracting the vagina tightening the penis.

While the poem and autumn were obsessed with sex, Fall called. But in the mood for a few phone calls, he said he would ignore the fall, but he said it was okay to answer the phone.

“I'm sorry, brother. One moment, please."

Fall checked the phone while keeping the penis of the poem intact. It was a call from my manager. The poet asked me for a brief understanding, and I got a phone call in the fall.


[Autumn, we leave in an hour. Be ready until then. Take care of everything so you don't forget.]


At this time, in the adult video, I tried to provoke the woman who receives the call for no reason, so that she could hold her moaning or panting, but the poem didn't want to tell other men that voice, so I operated the magic circuit calmly and corrected her body by rubbing her hips and hips.

[Oh, and I have to tell Mr. Kesron, why don't we go to his room and talk to him? You might feel offended if you call while you're asleep.]

The manager was a little worried about how to inform the poet because he had no idea that the poem was having sex with him in the fall. I'd tell my secretary if I had a secretary, but the poem came alone without a secretary.

[I'll tell him myself.]

[Will you? I'll see you in an hour.]

The manager hung up as if he was relieved. Seeing that he was the head of Quezron, not the old White Water poem, he seemed to be quite careful about it.

“I'm leaving in an hour. ”

“Yeah? Then you're still relaxed. ”

Since there was still time, the poem and autumn continued to have sex.

The poem whispered in the ear of the autumn as it moved its waist.

“What were you thinking dancing on stage? ”

“Brother... I was thinking about you. I imagined my big brother's penis coming in and kissing me... so sexy. ”

Fall did not just make a sexy face on the stage. Autumn's coloring was the strength of the lewd activities practiced by the poetry and gaps.

“Autumn is such a pervert. Just think about it onstage. ”

“Hah... I can't help it. You made me what I am... and I can't be without you anymore. ”

Autumn was very excited by the persistent success of education, saying these dirty words.

Who could have imagined that the autumn yo-yo, sexy look on stage was being made imagining the penis of the poem, the sex, etc.?

You hear people getting up and moving around in the hallway. In case you hear your groaning, the fall groans a little lower.

The poem, who was shaking his back for a long time, finished the sex by giving a reason deep in the holes of autumn.

After washing together, he went back to his room and left the hotel dressed.

With the help of the poem, Pink Pet members were able to ride first class, not only when they came to Japan but also when they went there. Soho and Jane, who were first in first class, thanked Elders, but in fact, it was the first time they had ever been on an airplane.

I crossed the Dimensional Gate several times, but it was a little ironic that I had never been on an airplane before.

Pink pets arriving in Korea immediately left in a car for their next schedule. Fall looked really sad, but there was an afternoon event, so I couldn't help preparing for makeup, etc.

As popularity increased, it was natural that the schedule became busy.

A few days after the Japanese showcase, a special broadcast was made on the NJK 9: 00 news about pink pets and quezrons. PinkPet's popularity emerged from the hundreds of billions of won of clothing supported by a luxury cosmetic company called Quezron, and the evolved vocabulary culture that was able to feel the appeal of the individual, followed by its completion to the Japanese showcase. Then, showing the selection process of Korean idols and the rigorous training of the trainees, it was a plan to look at the whole KPOP, not just pink pets, but why Korean idols are becoming popular in the world and increasing the support of companies like Keslon through such idols.

After all, during the showcase on the NJK news, there was a prolonged exposure of autumn when she thought about the penis of the poem and made an indecent expression.

It was so beautiful that it was very popular among the Japanese public, especially men. Yuhoo! The name of autumn is also ranked # 1 in the search.

Numerous NJK news photos captured autumn news or created GIF files went around the Japanese web. Like an angel, thousands of men fell into a dazzling frenzy with the sexy look of a pure, pure, inviting autumn that no man would ever know.

The impact of NJK News varied from broadcast information to broadcast at dawn. NJK News saw a variety of articles on the anonymous site 3ch that people were obsessed with the beauty of the autumn.

[Cute autumn candles. You're as innocent as you've ever held a man's hand, and you look like that... were born to seduce this boy!?]

[My heart bursts when I think of autumn. This is love, isn't it? I'm 37. For the first time, I realize the feeling of love.]

- > [You're not 37, are you? That's too bad.]

[Hey, check if the person is right first. What would you do if you were an angel?]

[If Pink Pets concert, they will definitely go, no matter what. Is it the end of 10 years of Hikimori...]

- > [What's happening to Hikicomori?!]

Pink pets had a tremendous reaction to Japanese men on the NJK news, even though they had no extraordinary activities after the showcase.

Popularity was the flow.

Japan is also Japan, but its popularity in Korea has continued to rise. Sound recordings remained number one and were busy without even the time to meet the autumn scene until TV talent, CF, and events.

During the fall, the city and Jina rented a larger office in Samsung dong and scouted career staff to build a logistics center and expand the proper Keslon branch. No one was hesitant to work five days a week as well as pay twice as much annually as the previous job.

The situation was largely unnecessary because Jina managed to scout or manage the staff. Failure to manage could have caused the company to collapse, but Jina was able to leave the situation at ease because she had excellent management capabilities.

The situation requires the use of magic items, not management, to drive the development of a fundamental kezron, and since the heritage level is low, there were some difficulties there.

Among the days I was busy doing things like this, it was the most tiring thing for the city to study for the driver's test with Fring.

Every time I taught Prince, I felt it, but I couldn't study any more than I thought. Eventually, the situation reached its limit, unable to resist the boiling anger, and lay down on the bed. Then Frin licked his penis down like a cat, comforting the poem.

The town took the tablet out of the subspace and checked the Legacy Level EXP. I have been stuck at level 4 for too long and have a lot of restrictions on doing various things. I wanted to become a level 5 quickly, but it didn't go as well as I thought.

The song that I sang with autumn was ranked # 1 in sound recordings and it looked like my experience bar was almost full with pretty good experience. Unfortunately, there was very little experience to reach level 5. Sex with eggs was a filling and experience for me, but I hesitated to indulge because sex with eggs was a risk of marriage.

Then the current experienceyou can expect was a view of PinkPet's music video. More than 20 million views on music videos led to five levels and a new legacy.

Since the music video is just around the corner, we decided to wait and see if we can't exceed 20 million.

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Thank you for reading.

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