Dragon Lunamos

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After the summer came the fall.

At the beginning of the summer, the Kestron brand was selling more steeply in the summer.

When I first came out in the aftermath of purchasing that wearing kezron clothes made me feel less hot, I was as insulted as saying that 12 centimeters of high heels are as comfortable as sneakers, but everyone who actually bought them said that they really were, not the placebo effect. Of course, most people still didn't believe it, but it was true between people who had worn Kezron's own clothes and those who wanted to buy it.

Rich people were having a relaxing summer wearing Kezron clothes, feeling it when they lost.

It was a hot summer when the city began to support the Quezron clothing for autumn and the awareness of the Quezron brand began to rise to Japan.

The drama continued and autumn was busier than ever with schedules from both Korea and Japan. He also filmed numerous CFs in Japan and met with the Prime Minister's wife to talk about them, making him the perfect star. If you go to art because it is so popular, there is no need for Korea and Japan. The MC and those around you were treated as Fall stars.

It was easy to see the growing popularity of autumn in Korea and the Japanese Internet. Every fall appeared on television or articles, even on electronics sites or sports sites that had nothing to do with Idol, and autumn fans had a little bit of a fight between fans because of the provocative posts that they posted ignoring other female celebrities compared to autumn.

I was so busy that I couldn't meet the poem after the drama until the fall when the day was getting better, I could barely have time with the poem.

As before, the city went to the front of the autumn lodging apartment and waited for a car.

The day was already dim, and the cloudy moon was rising in the sky.

After a while, Autumn, wearing a mask and hood, took a quick look around and got into the car where the poem had stopped.


The autumn sigh lightly took off the mask and hood. Since it became more popular, it was necessary to hide my face because there were too many people to recognize it.

"Hello, brother."

“It's been a while. It's an honor to meet you. ”

“Don't embarrass me. ”

“It's an honor to see the great star. ”

“Don't do it. ”

Autumn was embarrassed by the amusement of the poem, but it felt good to have sex. After seeing the situation for a while, I felt good and continued to laugh.

“Then why didn't you ask me to meet you here? If you keep running around like this because you're popular these days, people will recognize you. ”

“I have all my sisters in the lodge today. I want to meet my brother and do dirty things, but it's a little hard with you guys...”

Autumn blushed as she spoke. It looked just like before, but after becoming a big star, the situation was more exciting for no reason.

“But isn't there a proper place? I can't go to the motel with the Grand Star. ”

“I've already booked a hotel. So you can play alone with your brother. ”

Autumn has already made a slightly reminded expression. I felt willing to do something dirty with the poem.

The city drove to the hotel that was booked for the fall. In case you were wondering, I let him fall in front of the hotel first, and the status is about 10 minutes. I stopped in the parking lot and went to the room that Autumn booked.

As soon as I entered the hotel room, autumn immediately caught my eye.

“Hyah… brother. I missed you.”

And then I kissed her.

The poem also lay in bed, hugging and kissing the autumn.

In a women's celebrity survey that she wanted to date, the fall that shined first in South Korea and Japan was already spilling love liquor because she was excited about the kiss of the poem.

The fall of taking off his clothes immediately and taking off his clothes continued to enjoy the poem.

“It was so lonely and hard not seeing you. Did you know I masturbated every night thinking about you? ”

I missed the poem a lot. Fall said more explicit things than before.

“Really? What did you do? Show me."

Wondering how the Fall star masturbated, the poem lit up his eyes.

“Okay, don't get your hopes up, it's normal. ”

Autumn was a little shy, but she did not refuse and sat on the bed. Then I touched the smartphone that was on the table for a while, and then I opened my legs. The secret and secret autumn vagina that every man wishes to see even in his dreams was clearly revealed under dazzling white and fine skin.

I took my finger, dipped it in flowing fluid, and gently rubbed the clitoris. You hear a shallow moaning. Surprisingly, Autumn masturbated while continuing to look at the smartphone.

“What are you looking at? ”

“Ah... a picture of you...”

Autumn showed the smartphone to the town, exhaling whether it was exciting or not. On the screen, there was a photo of the poem's rebound.

The poem saw those pictures when masturbating a long time ago, but at the same time, I was very excited when I saw it with my own eyes and became a little embarrassed.

The unbearable poem hugged the autumn and shoved the enlarged penis. He opened his vagina with his own hands as if he had waited for the fall and accepted the situation.

With the sound of flesh clashing and vagina, the groaning of autumn continued to echo in the hotel room.

The situation of not using a condom at all immediately shot sperm into the fall as soon as the situation arose. Ordinary men would end with a one-time assessment, but the poem with more than ten times the energy continued to move his waist until the fall was satisfied.


Autumn vomited an exhilarating groan. The appearance on TV was quieter and purer than any other woman, but when she was with the poem, she expressed her lust in obscene words and enjoyed endless pleasures. It was truly lewdness, itself.

After several orgasmic autumns, I couldn't stand it, so I lay down on my bed. My body continued to flinch as if my sensation had become strange due to the pleasures beyond acceptable limits. I felt good enough just to touch the poem lightly.

