Dragon Lunamos

[Modified Rossi, a cute little bird smaller than a nail, has been mechanically modified for special intrusion purposes. Once you insert any kind of storage device and set a surveillance target, you record and record the target using the Hidden Feature. If communication technology exists, you can use your sleep needles to silence your enemies.]

I was quite interested in what happened to the Power Blogger earlier. And even if it wasn't specifically for surveillance, it could be applied to autumn to ensure that it wasn't in a dangerous situation during Japanese activities, and if it was dangerous, it could be used with sleep needles.

“I'll do it with him. ”

“I understand.”

When the poem named Rossi, Konz clapped his hands. Then a black hole emerges from which a small invisible mechanical bird walks.

“Spill your magic on Rossi and the deal is done. ”

You put Rossi in your hands and injected her with a little bit of Margaery, just like Konz taught you. Then the word [horsepower synchronization] appeared in his field of view, and soon it changed to [contract completion], and there were menus to manipulate Rossi's field of view.

When I entered Click-to-Run mode, I was cautioned that it was only available to the target in sight. However, it was possible to redefine who Rossi sees after first attaching it to the person who sees it.

Checked roughly how to use it and put it in the subspace. Among the many and many summoners, Rossi was chosen by another summoner whose size was too large.

The situation quickly moved on to the next.

“What is an automation system? ”

“It's simple. When the pope saves the seed, it's automatically planted and then it's taken care of, harvested and stored. Of course, it's not just plants. It's an automated scavenging system, like shearing and storing animals like sheep. That's how a lot of the cooking ingredients in each room were made. ”

I asked why there was a room full of beans, and it seemed to be thanks to this automation system. It was certainly hard to imagine a dragon with this great heritage harvesting beans sweating.

“Are there any restrictions on quantities or types? ”

“There's only one automation system open right now, up to 10 of them. But if you want to increase production, that's the limit. ”

Up to 10 varieties were still enough. The current crops are laroline, lucaron, casillon, beno, etc. But we didn't know how much was produced, so we needed to confirm that part.

“Can you show me the system, then? ”


When Konz claps his hands, he moves to the outside that looks like a garden.

Transparent glass origami, similar to a vinylhouse, was regularly arranged to occupy certain lands. One horticultural scroll was similar to that of a small farming field that my parents grew. In total, it was quite wide.

As you come into this space, an interface emerges that allows you to combine, separate, and relocate the origami in your field of view.

“Do I have to plant it myself? ”

“If you put a seed or an animal in the building, you take care of it. But you can just put the animal in, and the seed should go into the analyzer. Plants, animals, and the use of special fertilizers and foods can cause hair to grow at a rate that is 1.5 times faster in growth time. ”

“That's amazing. So, what's harvested automatically is stored in these buildings? ”

“No, because you've already built the perfect system, once you've finished harvesting it, it's automatically stored in storage. So once you put the seeds in, you don't care at all. ”

The garden that used to plant laroline had to be planted and harvested by itself, but the automated system only took care of everything once.

Cosmetic ingredients such as laroline were bothered to come and plant and harvest seeds at least once, although very few amounts were added to prevent over-effects. It was finally liberated from such a nuisance.

The phenomenon immediately put Laroline and Lucaron, Casillon, and Beno directly into each archetypal analyzer. This will allow us to grow, harvest, plant and harvest seeds again and again.

However, six buildings remained.

“Oh! Can I put something like this in my silkworm? ”

“Sure, if you don't put in scrap that can't produce anything, do it yourself. ”

If you put in spiders that make silk and magic silk, the material supply problem is solved perfectly.

“Ah! The pharmacy! ”

And at the same time, I remembered the medicine to tame the animals I saw earlier in the pharmacy. Could that medicine tame even the fiercest monsters to keep them calm?

I still get occasional inquiries about dresses and high heels. As long as people weren't fools, they clearly felt that pink pets were prettier and more beautiful when they wore Kezron-supported costumes.

Thinking about it for a long time, he looked up at the sky. The sun was slowly setting. Even though I looked at the rewards appropriately, time ran out as if I was playing a game during the test.

I calmed my chest and turned the room back into a library. In the crowded room this time, I switched to a room with magic items, found the tools to capture animals, put them in the sub-space, went to the pharmacy, and even put all 10 drugs to tame animals into the sub-space.


However, the poem showed a bit different information than usual, and he took out the medicine to tame the animals again.

[Drug of Lufo. A medicine made by Rufo, a zoologist, that increases Amity when fed to animals.]

That was the usual explanation. But there was something new underneath.

[Ingredients: Lacarusi Root (Kasella Planet), Chopped Queruac Meat (Kasella Planet), Essence of Magical Power (Kasella Planet)]

Now even important materials of the item have been identified. As Kestron's chips reached level 5, they seemed to have the ability to identify several important ingredients.

I checked the wardrobe immediately because I thought I might be able to check the materials in the wardrobe. Then, naturally, there was a piece of material written on what thread or fur it was made of.

By the time you reach level 5, you finally have the system to get the perfect costume materials and make them. I thought it was because I didn't have a system that I should have done before, but I was being supportive.

The poem immediately decided to get ready to start a fashion business. Then the first thing to capture was the giant lava sister who had been dreaming for so long.

If so, wouldn't the very special items created by Kesron on the list be a great help in capturing monsters?

