“Huh? ”

I just thought it would be salty and changing, but it wasn't. Suddenly, the teeth started to move on their own and caused quite a lot of pain.

“Changing the appearance of the marginal area is compulsory, so there will be some pain. I did my best to suppress the pain with magic, but I couldn't get rid of it all because it's a Level 2 Legacy, so be patient! ”

Corns' words have already stopped coming into his ears. The saliva flows down from my mouth, and my vision burns white with pain.

“That's it! Hang in there! ”

Konz continued to cheer for the situation by his side, but that didn't ease the pain.

If I knew this, I would continue to regret paying for the surgery. Because such surgeries usually anesthetize properly, it was clear that fear of surgery would not have been this painful.

“Huff-puff... I'm not kidding.”

After the pain lasted for about a minute, the pope wiped the saliva off his chin. The clothes I just changed were covered in cold sweat. The pain was so severe that my teeth are still dull.

The pope gently touched the teeth with his hands. The protruding front teeth clearly went in and were exactly engaged with the lower teeth.

I took out the mirror on my desk, looked at my teeth and looked at my face.

A spready, fairly good-looking man looks surprised. I really liked the look on his face.

It wasn't just the teeth that changed like this. It was possible because the white and white skin was mixed with a good, clean impression.

I took daily care of my skin in an Elvish bath, got up the cosmetics of Quezron and applied it before bed to eliminate blemishes and wrinkles. My skin improved quite a bit just by this. Recently, my skin evolved to one dimension by accepting an enormous amount of energy through Aru and Yin Hye Jung in Manatang. Even women will be amazed at how clean and radiant they are.

Sitting in a chair, the poem continued to look at the mirror.

“That's amazing. ”

I never thought that a person's face would look so different with correction and better skin. The more I watched, the more I was amazed. This is his face. Now, I thought that if I made out with a girl because of her face, I wouldn't be able to make out.

“Do you need anything else? ”

I put a mirror on the horse in the corn. I'm happy, but I have work to do.

“Yes, Konz, can you teach me the kind of car I can use now and the sheep? ”

“I understand.”

Cornz takes the menu out of his pocket and gives it to the pope. There are over 100 different types of tea and coffee on the menu.

“Can you write everything down? ”

“Yes, these are Tier 2 heritage cars, and when you level up, you'll get access to more effective and tasty teas. And that amount is almost unlimited. ”


I looked through the situation thoroughly one by one.

[Lichellia coffee. A universal desertification movement arose because a company called Litchelia exploited labor using children in poor countries, but the taste alone was exclusive, so few people took the blame and drank it. There are no special benefits.]

Coffee was more noticeable with the explanations that came into view. I wondered how delicious it would be.

“Can I have a coffee, please? ”


When Konz clapped his hands, a coffee in a luxurious cup of tea appeared. Sweet coffee scent fills the room gently.

“Smells good. ”

I drank a sip carefully in case it was hot. I can feel the crisp aroma that makes my body warm, and the rich flavor with a little bitterness stirs my mouth.


Even the city did not like coffee so much, it tasted great. Moreover, after drinking like normal coffee, my mouth did not get dry, so it was quite clean. I couldn't smell my breath at all.

When I finished my coffee quickly, I went through the other menu.

[Langur of Love. This sweet and unsweetened tea makes her wary and comfortable. Now that your vigilance is down, maybe confessing will increase your chances of success?]

This love lance reminds me of another decent item.

Once he remembered, he tasted many types of tea and coffee daily. There were effective teas, but they were also just full of delicious teas.

I chose several teas, including Lichellia coffee

“A little mixing with regular tea won't hurt the effectiveness or taste, right? ”

“Mixing does not remove the benefits or flavors, but it reduces the flavors and effectiveness depending on the amount you mix. ”

That was natural.

In the head of the poem sitting on a chair, he had already drawn a big stem on how to use them.

I got up from the chair and thought at the window and just looked at the bright rising sun. The planet you're looking at is quite beautiful.

It was full of flowers and trees, neat and not dizzy, and a clear sea that looked far away made my heart cool.

“But what about this planetary structure? ”

Seeing these made me curious. Come to think of it, I've never been interested in this planet.


As Konz clapped his hands, there was a hologram of a collapsed planet that you could see earlier, with a variety of information next to it.

Gravity was a little bit smaller than the moon, but it was similar to Earth.

“Isn't gravity small when the planet is small? ”

I don't know, but even the moon was small enough for gravity.

“The air and gravity here, the sea, the temperature, they've all been tampered with by Kesron. Quezron loved a beautiful natural environment. ”

“That's amazing.”

The lightly impressed poem looked around the planet like it was using an application called Goggle Earth by Goggles.

This planet had a higher proportion of oceans than Earth. Land was about 20%, sea was about 80%. And there were uninhabited people in the middle of the sea.

“You can't go to an uninhabited island here? ”

It was full of beautiful flowers and trees. I just said it would be fun to play in Aruwa like this.

“The Pope's authority on this planet is absolute. You can go anywhere. You can have anything. except for limited levels. ”

When Konz finished his speech, he clapped, and the poem moved to the uninhabited island, just like the chair and desk.

“Oh, that's amazing. ”

Although barefoot, it doesn't hurt at all thanks to the unknown puffy grass that covers the floor.

As I looked around, there were a lot of flowers and trees filling the island and the sea was endless. Fresh air fills the lungs.

A cute little animal that looks like a dog and flies with a rattling of colorful birds carefully approaches the poem and licks its feet.

When you stroke an animal's back, it lays bare to see if it feels good.

After watching for a while, there wasn't much to do. It felt like I was alone in the valley.

“Konz, let's go back to the castle. ”


At the words of the poem, Konz clapped his hands and quickly returned to the castle. There was nothing I could do alone, but I thought I'd take Aru and play on the island. Especially the sex was attracted to the scenery.

“I'm going. ”

“Goodbye. ”

I put the coffee and tea I received from Konz into space and returned to the officetel.

On the couch, Aru, who was tired of waiting for the poem, was lying asleep.


I sat on the couch and woke up touching the butt of the aru. It has a gentle touch.

“Brother, are you here? ”

After hugging the poem, Aru, who is lightly sleepy, gives a kiss as if it were natural.


Aru, who kissed for a moment, opened his eyes and looked at the situation.


“Your face has changed. ”

“How are you? Are you okay? ”

The poem looked at Aru with anticipation.

“It's cool. Can I lick it? ”

“Huh? Uh, yeah. ”

I don't know why I said I licked it, but in the poem's answer, I sat on the pope's knee and licked my lips and teeth with my tongue.

As I felt Aru's lips, the poem reached out its tongue and tangled with Aru's tongue. Then it became a hot kiss that exchanged saliva for saliva.

My lips were full of burttles thanks to the rhythm of kissing all day.

As you remove your lips, the thin silver saliva lengthens.

“Let's eat and study. ”


More progress was to go out later at night, and the poem sat Aru on the couch.

What was urgent was the basic common sense of Aru. Aru now knew most about sex. I knew too well where to touch the poem and how to feel it, but I had no idea how people in this world behaved.

I was going to raise Aru's sociality so that I could go to the supermarket alone and introduce her to my mom later.

I wanted to make Aru more free and happy. Of course, I had no intention of making me get along with other men at all. No, I was going to keep him from talking to men. Aroo is talking to another man? I get annoyed just thinking about it.

When the poet looks at the aru with loving eyes, Aru kisses again and sticks his tongue in.

At this rate, I thought my lips might burst with Aru's sting.

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