The autumn when I hugged the poem and kissed it with my tongue, it was only a long time before I was satisfied and fell away.

How they were craving each other's bodies was already well past midnight.

After his lust was quenched and he regained consciousness, autumn was able to see what he had done. I coveted the poem endlessly as if it were eating the poem. The affection and lust for the situation that I had endured because of my busy schedule seemed to explode at once.

“Ha… ha… I'm sorry. I like you so much that I can't even think about you and have sex. ”

“I liked it too. Rather, I'm thankful that the great star is having sex with a man like me. ”

“Oh, don't do that. I don't even make eye contact with other men unless it's you. ”

Yes, Autumn was reluctant to talk to other men except when recording. That's why as celebrities solve such episodes, autumn has a pure and innocent image of not knowing any more men.

The poem asked me to become a star by touching the autumn nipples coming out.

“What do you think? ”

“It's nice, but I'm sad that I don't see you often. I want to meet my brother every day and do dirty work... but would he rather retire and live with him? ”

Retirement and living together was like wanting to get married. Autumn has changed more actively than before, realizing the importance of the situation by digesting busy schedules.

“Wouldn't the fans be sad when they retire? ”

“I would, but I'd still like to stay with my brother...”

Autumn hugged the poem. As time went on, the affection for the situation increased even more. The situation was so good that I couldn't bear it without expressing it in my body.

“Oh, right. Can I take a picture of my brother? ”

“Photos? Why? ”

“I'll see you later when I'm alone. It's so lonely at night without you. ”

“Haha. Then of course I'll let you take it. ”

When the poem's permission fell, Autumn brought a smartphone on the table and took a picture of the poem having his penis erected naked. When I saw this picture later when I was tired and lonely, it was clear that whispering dirty words would help me a lot.

In addition to the body like a work of art, I took several pictures in close proximity to a large penis. I wanted to take a picture of everything in the poem. And finally, I took a selfie kissing the angry poem's penis.

I was quite ashamed that I had never taken such a embarrassing selfie, but my heart was filled with more than just happiness.

After talking until late in the fall, the poem and I had a lot to say after meeting for a long time, I fell asleep.

The sun came up and the day brightened when the poem and autumn were asleep.

When the poem woke up in the dazzling sunlight, the autumn also woke up shining with its eyes. Then, Autumn hugged the situation as if it were natural, and lightly caressed.

After waking up for some time, the poem and autumn went into a large bathtub in the hotel bathroom and washed each other's clothes.

After enduring excitement and washing up, the poem and autumn immediately had sex in bed.

Before washing, the early morning broadcast was showing an analysis of the autumn when Japan was shaken. Talking to the Japanese Prime Minister's wife in autumn, she was purely and purely beautiful, but now she has an adulterous look in autumn when she has sex with him.

Whether it was fun to take a picture, Autumn took a selfie of the sex scene, the poem begging for her vagina, and the sperm licking on the penis of the poem. Dirty pictures that no one could see filled the mobile photo booth.

I wanted to have more sex, but I had to leave the hotel early in the morning because there was an early afternoon scheduled.

When he first left the hotel and waited in the car, about 10 minutes later, the fall with the mask and hood pressed down came down and got into the car.

The poem drove me to my accommodation in the fall. Upon arriving in the parking lot, Autumn tried not to leave with a kiss from the poem.

“Time to go. You've called the manager several times already. ”

I kept getting phone calls from my manager while I was getting in the car because of my next schedule.

“Ha... I don't want to go. Should I just say I'm sick today? ”

“Haha. You can't do that. I'll see you next time, so go inside now. I'm getting tired of waiting for my manager. ”

“Okay, I'll call you as soon as I have time. ”

The fall of a deep sigh was the last time I kissed and got out of the car. Then I entered the accommodation in a quick walk.

Seeing the autumn when he was so lonely and expressing his feelings so actively, the situation felt somewhat pleasant.

It wasn't until the autumn appearance completely disappeared that he drove his car home. The poem arrives, singing a light snort, and starts to work happily in his room.

Recently, what I was preparing was the earphones of Sen Cadiron.

I wanted to market products that men would like because all of the kezron fashion brands, cafes and cosmetics were selling successfully. Immediately thereafter, I came up with a blueprint of the earphone of Sen Cadren.

Maybe because they sell cosmetics and clothes that only women like, the image of Quezron is only the size of an American cockroach with a thumb. Especially when it came to birthdays, the most desirable cake for women was the expensive cake sold at the Caffron Cafe, and the Internet was self-sufficient for men. So the situation wanted to improve the image a little bit.

If a man had a hobby, he would have helped improve the image by making and selling only the right earphones as many things related to electronic devices, cars, and music.

In fact, I tried to make and sell earphones a long time ago, but I had a lot of work to do at the time, so I postponed it as a subordinate and almost forgot its existence.

Recently, I analyzed the schematics of the remaining time gap, and even if I tried to make and sell earphones at that time, there were some obstacles I had to give up because there was a limit to the level 4 legacy.

But now that we have opened up a level 5 legacy, we have been looking for ways to overcome such obstacles and make earphones.

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