The poem asked Konz what a very special item he had made. Then Konz handed over the catalog.

[Staff of the Dead. Depending on the amount of magical power, it is possible to raise the dead within the specified range. Bodies that have lost their ego and fear have endless anger toward the living.]

[Brutal sword in the rain of destruction. When the sword is struck, a ratio of fire reaching 1000 degrees in the sky is scattered to a specified range, depending on the amount of magical power.]

[Radio waves behind common sense. Depending on the amount of magical power, it is possible to twist common sense for everyone in the specified range.]

[Dragon Seal Bracelet. Seal the power of the dragon for two months. Once used, the bracelet will be completely destroyed.]


How much could I use? Only items I couldn't use. Why would you use such a ridiculous tool in a world that is more satisfied and satisfied than ever before? No, I was only at level 5 in the first place, but I couldn't figure out why I would give you an item that wasn't strange, even if it was overpaid.

“Enough. This won't do. Put it away.”

The poem returned the catalog to Konz. I couldn't have used this unless I was crazy.

It got dark one day. Let's check the clock. It was 6: 00 a.m.

In the end, just strengthening the body seemed appropriate.

I told Konz to call up the body change interface. Vision shows itself as a hologram and a menu allows you to adjust the size of your body.

There was a way to grow tall, and I didn't want to touch his face. Then, what was left was penis size and vitality, but there were a few items that were different from those at level 4 since it became level 5.

It was not just to strengthen the energy, but to increase the pleasure a woman feels when having sex, or to reduce pain when she is injured. However, the decrease in pain seemed to be somewhat inhuman, using 1 centimeter for penis size, 4 points for vitality, and 5 points for increased pleasure.

Immediately my penis grew and my vitality increased without any pain. Now I have the desperate power to have 10 sex a day. Plus, I was already excited about the effect because I invested 5 points in the increase in pleasure.

Big penises, tireless energy, and even a wooden woman got wet at once, so the poem became a perfect sex machine.

Since it was time, the poem finished the physical changes and crossed over to his room.

I couldn't sleep, but the sun that just came up made me feel refreshed.

Early morning praises and the sound of Aru making rice came to the poem's room. This sound alone made me laugh at my happiness.

He took a light shower and went out into the living room wearing a tee and thin shorts.

“Brother, are you awake? ”

While cooking in an apron, Chan said good morning as he watched the poem.

“Aroo is cooking with Chan Mi! ”

Aru emphasized that he was cooking.

The lightly smiled poem approached Praise and Aru and kissed him. I didn't use a knife, but I was satisfied with a short kiss because I was cooking.

“Yawn, sleepy... What's for dinner today? Oh, brother. ”

On the second floor, Yumi glanced down, discovering the situation, and rushed straight into his arms. I just woke up, but I felt the inviting beauty.

In the CF, she was a Yumi who showed such chic beauty, but in front of the poem, she smelt the smell of clothes like a child and soon rubbed her face.

“Are you washing my clothes? ”

“Ahh, no. It's because I like you so much. Oh, I want to be with you forever. ”

Yumi doesn't hide her emotions. Aru showed Yumi and wanted to hold her in his arms, but he was cooking, so he had to endure it.

When I sat on the couch with Yumi attached, silver came down. When Yumi saw him lying on the poem's lap, silver map was immediately attached to the poem's side. Then he sighed and sat on the couch with the expression that he had missed his order.

Even if they were celebrities right away, the beautiful women in the age that would not be strange would do the poetry and skinship in front of each other as if it were natural. Implied rules, I guess. Everyone already knew what the situation was like with each other, so they understood that they would be jealous in their hearts even if they had this kind of skinship.

In Yumi and Eunji's skinship, the poem quickly made thin trousers plump. Yumi, Eunji, and Sookie sitting on the couch immediately caught it, but they didn't touch it because they were in front of everyone.

Soon after I had finished eating, a meal was prepared on an old-fashioned and luxurious table.

Only after the poem and the women had already come down and sat down, Hyunju looked awkward and ate with him. Seeing that he was so shy, Hyunju was almost alone without interacting with anyone else.

While eating, the poem talked. There were various stories about the cafe from Eunji and Sook, whether it was difficult or not. The city informed us that a new brothel was about to open.

“So you're coming back with the pink pets again? You seem very busy these days. ”

Eunji asked the poet.

“Yes. Pink pets will come. Oh, and the new brothel will look prettier and more luxurious. ”

“Oh! Is that from Quezron? I was told that the pink pets are very popular these days and that the clothes made in Quezron are very pretty. I've heard a lot of customers say that. ”

This time, I asked him if familiarity was a uniform made in Quezron. The pink pets became popular and naturally were also illuminated with kezron costumes offering a variety of stage outfits.

“Of course, it's the Café Café Caffron, so make it the Caffron. Even if it's not as expensive as a pink pet, I'll make you a costly uniform that costs tens of millions of won to hide and get acquainted. ”

“Are you sure? ”

“Awesome. ”

Eun Ji and Sook were happy, so they couldn't help themselves. It was natural that the desire for beauty was a woman.

It was also a promise because there was still a magical silver thread left, but in order to make clothes more properly, we needed to capture Giant Lava Nui and Giant Silver Poisonous Spider alive today.

After the meal, the poem immediately brought Mina home and invited her to her room.

It's time to go on an adventure.

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Thank you for reading

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