Dragon Lunamos

Since the opening day of the store, a lot of blame and a lot of bad reactions were made as photos and articles were gathered and sold like expensive clothes were spreading wings. Most people did not understand that expensive and seemingly no different clothing was sold like that.

Among the many criticisms [Kesron is a cheap luxury brand aimed at the vanity of the vulgar Korean rich], there has been an endless number of commentary.

[That's right. Luxury doesn't just increase prices.]

[Designer philosophy must be dissolved. What philosophy is there in Quezron clothes?]

[If you buy something in the press and sell it at a high price, there are a lot of people who think they've become a luxury. I think he was very keen on that psychology. You make a lot of money on Quezron.]

Fashionistas were surprisingly excited by Jina's outstanding performance, while ordinary people felt it was nothing different.

When it became a significant issue in the community, one of the people who had been to the Kestron store posted a picture of a thin short sleeve tea for a typical summer design and a price tag of 9,980,000 won.

People couldn't help but be shocked at prices beyond imagination. I thought it would cost several million won, but I didn't know if the department store would sell it for 10 million won.

[Wow, that's crazy. Does anyone pay for that?]

[Is Korea finally over? European luxury brands would say they're crazy at that price, but now that they're launched, I can't believe they're worth 10 million won.

[Does it have the effect of shaping your face? They don't look good in them, guys. Use that money to form.]

Because of the price of 10 million won, the original negative opinion became too much of a criticism and profanity.

Women who were favorable to Quezron also participated in such accusations.

[I like it more than Quezron cosmetics, so I will continue to buy it, but that's not it. If you're going to buy tea with that money, I'll buy another luxury brand bag;]

[That's right. If you can buy a Hermes bag, you can wear it for the rest of your life. Why do you have to wash it a few times to make it grow? I'm a fucking seller. I'm a fucking seller.]

[The most shocking thing is that if that tea is 10 million won, the other one is more expensive. Maybe a dress or something like that will cost tens of millions of won.]

[If you buy this, I think it will raise the price of clothes according to all the Korean companies like trash. Never buy it. I'm going to Kezron Boulevard. I can't buy it because I don't have any money anyway, but I won't even drink coffee.]

I even had a man who said he was going to do the shambles.

However, even though the public opinion was so bad, people came to the store curiously when speaking from all over the internet. Unlike other luxury brands, it was always crowded, so it was less expensive for tens of millions of won.

These people tried to come out simply by looking at the clothing design and price, but the staff were often very polite and kind, but actively encouraged to try it out and dress in a mess.

This was the battle of the poem.

No matter how brilliant and beautiful the design is, it is a piece of cloth. No one was stupid enough to buy clothes made in Korea for tens of millions of won when they disguised themselves as luxury goods and aired them in the media.

So what the poem thought was to actively allow you to test your clothes, so that you can directly taste the mystical effects of corrective magic.

If Chogo recommended wearing the brand's clothing without any pressure, I would like to try it on even if I didn't buy it. That's the kind of psychology he was after.

Once you see the effects of calibration magic, you can't get rid of the addiction, and eventually you buy it even if you're in a crowd. Beauty is more important to a woman than anything else.

The women who bought it were delighted and wrote on the site or blog.

Hyerin, the building owner's daughter, who is superior to the creator, also bought clothes and high heels at the Keplon store, and posted photos and writings of gracefully eating coffee and cake at the Keplon cafe on her blog. Of course, not only did he post his clothes and high heels, but he also confidently took a beautiful picture of himself wearing them.

[I went to a Quezron store today and bought it right away because it was so pretty beyond this dress. My hands are shaking from the price, but it's so pretty. Oh, well, they were so comfortable that I didn't even know they were there. It's amazing, because they're 12cm heels, but they're as comfortable as sneakers. Other luxury high heels are expensive and too uncomfortable to wear, but I think I can wear them every day. I think it will be very good for my health because I'm different from other high heels!! Anyway, I spent a lot of money, but I was happy shopping.]

I only posted dozens of photos in the mirror of Hyerin in her high heels, wearing a dress from Quezron, drinking coffee in her cafe, eating cake, and so on.

Unlike usual, I couldn't hold on to my selfie because I looked so pretty.

At first, there were comments that made me envy my friends in general, such as how beautiful they are or how expensive they are. But this was only a brief peace.

A netizen who stumbled on this blog after searching for Quezron has partially edited Hyerin's article and posted it on a funny bulletin board.

It became a complete ridicule because of the fact that Keslon High Heels are comfortable like sneakers, along with a picture of you twisting your legs and showing off your heels in a Kesron cafe without even having a mosaic on your face.

[I bought clothes for a lot of money and went crazy]

[Wearing high heels causes bunions and difficulties later. I think that being ignorant and expensive is good for your health.

[It's really ignorant. If you wear high heels, your weight will be pushed forward, which may cause lordosis.]

The situation put health-related magic on high heels for health reasons, but the general public couldn't know about it. Rather, it was not to be known.

Then, hundreds of people flocked to Hyerin's blog to commit terrorism, and immediately, hundreds of comments ran and became a mess.

Hyerin was shocked when she read the profound profanity with anticipation of many comments. Hyerin, who was greatly hurt and crying, prevented comments from being written by anyone.

All Hyerin did was say that high heels would be good for health, just like she bought clothes and high heels in Quezron, but she had already become an ignorant woman with a lot of money to people.

The poem, who was sitting at his room table watching all this in real time, sent a note directly to Hyerin.

The merchandise was selling better than expected anyway, so I didn't have to pay much attention to Netizens' reactions.

However, I didn't do anything bad, but I felt relieved that I had to compensate Hyerin for her unintended damage after buying something.

[Hi, I'm the chief resident of Quezron. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced when purchasing our Quezron. As a penance, we would like to send you a small item. Please write down your address and phone number in my letter and I will send it to you as soon as possible. Again, I'm very sorry.]

Hyerin, who received the note, sent the address and phone number to the note after checking the identity of the poet in case the netizens were joking. I didn't think the representative would send an apology, so I felt quite relieved. Even though he bought Quezron's clothes and ate insults, he didn't do anything wrong, but Hyerin became more fond of Quezron as she apologized so far.

Two days after I exchanged messages, a courier really came from Quezron. A man in a suit came in person to deliver the box with an apology.

Hyerin was startled when she opened the box to wonder what the gift was like.

It contained a luxurious cosmetic set worth 100 million won, body cleansers and anti-wrinkle essences. Hyerin was wearing Kezron cosmetics, but it was the cheapest 10 million won. I never thought I'd buy such an expensive one.

Of course, the cost of manufacturing is not very expensive because it costs 100 million won. Inside, there was only a difference between the content of Laroline and the luxury of the glass bottle, and everything else was the same. Nevertheless, it was definitely the cosmetic of every woman's dream.

Hyerin, who had an ideal hand when she received the evil, immediately took a picture and posted a post on her blog.

I wrote a detailed description of what had happened, along with pictures of the products that were properly mosaized and sent to the poem. Netizens were already watching Hyerin's blog, so as soon as the post came out, it spread to the whole community.

Netizens who saw the article said over 100 million won was a commodity, even though it wasn't Kesron's fault.

[I hate Quezron dogs, but I'll be honest with you. It is clear that if it was another Korean company, the consumer would have ignored it or not]

[Honestly, it was a witch hunt. He wrote that he liked his clothes on his blog, and he didn't think it would be that insulting. The High Heel Health Drip was a bit funny, but people who were opposed to Quezron were a bit overzealous.]

[That's a different kind of ketchup. I can't believe I'm giving you $100 million worth of merchandise... and that's why you're attracted to the Quezron Representative.]

- > [I'm not dating the owner of Quezron Falls. Even if I say it a hundred times, it still says you two are together.]

The enormous reward of the poem severely condemned Quezron and the atmosphere of insults disappeared a little. Even though it was somewhat soothing, such as posting a magnetic message that it was a bit severe, it was only apparent. Basically, everyone still had a dissension about the price, whether men or women.

So the poem thought of one event. It was an event to give free samples of kezron cosmetics as long as they tried on their clothes at a kezron shop.

I turned the factory around, prepared samples in bulk, and promoted the event on the homepage and in the news.

Cosmetic samples may seem odd, but Kestron cosmetics were being traded at a different level in terms of price units.

Even though I had no intention of buying clothes, many women flocked to the Quezron store to get samples.

Whatever she was accusing or doing, she was knocked down the moment she put on her enchanted kezron. Seeing him change beautifully, many people came to get samples and bought clothes.

With this event, women felt at once why Kestron's clothes were so popular.

For women, the Kestron brand was beginning to have the perfect perception that it was a very valuable luxury and it was a moment when women were on the cutting edge of what they wanted the most.

* *

In the middle of the communal communal commune in Quezron, the first show of autumn was coming.

The poem bought high-end hanwoo to commemorate the drama with autumn and went to Pinkpet's lodging.

Unlike autumn, when Soho and Jane were only able to take off their schedule and watch their drama, Soho and Jane had no choice but to leave their homes because of their busy schedules.

It's already dark after sundown.

Before the drama began at 10: 00 p.m., the poem roasted meat with autumn. After simply brushing my teeth, I sat on the poem and autumn living room couch and waited for the drama to begin.

“Haven't you had a hard time filming? ”

“I've been busy with my schedule and I've never played before, so I had a hard time. Actually, I can't play so well, so I'm really scared of what everyone's gonna say. ”

Autumn's face leaning against the poem's shoulders was filled with anxiety. He was an unconfident child, but he seemed to be full of anxiety because it was his first time challenging the act.

The poem embraced the autumn.

Soon after, a drama starring autumn began on TV.

“Oh, here we go. I'll tell you exactly what I saw. ”

Unlike the autumn look of anxious expression because of his worries about his performance, the poem touched the chest of autumn and watched the drama excitedly.

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Thank you for reading

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